Coverage for /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/grond/problems/ 14%
502 statements
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1import math
2import logging
3import random
5import numpy as num
6from matplotlib import cm, patches, colors as mcolors
8from pyrocko.guts import Tuple, Float, Int, String, List, Bool, StringChoice
10from pyrocko.plot import mpl_margins, mpl_color, mpl_init, mpl_graph_color
11from pyrocko.plot import beachball, hudson
13from grond.plot.config import PlotConfig
14from grond.plot.section import SectionPlotConfig, SectionPlot
15from grond.plot.collection import PlotItem
16from grond import meta, core, stats
17from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
19logger = logging.getLogger('grond.problem.plot')
21guts_prefix = 'grond'
24def cluster_label(icluster, perc):
25 if icluster == -1:
26 return 'Unclust. (%.0f%%)' % perc
27 else:
28 return 'Cluster %i (%.0f%%)' % (icluster, perc)
31def cluster_color(icluster):
32 if icluster == -1:
33 return mpl_color('aluminium3')
34 else:
35 return mpl_graph_color(icluster)
38def fixlim(lo, hi):
39 if lo == hi:
40 return lo - 1.0, hi + 1.0
41 else:
42 return lo, hi
45def eigh_sorted(mat):
46 evals, evecs = num.linalg.eigh(mat)
47 iorder = num.argsort(evals)
48 return evals[iorder], evecs[:, iorder]
51class JointparPlot(PlotConfig):
52 '''
53 Source problem parameter's tradeoff plots.
54 '''
56 name = 'jointpar'
57 size_cm = Tuple.T(2, Float.T(), default=(20., 20.))
58 misfit_cutoff = Float.T(optional=True)
59 ibootstrap = Int.T(optional=True)
60 color_parameter = String.T(default='misfit')
61 exclude = List.T(String.T())
62 include = List.T(String.T())
63 show_ellipses = Bool.T(default=False)
64 nsubplots = Int.T(default=6)
65 show_ticks = Bool.T(default=False)
66 show_reference = Bool.T(default=True)
68 def make(self, environ):
69 cm = environ.get_plot_collection_manager()
70 history = environ.get_history(subset='harvest')
71 optimiser = environ.get_optimiser()
72 sref = 'Dark gray boxes mark reference solution.' \
73 if self.show_reference else ''
75 mpl_init(fontsize=self.font_size)
76 cm.create_group_mpl(
77 self,
78 self.draw_figures(history, optimiser),
79 title=u'Jointpar Plot',
80 section='solution',
81 feather_icon='crosshair',
82 description=u'''
83Source problem parameter's scatter plots, to evaluate the resolution of source
84parameters and possible trade-offs between pairs of model parameters.
86A subset of model solutions (from harvest) is shown in two dimensions for all
87possible parameter pairs as points. The point color indicates the misfit for
88the model solution with cold colors (blue) for high misfit models and warm
89colors (red) for low misfit models. The plot ranges are defined by the given
90parameter bounds and shows the model space of the optimsation. %s''' % sref)
92 def draw_figures(self, history, optimiser):
94 color_parameter = self.color_parameter
95 exclude = self.exclude
96 include = self.include
97 nsubplots = self.nsubplots
98 figsize = self.size_inch
99 ibootstrap = 0 if self.ibootstrap is None else self.ibootstrap
100 misfit_cutoff = self.misfit_cutoff
101 show_ellipses = self.show_ellipses
102 msize = 1.5
103 cmap = 'coolwarm'
105 problem = history.problem
106 if not problem:
107 return []
109 models = history.models
111 exclude = list(exclude)
112 bounds = problem.get_combined_bounds()
113 for ipar in range(problem.ncombined):
114 par = problem.combined[ipar]
115 lo, hi = bounds[ipar]
116 if lo == hi:
117 exclude.append(
119 xref = problem.get_reference_model()
121 isort = history.get_sorted_misfits_idx(chain=ibootstrap)[::-1]
