Source code for

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import map

import time
import re
import logging

from pyrocko import util, guts
from import io_common
from import stationxml as sxml

logger = logging.getLogger('')

[docs]class RespError(io_common.FileLoadError): pass
[docs]def ppolezero(s): v = s.split() return sxml.PoleZero( number=int(v[0]), real=sxml.FloatNoUnit( value=float(v[1]), plus_error=float(v[3]) or None, minus_error=float(v[3]) or None), imaginary=sxml.FloatNoUnit( value=float(v[2]), plus_error=float(v[4]) or None, minus_error=float(v[4]) or None))
[docs]def pcfu(s): v = list(map(float, s.split())) return sxml.FloatWithUnit( value=float(v[-2]), plus_error=float(v[-1]) or None, minus_error=float(v[-1]) or None)
[docs]def pnc(s): v = list(map(float, s.split())) return sxml.NumeratorCoefficient(i=int(v[0]), value=float(v[1]))
[docs]def punit(s): return str(s.split()[0].decode('ascii'))
[docs]def psymmetry(s): return { b'A': 'NONE', b'B': 'ODD', b'C': 'EVEN'}[s.upper()]
[docs]def ptftype(s): if s.startswith(b'A'): return 'LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)' elif s.startswith(b'B'): return 'LAPLACE (HERTZ)' elif s.startswith(b'D'): return 'DIGITAL (Z-TRANSFORM)' else: raise RespError('unknown pz transfer function type')
[docs]def pcftype(s): if s.startswith(b'A'): return 'ANALOG (RADIANS/SECOND)' elif s.startswith(b'B'): return 'ANALOG (HERTZ)' elif s.startswith(b'D'): return 'DIGITAL' else: raise RespError('unknown cf transfer function type')
[docs]def pblock_060(content): stage_number = int(get1(content, b'04')) return stage_number, None
[docs]def pblock_053(content): stage_number = int(get1(content, b'04')) pzs = sxml.PolesZeros( pz_transfer_function_type=ptftype(get1(content, b'03')), input_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'05'))), output_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'06'))), normalization_factor=float(get1(content, b'07')), normalization_frequency=sxml.Frequency( value=float(get1(content, b'08'))), zero_list=list(map(ppolezero, getn(content, b'10-13'))), pole_list=list(map(ppolezero, getn(content, b'15-18')))) for i, x in enumerate(pzs.zero_list): x.number = i for i, x in enumerate(pzs.pole_list): x.number = i return stage_number, pzs
[docs]def pblock_043(content): stage_number = -1 pzs = sxml.PolesZeros( pz_transfer_function_type=ptftype(get1(content, b'05')), input_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'06'))), output_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'07'))), normalization_factor=float(get1(content, b'08')), normalization_frequency=sxml.Frequency( value=float(get1(content, b'09'))), zero_list=list(map(ppolezero, getn(content, b'11-14'))), pole_list=list(map(ppolezero, getn(content, b'16-19')))) for i, x in enumerate(pzs.zero_list): x.number = i for i, x in enumerate(pzs.pole_list): x.number = i return stage_number, pzs
[docs]def pblock_058(content): stage_number = int(get1(content, b'03')) gain = sxml.Gain( value=float(get1(content, b'04')), frequency=float(get1(content, b'05').split()[0])) return stage_number, gain
[docs]def pblock_048(content): stage_number = -1 gain = sxml.Gain( value=float(get1(content, b'05')), frequency=float(get1(content, b'06').split()[0])) return stage_number, gain
[docs]def pblock_054(content): stage_number = int(get1(content, b'04')) cfs = sxml.Coefficients( cf_transfer_function_type=pcftype(get1(content, b'03')), input_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'05'))), output_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'06'))), numerator_list=list(map(pcfu, getn(content, b'08-09'))), denominator_list=list(map(pcfu, getn(content, b'11-12')))) return stage_number, cfs
[docs]def pblock_044(content): stage_number = -1 cfs = sxml.Coefficients( cf_transfer_function_type=pcftype(get1(content, b'05')), input_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'06'))), output_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'07'))), numerator_list=list(map(pcfu, getn(content, b'09-10'))), denominator_list=list(map(pcfu, getn(content, b'12-13')))) return stage_number, cfs
[docs]def pblock_057(content): stage_number = int(get1(content, b'03')) deci = sxml.Decimation( input_sample_rate=sxml.Frequency(value=float(get1(content, b'04'))), factor=int(get1(content, b'05')), offset=int(get1(content, b'06')), delay=sxml.FloatWithUnit(value=float(get1(content, b'07'))), correction=sxml.FloatWithUnit(value=float(get1(content, b'08')))) return stage_number, deci
