Source code for pyrocko.model.station

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
from __future__ import absolute_import, division

from builtins import range
import math
import copy
import logging
import numpy as num

from pyrocko import orthodrome
from pyrocko.orthodrome import wrap
from pyrocko.guts import Object, Float, String, List, dump_all

from .location import Location

logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.model.station')

guts_prefix = 'pf'

d2r = num.pi / 180.

[docs]class ChannelsNotOrthogonal(Exception): pass
def guess_azimuth_from_name(channel_name): if channel_name.endswith('N'): return 0. elif channel_name.endswith('E'): return 90. elif channel_name.endswith('Z'): return 0. return None def guess_dip_from_name(channel_name): if channel_name.endswith('N'): return 0. elif channel_name.endswith('E'): return 0. elif channel_name.endswith('Z'): return -90. return None def guess_azimuth_dip_from_name(channel_name): return guess_azimuth_from_name(channel_name), \ guess_dip_from_name(channel_name) def mkvec(x, y, z): return num.array([x, y, z], dtype=num.float) def are_orthogonal(enus, eps=0.05): return all(abs(x) < eps for x in [[0], enus[1]),[1], enus[2]),[2], enus[0])]) def fill_orthogonal(enus): nmiss = sum(x is None for x in enus) if nmiss == 1: for ic in range(len(enus)): if enus[ic] is None: enus[ic] = num.cross(enus[(ic-2) % 3], enus[(ic-1) % 3]) if nmiss == 2: for ic in range(len(enus)): if enus[ic] is not None: xenu = enus[ic] + mkvec(1, 1, 1) enus[(ic+1) % 3] = num.cross(enus[ic], xenu) enus[(ic+2) % 3] = num.cross(enus[ic], enus[(ic+1) % 3]) if nmiss == 3: # holy camoly.. enus[0] = mkvec(1, 0, 0) enus[1] = mkvec(0, 1, 0) enus[2] = mkvec(0, 0, 1)
[docs]class Channel(Object): name = String.T() azimuth = Float.T(optional=True) dip = Float.T(optional=True) gain = Float.T(default=1.0) def __init__(self, name, azimuth=None, dip=None, gain=1.0): if azimuth is None: azimuth = guess_azimuth_from_name(name) if dip is None: dip = guess_dip_from_name(name) Object.__init__( self, name=name, azimuth=float_or_none(azimuth), dip=float_or_none(dip), gain=float(gain)) @property def ned(self): if None in (self.azimuth, self.dip): return None n = math.cos(self.azimuth*d2r)*math.cos(self.dip*d2r) e = math.sin(self.azimuth*d2r)*math.cos(self.dip*d2r) d = math.sin(self.dip*d2r) return mkvec(n, e, d) @property def enu(self): if None in (self.azimuth, self.dip): return None n = math.cos(self.azimuth*d2r)*math.cos(self.dip*d2r) e = math.sin(self.azimuth*d2r)*math.cos(self.dip*d2r) d = math.sin(self.dip*d2r) return mkvec(e, n, -d) def __str__(self): return '%s %f %f %g' % (, self.azimuth, self.dip, self.gain)
[docs]class Station(Location): network = String.T() station = String.T() location = String.T() name = String.T(default='') channels = List.T(Channel.T()) def __init__(self, network='', station='', location='', lat=0.0, lon=0.0, elevation=0.0, depth=0.0, north_shift=0.0, east_shift=0.0, name='', channels=None): Location.__init__( self, network=network, station=station, location=location, lat=float(lat), lon=float(lon), elevation=float(elevation), depth=float(depth), north_shift=float(north_shift), east_shift=float(east_shift), name=name or '', channels=channels or []) self.dist_deg = None self.dist_m = None self.azimuth = None self.backazimuth = None def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) def set_event_relative_data(self, event, distance_3d=False): surface_dist = self.distance_to(event) if distance_3d: if event.depth is None: logger.warn('No event depth given: using 0 m.') dd = 0.0 - self.depth else: dd = event.depth - self.depth self.dist_m = math.sqrt(dd**2 + surface_dist**2) else: self.dist_m = surface_dist self.dist_deg = surface_dist / orthodrome.earthradius_equator * \ orthodrome.r2d self.azimuth, self.backazimuth = event.azibazi_to(self) def set_channels_by_name(self, *args): self.set_channels([]) for name in args: self.add_channel(Channel(name)) def set_channels(self, channels): self.channels = [] for ch in channels: self.add_channel(ch) def get_channels(self): return list(self.channels) def get_channel_names(self): return set( for ch in self.channels) def