122 models = history.get_sorted_models(chain=ibootstrap)[::-1]
123 nmodels = history.nmodels
125 gms = history.get_sorted_misfits(chain=ibootstrap)[::-1]
126 if misfit_cutoff is not None:
127 ibest = gms < misfit_cutoff
128 gms = gms[ibest]
129 models = models[ibest]
131 kwargs = {}
133 if color_parameter == 'dist':
134 mx = num.mean(models, axis=0)
135 cov = num.cov(models.T)
136 mdists = core.mahalanobis_distance(models, mx, cov)
137 icolor = meta.ordersort(mdists)
139 elif color_parameter == 'misfit':
140 iorder = num.arange(nmodels)
141 icolor = iorder
143 elif color_parameter in problem.parameter_names:
144 ind = problem.name_to_index(color_parameter)
145 icolor = problem.extract(models, ind)
147 elif color_parameter in history.attribute_names:
148 icolor = history.get_attribute(color_parameter)[isort]
149 icolor_need = num.unique(icolor)
151 colors = []
152 for i in range(icolor_need[-1]+1):
153 colors.append(mpl_graph_color(i))
155 cmap = mcolors.ListedColormap(colors)
156 cmap.set_under(mpl_color('aluminium3'))
157 kwargs.update(dict(vmin=0, vmax=icolor_need[-1]))
158 else:
159 raise meta.GrondError(
160 'Invalid color_parameter: %s' % color_parameter)
162 smap = {}
163 iselected = 0
164 for ipar in range(problem.ncombined):
165 par = problem.combined[ipar]
166 if exclude and in exclude or \
167 include and not in include:
168 continue
170 smap[iselected] = ipar
171 iselected += 1
173 nselected = iselected
175 if nselected < 2:
176 logger.warning(
177 'Cannot draw joinpar figures with less than two parameters '
178 'selected.')
179 return []
181 nfig = (nselected - 2) // nsubplots + 1
183 figs = []
184 for ifig in range(nfig):
185 figs_row = []
186 for jfig in range(nfig):
187 if ifig >= jfig:
188 item = PlotItem(name='fig_%i_%i' % (ifig, jfig))
189 item.attributes['parameters'] = []
190 figs_row.append((item, plt.figure(figsize=figsize)))
191 else:
192 figs_row.append(None)
194 figs.append(figs_row)
196 for iselected in range(nselected):
197 ipar = smap[iselected]
198 ypar = problem.combined[ipar]
199 for jselected in range(iselected):
200 jpar = smap[jselected]
201 xpar = problem.combined[jpar]
203 ixg = (iselected - 1)
204 iyg = jselected
206 ix = ixg % nsubplots
207 iy = iyg % nsubplots
209 ifig = ixg // nsubplots
210 jfig = iyg // nsubplots
212 aind = (nsubplots, nsubplots, (ix * nsubplots) + iy + 1)
214 item, fig = figs[ifig][jfig]
216 tlist = item.attributes['parameters']
217 if not in tlist:
218 tlist.append(
219 if not in tlist:
220 tlist.append(
222 axes = fig.add_subplot(*aind)
224 axes.axvline(0., color=mpl_color('aluminium3'), lw=0.5)
225 axes.axhline(0., color=mpl_color('aluminium3'), lw=0.5)
226 for spine in axes.spines.values():
227 spine.set_edgecolor(mpl_color('aluminium5'))
228 spine.set_linewidth(0.5)
230 xmin, xmax = fixlim(*xpar.scaled(bounds[jpar]))
231 ymin, ymax = fixlim(*ypar.scaled(bounds[ipar]))
233 if ix == 0 or jselected + 1 == iselected:
234 for (xpos, xoff, x) in [
235 (0.0, 10., xmin),
236 (1.0, -10., xmax)]:
238 axes.annotate(
239 '%.3g%s' % (x, xpar.get_unit_suffix()),
240 xy=(xpos, 1.05),
241 xycoords='axes fraction',
242 xytext=(xoff, 5.),
243 textcoords='offset points',
244 verticalalignment='bottom',
245 horizontalalignment='left',
246 rotation=45.)
248 if iy == nsubplots - 1 or jselected + 1 == iselected:
249 for (ypos, yoff, y) in [
250 (0., 10., ymin),
251 (1.0, -10., ymax)]:
253 axes.annotate(
254 '%.3g%s' % (y, ypar.get_unit_suffix()),
255 xy=(1.0, ypos),
256 xycoords='axes fraction',
257 xytext=(5., yoff),
258 textcoords='offset points',
259 verticalalignment='bottom',
260 horizontalalignment='left',
261 rotation=45.)
