Source code for

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
'''Module to read and write GSE2.0, GSE2.1, and IMS1.0 files.'''
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import range, object

import sys
import re
import logging

from . import util
from .io_common import FileLoadError, FileSaveError
from pyrocko.guts import (
    Object, String, StringChoice, Timestamp, Int, Float, List, Bool, Complex,

logger = logging.getLogger('')

km = 1000.
nm_per_s = 1.0e-9

g_versions = ('GSE2.0', 'GSE2.1', 'IMS1.0')
g_dialects = ('NOR_NDC', 'USA_DMC')

[docs]class SerializeError(Exception): '''Raised when serialization of an IMS/GSE2 object fails.''' pass
[docs]class DeserializeError(Exception): '''Raised when deserialization of an IMS/GSE2 object fails.''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Exception.__init__(self, *args) self._line_number = None self._line = None self._position = kwargs.get('position', None) self._format = kwargs.get('format', None) self._version_dialect = None
[docs] def set_context(self, line_number, line, version_dialect): self._line_number = line_number self._line = line self._version_dialect = version_dialect
def __str__(self): lst = [Exception.__str__(self)] if self._version_dialect is not None: lst.append('format version: %s' % self._version_dialect[0]) lst.append('dialect: %s' % self._version_dialect[1]) if self._line_number is not None: lst.append('line number: %i' % self._line_number) if self._line is not None: lst.append('line content:\n%s' % (self._line.decode('ascii') or '*** line is empty ***')) if self._position is not None: if self._position[1] is None: length = max(1, len(self._line or '') - self._position[0]) else: length = self._position[1] lst.append(' ' * self._position[0] + '^' * length) if self._format is not None: i = 0 f = [] j = 1 for element in self._format: if element.length != 0: f.append(' ' * (element.position - i)) if element.length is not None: f.append(str(j % 10) * element.length) i = element.position + element.length else: f.append(str(j % 10) + '...') i = element.position + 4 j += 1 lst.append(''.join(f)) return '\n'.join(lst)
[docs]def float_or_none(x): if x.strip(): return float(x) else: return None
[docs]def int_or_none(x): if x.strip(): return int(x) else: return None
[docs]def float_to_string(fmt): ef = fmt[0] assert ef in 'ef' ln, d = map(int, fmt[1:].split('.')) pfmts = ['%%%i.%i%s' % (ln, dsub, ef) for dsub in range(d, -1, -1)] blank = b' ' * ln def func(v): if v is None: return blank for pfmt in pfmts: s = pfmt % v if len(s) == ln: return s.encode('ascii') raise SerializeError('format="%s", value=%s' % (pfmt, repr(v))) return func
[docs]def int_to_string(fmt): assert fmt[0] == 'i' pfmt = '%'+fmt[1:]+'i' ln = int(fmt[1:]) blank = b' ' * ln def func(v): if v is None: return blank s = pfmt % v if len(s) == ln: return s.encode('ascii') else: raise SerializeError('format="%s", value=%s' % (pfmt, repr(v))) return func
[docs]def deserialize_string(fmt): if fmt.endswith('?'): def func(s): if s.strip(): return str(s.rstrip().decode('ascii')) else: return None else: def func(s): return str(s.rstrip().decode('ascii')) return func
[docs]def serialize_string(fmt): if fmt.endswith('+'): more_ok = True else: more_ok = False fmt = fmt.rstrip('?+') assert fmt[0] == 'a' ln = int(fmt[1:]) def func(v): if v is None: v = b'' else: v = v.encode('ascii') s = v.ljust(ln) if more_ok or len(s) == ln: return s else: raise SerializeError('max string length: %i, value="%s"' % ln, v) return func
[docs]def rstrip_string(v): return v.rstrip()
[docs]def x_fixed(expect): def func(): def parse(s): if s != expect: raise DeserializeError( 'expected="%s", value="%s"' % (expect, s)) return s def string(s): return expect return parse, string func.width = len(expect) func.help_type = 'Keyword: %s' % expect return func
[docs]def x_scaled(fmt, factor): def func(): to_string = float_to_string(fmt) def parse(s): x = float_or_none(s) if x is None: return None else: return x * factor def string(v): if v is None: return to_string(None) else: return to_string(v/factor) return parse, string func.width = int(fmt[1:].split('.')[0]) func.help_type = 'float' return func
[docs]def x_int_angle(): def string(v): if v is None: return b' ' else: return ('%3i' % (int(round(v)) % 360)).encode('ascii') return float_or_none, string
x_int_angle.width = 3 x_int_angle.help_type = 'int [0, 360]'
[docs]def x_substitute(value): def func(): def parse(s): assert s == b'' return value def string(s): return b'' return parse, string func.width = 0 func.help_type = 'Not present in this file version.' return func
[docs]def fillup_zeros(s, fmt): s = s.rstrip() if not s: return s if fmt == '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.3FRAC': return s + '0000/01/01 00:00:00.000'[len(s):] elif fmt == '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.2FRAC': return s + '0000/01/01 00:00:00.00'[len(s):] return s
[docs]def x_date_time(fmt='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.3FRAC'): def parse(s): s = str(s.decode('ascii')) try: s = fillup_zeros(s, fmt) return util.str_to_time(s, format=fmt) except Exception: # iris sets this dummy end dates and they don't fit into 32bit # time stamps if fmt[:2] == '%Y' and s[:4] in ('2599', '2045'): return None elif fmt[6:8] == '%Y' and s[6:10] in ('2599', '2045'): return None raise DeserializeError('expected date, value="%s"' % s) def string(s): return util.time_to_str(s, format=fmt).encode('ascii') return parse, string
x_date_time.width = 23 x_date_time.help_type = 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.FFF'
[docs]def x_date(): return x_date_time(fmt='%Y/%m/%d')
x_date.width = 10 x_date.help_type = 'YYYY/MM/DD'
[docs]def x_date_iris(): return x_date_time(fmt='%m/%d/%Y')
x_date_iris.width = 10 x_date_iris.help_type = 'MM/DD/YYYY'
[docs]def x_date_time_no_seconds(): return x_date_time(fmt='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
x_date_time_no_seconds.width = 16 x_date_time_no_seconds.help_type = 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM'
[docs]def x_date_time_2frac(): return x_date_time(fmt='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.2FRAC')
x_date_time_2frac.width = 22 x_date_time_2frac.help_type = 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.FF'
[docs]def x_yesno(): def parse(s): if s == b'y': return True elif s == b'n': return False else: raise DeserializeError('"y" on "n" expected') def string(b): return [b'n', b'y'][int(b)] return parse, string
x_yesno.width = 1 x_yesno.help_type = 'yes/no'
[docs]def optional(x_func): def func(): parse, string = x_func() def parse_optional(s): if s.strip(): return parse(s) else: return None def string_optional(s): if s is None: return b' ' * x_func.width else: return string(s) return parse_optional, string_optional func.width = x_func.width func.help_type = 'optional %s' % x_func.help_type return func