remove_channel_by_name(self, name): todel = [ch for ch in self.channels if == name] for ch in todel: self.channels.remove(ch) def add_channel(self, channel): self.remove_channel_by_name( self.channels.append(channel) self.channels.sort(key=lambda ch: def get_channel(self, name): for ch in self.channels: if == name: return ch return None def rotation_ne_to_rt(self, in_channel_names, out_channel_names): angle = wrap(self.backazimuth + 180., -180., 180.) in_channels = [self.get_channel(name) for name in in_channel_names] out_channels = [ Channel(out_channel_names[0], wrap(self.backazimuth+180., -180., 180.), 0., 1.), Channel(out_channel_names[1], wrap(self.backazimuth+270., -180., 180.), 0., 1.)] return angle, in_channels, out_channels def _projection_to( self, to, in_channel_names, out_channel_names, use_gains=False): in_channels = [self.get_channel(name) for name in in_channel_names] # create orthogonal vectors for missing components, such that this # won't break projections when components are missing. vecs = [] for ch in in_channels: if ch is None: vecs.append(None) else: vec = getattr(ch, to) if use_gains: vec /= ch.gain vecs.append(vec) fill_orthogonal(vecs) if not are_orthogonal(vecs): raise ChannelsNotOrthogonal( 'components are not orthogonal: station %s.%s.%s, ' 'channels %s, %s, %s' % (self.nsl() + tuple(in_channel_names))) m = num.hstack([vec2[:, num.newaxis] for vec2 in vecs]) m = num.where(num.abs(m) < num.max(num.abs(m))*1e-16, 0., m) if to == 'ned': out_channels = [ Channel(out_channel_names[0], 0., 0., 1.), Channel(out_channel_names[1], 90., 0., 1.), Channel(out_channel_names[2], 0., 90., 1.)] elif to == 'enu': out_channels = [ Channel(out_channel_names[0], 90., 0., 1.), Channel(out_channel_names[1], 0., 0., 1.), Channel(out_channel_names[2], 0., -90., 1.)] return m, in_channels, out_channels def guess_channel_groups(self): cg = {} for channel in self.get_channels(): if len( >= 1: kind =[:-1] if kind not in cg: cg[kind] = [] cg[kind].append([-1]) def allin(a, b): return all(x in b for x in a) out_groups = [] for kind, components in cg.items(): for sys in ('ENZ', '12Z', 'XYZ', 'RTZ', '123'): if allin(sys, components): out_groups.append(tuple([kind+c for c in sys])) return out_groups def guess_projections_to_enu(self, out_channels=('E', 'N', 'U'), **kwargs): proj = [] for cg in self.guess_channel_groups(): try: proj.append(self.projection_to_enu( cg, out_channels=out_channels, **kwargs)) except ChannelsNotOrthogonal as e: logger.warning(str(e)) return proj def guess_projections_to_rtu( self, out_channels=('R', 'T', 'U'), backazimuth=None, **kwargs): if backazimuth is None: backazimuth = self.backazimuth out_channels_ = [ Channel( out_channels[0], wrap(backazimuth+180., -180., 180.), 0., 1.), Channel( out_channels[1], wrap(backazimuth+270., -180., 180.), 0., 1.), Channel( out_channels[2], 0., -90., 1.)] proj = [] for (m, in_channels, _) in self.guess_projections_to_enu(**kwargs): phi = (backazimuth + 180.)*d2r r = num.array([[math.sin(phi), math.cos(phi), 0.0], [math.cos(phi), -math.sin(phi), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) proj.append((, m), in_channels, out_channels_)) return proj def projection_to_enu( self, in_channels, out_channels=('E', 'N', 'U'), **kwargs): return self._projection_to('enu', in_channels, out_channels, **kwargs) def projection_to_ned( self, in_channels, out_channels=('N', 'E', 'D'), **kwargs): return self._projection_to('ned', in_channels, out_channels, **kwargs) def projection_from_enu( self, in_channels=('E', 'N', 'U'), out_channels=('X', 'Y', 'Z'), **kwargs): m, out_channels, in_channels = self._projection_to( 'enu', out_channels, in_channels, **kwargs) return num.linalg.inv(m), in_channels, out_channels def projection_from_ned( self, in_channels=('N', 'E', 'D'), out_channels=('X', 'Y', 'Z'), **kwargs): m, out_channels, in_channels = self._projection_to( 'ned', out_channels, in_channels, **kwargs) return num.linalg.inv(m), in_channels, out_channels def nsl_string(self): return '.'.join((, self.station, self.location)) def nsl(self): return, self.station, self.location def cannot_handle_offsets(self): if self.north_shift != 0.0 or self.east_shift != 0.0: logger.warn( 'Station %s.%s.%s has a non-zero Cartesian offset. Such ' 'offsets cannot be saved in the basic station file format. ' 'Effective lat/lons are saved only. Please save the stations ' 'in YAML format to preserve the reference-and-offset ' 'coordinates.' % self.nsl()) def oldstr(self): self.cannot_handle_offsets() nsl = '%s.%s.%s' % (, self.station, self.location) s = '%-15s %14.5f %14.5f %14.1f %14.1f %s' % ( nsl, self.effective_lat, self.effective_lon, self.elevation, self.depth, return s