[docs]def pblock_047(content): stage_number = -1 deci = sxml.Decimation( input_sample_rate=sxml.Frequency(value=float(get1(content, b'05'))), factor=int(get1(content, b'06')), offset=int(get1(content, b'07')), delay=sxml.FloatWithUnit(value=float(get1(content, b'08'))), correction=sxml.FloatWithUnit(value=float(get1(content, b'09')))) return stage_number, deci
[docs]def pblock_061(content): stage_number = int(get1(content, b'03')) fir = sxml.FIR( name=get1(content, b'04', optional=True), input_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'06'))), output_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'07'))), symmetry=psymmetry(get1(content, b'05')), numerator_coefficient_list=list(map(pnc, getn(content, b'09')))) return stage_number, fir
[docs]def pblock_041(content): stage_number = -1 fir = sxml.FIR( name=get1(content, b'04', optional=True), input_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'06'))), output_units=sxml.Units(name=punit(get1(content, b'07'))), symmetry=psymmetry(get1(content, b'05')), numerator_coefficient_list=list(map(pnc, getn(content, b'09')))) return stage_number, fir
bdefs = { b'050': { 'name': 'Station Identifier Blockette', }, b'052': { 'name': 'Channel Identifier Blockette', }, b'060': { 'name': 'Response Reference Information', 'parse': pblock_060, }, b'053': { 'name': 'Response (Poles & Zeros) Blockette', 'parse': pblock_053, }, b'043': { 'name': 'Response (Poles & Zeros) Dictionary Blockette', 'parse': pblock_043, }, b'054': { 'name': 'Response (Coefficients) Blockette', 'parse': pblock_054, }, b'044': { 'name': 'Response (Coefficients) Dictionary Blockette', 'parse': pblock_044, }, b'057': { 'name': 'Decimation Blockette', 'parse': pblock_057, }, b'047': { 'name': 'Decimation Dictionary Blockette', 'parse': pblock_047, }, b'058': { 'name': 'Channel Sensitivity/Gain Blockette', 'parse': pblock_058, }, b'048': { 'name': 'Channel Sensitivity/Gain Dictionary Blockette', 'parse': pblock_048, }, b'061': { 'name': 'FIR Response Blockette', 'parse': pblock_061, }, b'041': { 'name': 'FIR Dictionary Blockette', 'parse': pblock_041, }, }
[docs]def parse1(f): for line in f: line = line.rstrip(b'\r\n') m = re.match( br'\s*(#(.+)|B(\d\d\d)F(\d\d(-\d\d)?)\s+(([^:]+):\s*)?(.*))', line) if m: if pass elif block = field = key = value = yield block, field, key, value
[docs]def parse2(f): current_b = None content = [] for block, field, key, value in parse1(f): if current_b != block or field == b'03': if current_b is not None: yield current_b, content current_b = block content = [] content.append((field, key, value)) if current_b is not None: yield current_b, content
[docs]def parse3(f): state = [None, None, []] for block, content in parse2(f): if block == b'050' and state[0] and state[1]: yield state state = [None, None, []] if block == b'050': state[0] = content elif block == b'052': state[1] = content else: state[2].append((block, content)) if state[0] and state[1]: yield state
[docs]def get1(content, field, default=None, optional=False): for field_, _, value in content: if field_ == field: return value else: if optional: return None elif default is not None: return default else: raise RespError('key not found: %s' % field)
[docs]def getn(content, field): lst = [] for field_, _, value in content: if field_ == field: lst.append(value) return lst
[docs]def pdate(s): if len(s) < 17: s += b'0000,001,00:00:00'[len(s):] if s.startswith(b'2599') or s.startswith(b'2999'): return None elif s.lower().startswith(b'no'): return None else: t = s.split(b',') if len(t) > 2 and t[1] == b'000': s = b','.join([t[0], b'001'] + t[2:]) return util.str_to_time( str(s.decode('ascii')), format='%Y,%j,%H:%M:%S.OPTFRAC')
[docs]def ploc(s): if s == b'??': return '' else: return str(s.decode('ascii'))
[docs]def pcode(s): return str(s.decode('ascii'))
[docs]def gett(lst, t): return [x for x in lst if isinstance(x, t)]
[docs]def gett1o(lst, t): lst = [x for x in lst if isinstance(x, t)] if len(lst) == 0: return None elif len(lst) == 1: return lst[0] else: raise RespError('duplicate entry')
[docs]def gett1(lst, t): lst = [x for x in lst if isinstance(x, t)] if len(lst) == 0: raise RespError('entry not found') elif len(lst) == 1: return lst[0] else: raise RespError('duplicate entry')
[docs]class ChannelResponse(guts.Object): '''Response information + channel codes and time span.''' codes = guts.Tuple.T(4, guts.String.T(default='')) start_date = guts.Timestamp.T() end_date = guts.Timestamp.T() response = sxml.Response.T()