[docs]class E(object): def __init__(self, begin, end, fmt, dummy=False): self.advance = 1 if dummy: self.advance = 0 self.position = begin - 1 if end is not None: self.length = end - begin + 1 else: self.length = None self.end = end if isinstance(fmt, str): t = fmt[0] if t in 'ef': self.parse = float_or_none self.string = float_to_string(fmt) ln = int(fmt[1:].split('.')[0]) self.help_type = 'float' elif t == 'a': self.parse = deserialize_string(fmt) self.string = serialize_string(fmt) ln = int(fmt[1:].rstrip('+?')) self.help_type = 'string' elif t == 'i': self.parse = int_or_none self.string = int_to_string(fmt) ln = int(fmt[1:]) self.help_type = 'integer' else: assert False, 'invalid format: %s' % t assert self.length is None or ln == self.length, \ 'inconsistent length for pos=%i, fmt=%s' \ % (self.position, fmt) else: self.parse, self.string = fmt() self.help_type = fmt.help_type
[docs]def end_section(line, extra=None): if line is None: return True ul = line.upper() return ul.startswith(b'DATA_TYPE') or ul.startswith(b'STOP') or \ (extra is not None and ul.startswith(extra))
[docs]class Section(Object): '''Base class for top level sections in IMS/GSE2 files. Sections as understood by this implementation typically correspond to a DATA_TYPE section in IMS/GSE2 but for some types a finer granularity has been chosen.''' handlers = {} # filled after section have been defined below
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): datatype = reader.pushback() return Section.handlers[ datatype.type.upper().encode('ascii')].read(reader)
[docs] def write_datatype(self, writer): datatype = DataType( type=self.keyword.decode('ascii'), format=writer.version_dialect[0]) datatype.write(writer)
[docs] @classmethod def read_table(cls, reader, expected_header, block_cls, end=end_section): header = reader.readline() if not header.upper().startswith(expected_header.upper()): raise DeserializeError( 'invalid table header line, expected:\n' '%s\nfound: %s ' % (expected_header, header)) while True: line = reader.readline() reader.pushback() if end(line): break yield
[docs] def write_table(self, writer, header, blocks): writer.writeline(header) for block in blocks: block.write(writer)
[docs]def get_versioned(x, version_dialect): if isinstance(x, dict): for v in (tuple(version_dialect), version_dialect[0], None): if v in x: return x[v] else: return x
[docs]class Block(Object): '''Base class for IMS/GSE2 data blocks / lines. Blocks as understood by this implementation usually correspond to individual logical lines in the IMS/GSE2 file. '''
[docs] def values(self): return list(self.T.ivals(self))
[docs] @classmethod def format(cls, version_dialect): return get_versioned(cls._format, version_dialect)
[docs] def serialize(self, version_dialect): ivalue = 0 out = [] values = self.values() for element in self.format(version_dialect): if element.length != 0: out.append((element.position, element.string(values[ivalue]))) ivalue += element.advance out.sort() i = 0 slist = [] for (position, s) in out: slist.append(b' ' * (position - i)) slist.append(s) i = position + len(s) return b''.join(slist)
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize_values(cls, line, version_dialect): values = [] for element in cls.format(version_dialect): try: val = element.parse( line[element.position:element.end]) if element.advance != 0: values.append(val) except Exception: raise DeserializeError( 'Cannot parse %s' % ( element.help_type), position=(element.position, element.length), version=version_dialect[0], dialect=version_dialect[1], format=cls.format(version_dialect)) return values
[docs] @classmethod def validated(cls, *args, **kwargs): obj = cls(*args, **kwargs) try: obj.validate() except ValidationError as e: raise DeserializeError(str(e)) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def regularized(cls, *args, **kwargs): obj = cls(*args, **kwargs) try: obj.regularize() except ValidationError as e: raise DeserializeError(str(e)) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, line, version_dialect): values = cls.deserialize_values(line, version_dialect) return cls.validated(**dict(zip(cls.T.propnames, values)))
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): line = reader.readline() return cls.deserialize(line, reader.version_dialect)
[docs] def write(self, writer): s = self.serialize(writer.version_dialect) writer.writeline(s)
[docs]class FreeFormatLine(Block): '''Base class for IMS/GSE2 free format lines.'''
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize_values(cls, line, version_dialect): format = cls.format(version_dialect) values = line.split(None, len(format)-1) values_weeded = [] for x, v in zip(format, values): if isinstance(x, bytes): if v.upper() != x: raise DeserializeError( 'expected keyword: %s, found %s' % (x, v.upper())) else: if isinstance(x, tuple): x, (parse, _) = x v = parse(v) values_weeded.append((x, v)) values_weeded.sort() return [str(xv[1].decode('ascii')) for xv in values_weeded]
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, line, version_dialect): values = cls.deserialize_values(line, version_dialect) propnames = cls.T.propnames stuff = dict(zip(propnames, values)) return cls.regularized(**stuff)
[docs] def serialize(self, version_dialect): names = self.T.propnames props = out = [] for x in self.format(version_dialect): if isinstance(x, bytes): out.append(x.decode('ascii')) else: if isinstance(x, tuple): x, (_, string) = x v = string(getattr(self, names[x-1])) else: v = getattr(self, names[x-1]) if v is None: break out.append(props[x-1].to_save(v)) return ' '.join(out).encode('ascii')
[docs]class DataType(Block): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE line.''' type = String.T() subtype = String.T(optional=True) format = String.T() subformat = String.T(optional=True)
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, line, version_dialect): pat = br'DATA_TYPE +([^ :]+)(:([^ :]+))?( +([^ :]+)(:([^ :]+))?)?' m = re.match(pat, line) if not m: raise DeserializeError('invalid DATA_TYPE line') return cls.validated( type=str(( or b'').decode('ascii')), subtype=str(( or b'').decode('ascii')), format=str(( or b'').decode('ascii')), subformat=str(( or b'').decode('ascii')))
[docs] def serialize(self, version_dialect): s = self.type if self.subtype: s += ':' + self.subtype f = self.format if self.subformat: f += ':' + self.subformat return ('DATA_TYPE %s %s' % (s, f)).encode('ascii')
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): line = reader.readline() datatype = cls.deserialize(line, reader.version_dialect) reader.version_dialect[0] = datatype.format return datatype
[docs] def write(self, writer): s = self.serialize(writer.version_dialect) writer.version_dialect[0] = self.format writer.writeline(s)
[docs]class FTPFile(FreeFormatLine): '''Representation of an FTP_FILE line.''' _format = [b'FTP_FILE', 1, 2, 3, 4] net_address = String.T() login_mode = StringChoice.T(choices=('USER', 'GUEST'), ignore_case=True) directory = String.T() file = String.T()
[docs]class WaveformSubformat(StringChoice): choices = ['INT', 'CM6', 'CM8', 'AU6', 'AU8'] ignore_case = True