[docs]def dump_stations(stations, filename): '''Write stations file. :param stations: list of :py:class:`Station` objects :param filename: filename as str ''' f = open(filename, 'w') for sta in stations: f.write(sta.oldstr()+'\n') for cha in sta.get_channels(): azimuth = 'NaN' if cha.azimuth is not None: azimuth = '%7g' % cha.azimuth dip = 'NaN' if cha.dip is not None: dip = '%7g' % cha.dip f.write('%5s %14s %14s %14g\n' % (, azimuth, dip, cha.gain)) f.close()
[docs]def dump_stations_yaml(stations, filename): '''Write stations file in YAML format. :param stations: list of :py:class:`Station` objects :param filename: filename as str ''' dump_all(stations, filename=filename)
def float_or_none(s): if s is None: return None elif isinstance(s, str) and s.lower() == 'nan': return None else: return float(s) def detect_format(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('%'): continue if line.startswith('--- !pf.Station'): return 'yaml' else: return 'basic' return 'basic'
[docs]def load_stations(filename, format='detect'): '''Read stations file. :param filename: filename :returns: list of :py:class:`Station` objects ''' if format == 'detect': format = detect_format(filename) if format == 'yaml': from pyrocko import guts stations = [ st for st in guts.load_all(filename=filename) if isinstance(st, Station)] return stations elif format == 'basic': stations = [] f = open(filename, 'r') station = None channel_names = [] for (iline, line) in enumerate(f): toks = line.split(None, 5) if line.strip().startswith('#') or line.strip() == '': continue if len(toks) == 5 or len(toks) == 6: net, sta, loc = toks[0].split('.') lat, lon, elevation, depth = [float(x) for x in toks[1:5]] if len(toks) == 5: name = '' else: name = toks[5].rstrip() station = Station( net, sta, loc, lat, lon, elevation=elevation, depth=depth, name=name) stations.append(station) channel_names = [] elif len(toks) == 4 and station is not None: name, azi, dip, gain = ( toks[0], float_or_none(toks[1]), float_or_none(toks[2]), float(toks[3])) if name in channel_names: logger.warning( 'redefined channel! (line: %i, file: %s)' % (iline + 1, filename)) else: channel_names.append(name) channel = Channel(name, azimuth=azi, dip=dip, gain=gain) station.add_channel(channel) else: logger.warning('skipping invalid station/channel definition ' '(line: %i, file: %s' % (iline + 1, filename)) f.close() return stations else: from import FileLoadError raise FileLoadError('unknown event file format: %s' % format)
def dump_kml(objects, filename): station_template = ''' <Placemark> <name>%(network)s.%(station)s.%(location)s</name> <description></description> <styleUrl>#msn_S</styleUrl> <Point> <coordinates>%(elon)f,%(elat)f,%(elevation)f</coordinates> </Point> </Placemark> ''' f = open(filename, 'w') f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') f.write('<kml xmlns="">\n') f.write('<Document>\n') f.write(''' <Style id="sh_S"> <IconStyle> <scale>1.3</scale> <Icon> <href></href> </Icon> <hotSpot x="32" y="1" xunits="pixels" yunits="pixels"/> </IconStyle> <ListStyle> <ItemIcon> <href></href> </ItemIcon> </ListStyle> </Style> <Style id="sn_S"> <IconStyle> <scale>1.1</scale> <Icon> <href></href> </Icon> <hotSpot x="32" y="1" xunits="pixels" yunits="pixels"/> </IconStyle> <ListStyle> <ItemIcon> <href></href> </ItemIcon> </ListStyle> </Style> <StyleMap id="msn_S"> <Pair> <key>normal</key> <styleUrl>#sn_S</styleUrl> </Pair> <Pair> <key>highlight</key> <styleUrl>#sh_S</styleUrl> </Pair> </StyleMap> ''') for obj in objects: if isinstance(obj, Station): d = obj.__dict__.copy() d['elat'], d['elon'] = obj.effective_latlon f.write(station_template % d) f.write('</Document>') f.write('</kml>\n') f.close()