263 axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
264 axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
266 if not self.show_ticks:
267 axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([])
268 axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([])
269 else:
270 axes.tick_params(length=4, which='both')
271 axes.get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([])
272 axes.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([])
274 if iselected == nselected - 1 or ix == nsubplots - 1:
275 axes.annotate(
276 xpar.get_label(with_unit=False),
277 xy=(0.5, -0.05),
278 xycoords='axes fraction',
279 verticalalignment='top',
280 horizontalalignment='right',
281 rotation=45.)
283 if iy == 0:
284 axes.annotate(
285 ypar.get_label(with_unit=False),
286 xy=(-0.05, 0.5),
287 xycoords='axes fraction',
288 verticalalignment='top',
289 horizontalalignment='right',
290 rotation=45.)
292 fx = problem.extract(models, jpar)
293 fy = problem.extract(models, ipar)
295 axes.scatter(
296 xpar.scaled(fx),
297 ypar.scaled(fy),
298 c=icolor,
299 s=msize, alpha=0.5, cmap=cmap, edgecolors='none', **kwargs)
301 if show_ellipses:
302 cov = num.cov((xpar.scaled(fx), ypar.scaled(fy)))
303 evals, evecs = eigh_sorted(cov)
304 evals = num.sqrt(evals)
305 ell = patches.Ellipse(
306 xy=(
307 num.mean(xpar.scaled(fx)),
308 num.mean(ypar.scaled(fy))),
309 width=evals[0] * 2,
310 height=evals[1] * 2,
311 angle=num.rad2deg(
312 num.arctan2(evecs[1][0], evecs[0][0])))
314 ell.set_facecolor('none')
315 axes.add_artist(ell)
317 if self.show_reference:
318 fx = problem.extract(xref, jpar)
319 fy = problem.extract(xref, ipar)
321 ref_color = mpl_color('aluminium6')
322 ref_color_light = 'none'
323 axes.plot(
324 xpar.scaled(fx), ypar.scaled(fy), 's',
325 mew=1.5, ms=5, mfc=ref_color_light, mec=ref_color)
327 figs_flat = []
328 for figs_row in figs:
329 figs_flat.extend(
330 item_fig for item_fig in figs_row if item_fig is not None)
332 return figs_flat
335class HistogramPlot(PlotConfig):
336 '''
337 Histograms or Gaussian kernel densities (default) of all parameters
338 (marginal distributions of model parameters).
340 The histograms (by default shown as Gaussian kernel densities) show (red
341 curved solid line) the distributions of the parameters (marginals) along
342 with some characteristics: The red solid vertical line gives the median of
343 the distribution and the dashed red vertical line the mean value. Dark gray
344 vertical lines show reference values (given in the event.txt file). The
345 overlapping red-shaded areas show the 68% confidence intervals (innermost
346 area), the 90% confidence intervals (middle area) and the minimum and
347 maximum values (widest area). The plot ranges are defined by the given
348 parameter bounds and show the model space. Well resolved model parameters
349 show peaked distributions.
350 '''
352 name = 'histogram'
353 size_cm = Tuple.T(2, Float.T(), default=(12.5, 7.5))
354 exclude = List.T(String.T())
355 include = List.T(String.T())
356 method = StringChoice.T(
357 choices=['gaussian_kde', 'histogram'],
358 default='gaussian_kde')
359 show_reference = Bool.T(default=True)
361 def make(self, environ):
362 cm = environ.get_plot_collection_manager()
363 history = environ.get_history(subset='harvest')
365 mpl_init(fontsize=self.font_size)
366 cm.create_group_mpl(
367 self,
368 self.draw_figures(history),
369 title=u'Histogram',
370 section='solution',
371 feather_icon='bar-chart-2',
372 description=u'''
373Distribution of the problem's parameters.