[docs]class WID2(Block): '''Representation of a WID2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'WID2'), dummy=True), E(6, 28, x_date_time), E(30, 34, 'a5'), E(36, 38, 'a3'), E(40, 43, 'a4'), E(45, 47, 'a3'), E(49, 56, 'i8'), E(58, 68, 'f11.6'), E(70, 79, x_scaled('e10.2', nm_per_s)), E(81, 87, 'f7.3'), E(89, 94, 'a6?'), E(96, 100, 'f5.1'), E(102, 105, 'f4.1') ] time = Timestamp.T() station = String.T(help='station code (5 characters)') channel = String.T(help='channel code (3 characters)') location = String.T( default='', optional=True, help='location code (aux_id, 4 characters)') sub_format = WaveformSubformat.T(default='CM6') nsamples = Int.T(default=0) sample_rate = Float.T(default=1.0) calibration_factor = Float.T( optional=True, help='system sensitivity (m/count) at reference period ' '(calibration_period)') calibration_period = Float.T( optional=True, help='calibration reference period [s]') instrument_type = String.T( default='', optional=True, help='instrument type (6 characters)') horizontal_angle = Float.T( optional=True, help='horizontal orientation of sensor, clockwise from north [deg]') vertical_angle = Float.T( optional=True, help='vertical orientation of sensor from vertical [deg]')
[docs]class OUT2(Block): '''Representation of an OUT2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'OUT2'), dummy=True), E(6, 28, x_date_time), E(30, 34, 'a5'), E(36, 38, 'a3'), E(40, 43, 'a4'), E(45, 55, 'f11.3') ] time = Timestamp.T() station = String.T(help='station code (5 characters)') channel = String.T(help='channel code (3 characters)') location = String.T( default='', optional=True, help='location code (aux_id, 4 characters)') duration = Float.T()
[docs]class DLY2(Block): '''Representation of a DLY2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'DLY2'), dummy=True), E(6, 28, x_date_time), E(30, 34, 'a5'), E(36, 38, 'a3'), E(40, 43, 'a4'), E(45, 55, 'f11.3') ] time = Timestamp.T() station = String.T(help='station code (5 characters)') channel = String.T(help='channel code (3 characters)') location = String.T( default='', optional=True, help='location code (aux_id, 4 characters)') queue_duration = Float.T(help='duration of queue [s]')
[docs]class DAT2(Block): '''Representation of a DAT2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'DAT2'), dummy=True) ] raw_data = List.T(String.T())
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): line = reader.readline() dat2 = cls.deserialize(line, reader.version_dialect) while True: line = reader.readline() if line.upper().startswith(b'CHK2 '): reader.pushback() break else: if reader._load_data: dat2.raw_data.append(line.strip()) return dat2
[docs] def write(self, writer): Block.write(self, writer) for line in self.raw_data: writer.writeline(line)
[docs]class STA2(Block): '''Representation of a STA2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'STA2'), dummy=True), E(6, 14, 'a9'), E(16, 24, 'f9.5'), E(26, 35, 'f10.5'), E(37, 48, 'a12'), E(50, 54, x_scaled('f5.3', km)), E(56, 60, x_scaled('f5.3', km)) ] # the standard requires lat, lon, elevation and depth, we define them as # optional, however network = String.T(help='network code (9 characters)') lat = Float.T(optional=True) lon = Float.T(optional=True) coordinate_system = String.T(default='WGS-84') elevation = Float.T(optional=True, help='elevation [m]') depth = Float.T(optional=True, help='emplacement depth [m]')
[docs]class CHK2(Block): '''Representation of a CHK2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'CHK2'), dummy=True), E(6, 13, 'i8') ] checksum = Int.T()
[docs]class EID2(Block): '''Representation of an EID2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'EID2'), dummy=True), E(6, 13, 'a8'), E(15, 23, 'a9'), ] event_id = String.T(help='event ID (8 characters)') bulletin_type = String.T(help='bulletin type (9 characters)')
[docs]class BEA2(Block): '''Representation of a BEA2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'BEA2'), dummy=True), E(6, 17, 'a12'), E(19, 23, 'f5.1'), E(25, 29, 'f5.1')] beam_id = String.T(help='beam ID (12 characters)') azimuth = Float.T() slowness = Float.T()
[docs]class Network(Block): '''Representation of an entry in a NETWORK section.''' _format = [ E(1, 9, 'a9'), E(11, None, 'a64+')] network = String.T(help='network code (9 characters)') description = String.T(help='description')
[docs]class Station(Block): '''Representation of an entry in a STATION section.''' _format = { None: [ E(1, 9, 'a9'), E(11, 15, 'a5'), E(17, 20, 'a4'), E(22, 30, 'f9.5'), E(32, 41, 'f10.5'), E(43, 54, 'a12'), E(56, 60, x_scaled('f5.3', km)), E(62, 71, x_date), E(73, 82, optional(x_date)) ], 'GSE2.0': [ E(0, -1, x_substitute('')), E(1, 5, 'a5'), E(7, 10, 'a4'), E(12, 20, 'f9.5'), E(22, 31, 'f10.5'), E(32, 31, x_substitute('WGS-84')), E(33, 39, x_scaled('f7.3', km)), E(41, 50, x_date), E(52, 61, optional(x_date))]} _format['IMS1.0', 'USA_DMC'] = list(_format[None]) _format['IMS1.0', 'USA_DMC'][-2:] = [ E(62, 71, x_date_iris), E(73, 82, optional(x_date_iris))] network = String.T(help='network code (9 characters)') station = String.T(help='station code (5 characters)') type = String.T( help='station type (4 characters) ' '(1C: single component, 3C: three-component, ' 'hfa: high frequency array, lpa: long period array)') lat = Float.T() lon = Float.T() coordinate_system = String.T(default='WGS-84') elevation = Float.T(help='elevation [m]') tmin = Timestamp.T() tmax = Timestamp.T(optional=True)
[docs]class Channel(Block): '''Representation of an entry in a CHANNEL section.''' _format = { None: [ E(1, 9, 'a9'), E(11, 15, 'a5'), E(17, 19, 'a3'), E(21, 24, 'a4'), E(26, 34, 'f9.5'), E(36, 45, 'f10.5'), E(47, 58, 'a12'), E(60, 64, x_scaled('f5.3', km)), E(66, 70, x_scaled('f5.3', km)), E(72, 77, 'f6.1'), E(79, 83, 'f5.1'), E(85, 95, 'f11.6'), E(97, 102, 'a6'), E(105, 114, x_date), E(116, 125, optional(x_date))], 'GSE2.0': [ E(0, -1, x_substitute('')), E(1, 5, 'a5'), E(7, 9, 'a3'), E(11, 14, 'a4'), E(16, 24, 'f9.5'), E(26, 35, 'f10.5'), E(32, 31, x_substitute('WGS-84')), E(37, 43, x_scaled('f7.3', km)), E(45, 50, x_scaled('f6.3', km)), E(52, 57, 'f6.1'), E(59, 63, 'f5.1'), E(65, 75, 'f11.6'), E(77, 83, 'a7'), E(85, 94, x_date), E(96, 105, optional(x_date))]} # norsar plays its own game... _format['GSE2.0', 'NOR_NDC'] = list(_format['GSE2.0']) _format['GSE2.0', 'NOR_NDC'][-2:] = [ E(85, 100, x_date_time_no_seconds), E(102, 117, optional(x_date_time_no_seconds))] # also iris plays its own game... _format['IMS1.0', 'USA_DMC'] = list(_format[None]) _format['IMS1.0', 'USA_DMC'][-2:] = [ E(105, 114, x_date_iris), E(116, 125, optional(x_date_iris))] network = String.T(help='network code (9 characters)') station = String.T(help='station code (5 characters)') channel = String.T(help='channel code (3 characters)') location = String.T( default='', optional=True, help='location code (aux_id, 4 characters)') lat = Float.T(optional=True) lon = Float.T(optional=True) coordinate_system = String.T(default='WGS-84') elevation = Float.T(optional=True, help='elevation [m]') depth = Float.T(optional=True, help='emplacement depth [m]') horizontal_angle = Float.T( optional=True, help='horizontal orientation of sensor, clockwise from north [deg]') vertical_angle = Float.T( optional=True, help='vertical orientation of sensor from vertical [deg]') sample_rate = Float.T() instrument_type = String.T( default='', optional=True, help='instrument type (6 characters)') tmin = Timestamp.T() tmax = Timestamp.T(optional=True)
