Coverage for /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/grond/problems/dynamic_rupture/ 23%
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1import numpy as num
2import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
3from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
4from matplotlib import colors, patheffects
6from pyrocko.guts import Tuple, Float, Bool
7from import map_anchor
8from pyrocko.plot import mpl_init, mpl_graph_color, mpl_color
9from pyrocko.plot.dynamic_rupture import RuptureMap
11from grond.plot.config import PlotConfig
12from grond.plot.collection import PlotItem
14km = 1e3
17def km_fmt(x, p):
18 return '%.1f' % (x / km)
21def get_source(history, source_type='mean'):
22 if source_type == 'mean':
23 return history.get_mean_source()
24 elif source_type == 'best':
25 return history.get_best_source()
26 else:
27 raise ValueError('current source_type is not defined.')
30class DynamicRuptureSlipMap(PlotConfig):
31 '''
32 Slip map of best solution.
33 '''
34 name = 'rupture_slip_map'
35 dt_contour = Float.T(
36 default=0.5,
37 help='Rupture propagation contourline interval in seconds.')
38 size_cm = Tuple.T(2, Float.T(), default=(20., 20.))
40 def make(self, environ):
41 environ.setup_modelling()
42 cm = environ.get_plot_collection_manager()
43 history = environ.get_history(subset='harvest')
44 problem = environ.get_problem()
46 mpl_init(fontsize=self.font_size)
47 cm.create_group_mpl(
48 self,
49 self.draw_figures(history, problem),
50 title=u'Slip Map',
51 section='solution',
52 feather_icon='grid', # alternatively: wind
53 description=u'''
54Slip distribution and rake of the pseudo dynamic rupture model. The absolute
55slip is color coded. The arrows are scaled based on the in plane slip. The
56black star marks the nucleation point. Contour lines indicate the rupture
57evolution in %.1f s intervals.
58''' % self.dt_contour)
60 def draw_figures(self, history, problem):
61 store_ids = problem.get_gf_store_ids()
62 store = problem.get_gf_store(store_ids[0])
64 interpolation = 'nearest_neighbor'
66 for i, plabel in enumerate(('best', 'mean')):
67 source = get_source(history, source_type=plabel)
68 anchor_x, anchor_y = map_anchor[source.anchor]
70 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
72 # ToDo in function with "mean", "best" as arg
73 source.discretize_patches(store, interpolation)
74 patches = source.patches
75 dislocations = source.get_slip(scale_slip=True)
77 patches_x = num.array([p.ix for p in patches])\
78 .reshape(source.nx, source.ny)
79 patches_y = num.array([p.iy for p in patches])\
80 .reshape(source.nx, source.ny)
81 patches_t = num.array([p.time for p in patches])\
82 .reshape(source.nx, source.ny)
84 patches_x += (anchor_x + 1.) / 2. * source.length
85 patches_y += (anchor_y + 1.) / 2. * source.width
87 abs_disloc = num.linalg.norm(dislocations, axis=1)
88 abs_disloc = abs_disloc.reshape(source.nx, source.ny)
90 im = ax.imshow(
91 abs_disloc.T,
92 cmap='YlOrRd',
93 origin='upper',
94 aspect='equal',
95 extent=(0., source.length, 0., source.width))
97 patches_t -= patches_t.min()
99 nlevels = patches_t.max() // self.dt_contour
100 contours = num.arange(nlevels) * self.dt_contour
101 contours += patches_t.min()
103 def truncate_colormap(cmap, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, n=100):
104 return colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
105 'trunc({n},{a:.2f},{b:.2f})'.format(
106, a=minval, b=maxval),
107 cmap(num.linspace(minval, maxval, n)))
109 cmap = truncate_colormap(plt.get_cmap('winter'), 0., 0.8)
111 contour = ax.contour(
112 patches_x, patches_y, patches_t,
113 levels=contours, alpha=.8, colors='k')
115 labels = ax.clabel(
116 contour, contour.levels[::2],
117 inline=True, fmt='%.1f s')
119 for label in labels:
120 label.set_rotation(0.)
121 label.set_fontweight('semibold')
122 label.set_fontsize('small')
123 label.set_path_effects([
124 patheffects.Stroke(linewidth=1.25, foreground='beige'),
125 patheffects.Normal()])
127 slip_strike = dislocations[:, 0]
128 slip_dip = dislocations[:, 1]
130 patch_length = source.length / source.nx
131 patch_width = source.width / source.ny
133 x_quiver = num.repeat(num.arange(source.nx), source.ny)\
134 * patch_length + patch_length/2.
135 y_quiver = num.tile(num.arange(source.ny), source.nx)\
136 * patch_width + patch_width/2.
138 ax.quiver(
139 x_quiver, y_quiver, slip_strike, slip_dip,
140 facecolor='none', edgecolor='k', linewidth=.7,
141 scale=75 / abs_disloc.max(), headwidth=3,
142 cmap='YlOrRd', alpha=.6)
144 ax.invert_yaxis()
146 nucleation_x = ((source.nucleation_x + 1.) / 2.) * source.length
147 nucleation_y = ((source.nucleation_y + 1.) / 2.) * source.width
149 ax.scatter(
150 nucleation_x, nucleation_y,
151 s=60, color='w', edgecolor='k', marker='*',
152 linewidths=.5, alpha=.7)
154 ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(km_fmt))
155 ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(km_fmt))
157 ax.set_xlabel('Length [km]')
158 ax.set_ylabel('Width [km]')
160 cmap = fig.colorbar(
161 im, orientation='horizontal', pad=0.2, shrink=.8,
162 ax=ax, format='%.2f')
163 cmap.set_label('Slip [m]')
165 item = PlotItem(
166 name='_'.join(['ensemble', plabel.lower()]),
167 title='ensemble %s slip distribution' % (plabel.lower()),
168 description=u'')
170 yield item, fig
173class DynamicRuptureSTF(PlotConfig):
174 '''
175 Slip map of best solution.
176 '''
177 name = 'rupture_source_time_function'
178 dt_sampling = Float.T(
179 optional=True,
180 help='Moment rate sampling interval in seconds')
181 size_cm = Tuple.T(2, Float.T(), default=(15., 15.))