375The histograms are shown either as Gaussian kernel densities (red curved solid
376line) or as bar plots the distributions of the parameters (marginals) along
377with some characteristics:
379The red solid vertical line gives the median of the distribution and the dashed
380red vertical line the mean value. Dark gray vertical lines show reference
381parameter values if given in the event.txt file. The overlapping red-shaded
382areas show the 68% confidence intervals (innermost area), the 90% confidence
383intervals (middle area) and the minimum and maximum values (widest area). The
384plot ranges are defined by the given parameter bounds and show the model
388 def draw_figures(self, history):
390 import scipy.stats
391 from grond.core import make_stats
393 exclude = self.exclude
394 include = self.include
395 figsize = self.size_inch
396 fontsize = self.font_size
397 method = self.method
398 ref_color = mpl_color('aluminium6')
399 stats_color = mpl_color('scarletred2')
400 bar_color = mpl_color('scarletred1')
401 stats_color3 = mpl_color('scarletred3')
403 problem = history.problem
405 models = history.models
407 bounds = problem.get_combined_bounds()
408 exclude = list(exclude)
409 for ipar in range(problem.ncombined):
410 par = problem.combined[ipar]
411 vmin, vmax = bounds[ipar]
412 if vmin == vmax:
413 exclude.append(
415 xref = problem.get_reference_model()
417 smap = {}
418 iselected = 0
419 for ipar in range(problem.ncombined):
420 par = problem.combined[ipar]
421 if exclude and in exclude or \
422 include and not in include:
423 continue
425 smap[iselected] = ipar
426 iselected += 1
428 nselected = iselected
429 del iselected
431 pnames = [
432 problem.combined[smap[iselected]].name
433 for iselected in range(nselected)]
435 rstats = make_stats(problem, models,
436 history.get_primary_chain_misfits(),
437 pnames=pnames)
439 for iselected in range(nselected):
440 ipar = smap[iselected]
441 par = problem.combined[ipar]
442 vs = problem.extract(models, ipar)
443 vmin, vmax = bounds[ipar]
445 fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
446 labelpos = mpl_margins(
447 fig, nw=1, nh=1, w=7., bottom=5., top=1, units=fontsize)
449 axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
450 labelpos(axes, 2.5, 2.0)
451 axes.set_xlabel(par.get_label())
452 axes.set_ylabel('PDF')
453 axes.set_xlim(*fixlim(*par.scaled((vmin, vmax))))
455 if method == 'gaussian_kde':
456 try:
457 kde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(vs)
458 except Exception:
459 logger.warning(
460 'Cannot create plot histogram with gaussian_kde: '
461 'possibly all samples have the same value.')
462 continue
464 vps = num.linspace(vmin, vmax, 600)
465 pps = kde(vps)
467 axes.plot(
468 par.scaled(vps), par.inv_scaled(pps), color=stats_color)
470 elif method == 'histogram':
471 pps, edges = num.histogram(
472 vs,
473 bins=num.linspace(vmin, vmax, num=40),
474 density=True)
475 vps = 0.5 * (edges[:-1] + edges[1:])
477, par.inv_scaled(pps),
478 par.scaled(2.*(vps - edges[:-1])),
479 color=bar_color)
481 pstats = rstats.parameter_stats_list[iselected]
483 axes.axvspan(
484 par.scaled(pstats.minimum),
485 par.scaled(pstats.maximum),
486 color=stats_color, alpha=0.1)
487 axes.axvspan(
488 par.scaled(pstats.percentile16),
489 par.scaled(pstats.percentile84),
490 color=stats_color, alpha=0.1)
491 axes.axvspan(
492 par.scaled(pstats.percentile5),
493 par.scaled(pstats.percentile95),
494 color=stats_color, alpha=0.1)
496 axes.axvline(
497 par.scaled(pstats.median),
498 color=stats_color3, alpha=0.5)
499 axes.axvline(
500 par.scaled(pstats.mean),
501 color=stats_color3, ls=':', alpha=0.5)
503 if self.show_reference:
504 axes.axvline(
505 par.scaled(problem.extract(xref, ipar)),
506 color=ref_color)
508 item = PlotItem(
509 item.attributes['parameters'] = []
510 yield item, fig
513class MTDecompositionPlot(PlotConfig):
514 '''
515 Moment tensor decomposition plot.
516 '''
518 name = 'mt_decomposition'
519 size_cm = Tuple.T(2, Float.T(), default=(15., 5.))
520 cluster_attribute = meta.StringID.T(
521 optional=True,
522 help='name of attribute to use as cluster IDs')
523 show_reference = Bool.T(default=True)
525 def make(self, environ):
526 cm = environ.get_plot_collection_manager()
527 history = environ.get_history(subset='harvest')
528 mpl_init(fontsize=self.font_size)
529 cm.create_group_mpl(
530 self,
531 self.draw_figures(history),
532 title=u'MT Decomposition',
533 section='solution',
534 feather_icon='sun',
535 description=u'''
536Moment tensor decomposition of the best-fitting solution into isotropic,
537deviatoric and best double couple components.