[docs]class BeamGroup(Block): '''Representation of an entry in a BEAM group table.''' _format = [ E(1, 8, 'a8'), E(10, 14, 'a5'), E(16, 18, 'a3'), E(20, 23, 'a4'), E(25, 27, 'i3'), E(29, 37, 'f9.5')] beam_group = String.T(help='beam group (8 characters)') station = String.T(help='station code (5 characters)') channel = String.T(help='channel code (3 characters)') location = String.T( default='', optional=True, help='location code (aux_id, 4 characters)') weight = Int.T( optional=True, help='weight used for this component when the beam was formed') delay = Float.T( optional=True, help='beam delay for this component [s] ' '(used for meabs formed by non-plane waves)')
[docs]class BeamType(StringChoice): choices = ['inc', 'coh'] ignore_case = True
[docs]class FilterType(StringChoice): choices = ['BP', 'LP', 'HP', 'BR'] ignore_case = True
[docs]class BeamParameters(Block): '''Representation of an entry in a BEAM parameters table.''' _format = [ E(1, 12, 'a12'), E(14, 21, 'a8'), E(23, 25, 'a3'), E(27, 27, x_yesno), E(29, 33, 'f5.1'), E(35, 39, 'f5.3'), # standard says f5.1 -999.0 is vertical beam E(41, 48, 'a8'), E(50, 55, 'f6.2'), E(57, 62, 'f6.2'), E(64, 65, 'i2'), E(67, 67, x_yesno), E(69, 70, 'a2'), E(72, 81, x_date), E(83, 92, optional(x_date))] beam_id = String.T() beam_group = String.T() type = BeamType.T() is_rotated = Bool.T(help='rotation flag') azimuth = Float.T( help='azimuth used to steer the beam [deg] (clockwise from North)') slowness = Float.T( help='slowness used to steer the beam [s/deg]') phase = String.T( help='phase used to set the beam slowness for origin-based beams ' '(8 characters)') filter_fmin = Float.T( help='low frequency cut-off for the beam filter [Hz]') filter_fmax = Float.T( help='high frequency cut-off for the beam filter [Hz]') filter_order = Int.T( help='order of the beam filter') filter_is_zero_phase = Bool.T( help='flag to indicate zero-phase filtering') filter_type = FilterType.T( help='type of filtering') tmin = Timestamp.T( help='start date of beam use') tmax = Timestamp.T( optional=True, help='end date of beam use')
[docs]class OutageReportPeriod(Block): '''Representation of a the report period of an OUTAGE section.''' _format = [ E(1, 18, x_fixed(b'Report period from'), dummy=True), E(20, 42, x_date_time), E(44, 45, x_fixed(b'to'), dummy=True), E(47, 69, x_date_time)] tmin = Timestamp.T() tmax = Timestamp.T()
[docs]class Outage(Block): '''Representation of an entry in the OUTAGE section table.''' _format = [ E(1, 9, 'a9'), E(11, 15, 'a5'), E(17, 19, 'a3'), E(21, 24, 'a4'), E(26, 48, x_date_time), E(50, 72, x_date_time), E(74, 83, 'f10.3'), E(85, None, 'a48+')] network = String.T(help='network code (9 characters)') station = String.T(help='station code (5 characters)') channel = String.T(help='channel code (3 characters)') location = String.T( default='', optional=True, help='location code (aux_id, 4 characters)') tmin = Timestamp.T() tmax = Timestamp.T() duration = Float.T() comment = String.T()
[docs]class CAL2(Block): '''Representation of a CAL2 line.''' _format = { None: [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'CAL2'), dummy=True), E(6, 10, 'a5'), E(12, 14, 'a3'), E(16, 19, 'a4'), E(21, 26, 'a6'), E(28, 42, x_scaled('e15.8', nm_per_s)), # standard: e15.2 E(44, 50, 'f7.3'), E(52, 62, 'f11.5'), E(64, 79, x_date_time_no_seconds), E(81, 96, optional(x_date_time_no_seconds))], 'GSE2.0': [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'CAL2'), dummy=True), E(6, 10, 'a5'), E(12, 14, 'a3'), E(16, 19, 'a4'), E(21, 26, 'a6'), E(28, 37, x_scaled('e10.4', nm_per_s)), E(39, 45, 'f7.3'), E(47, 56, 'f10.5'), E(58, 73, x_date_time_no_seconds), E(75, 90, optional(x_date_time_no_seconds))]} station = String.T(help='station code (5 characters)') channel = String.T(help='channel code (3 characters)') location = String.T( default='', optional=True, help='location code (aux_id, 4 characters)') instrument_type = String.T( default='', optional=True, help='instrument type (6 characters)') calibration_factor = Float.T( help='system sensitivity (m/count) at reference period ' '(calibration_period)') calibration_period = Float.T(help='calibration reference period [s]') sample_rate = Float.T(help='system output sample rate [Hz]') tmin = Timestamp.T(help='effective start date and time') tmax = Timestamp.T(optional=True, help='effective end date and time') comments = List.T(String.T(optional=True))
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): lstart = reader.current_line_number() line = reader.readline() obj = cls.deserialize(line, reader.version_dialect) while True: line = reader.readline() # make sure all comments are read if line is None or not line.startswith(b' '): reader.pushback() break obj.append_dataline(line, reader.version_dialect) obj.comments.extend(reader.get_comments_after(lstart)) return obj
[docs] def write(self, writer): s = self.serialize(writer.version_dialect) writer.writeline(s) for c in self.comments: writer.writeline((' (%s)' % c).encode('ascii'))
[docs]class Units(StringChoice): choices = ['V', 'A', 'C'] ignore_case = True
[docs]class Stage(Block): '''Base class for IMS/GSE2 response stages. Available response stages are :py:class:`PAZ2`, :py:class:`FAP2`, :py:class:`GEN2`, :py:class:`DIG2`, and :py:class:`FIR2`. ''' stage_number = Int.T(help='stage sequence number')
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): lstart = reader.current_line_number() line = reader.readline() obj = cls.deserialize(line, reader.version_dialect) while True: line = reader.readline() if line is None or not line.startswith(b' '): reader.pushback() break obj.append_dataline(line, reader.version_dialect) obj.comments.extend(reader.get_comments_after(lstart)) return obj
[docs] def write(self, writer): line = self.serialize(writer.version_dialect) writer.writeline(line) self.write_datalines(writer) for c in self.comments: writer.writeline((' (%s)' % c).encode('ascii'))
[docs] def write_datalines(self, writer): pass
[docs]class PAZ2Data(Block): '''Representation of the complex numbers in PAZ2 sections.''' _format = [ E(2, 16, 'e15.8'), E(18, 32, 'e15.8')] real = Float.T() imag = Float.T()
[docs]class PAZ2(Stage): '''Representation of a PAZ2 line.''' _format = { None: [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'PAZ2'), dummy=True), E(6, 7, 'i2'), E(9, 9, 'a1'), E(11, 25, 'e15.8'), E(27, 30, 'i4'), E(32, 39, 'f8.3'), E(41, 43, 'i3'), E(45, 47, 'i3'), E(49, None, 'a25+')], ('IMS1.0', 'USA_DMC'): [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'PAZ2'), dummy=True), E(6, 7, 'i2'), E(9, 9, 'a1'), E(11, 25, 'e15.8'), E(27, 30, 'i4'), E(32, 39, 'f8.3'), E(40, 42, 'i3'), E(44, 46, 'i3'), E(48, None, 'a25+')]} output_units = Units.T( help='output units code (V=volts, A=amps, C=counts)') scale_factor = Float.T(help='scale factor [ouput units/input units]') decimation = Int.T(optional=True, help='decimation') correction = Float.T(optional=True, help='group correction applied [s]') npoles = Int.T(help='number of poles') nzeros = Int.T(help='number of zeros') description = String.T(default='', optional=True, help='description') poles = List.T(Complex.T()) zeros = List.T(Complex.T()) comments = List.T(String.T(optional=True))
[docs] def append_dataline(self, line, version_dialect): d = PAZ2Data.deserialize(line, version_dialect) v = complex(d.real, d.imag) i = len(self.poles) + len(self.zeros) if i < self.npoles: self.poles.append(v) elif i < self.npoles + self.nzeros: self.zeros.append(v) else: raise DeserializeError( 'more poles and zeros than expected')
