Coverage for /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/grond/plot/ 24%
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1from __future__ import print_function
2import numpy as num
3from matplotlib.axes import Axes
4from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
6from pyrocko.guts import Tuple, Float
7from pyrocko import plot
9from .config import PlotConfig
11guts_prefix = 'grond'
14def get_callbacks(obj):
15 try:
16 return obj.callbacks
17 except AttributeError:
18 return obj._callbacks
21def limits(points):
22 lims = num.zeros((3, 2))
23 if points.size != 0:
24 lims[:, 0] = num.min(points, axis=0)
25 lims[:, 1] = num.max(points, axis=0)
27 return lims
30class NotEnoughSpace(Exception):
31 pass
34class SectionPlotConfig(PlotConfig):
36 size_cm = Tuple.T(
37 2, Float.T(), default=(20., 20.))
39 margins_em = Tuple.T(
40 4, Float.T(), default=(7., 5., 7., 5.))
42 separator_em = Float.T(default=1.0)
45class SectionPlot(object):
47 def __init__(self, config=None):
48 if config is None:
49 config = SectionPlotConfig()
51 self.config = config
52 self._disconnect_data = []
53 self._width = self._height = self._pixels = None
54 self._plt = plot.mpl_init(self.config.font_size)
55 self._fig = fig = self._plt.figure(figsize=self.config.size_inch)
57 rect = [0., 0., 1., 1.]
58 self._axes_xy = Axes(fig, rect)
59 self._axes_xz = Axes(fig, rect)
60 self._axes_zy = Axes(fig, rect)
62 self._view_limits = num.zeros((3, 2))
64 self._view_limits[:, :] = num.nan
66 self._update_geometry()
68 for axes in self.axes_list:
69 fig.add_axes(axes)
70 self._connect(axes, 'xlim_changed', self.lim_changed_handler)
71 self._connect(axes, 'ylim_changed', self.lim_changed_handler)
73 self._cid_resize = fig.canvas.mpl_connect(
74 'resize_event', self.resize_handler)
76 try:
77 self._connect(fig, 'dpi_changed', self.dpi_changed_handler)
78 except ValueError:
79 # 'dpi_changed' event has been removed in MPL 3.8.
80 # canvas 'resize_event' may be sufficient but needs to be checked.
81 #
82 pass
84 self._lim_changed_depth = 0
86 def _connect(self, obj, sig, handler):
87 cid = get_callbacks(obj).connect(sig, handler)
88 self._disconnect_data.append((obj, cid))
90 def _disconnect_all(self):
91 for obj, cid in self._disconnect_data:
92 get_callbacks(obj).disconnect(cid)
94 self._fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self._cid_resize)
96 def dpi_changed_handler(self, fig):
97 self._update_geometry()
99 def resize_handler(self, event):
100 self._update_geometry()
102 def lim_changed_handler(self, axes):
103 self._lim_changed_depth += 1
104 if self._lim_changed_depth < 2:
105 self._update_layout()
107 self._lim_changed_depth -= 1
109 def _update_geometry(self):
110 w, h = self._fig.canvas.get_width_height()
111 p = self.get_pixels_factor()
113 if (self._width, self._height, self._pixels) != (w, h, p):
114 self._width = w
115 self._height = h
116 self._pixels = p
117 self._update_layout()
119 @property
120 def margins(self):
121 return tuple(
122 x * self.config.font_size / self._pixels
123 for x in self.config.margins_em)
125 @property
126 def separator(self):
127 return self.config.separator_em * self.config.font_size / self._pixels
129 def rect_to_figure_coords(self, rect):
130 left, bottom, width, height = rect
131 return (
132 left / self._width,
133 bottom / self._height,
134 width / self._width,
135 height / self._height)
137 def point_to_axes_coords(self, axes, point):
138 x, y = point
139 aleft, abottom, awidth, aheight = axes.get_position().bounds
141 x_fig = x / self._width
142 y_fig = y / self._height
144 x_axes = (x_fig - aleft) / awidth
145 y_axes = (y_fig - abottom) / aheight
147 return (x_axes, y_axes)
149 def get_pixels_factor(self):
150 try:
151 r = self._fig.canvas.get_renderer()
152 return 1.0 / r.points_to_pixels(1.0)
153 except AttributeError:
154 return 1.0
156 def make_limits(self, lims):
157 a = plot.AutoScaler(space=0.05)
158 return a.make_scale(lims)[:2]
160 def get_data_limits(self):
161 xs = []
162 ys = []
163 zs = []
164 xs.extend(self._axes_xy.get_xaxis().get_data_interval())
165 ys.extend(self._axes_xy.get_yaxis().get_data_interval())
166 xs.extend(self._axes_xz.get_xaxis().get_data_interval())
167 zs.extend(self._axes_xz.get_yaxis().get_data_interval())
168 zs.extend(self._axes_zy.get_xaxis().get_data_interval())
169 ys.extend(self._axes_zy.get_yaxis().get_data_interval())
170 lims = num.zeros((3, 2))
171 lims[0, :] = num.nanmin(xs), num.nanmax(xs)
172 lims[1, :] = num.nanmin(ys), num.nanmax(ys)
173 lims[2, :] = num.nanmin(zs), num.nanmax(zs)
174 lims[num.logical_not(num.isfinite(lims))] = 0.0
175 return lims
177 def set_xlim(self, xmin, xmax):
178 self._view_limits[0, :] = xmin, xmax
179 self._update_layout()
181 def set_ylim(self, ymin, ymax):