539Shown are the ensemble best, the ensemble mean%s and, if available, a reference
540mechanism. The symbol size indicates the relative strength of the components.
541The inversion result is consistent and stable if ensemble mean and ensemble
542best have similar symbol size and patterns.
543''' % (', cluster results' if self.cluster_attribute else ''))
545 def draw_figures(self, history):
547 fontsize = self.font_size
549 fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.size_inch)
550 axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=1.0)
551 fig.subplots_adjust(left=0., right=1., bottom=0., top=1.)
553 problem = history.problem
554 models = history.models
556 if models.size == 0:
557 logger.warning('Empty models vector.')
558 return []
560 # gms = problem.combine_misfits(history.misfits)
561 # isort = num.argsort(gms)
562 # iorder = num.empty_like(isort)
563 # iorder[isort] = num.arange(iorder.size)[::-1]
565 ref_source = problem.base_source
567 mean_source = stats.get_mean_source(
568 problem, history.models)
570 best_source = history.get_best_source()
572 nlines_max = int(round(self.size_cm[1] / 5. * 4. - 1.0))
574 if self.cluster_attribute:
575 cluster_sources = history.mean_sources_by_cluster(
576 self.cluster_attribute)
577 else:
578 cluster_sources = []
580 def get_deco(source):
581 mt = source.pyrocko_moment_tensor()
582 return mt.standard_decomposition()
584 lines = []
585 lines.append(
586 ('Ensemble best', get_deco(best_source), mpl_color('aluminium5')))
588 lines.append(
589 ('Ensemble mean', get_deco(mean_source), mpl_color('aluminium5')))
591 for (icluster, perc, source) in cluster_sources:
592 if len(lines) < nlines_max - int(self.show_reference):
593 lines.append(
594 (cluster_label(icluster, perc),
595 get_deco(source),
596 cluster_color(icluster)))
597 else:
598 logger.warning(
599 'Skipping display of cluster %i because figure height is '
600 'too small. Figure height should be at least %g cm.' % (
601 icluster, (3 + len(cluster_sources)
602 + int(self.show_reference)) * 5/4.))
604 if self.show_reference:
605 lines.append(
606 ('Reference', get_deco(ref_source), mpl_color('aluminium3')))
608 moment_full_max = max(deco[-1][0] for (_, deco, _) in lines)
610 for xpos, label in [
611 (0., 'Full'),
612 (2., 'Isotropic'),
613 (4., 'Deviatoric'),
614 (6., 'CLVD'),
615 (8., 'DC')]:
617 axes.annotate(
618 label,
619 xy=(1 + xpos, nlines_max),
620 xycoords='data',
621 xytext=(0., 0.),
622 textcoords='offset points',
623 ha='center',
624 va='center',
625 color='black',
626 fontsize=fontsize)
628 for i, (label, deco, color_t) in enumerate(lines):
629 ypos = nlines_max - i - 1.0
631 [(moment_iso, ratio_iso, m_iso),
632 (moment_dc, ratio_dc, m_dc),
633 (moment_clvd, ratio_clvd, m_clvd),
634 (moment_devi, ratio_devi, m_devi),
635 (moment_full, ratio_full, m_full)] = deco
637 size0 = moment_full / moment_full_max
639 axes.annotate(
640 label,
641 xy=(-2., ypos),
642 xycoords='data',
643 xytext=(0., 0.),
644 textcoords='offset points',
645 ha='left',
646 va='center',
647 color='black',
648 fontsize=fontsize)
650 for xpos, mt_part, ratio, ops in [
651 (0., m_full, ratio_full, '-'),
652 (2., m_iso, ratio_iso, '='),
653 (4., m_devi, ratio_devi, '='),
654 (6., m_clvd, ratio_clvd, '+'),
655 (8., m_dc, ratio_dc, None)]:
657 if ratio > 1e-4:
658 try:
659 beachball.plot_beachball_mpl(
660 mt_part, axes,
661 beachball_type='full',
662 position=(1. + xpos, ypos),
663 size=0.9 * size0 * math.sqrt(ratio),
664 size_units='data',
665 color_t=color_t,
666 linewidth=1.0)
668 except beachball.BeachballError as e:
669 logger.warning(str(e))
671 axes.annotate(
672 'ERROR',
673 xy=(1. + xpos, ypos),
674 ha='center',
675 va='center',
676 color='red',
677 fontsize=fontsize)
679 else:
680 axes.annotate(
681 'N/A',
682 xy=(1. + xpos, ypos),
683 ha='center',
684 va='center',
685 color='black',
686 fontsize=fontsize)
688 if ops is not None:
689 axes.annotate(
690 ops,
691 xy=(2. + xpos, ypos),
692 ha='center',
693 va='center',
694 color='black',
695 fontsize=fontsize)
697 axes.axison = False
698 axes.set_xlim(-2.25, 9.75)
699 axes.set_ylim(-0.5, nlines_max+0.5)
701 item = PlotItem(name='main')
702 return [[item, fig]]
705class MTLocationPlot(SectionPlotConfig):
706 ''' MT location plot of the best solutions in three cross-sections. '''
707 name = 'location_mt'
708 beachball_type = StringChoice.T(
709 choices=['full', 'deviatoric', 'dc'],
710 default='dc')
711 normalisation_gamma = Float.T(
712 default=3.,
713 help='Normalisation of colors and alpha as :math:`x^\\gamma`.'