[docs] def write_datalines(self, writer): for pole in self.poles: PAZ2Data(real=pole.real, imag=pole.imag).write(writer) for zero in self.zeros: PAZ2Data(real=zero.real, imag=zero.imag).write(writer)
[docs]class FAP2Data(Block): '''Representation of the data tuples in FAP2 section.''' _format = [ E(2, 11, 'f10.5'), E(13, 27, 'e15.8'), E(29, 32, 'i4')] frequency = Float.T() amplitude = Float.T() phase = Float.T()
[docs]class FAP2(Stage): '''Representation of a FAP2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'FAP2'), dummy=True), E(6, 7, 'i2'), E(9, 9, 'a1'), E(11, 14, 'i4'), E(16, 23, 'f8.3'), E(25, 27, 'i3'), E(29, 53, 'a25')] output_units = Units.T( help='output units code (V=volts, A=amps, C=counts)') decimation = Int.T(optional=True, help='decimation') correction = Float.T(help='group correction applied [s]') ntrip = Int.T(help='number of frequency, amplitude, phase triplets') description = String.T(default='', optional=True, help='description') frequencies = List.T(Float.T(), help='frequency [Hz]') amplitudes = List.T( Float.T(), help='amplitude [input untits/output units]') phases = List.T(Float.T(), help='phase delay [degrees]') comments = List.T(String.T(optional=True))
[docs] def append_dataline(self, line, version_dialect): d = FAP2Data.deserialize(line, version_dialect) self.frequencies.append(d.frequency) self.amplitudes.append(d.amplitude) self.phases.append(d.phase)
[docs] def write_datalines(self, writer): for frequency, amplitude, phase in zip( self.frequencies, self.amplitudes, self.phases): FAP2Data( frequency=frequency, amplitude=amplitude, phase=phase).write(writer)
[docs]class GEN2Data(Block): '''Representation of a data tuple in GEN2 section.''' _format = [ E(2, 12, 'f11.5'), E(14, 19, 'f6.3')] corner = Float.T(help='corner frequency [Hz]') slope = Float.T(help='slope above corner [dB/decate]')
[docs]class GEN2(Stage): '''Representation of a GEN2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'GEN2'), dummy=True), E(6, 7, 'i2'), E(9, 9, 'a1'), E(11, 25, x_scaled('e15.8', nm_per_s)), E(27, 33, 'f7.3'), E(35, 38, 'i4'), E(40, 47, 'f8.3'), E(49, 51, 'i3'), E(53, 77, 'a25')] output_units = Units.T( help='output units code (V=volts, A=amps, C=counts)') calibration_factor = Float.T( help='system sensitivity (m/count) at reference period ' '(calibration_period)') calibration_period = Float.T(help='calibration reference period [s]') decimation = Int.T(optional=True, help='decimation') correction = Float.T(help='group correction applied [s]') ncorners = Int.T(help='number of corners') description = String.T(default='', optional=True, help='description') corners = List.T(Float.T(), help='corner frequencies [Hz]') slopes = List.T(Float.T(), help='slopes above corners [dB/decade]') comments = List.T(String.T(optional=True))
[docs] def append_dataline(self, line, version_dialect): d = GEN2Data.deserialize(line, version_dialect) self.corners.append(d.corner) self.slopes.append(d.slope)
[docs] def write_datalines(self, writer): for corner, slope in zip(self.corners, self.slopes): GEN2Data(corner=corner, slope=slope).write(writer)
[docs]class DIG2(Stage): '''Representation of a DIG2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'DIG2'), dummy=True), E(6, 7, 'i2'), E(9, 23, 'e15.8'), E(25, 35, 'f11.5'), E(37, None, 'a25+')] sensitivity = Float.T(help='sensitivity [counts/input units]') sample_rate = Float.T(help='digitizer sample rate [Hz]') description = String.T(default='', optional=True, help='description') comments = List.T(String.T(optional=True))
[docs]class SymmetryFlag(StringChoice): choices = ['A', 'B', 'C'] ignore_case = True
[docs]class FIR2Data(Block): '''Representation of a line of coefficients in a FIR2 section.''' _format = [ E(2, 16, 'e15.8'), E(18, 32, 'e15.8'), E(34, 48, 'e15.8'), E(50, 64, 'e15.8'), E(66, 80, 'e15.8')] factors = List.T(Float.T())
[docs] def values(self): return self.factors + [None]*(5-len(self.factors))
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, line, version_dialect): factors = [v for v in cls.deserialize_values(line, version_dialect) if v is not None] return cls.validated(factors=factors)
[docs]class FIR2(Stage): '''Representation of a FIR2 line.''' _format = [ E(1, 4, x_fixed(b'FIR2'), dummy=True), E(6, 7, 'i2'), E(9, 18, 'e10.2'), E(20, 23, 'i4'), E(25, 32, 'f8.3'), E(34, 34, 'a1'), E(36, 39, 'i4'), E(41, None, 'a25+')] gain = Float.T(help='filter gain (relative factor, not in dB)') decimation = Int.T(optional=True, help='decimation') correction = Float.T(help='group correction applied [s]') symmetry = SymmetryFlag.T( help='symmetry flag (A=asymmetric, B=symmetric (odd), ' 'C=symmetric (even))') nfactors = Int.T(help='number of factors') description = String.T(default='', optional=True, help='description') comments = List.T(String.T(optional=True)) factors = List.T(Float.T())
[docs] def append_dataline(self, line, version_dialect): d = FIR2Data.deserialize(line, version_dialect) self.factors.extend(d.factors)
[docs] def write_datalines(self, writer): i = 0 while i < len(self.factors): FIR2Data(factors=self.factors[i:i+5]).write(writer) i += 5
[docs]class Begin(FreeFormatLine): '''Representation of a BEGIN line.''' _format = [b'BEGIN', 1] version = String.T(optional=True)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): line = reader.readline() obj = cls.deserialize(line, reader.version_dialect) reader.version_dialect[0] = obj.version return obj
[docs] def write(self, writer): FreeFormatLine.write(self, writer) writer.version_dialect[0] = self.version
[docs]class MessageType(StringChoice): choices = ['REQUEST', 'DATA', 'SUBSCRIPTION'] ignore_case = True
[docs]class MsgType(FreeFormatLine): _format = [b'MSG_TYPE', 1] type = MessageType.T()
[docs]class MsgID(FreeFormatLine): '''Representation of a MSG_ID line.''' _format = [b'MSG_ID', 1, 2] msg_id_string = String.T() msg_id_source = String.T(optional=True)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): line = reader.readline() obj = cls.deserialize(line, reader.version_dialect) if obj.msg_id_source in g_dialects: reader.version_dialect[1] = obj.msg_id_source return obj
[docs] def write(self, writer): FreeFormatLine.write(self, writer) if self.msg_id_source in g_dialects: writer.version_dialect[1] = self.msg_id_source
[docs]class RefID(FreeFormatLine): '''Representation of a REF_ID line.''' _format = { None: [b'REF_ID', 1, 2, 'PART', 3, 'OF', 4], 'GSE2.0': [b'REF_ID', 1]} msg_id_string = String.T() msg_id_source = String.T(optional=True) sequence_number = Int.T(optional=True) total_number = Int.T(optional=True)
[docs] def serialize(self, version_dialect): out = ['REF_ID', self.msg_id_string] if self.msg_id_source: out.append(self.msg_id_source) i = self.sequence_number n = self.total_number if i is not None and n is not None: out.extend(['PART', str(i), 'OF', str(n)]) return ' '.join(out).encode('ascii')
[docs]class LogSection(Section): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE LOG section.''' keyword = b'LOG' lines = List.T(String.T())
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): lines = [] while True: line = reader.readline() if end_section(line): reader.pushback() break else: lines.append(str(line.decode('ascii'))) return cls(lines=lines)