182 self._view_limits[1, :] = ymin, ymax
183 self._update_layout()
185 def set_zlim(self, zmin, zmax):
186 self._view_limits[2, :] = zmin, zmax
187 self._update_layout()
189 def _update_layout(self):
190 data_limits = self.get_data_limits()
192 limits = num.zeros((3, 2))
193 for i in range(3):
194 limits[i, :] = self.make_limits(data_limits[i, :])
196 mask = num.isfinite(self._view_limits)
197 limits[mask] = self._view_limits[mask]
199 deltas = limits[:, 1] - limits[:, 0]
201 data_w = deltas[0] + deltas[2]
202 data_h = deltas[1] + deltas[2]
204 ml, mt, mr, mb = self.margins
205 ms = self.separator
207 data_r = data_h / data_w
208 em = self.config.font_size
209 w = self._width
210 h = self._height
211 fig_w_avail = w - mr - ml - ms
212 fig_h_avail = h - mt - mb - ms
214 if fig_w_avail <= 0.0 or fig_h_avail <= 0.0:
215 raise NotEnoughSpace()
217 fig_r = fig_h_avail / fig_w_avail
219 if data_r < fig_r:
220 data_expanded_h = data_w * fig_r
221 data_expanded_w = data_w
222 else:
223 data_expanded_h = data_h
224 data_expanded_w = data_h / fig_r
226 limits[0, 0] -= 0.5 * (data_expanded_w - data_w)
227 limits[0, 1] += 0.5 * (data_expanded_w - data_w)
228 limits[1, 0] -= 0.5 * (data_expanded_h - data_h)
229 limits[1, 1] += 0.5 * (data_expanded_h - data_h)
231 deltas = limits[:, 1] - limits[:, 0]
233 w1 = fig_w_avail * deltas[0] / data_expanded_w
234 w2 = fig_w_avail * deltas[2] / data_expanded_w
236 h1 = fig_h_avail * deltas[1] / data_expanded_h
237 h2 = fig_h_avail * deltas[2] / data_expanded_h
239 rect_xy = [ml, mb+h2+ms, w1, h1]
240 rect_xz = [ml, mb, w1, h2]
241 rect_zy = [ml+w1+ms, mb+h2+ms, w2, h1]
243 axes_xy, axes_xz, axes_zy = self.axes_list
245 axes_xy.set_position(
246 self.rect_to_figure_coords(rect_xy), which='both')
247 axes_xz.set_position(
248 self.rect_to_figure_coords(rect_xz), which='both')
249 axes_zy.set_position(
250 self.rect_to_figure_coords(rect_zy), which='both')
252 def wcenter(rect):
253 return rect[0] + rect[2]*0.5
255 def hcenter(rect):
256 return rect[1] + rect[3]*0.5
258 self.set_label_coords(
259 axes_xy, 'x', [wcenter(rect_xy), h - 1.0*em])
260 self.set_label_coords(
261 axes_xy, 'y', [2.0*em, hcenter(rect_xy)])
262 self.set_label_coords(
263 axes_zy, 'x', [wcenter(rect_zy), h - 1.0*em])
264 self.set_label_coords(
265 axes_xz, 'y', [2.0*em, hcenter(rect_xz)])
267 scaler = plot.AutoScaler()
268 inc = scaler.make_scale(
269 [0, min(data_expanded_w, data_expanded_h)], override_mode='off')[2]
271 axes_xy.set_xlim(*limits[0, :])
272 axes_xy.set_ylim(*limits[1, :])
273 axes_xy.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(
274 bottom=False, top=True, labelbottom=False, labeltop=True)
275 axes_xy.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(
276 left=True, labelleft=True, right=False, labelright=False)
278 axes_xz.set_xlim(*limits[0, :])
279 axes_xz.set_ylim(*limits[2, ::-1])
280 axes_xz.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(
281 bottom=True, top=False, labelbottom=False, labeltop=False)
282 axes_xz.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(
283 left=True, labelleft=True, right=True, labelright=False)
285 axes_zy.set_xlim(*limits[2, :])
286 axes_zy.set_ylim(*limits[1, :])
287 axes_zy.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(
288 bottom=True, top=True, labelbottom=False, labeltop=True)
289 axes_zy.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(
290 left=False, labelleft=False, right=True, labelright=False)
292 for axes in self.axes_list:
293 tl = MultipleLocator(inc)
294 axes.get_xaxis().set_major_locator(tl)
295 tl = MultipleLocator(inc)
296 axes.get_yaxis().set_major_locator(tl)
298 def set_label_coords(self, axes, which, point):
299 axis = axes.get_xaxis() if which == 'x' else axes.get_yaxis()
300 axis.set_label_coords(*self.point_to_axes_coords(axes, point))
302 @property
303 def fig(self):
304 return self._fig
306 @property
307 def axes_xy(self):
308 return self._axes_xy
310 @property
311 def axes_xz(self):
312 return self._axes_xz
314 @property
315 def axes_zy(self):
316 return self._axes_zy
318 @property
319 def axes_list(self):
320 return [
321 self._axes_xy, self._axes_xz, self._axes_zy]
323 def plot(self, points, *args, **kwargs):
324 self._axes_xy.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], *args, **kwargs)
325 self._axes_xz.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 2], *args, **kwargs)
326 self._axes_zy.plot(points[:, 2], points[:, 1], *args, **kwargs)
328 def close(self):
329 self._disconnect_all()
330 self._plt.close(self._fig)
332 def show(self):
335 def set_xlabel(self, s):
336 self._axes_xy.set_xlabel(s)
338 def set_ylabel(self, s):
339 self._axes_xy.set_ylabel(s)
341 def set_zlabel(self, s):
342 self._axes_xz.set_ylabel(s)
343 self._axes_zy.set_xlabel(s)