714 'A linear colormap/alpha with :math:`\\gamma=1`.')
716 def make(self, environ):
717 environ.setup_modelling()
718 cm = environ.get_plot_collection_manager()
719 history = environ.get_history(subset='harvest')
720 mpl_init(fontsize=self.font_size)
721 self._to_be_closed = []
722 cm.create_group_mpl(
723 self,
724 self.draw_figures(history),
725 title=u'MT Location',
726 section='solution',
727 feather_icon='target',
728 description=u'''
729Location plot of the ensemble of best solutions in three cross-sections.
731The coordinate range is defined by the search space given in the config file.
732Symbols show best double-couple mechanisms, and colors indicate low (red) and
733high (blue) misfit.
735 for obj in self._to_be_closed:
736 obj.close()
738 def draw_figures(self, history, color_p_axis=False):
739 from matplotlib import colors
741 color = 'black'
742 fontsize = self.font_size
743 markersize = fontsize * 1.5
744 beachballsize_small = markersize * 0.5
745 beachball_type = self.beachball_type
747 problem = history.problem
748 sp = SectionPlot(config=self)
749 self._to_be_closed.append(sp)
751 fig = sp.fig
752 axes_en = sp.axes_xy
753 axes_dn = sp.axes_zy
754 axes_ed = sp.axes_xz
756 bounds = problem.get_combined_bounds()
758 models = history.get_sorted_primary_models()[::-1]
760 iorder = num.arange(history.nmodels)
762 for parname, set_label, set_lim in [
763 ['east_shift', sp.set_xlabel, sp.set_xlim],
764 ['north_shift', sp.set_ylabel, sp.set_ylim],
765 ['depth', sp.set_zlabel, sp.set_zlim]]:
767 ipar = problem.name_to_index(parname)
768 par = problem.combined[ipar]
769 set_label(par.get_label())
770 xmin, xmax = fixlim(*par.scaled(bounds[ipar]))
771 set_lim(xmin, xmax)
773 if 'volume_change' in problem.parameter_names:
774 volumes = models[:, problem.name_to_index('volume_change')]
775 volume_max = volumes.max()
776 volume_min = volumes.min()
778 def scale_size(source):
779 if not hasattr(source, 'volume_change'):
780 return beachballsize_small
782 volume_change = source.volume_change
783 fac = (volume_change - volume_min) / (volume_max - volume_min)
784 return markersize * .25 + markersize * .5 * fac
786 for axes, xparname, yparname in [
787 (axes_en, 'east_shift', 'north_shift'),
788 (axes_dn, 'depth', 'north_shift'),
789 (axes_ed, 'east_shift', 'depth')]:
791 ixpar = problem.name_to_index(xparname)
792 iypar = problem.name_to_index(yparname)
794 xpar = problem.combined[ixpar]
795 ypar = problem.combined[iypar]
797 xmin, xmax = fixlim(*xpar.scaled(bounds[ixpar]))
798 ymin, ymax = fixlim(*ypar.scaled(bounds[iypar]))
800 try:
801 axes.set_facecolor(mpl_color('aluminium1'))
802 except AttributeError:
803 axes.patch.set_facecolor(mpl_color('aluminium1'))
805 rect = patches.Rectangle(
806 (xmin, ymin), xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin,
807 facecolor=mpl_color('white'),
808 edgecolor=mpl_color('aluminium2'))
810 axes.add_patch(rect)
812 # fxs = xpar.scaled(problem.extract(models, ixpar))
813 # fys = ypar.scaled(problem.extract(models, iypar))
815 # axes.set_xlim(*fixlim(num.min(fxs), num.max(fxs)))
816 # axes.set_ylim(*fixlim(num.min(fys), num.max(fys)))
818 cmap = cm.ScalarMappable(
819 norm=colors.PowerNorm(
820 gamma=self.normalisation_gamma,
821 vmin=iorder.min(),
822 vmax=iorder.max()),
824 cmap=plt.get_cmap('coolwarm'))
826 for ix, x in enumerate(models):