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.write_datatype(writer) for line in self.lines: ul = line.upper() if ul.startswith('DATA_TYPE') or ul.startswith('STOP'): line = ' ' + line writer.writeline(str.encode(line))
[docs]class ErrorLogSection(LogSection): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE ERROR_LOG section.''' keyword = b'ERROR_LOG'
[docs]class FTPLogSection(Section): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE FTP_LOG section.''' keyword = b'FTP_LOG' ftp_file = FTPFile.T()
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): ftp_file = return cls(ftp_file=ftp_file)
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.write_datatype(writer) self.ftp_file.write(writer)
[docs]class WID2Section(Section): '''Representation of a WID2/STA2/EID2/BEA2/DAT2/CHK2 group.''' wid2 = WID2.T() sta2 = STA2.T(optional=True) eid2s = List.T(EID2.T()) bea2 = BEA2.T(optional=True) dat2 = DAT2.T() chk2 = CHK2.T()
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): blocks = dict(eid2s=[]) expect = [(b'WID2 ', WID2, 1)] if reader.version_dialect[0] == 'GSE2.0': # should not be there in GSE2.0, but BGR puts it there expect.append((b'STA2 ', STA2, 0)) else: expect.append((b'STA2 ', STA2, 1)) expect.extend([ (b'EID2 ', EID2, 0), (b'BEA2 ', BEA2, 0), (b'DAT2', DAT2, 1), (b'CHK2 ', CHK2, 1)]) for k, handler, required in expect: line = reader.readline() reader.pushback() if line is None: raise DeserializeError('incomplete waveform section') if line.upper().startswith(k): block = if k == b'EID2 ': blocks['eid2s'].append(block) else: blocks[str(k.lower().rstrip().decode('ascii'))] = block else: if required: raise DeserializeError('expected %s block' % k) else: continue return cls(**blocks)
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.wid2.write(writer) if self.sta2: self.sta2.write(writer) for eid2 in self.eid2s: eid2.write(writer) if self.bea2: self.bea2.write(writer) self.dat2.write(writer) self.chk2.write(writer)
[docs] def pyrocko_trace(self, checksum_error='raise'): from pyrocko import ims_ext, trace assert checksum_error in ('raise', 'warn', 'ignore') raw_data = self.dat2.raw_data nsamples = self.wid2.nsamples deltat = 1.0 / self.wid2.sample_rate tmin = self.wid2.time if self.sta2: net = else: net = '' sta = self.wid2.station loc = self.wid2.location cha = if raw_data: ydata = ims_ext.decode_cm6(b''.join(raw_data), nsamples) if checksum_error != 'ignore': if ims_ext.checksum(ydata) != self.chk2.checksum: mess = 'computed checksum value differs from stored value' if checksum_error == 'raise': raise DeserializeError(mess) elif checksum_error == 'warn': logger.warning(mess) tmax = None else: tmax = tmin + (nsamples - 1) * deltat ydata = None return trace.Trace( net, sta, loc, cha, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, deltat=deltat, ydata=ydata)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pyrocko_trace(cls, tr, lat=None, lon=None, elevation=None, depth=None): from pyrocko import ims_ext ydata = tr.get_ydata() raw_data = ims_ext.encode_cm6(ydata) return cls( wid2=WID2( nsamples=tr.data_len(), sample_rate=1.0 / tr.deltat, time=tr.tmin, station=tr.station, location=tr.location,, sta2=STA2(, lat=lat, lon=lon, elevation=elevation, depth=depth), dat2=DAT2( raw_data=[raw_data[i*80:(i+1)*80] for i in range((len(raw_data)-1)//80 + 1)]), chk2=CHK2( checksum=ims_ext.checksum(ydata)))
[docs]class OUT2Section(Section): '''Representation of a OUT2/STA2 group.''' out2 = OUT2.T() sta2 = STA2.T()
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): out2 = line = reader.readline() reader.pushback() if line.startswith(b'STA2'): # the spec sais STA2 is mandatory but in practice, it is not # always there... sta2 = else: sta2 = None return cls(out2=out2, sta2=sta2)
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.out2.write(writer) if self.sta2 is not None: self.sta2.write(writer)
[docs]class DLY2Section(Section): '''Representation of a DLY2/STA2 group.''' dly2 = DLY2.T() sta2 = STA2.T()
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): dly2 = sta2 = return cls(dly2=dly2, sta2=sta2)
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.dly2.write(writer) self.sta2.write(writer)
[docs]class WaveformSection(Section): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE WAVEFORM line. Any subsequent WID2/OUT2/DLY2 groups are handled as indepenent sections, so this type just serves as a dummy to read/write the DATA_TYPE WAVEFORM header.''' keyword = b'WAVEFORM' datatype = DataType.T()
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): datatype = return cls(datatype=datatype)
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.datatype.write(writer)
[docs]class TableSection(Section): '''Base class for table style sections.''' has_data_type_header = True
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): if cls.has_data_type_header: ts = cls.table_setup header = get_versioned(ts['header'], reader.version_dialect) blocks = list(cls.read_table( reader, header, ts['cls'], end=ts.get('end', end_section))) return cls(**{ts['attribute']: blocks})
[docs] def write(self, writer): if self.has_data_type_header: self.write_datatype(writer) ts = self.table_setup header = get_versioned(ts['header'], writer.version_dialect) self.write_table(writer, header, getattr(self, ts['attribute']))
[docs]class NetworkSection(TableSection): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE NETWORK section.''' keyword = b'NETWORK' table_setup = dict( header=b'Net Description', attribute='networks', cls=Network) networks = List.T(Network.T())
[docs]class StationSection(TableSection): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE STATION section.''' keyword = b'STATION' table_setup = dict( header={ None: ( b'Net Sta Type Latitude Longitude Coord ' b'Sys Elev On Date Off Date'), 'GSE2.0': ( b'Sta Type Latitude Longitude Elev On Date ' b'Off Date')}, attribute='stations', cls=Station) stations = List.T(Station.T())
[docs]class ChannelSection(TableSection): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE CHANNEL section.''' keyword = b'CHANNEL' table_setup = dict( header={ None: ( b'Net Sta Chan Aux Latitude Longitude Coord Sys' b' Elev Depth Hang Vang Sample Rate Inst ' b'On Date Off Date'), 'GSE2.0': ( b'Sta Chan Aux Latitude Longitude ' b'Elev Depth Hang Vang Sample_Rate Inst ' b'On Date Off Date')}, attribute='channels', cls=Channel) channels = List.T(Channel.T())
[docs]class BeamSection(Section): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE BEAM section.''' keyword = b'BEAM' beam_group_header = b'Bgroup Sta Chan Aux Wgt Delay' beam_parameters_header = b'BeamID Bgroup Btype R Azim Slow '\ b'Phase Flo Fhi O Z F '\ b'On Date Off Date' group = List.T(BeamGroup.T()) parameters = List.T(BeamParameters.T())
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): def end(line): return line.upper().startswith(b'BEAMID') group = list(cls.read_table(reader, cls.beam_group_header, BeamGroup, end)) parameters = list(cls.read_table(reader, cls.beam_parameters_header, BeamParameters)) return cls(group=group, parameters=parameters)
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.write_datatype(writer) self.write_table(writer, self.beam_group_header, writer.writeline(b'') self.write_table(writer, self.beam_parameters_header, self.parameters)
