1import re
2import os.path as op
3from pyrocko import guts, gf
4from pyrocko.guts import Bool, List, String
6from .meta import Path, HasPaths, GrondError
7from .dataset import DatasetConfig
8from .analysers.base import AnalyserConfig
9from .analysers.target_balancing import TargetBalancingAnalyserConfig
10from .problems.base import ProblemConfig
11from .optimisers.base import OptimiserConfig
12from .targets.base import TargetGroup
13from .version import __version__
15guts_prefix = 'grond'
18def color_diff(diff):
19 green = '\x1b[32m'
20 red = '\x1b[31m'
21 blue = '\x1b[34m'
22 dim = '\x1b[2m'
23 reset = '\x1b[0m'
25 for line in diff:
26 if line.startswith('+'):
27 yield green + line + reset
28 elif line.startswith('-'):
29 yield red + line + reset
30 elif line.startswith('^'):
31 yield blue + line + reset
32 elif line.startswith('@'):
33 yield dim + line + reset
34 else:
35 yield line
38class EngineConfig(HasPaths):
39 gf_stores_from_pyrocko_config = Bool.T(
40 default=True,
41 help='Load the GF stores from ~/.pyrocko/config')
42 gf_store_superdirs = List.T(
43 Path.T(),
44 help='List of path hosting collection of Green\'s function stores.')
45 gf_store_dirs = List.T(
46 Path.T(),
47 help='List of Green\'s function stores')
49 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
50 HasPaths.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
51 self._engine = None
53 def get_engine(self):
54 if self._engine is None:
55 fp = self.expand_path
56 self._engine = gf.LocalEngine(
57 use_config=self.gf_stores_from_pyrocko_config,
58 store_superdirs=fp(self.gf_store_superdirs),
59 store_dirs=fp(self.gf_store_dirs))
61 return self._engine
64class Config(HasPaths):
65 rundir_template = Path.T(
66 help='Rundir for the optimisation, supports templating'
67 ' (eg. ${event_name})')
68 dataset_config = DatasetConfig.T(
69 help='Dataset configuration object')
70 target_groups = List.T(
71 TargetGroup.T(),
72 help='List of ``TargetGroup``s')
73 problem_config = ProblemConfig.T(
74 help='Problem config')
75 analyser_configs = List.T(
76 AnalyserConfig.T(),
77 default=[TargetBalancingAnalyserConfig.D()],
78 help='List of problem analysers')
79 optimiser_config = OptimiserConfig.T(
80 help='The optimisers configuration')
81 engine_config = EngineConfig.T(
82 default=EngineConfig.D(),
83 help=':class:`pyrocko.gf.LocalEngine` configuration')
84 event_names = List.T(
85 String.T(),
86 help='Restrict application to given event names. If empty, all events '
87 'found through the dataset configuration are considered.')
88 event_names_exclude = List.T(
89 String.T(),
90 help='Event names to be excluded')
92 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
93 HasPaths.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
95 def get_event_names(self):
96 if self.event_names:
97 names = self.event_names
98 else:
99 names = self.dataset_config.get_event_names()
101 return [name for name in names if name not in self.event_names_exclude]
103 @property
104 def nevents(self):
105 return len(self.dataset_config.get_events())
107 def get_dataset(self, event_name):
108 return self.dataset_config.get_dataset(event_name)
110 def get_targets(self, event):
111 ds = self.get_dataset(event.name)
113 targets = []
114 for igroup, target_group in enumerate(self.target_groups):
115 targets.extend(target_group.get_targets(
116 ds, event, 'target.%i' % igroup))
118 return targets
120 def setup_modelling_environment(self, problem):
121 problem.set_engine(self.engine_config.get_engine())
122 ds = self.get_dataset(problem.base_source.name)
123 synt = ds.synthetic_test
124 if synt:
125 synt.set_problem(problem)
126 problem.base_source = problem.get_source(synt.get_x())
128 def get_problem(self, event):
129 targets = self.get_targets(event)
130 problem = self.problem_config.get_problem(
131 event, self.target_groups, targets)
132 self.setup_modelling_environment(problem)
133 return problem
135 def get_elements(self, ypath):
136 return list(guts.iter_elements(self, ypath))
138 def set_elements(self, ypath, value):
139 guts.set_elements(self, ypath, value, regularize=True)
141 def clone(self):
142 return guts.clone(self)
145def read_config(path):
146 try:
147 config = guts.load(filename=path)
148 except OSError:
149 raise GrondError(
150 'Cannot read Grond configuration file: %s' % path)
152 if not isinstance(config, Config):
153 raise GrondError('Invalid Grond configuration in file "%s".' % path)
155 config.set_basepath(op.dirname(path) or '.')
156 return config
159def write_config(config, path):
160 try:
161 basepath = config.get_basepath()
162 dirname = op.dirname(path) or '.'
163 config.change_basepath(dirname)
164 guts.dump(
165 config,
166 filename=path,
167 header='Grond configuration file, version %s' % __version__)
169 config.change_basepath(basepath)
171 except OSError:
172 raise GrondError(
173 'Cannot write Grond configuration file: %s' % path)
176def diff_configs(path1, path2):
177 import sys
178 import difflib
179 from pyrocko import guts_agnostic as aguts
181 t1 = aguts.load(filename=path1)
182 t2 = aguts.load(filename=path2)
184 s1 = aguts.dump(t1)
185 s2 = aguts.dump(t2)
187 result = list(difflib.unified_diff(
188 s1.splitlines(1), s2.splitlines(1),
189 'left', 'right'))
191 if sys.stdout.isatty():
192 sys.stdout.writelines(color_diff(result))
193 else:
194 sys.stdout.writelines(result)
197class YPathError(GrondError):
198 pass
201def parse_yname(yname):
202 ident = r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
203 rint = r'-?[0-9]+'
204 m = re.match(
205 r'^(%s)(\[((%s)?(:)(%s)?|(%s))\])?$'
206 % (ident, rint, rint, rint), yname)
208 if not m:
209 raise YPathError('Syntax error in component: "%s"' % yname)
211 d = dict(
212 name=m.group(1))
214 if m.group(2):
215 if m.group(5):
216 istart = iend = None
217 if m.group(4):
218 istart = int(m.group(4))
219 if m.group(6):
220 iend = int(m.group(6))
222 d['slice'] = (istart, iend)
223 else:
224 d['index'] = int(m.group(7))
226 return d
229def _decend(obj, ynames):
230 if ynames:
231 for sobj in iter_get_obj(obj, ynames):
232 yield sobj
233 else:
234 yield obj
237def iter_get_obj(obj, ynames):
238 yname = ynames.pop(0)
239 d = parse_yname(yname)
240 if d['name'] not in obj.T.propnames:
241 raise AttributeError(d['name'])
243 obj = getattr(obj, d['name'])
245 if 'index' in d:
246 sobj = obj[d['index']]
247 for ssobj in _decend(sobj, ynames):
248 yield ssobj
250 elif 'slice' in d:
251 for i in range(*slice(*d['slice']).indices(len(obj))):
252 sobj = obj[i]
253 for ssobj in _decend(sobj, ynames):
254 yield ssobj
255 else:
256 for sobj in _decend(obj, ynames):
257 yield sobj
260__all__ = '''
261 EngineConfig
262 Config
263 read_config
264 write_config
265 diff_configs