828 source = problem.get_source(x)
829 mt = source.pyrocko_moment_tensor(
830 store=problem.get_gf_store(problem.targets[0]),
831 target=problem.targets[0])
832 fx = problem.extract(x, ixpar)
833 fy = problem.extract(x, iypar)
834 sx, sy = xpar.scaled(fx), ypar.scaled(fy)
836 # TODO: Add rotation in cross-sections
837 color = cmap.to_rgba(iorder[ix])
839 alpha = (iorder[ix] - iorder.min()) / \
840 float(iorder.max() - iorder.min())
841 alpha = alpha**self.normalisation_gamma
843 try:
844 beachball.plot_beachball_mpl(
845 mt, axes,
846 beachball_type=beachball_type,
847 position=(sx, sy),
848 size=scale_size(source),
849 color_t=color,
850 color_p=color if color_p_axis else 'white',
851 alpha=alpha,
852 zorder=1,
853 linewidth=0.25)
855 except beachball.BeachballError as e:
856 logger.warning(str(e))
858 item = PlotItem(name='main')
859 return [[item, fig]]
862class MTFuzzyPlot(PlotConfig):
863 '''Fuzzy, propabalistic moment tensor plot '''
865 name = 'mt_fuzzy'
866 size_cm = Tuple.T(2, Float.T(), default=(10., 10.))
867 cluster_attribute = meta.StringID.T(
868 optional=True,
869 help='name of attribute to use as cluster IDs')
871 def make(self, environ):
872 cm = environ.get_plot_collection_manager()
873 history = environ.get_history(subset='harvest')
874 mpl_init(fontsize=self.font_size)
875 cm.create_group_mpl(
876 self,
877 self.draw_figures(history),
878 title=u'Fuzzy MT',
879 section='solution',
880 feather_icon='wind',
881 description=u'''
882A fuzzy moment tensor, illustrating the solution's uncertainty.
884The P wave radiation pattern strength of every ensemble solution is stacked for
885all ray spokes. The projection shows the stacked radiation pattern. If the
886variability of the ensemble solutions is small, the fuzzy plot has clearly
887separated black and white fields, consistent with the nodal lines of the %s
888best solution (indicated in red).
889''' % ('cluster' if self.cluster_attribute is not None else 'global'))
891 def draw_figures(self, history):
892 problem = history.problem
894 by_cluster = history.imodels_by_cluster(
895 self.cluster_attribute)
897 for icluster, percentage, imodels in by_cluster:
898 misfits = history.misfits[imodels]
899 models = history.models[imodels]
901 mts = []
902 for ix, x in enumerate(models):
903 source = problem.get_source(x)
904 mts.append(source.pyrocko_moment_tensor())
906 best_mt = stats.get_best_source(
907 problem, models, misfits).pyrocko_moment_tensor()
909 fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.size_inch)
910 fig.subplots_adjust(left=0., right=1., bottom=0., top=1.)
911 axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=1.0)
913 if self.cluster_attribute is not None:
914 color = cluster_color(icluster)
915 else:
916 color = 'black'
918 beachball.plot_fuzzy_beachball_mpl_pixmap(
919 mts, axes, best_mt,
920 beachball_type='full',
921 size=8.*math.sqrt(percentage/100.),
922 position=(5., 5.),
923 color_t=color,
924 edgecolor='black',
925 best_color=mpl_color('scarletred2'))
927 if self.cluster_attribute is not None:
928 axes.annotate(
929 cluster_label(icluster, percentage),
930 xy=(5., 0.),
931 xycoords='data',
932 xytext=(0., self.font_size/2.),
933 textcoords='offset points',
934 ha='center',
935 va='bottom',
936 color='black',
937 fontsize=self.font_size)
939 axes.set_xlim(0., 10.)