[docs]class CAL2Section(Section): '''Representation of a CAL2 + stages group in a response section.''' cal2 = CAL2.T() stages = List.T(Stage.T())
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): cal2 = stages = [] handlers = { b'PAZ2': PAZ2, b'FAP2': FAP2, b'GEN2': GEN2, b'DIG2': DIG2, b'FIR2': FIR2} while True: line = reader.readline() reader.pushback() if end_section(line, b'CAL2'): break k = line[:4].upper() if k in handlers: stages.append(handlers[k].read(reader)) else: raise DeserializeError('unexpected line') return cls(cal2=cal2, stages=stages)
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.cal2.write(writer) for stage in self.stages: stage.write(writer)
[docs]class ResponseSection(Section): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE RESPONSE line. Any subsequent CAL2+stages groups are handled as indepenent sections, so this type just serves as a dummy to read/write the DATA_TYPE RESPONSE header.''' keyword = b'RESPONSE' datatype = DataType.T()
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): datatype = return cls(datatype=datatype)
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.datatype.write(writer)
[docs]class OutageSection(Section): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE OUTAGE section.''' keyword = b'OUTAGE' outages_header = b'NET Sta Chan Aux Start Date Time'\ b' End Date Time Duration Comment' report_period = OutageReportPeriod.T() outages = List.T(Outage.T())
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): report_period = outages = [] outages = list(cls.read_table(reader, cls.outages_header, Outage)) return cls( report_period=report_period, outages=outages)
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.write_datatype(writer) self.report_period.write(writer) self.write_table(writer, self.outages_header, self.outages)
[docs]class BulletinTitle(Block): _format = [ E(1, 136, 'a136')] title = String.T()
g_event_types = dict( uk='unknown', ke='known earthquake', se='suspected earthquake', kr='known rockburst', sr='suspected rockburst', ki='known induced event', si='suspected induced event', km='known mine explosion', sm='suspected mine explosion', kx='known experimental explosion', sx='suspected experimental explosion', kn='known nuclear explosion', sn='suspected nuclear explosion', ls='landslide', de='??', fe='??',)
[docs]class Origin(Block): _format = [ E(1, 22, x_date_time_2frac), E(23, 23, 'a1?'), E(25, 29, 'f5.2'), E(31, 35, 'f5.2'), E(37, 44, 'f8.4'), E(46, 54, 'f9.4'), E(55, 55, 'a1?'), E(57, 60, x_scaled('f4.1', km)), E(62, 66, x_scaled('f5.1', km)), E(68, 70, x_int_angle), E(72, 76, x_scaled('f5.1', km)), E(77, 77, 'a1?'), E(79, 82, x_scaled('f4.1', km)), E(84, 87, 'i4'), E(89, 92, 'i4'), E(94, 96, x_int_angle), E(98, 103, 'f6.2'), E(105, 110, 'f6.2'), E(112, 112, 'a1?'), E(114, 114, 'a1?'), E(116, 117, 'a2?'), E(119, 127, 'a9'), E(129, 136, 'a8')] time = Timestamp.T( help='epicenter date and time') time_fixed = StringChoice.T( choices=['f'], optional=True, help='fixed flag, ``"f"`` if fixed origin time solution, ' '``None`` if not') time_error = Float.T( optional=True, help='origin time error [seconds], ``None`` if fixed origin time') residual = Float.T( optional=True, help='root mean square of time residuals [seconds]') lat = Float.T( help='latitude') lon = Float.T( help='longitude') lat_lon_fixed = StringChoice.T( choices=['f'], optional=True, help='fixed flag, ``"f"`` if fixed epicenter solution, ' '``None`` if not') ellipse_semi_major_axis = Float.T( optional=True, help='semi-major axis of 90% c. i. ellipse or its estimate [m], ' '``None`` if fixed') ellipse_semi_minor_axis = Float.T( optional=True, help='semi-minor axis of 90% c. i. ellipse or its estimate [m], ' '``None`` if fixed') ellipse_strike = Float.T( optional=True, help='strike of 90% c. i. ellipse [0-360], ``None`` if fixed') depth = Float.T( help='depth [m]') depth_fixed = StringChoice.T( choices=['f', 'd'], optional=True, help='fixed flag, ``"f"`` fixed depth station, "d" depth phases, ' '``None`` if not fixed depth') depth_error = Float.T( optional=True, help='depth error [m], 90% c. i., ``None`` if fixed depth') nphases = Int.T( optional=True, help='number of defining phases') nstations = Int.T( optional=True, help='number of defining stations') azimuthal_gap = Float.T( optional=True, help='gap in azimuth coverage [deg]') distance_min = Float.T( optional=True, help='distance to closest station [deg]') distance_max = Float.T( optional=True, help='distance to furthest station [deg]') analysis_type = StringChoice.T( optional=True, choices=['a', 'm', 'g'], help='analysis type, ``"a"`` automatic, ``"m"`` manual, ``"g"`` guess') location_method = StringChoice.T( optional=True, choices=['i', 'p', 'g', 'o'], help='location method, ``"i"`` inversion, ``"p"`` pattern, ' '``"g"`` ground truth, ``"o"`` other') event_type = StringChoice.T( optional=True, choices=sorted(g_event_types.keys()), help='event type, ' + ', '.join( '``"%s"`` %s' % (k, g_event_types[k]) for k in sorted(g_event_types.keys()))) author = String.T(help='author of the origin') origin_id = String.T(help='origin identification')
[docs]class OriginSection(TableSection): has_data_type_header = False table_setup = dict( header={ None: ( b' Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude ' b'Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist ' b'Qual Author OrigID')}, attribute='origins', end=lambda line: end_section(line, b'EVENT'), cls=Origin) origins = List.T(Origin.T())
[docs]class EventTitle(Block): _format = [ E(1, 5, x_fixed(b'Event'), dummy=True), E(7, 14, 'a8'), E(16, 80, 'a65')] event_id = String.T() region = String.T()
[docs]class EventSection(Section): '''Groups Event, Arrival, ...''' event_title = EventTitle.T() origin_section = OriginSection.T()
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): event_title = origin_section = return cls( event_title=event_title, origin_section=origin_section)
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.event_title.write(writer) self.origin_section.write(writer)
[docs]class EventsSection(Section): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE EVENT section.''' keyword = b'EVENT' bulletin_title = BulletinTitle.T() event_sections = List.T(EventSection.T())
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): bulletin_title = event_sections = [] while True: line = reader.readline() reader.pushback() if end_section(line): break if line.upper().startswith(b'EVENT'): event_sections.append( return cls( bulletin_title=bulletin_title, event_sections=event_sections, )
[docs] def write(self, writer): self.write_datatype(writer) self.bulletin_title.write(writer) for event_section in self.event_sections: event_section.write(writer)
[docs]class BulletinSection(EventsSection): '''Representation of a DATA_TYPE BULLETIN section.''' keyword = b'BULLETIN'
for sec in ( LogSection, ErrorLogSection, FTPLogSection, WaveformSection, NetworkSection, StationSection, ChannelSection, BeamSection, ResponseSection, OutageSection, EventsSection, BulletinSection): Section.handlers[sec.keyword] = sec del sec