183 def _get_store(self, problem):
184 store_ids = problem.get_gf_store_ids()
186 stores = [problem.get_gf_store(store_id) for store_id in store_ids]
187 dt = num.array([store.config.deltat for store in stores])
188 min_index = num.where(dt == min(dt))[0]
190 return stores[min_index[0]]
192 def make(self, environ):
193 environ.setup_modelling()
194 cm = environ.get_plot_collection_manager()
195 history = environ.get_history(subset='harvest')
196 problem = environ.get_problem()
198 store = self._get_store(problem=problem)
200 dt_sampling = store.config.deltat if self.dt_sampling is None \
201 else self.dt_sampling
203 mpl_init(fontsize=self.font_size)
204 cm.create_group_mpl(
205 self,
206 self.draw_figures(history, problem),
207 title=u'Moment Rate Function (STF)',
208 section='solution',
209 feather_icon='zap', # alternatively: activity
210 description=u'''
211Source time function (moment release) of the pseudo dynamic rupture model.
212The moment rate function is sampled in %.1f s intervals.
213''' % dt_sampling)
215 def draw_figures(self, history, problem):
216 store = self._get_store(problem=problem)
218 for i, plabel in enumerate(('best', 'mean')):
219 source = get_source(history, source_type=plabel)
221 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
223 dt_sampling = store.config.deltat if self.dt_sampling is None \
224 else self.dt_sampling
226 mrate, times = source.get_moment_rate(
227 store=store, deltat=dt_sampling)
229 try:
230 mrate_max = mrate.max()
232 ax.fill_between(
233 times,
234 mrate / mrate_max,
235 color=mpl_color(x='aluminium2'),
236 alpha=0.7)
238 ax.scatter(
239 times,
240 mrate / mrate_max,
241 c=mpl_graph_color(0))
243 ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]')
244 ax.set_ylabel(r'$\dot{M}$ / %.2e Nm/s' % mrate_max)
246 ax.set_xlim([0, times.max() + dt_sampling])
247 ax.grid(True)
249 except ValueError:
250 pass
252 item = PlotItem(
253 name='_'.join(['ensemble', plabel.lower()]),
254 title='ensemble %s source time function' % (plabel.lower()),
255 description=u'')
257 yield item, fig
260class DynamicRuptureMap(PlotConfig):
261 '''
262 Overview map of best solution.
263 '''
264 name = 'rupture_overview_map'
265 size_cm = Tuple.T(
266 2, Float.T(),
267 default=(20., 20.),
268 help='width and length of the figure in cm')
269 show_topo = Bool.T(
270 default=False,
271 help='show topography')
272 show_grid = Bool.T(
273 default=True,
274 help='show the lat/lon grid')
275 show_rivers = Bool.T(
276 default=True,
277 help='show rivers on the map')
278 radius = Float.T(
279 optional=True,
280 help='radius of the map around campaign center lat/lon')
282 def make(self, environ):
283 environ.setup_modelling()
284 cm = environ.get_plot_collection_manager()
285 history = environ.get_history(subset='harvest')
286 problem = environ.get_problem()
288 cm.create_group_automap(
289 self,
290 self.draw_rupture_map(history, problem),
291 title=u'Rupture Dislocations',
292 section='solution',
293 feather_icon='map',
294 description=u'''
295Maps showing orientation and dislocation of the PseudoDynamicRupture.
298 def draw_rupture_map(self, history, problem):
299 from pyrocko import orthodrome as pod
301 store_ids = problem.get_gf_store_ids()
302 store = problem.get_gf_store(store_ids[0])
304 def plot_rupture(source, model_name):
305 item = PlotItem(
306 name='ensemble_%s' % model_name,
307 attributes={},
308 title=u'Final static rupture dislocation - %s model'
309 % model_name,
310 description=u'''
311Static rupture dislocation from %s model.''' % model_name)
313 lat, lon = pod.ne_to_latlon(
315 source.lon,
316 source.north_shift,
317 source.east_shift)
319 map_kwargs = dict(
320 lat=lat,
321 lon=lon,
322 radius=self.radius or source.length,
323 width=self.size_cm[0],
324 height=self.size_cm[1],
325 source=source,
326 show_topo=self.show_topo,
327 show_grid=self.show_grid,
328 show_rivers=self.show_rivers,
329 color_wet=(216, 242, 254),
330 color_dry=(238, 236, 230))
332 source.discretize_patches(store, interpolation='nearest_neighbor')
334 cmap = 'summer'
336 m = RuptureMap(**map_kwargs)
337 m.draw_dislocation(cmap=cmap)
338 m.draw_time_contour(store)
339 m.draw_nucleation_point()
340 m.draw_top_edge()
342 return (item, m)
344 for i, plabel in enumerate(('best', 'mean')):
345 source = get_source(history, source_type=plabel)
347 yield plot_rupture(source, plabel)