[docs]def iload_fh(f): '''Read RESP information from open file handle.''' for sc, cc, rcs in parse3(f): nslc = ( pcode(get1(sc, b'16')), pcode(get1(sc, b'03')), ploc(get1(cc, b'03', b'')), pcode(get1(cc, b'04'))) try: tmin = pdate(get1(cc, b'22')) tmax = pdate(get1(cc, b'23')) except util.TimeStrError as e: raise RespError('invalid date in RESP information. (%s)' % str(e)) stage_elements = {} istage = -1 for block, content in rcs: if block not in bdefs: raise RespError('unknown block type found: %s' % block) istage_temp, x = bdefs[block]['parse'](content) if istage_temp != -1: istage = istage_temp if x is None: continue x.validate() if istage not in stage_elements: stage_elements[istage] = [] stage_elements[istage].append(x) istages = sorted(stage_elements.keys()) stages = [] totalgain = None for istage in istages: elements = stage_elements[istage] if istage == 0: totalgain = gett1(elements, sxml.Gain) else: stage = sxml.ResponseStage( number=istage, poles_zeros_list=gett(elements, sxml.PolesZeros), coefficients_list=gett(elements, sxml.Coefficients), fir=gett1o(elements, sxml.FIR), decimation=gett1o(elements, sxml.Decimation), stage_gain=gett1o(elements, sxml.Gain)) stages.append(stage) if stages: resp = sxml.Response( stage_list=stages) if totalgain: totalgain_value = totalgain.value totalgain_frequency = totalgain.frequency else: totalgain_value = 1. gain_frequencies = [] for stage in stages: totalgain_value *= stage.stage_gain.value gain_frequencies.append(stage.stage_gain.frequency) totalgain_frequency = gain_frequencies[0] if not all(f == totalgain_frequency for f in gain_frequencies): logger.warn( 'no total gain reported and inconsistent gain ' 'frequency values found in resp file for %s.%s.%s.%s: ' 'omitting total gain and frequency from created ' 'instrument sensitivity object' % nslc) totalgain_value = None totalgain_frequency = None resp.instrument_sensitivity = sxml.Sensitivity( value=totalgain_value, frequency=totalgain_frequency, input_units=stages[0].input_units, output_units=stages[-1].output_units) yield ChannelResponse( codes=nslc, start_date=tmin, end_date=tmax, response=resp) else: raise RespError('incomplete response information')
iload_filename, iload_dirname, iload_glob, iload = util.make_iload_family( iload_fh, 'RESP', ':py:class:`ChannelResponse`')
[docs]def make_stationxml(pyrocko_stations, channel_responses): '''Create stationxml from pyrocko station list and RESP information. :param pyrocko_stations: list of :py:class:`pyrocko.model.Station` objects :param channel_responses: iterable yielding :py:class:`ChannelResponse` objects :returns: :py:class:`pyrocko.fdsn.station.FDSNStationXML` object with merged information If no station information is available for any response information, it is skipped and a warning is emitted. ''' pstations = dict((s.nsl(), s) for s in pyrocko_stations) networks = {} stations = {} for (net, sta, loc) in sorted(pstations.keys()): pstation = pstations[net, sta, loc] if net not in networks: networks[net] = sxml.Network(code=net) if (net, sta) not in stations: stations[net, sta] = sxml.Station( code=sta, latitude=sxml.Latitude(, longitude=sxml.Longitude(pstation.lon), elevation=sxml.Distance(pstation.elevation)) networks[net].station_list.append(stations[net, sta]) for cr in channel_responses: net, sta, loc, cha = if (net, sta, loc) in pstations: pstation = pstations[net, sta, loc] channel = sxml.Channel( code=cha, location_code=loc, start_date=cr.start_date, end_date=cr.end_date, latitude=sxml.Latitude(, longitude=sxml.Longitude(pstation.lon), elevation=sxml.Distance(pstation.elevation), depth=sxml.Distance(pstation.depth), response=cr.response) stations[net, sta].channel_list.append(channel) else: logger.warning('no station information for %s.%s.%s' % (net, sta, loc)) for station in stations.values(): station.channel_list.sort(key=lambda c: (c.location_code, c.code)) return sxml.FDSNStationXML( source='Converted from Pyrocko stations file and RESP information', created=time.time(), network_list=[networks[net_] for net_ in sorted(networks.keys())])
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys from pyrocko.model.station import load_stations util.setup_logging(__name__) if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit('usage: python -m pyrocko.fdsn.resp <stations> <resp> ...') stations = load_stations(sys.argv[1]) sxml = make_stationxml(stations, iload(sys.argv[2:])) print(sxml.dump_xml())