[docs]class MessageHeader(Section): '''Representation of a BEGIN/MSG_TYPE/MSG_ID/REF_ID group.''' version = String.T() type = String.T() msg_id = MsgID.T(optional=True) ref_id = RefID.T(optional=True)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, reader): handlers = { b'BEGIN': Begin, b'MSG_TYPE': MsgType, b'MSG_ID': MsgID, b'REF_ID': RefID} blocks = {} while True: line = reader.readline() reader.pushback() ok = False for k in handlers: if line.upper().startswith(k): blocks[k] = handlers[k].read(reader) ok = True if not ok: break return MessageHeader( type=blocks[b'MSG_TYPE'].type, version=blocks[b'BEGIN'].version, msg_id=blocks.get(b'MSG_ID', None), ref_id=blocks.get(b'REF_ID', None))
[docs] def write(self, writer): Begin(version=self.version).write(writer) MsgType(type=self.type).write(writer) if self.msg_id is not None: self.msg_id.write(writer) if self.ref_id is not None: self.ref_id.write(writer)
[docs]def parse_ff_date_time(s): toks = s.split() if len(toks) == 2: sdate, stime = toks else: sdate, stime = toks[0], '' stime += '00:00:00.000'[len(stime):] return util.str_to_time( sdate + ' ' + stime, format='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.3FRAC')
[docs]def string_ff_date_time(t): return util.time_to_str(t, format='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.3FRAC')
[docs]class TimeStamp(FreeFormatLine): '''Representation of a TIME_STAMP line.''' _format = [b'TIME_STAMP', 1] value = Timestamp.T()
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, line, version_dialect): (s,) = cls.deserialize_values(line, version_dialect) return cls(value=parse_ff_date_time(s))
[docs] def serialize(self, line, version_dialect): return ( 'TIME_STAMP %s' % string_ff_date_time(self.value)).encode('ascii')
[docs]class Stop(FreeFormatLine): '''Representation of a STOP line.''' _format = [b'STOP'] dummy = String.T(optional=True)
[docs]class XW01(FreeFormatLine): '''Representation of a XW01 line (which is a relict from GSE1).''' _format = [b'XW01'] dummy = String.T(optional=True)
re_comment = re.compile(br'^(%(.+)\s*| \((#?)(.+)\)\s*)$') re_comment_usa_dmc = re.compile(br'^(%(.+)\s*| ?\((#?)(.+)\)\s*)$')
[docs]class Reader(object): def __init__(self, f, load_data=True, version=None, dialect=None): self._f = f self._load_data = load_data self._current_fpos = None self._current_lpos = None # "physical" line number self._current_line = None self._readline_count = 0 self._pushed_back = False self._handlers = { b'DATA_TYPE ': Section, b'WID2 ': WID2Section, b'OUT2 ': OUT2Section, b'DLY2 ': DLY2Section, b'CAL2 ': CAL2Section, b'BEGIN': MessageHeader, b'STOP': Stop, b'XW01': XW01, # for compatibility with BGR dialect b'HANG:': None, # for compatibility with CNDC b'VANG:': None, } self._comment_lines = [] self._time_stamps = [] self.version_dialect = [version, dialect] # main version, dialect self._in_garbage = True
[docs] def tell(self): return self._current_fpos
[docs] def current_line_number(self): return self._current_lpos - int(self._pushed_back)
[docs] def readline(self): if self._pushed_back: self._pushed_back = False return self._current_line while True: self._current_fpos = self._f.tell() self._current_lpos = self._readline_count + 1 ln = self._f.readline() self._readline_count += 1 if not ln: self._current_line = None return None lines = [ln.rstrip(b'\n\r')] while lines[-1].endswith(b'\\'): lines[-1] = lines[-1][:-1] ln = self._f.readline() self._readline_count += 1 lines.append(ln.rstrip(b'\n\r')) self._current_line = b''.join(lines) if self.version_dialect[1] == 'USA_DMC': m_comment = re_comment_usa_dmc.match(self._current_line) else: m_comment = re_comment.match(self._current_line) if not self._current_line.strip(): pass elif m_comment: comment_type = None if == b'#': comment_type = 'ISF' elif is not None: comment_type = 'IMS' comment = or self._comment_lines.append( (self._current_lpos, comment_type, str(comment.decode('ascii')))) elif self._current_line[:10].upper() == b'TIME_STAMP': self._time_stamps.append( TimeStamp.deserialize( self._current_line, self.version_dialect)) else: return self._current_line
[docs] def get_comments_after(self, lpos): comments = [] i = len(self._comment_lines) - 1 while i >= 0: if self._comment_lines[i][0] <= lpos: break comments.append(self._comment_lines[i][-1]) i -= 1 return comments
[docs] def pushback(self): assert not self._pushed_back self._pushed_back = True
def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): try: while True: line = self.readline() if line is None: raise StopIteration() ignore = False for k in self._handlers: if line.upper().startswith(k): if self._handlers[k] is None: ignore = True break self.pushback() sec = self._handlers[k].read(self) if isinstance(sec, Stop): self._in_garbage = True else: self._in_garbage = False return sec if not self._in_garbage and not ignore: raise DeserializeError('unexpected line') except DeserializeError as e: e.set_context( self._current_lpos, self._current_line, self.version_dialect) raise
[docs]class Writer(object): def __init__(self, f, version='GSE2.1', dialect=None): self._f = f self.version_dialect = [version, dialect]
[docs] def write(self, section): section.write(self)
[docs] def writeline(self, line): self._f.write(line.rstrip()) self._f.write(b'\n')
[docs]def write_string(sections): from io import BytesIO f = BytesIO() w = Writer(f) for section in sections: w.write(section) return f.getvalue()
[docs]def iload_fh(f, **kwargs): '''Load IMS/GSE2 records from open file handle.''' try: r = Reader(f, **kwargs) for section in r: yield section except DeserializeError as e: raise FileLoadError(e)
[docs]def iload_string(s, **kwargs): '''Read IMS/GSE2 sections from bytes string.''' from io import BytesIO f = BytesIO(s) return iload_fh(f, **kwargs)
iload_filename, iload_dirname, iload_glob, iload = util.make_iload_family( iload_fh, 'IMS/GSE2', ':py:class:`Section`')
[docs]def dump_fh(sections, f): '''Dump IMS/GSE2 sections to open file handle.''' try: w = Writer(f) for section in sections: w.write(section) except SerializeError as e: raise FileSaveError(e)
[docs]def dump_string(sections): '''Write IMS/GSE2 sections to string.''' from io import BytesIO f = BytesIO() dump_fh(sections, f) return f.getvalue()
if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser usage = 'python -m pyrocko.ims <filenames>' util.setup_logging('pyrocko.ims.__main__', 'warning') description = ''' Read and print IMS/GSE2 records. ''' parser = OptionParser( usage=usage, description=description, formatter=util.BetterHelpFormatter()) parser.add_option( '--version', dest='version', choices=g_versions, help='inial guess for version') parser.add_option( '--dialect', dest='dialect', choices=g_dialects, help='inial guess for dialect') parser.add_option( '--load-data', dest='load_data', action='store_true', help='unpack data samples') parser.add_option( '--out-version', dest='out_version', choices=g_versions, help='output format version') parser.add_option( '--out-dialect', dest='out_dialect', choices=g_dialects, help='output format dialect') (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) for fn in args: with open(fn, 'rb') as f: r = Reader(f, load_data=options.load_data, version=options.version, dialect=options.dialect) w = None if options.out_version is not None: w = Writer( sys.stdout, version=options.out_version, dialect=options.out_dialect) for sec in r: if not w: print(sec) else: w.write(sec) if isinstance(sec, WID2Section) and options.load_data: tr = sec.pyrocko_trace(checksum_error='warn')