

Create a forward-modelled scenario project.


grond scenario [options] <projectdir>


-h, --help

show this help message and exit


forward modelling targets for the scenario. Select from: waveforms, gnss and insar. (default: –targets=waveforms, multiple selection by –targets=waveforms,gnss,insar)


problem to generate: ‘dc’ (double couple) or ‘rectangular’ (rectangular finite fault) (default: ‘cmt’)


Magnitude range min_mag-max_mag (default: [6.0, 7.0])


number of seismic stations to create (default: 20)


number of GNSS campaign stations to create (default: 20)


number of events to create (default: 1)


center latitude of the scenario (default: 41.0)


center latitude of the scenario (default: 33.3)


radius of the scenario in [km] (default: 100.0)


radius of the source area in [km] (default: 10.0)


paths to a Pyrocko station file, seperated by ‘,’(default: none)


paths to StationXML files, seperated by ‘,’(default: none)


Green’s function store for waveform modelling, (default: crust2_ib)


Green’s function store for static modelling, (default: crust2_ib_static)


overwrite existing project folder.


Comma-separated list of directories containing GF stores


suppress generation of map


Rebuild a manually configured grond scenario


set logger level to “critical”, “error”, “warning”, “info”, or “debug”. Default is “info”.


status output selection (choices: state, quiet, default: state)


set number of events to process in parallel, if set to more than one, –status=quiet is implied.


set number of threads per process (default: 1). Set to 0 to use all available cores.