940 axes.set_ylim(0., 10.)
941 axes.set_axis_off()
943 item = PlotItem(
944 name=(
945 'cluster_%i' % icluster
946 if icluster >= 0
947 else 'unclustered'))
949 yield [item, fig]
952class HudsonPlot(PlotConfig):
954 '''
955 Illustration of the solution distribution of decomposed moment tensor.
956 '''
958 name = 'hudson'
959 size_cm = Tuple.T(2, Float.T(), default=(17.5, 17.5*(3./4.)))
960 beachball_type = StringChoice.T(
961 choices=['full', 'deviatoric', 'dc'],
962 default='dc')
963 show_reference = Bool.T(default=True)
965 def make(self, environ):
966 cm = environ.get_plot_collection_manager()
967 history = environ.get_history(subset='harvest')
968 mpl_init(fontsize=self.font_size)
969 cm.create_group_mpl(
970 self,
971 self.draw_figures(history),
972 title=u'Hudson Plot',
973 section='solution',
974 feather_icon='box',
975 description=u'''
976Hudson's source type plot with the ensemble of bootstrap solutions.
978For about 10% of the solutions (randomly chosen), the focal mechanism is
979depicted, others are represented as dots. The square marks the global best
980fitting solution.
983 def draw_figures(self, history):
985 color = 'black'
986 fontsize = self.font_size
987 markersize = fontsize * 1.5
988 markersize_small = markersize * 0.2
989 beachballsize = markersize
990 beachballsize_small = beachballsize * 0.5
991 beachball_type = self.beachball_type
993 problem = history.problem
994 best_source = history.get_best_source()
995 mean_source = history.get_mean_source()
997 fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.size_inch)
998 axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
1000 data = []
1001 for ix, x in enumerate(history.models):
1002 source = problem.get_source(x)
1003 mt = source.pyrocko_moment_tensor()
1004 u, v = hudson.project(mt)
1006 if random.random() < 0.1:
1007 try:
1008 beachball.plot_beachball_mpl(
1009 mt, axes,
1010 beachball_type=beachball_type,
1011 position=(u, v),
1012 size=beachballsize_small,
1013 color_t=color,
1014 alpha=0.5,
1015 zorder=1,
1016 linewidth=0.25)
1017 except beachball.BeachballError as e:
1018 logger.warning(str(e))
1020 else:
1021 data.append((u, v))
1023 if data:
1024 u, v = num.array(data).T
1025 axes.plot(
1026 u, v, 'o',
1027 color=color,
1028 ms=markersize_small,
1029 mec='none',
1030 mew=0,
1031 alpha=0.25,
1032 zorder=0)
1034 hudson.draw_axes(axes)
1036 mt = mean_source.pyrocko_moment_tensor()
1037 u, v = hudson.project(mt)
1039 try:
1040 beachball.plot_beachball_mpl(
1041 mt, axes,
1042 beachball_type=beachball_type,
1043 position=(u, v),
1044 size=beachballsize,
1045 color_t=color,
1046 zorder=2,
1047 linewidth=0.5)
1048 except beachball.BeachballError as e:
1049 logger.warning(str(e))
1051 mt = best_source.pyrocko_moment_tensor()
1052 u, v = hudson.project(mt)
1054 axes.plot(
1055 u, v, 's',
1056 markersize=markersize,
1057 mew=1,
1058 mec='black',
1059 mfc='none',
1060 zorder=-2)
1062 if self.show_reference:
1063 mt = problem.base_source.pyrocko_moment_tensor()
1064 u, v = hudson.project(mt)
1066 try:
1067 beachball.plot_beachball_mpl(
1068 mt, axes,
1069 beachball_type=beachball_type,
1070 position=(u, v),
1071 size=beachballsize,
1072 color_t='red',
1073 zorder=2,
1074 linewidth=0.5)
1075 except beachball.BeachballError as e:
1076 logger.warning(str(e))
1078 item = PlotItem(
1079 name='main')
1080 return [[item, fig]]
1083def get_plot_classes():
1084 return [
1085 JointparPlot,
1086 HistogramPlot,
1087 ]