Dataset management - The pile

At the base of Pyrocko’s waveform dataset handling is the Pile class. It organizes and caches the meta-data of large waveform datasets split into many files and provides on-demand loading of waveform data so that only data relevant to the current process/view has to be read from disk into the limited computer memory. It can efficiently handle up to a few 100000 files for interactive processes.

Reorganizing a dataset into hour-files

In each iteration we get all data for the current time window as a list of traces. The traces emitted by pyrocko.pile.Pile.chopper() ‘know’ the time window to which they belong; it is stored in the attributes trace.wmin and trace.wmax. note: trace.tmin (its onset) does not have to be identical to trace.wmin. The directory parts in the output path will be created as neccessary. When applying this procedure to a dataset consisting of arbitrarily separated files, it will automatically connect adjacent traces as needed! The time and calendar modules will be used.

import time
import calendar
from pyrocko import (pile, io, util)
from pyrocko.example import get_example_data

# Download test file

# Could give directories or thousands of filenames here:
p = pile.make_pile(['test.mseed'])

# get timestamp for full hour before first data sample in all selected traces
tmin = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime(p.tmin)[:4] + (0, 0))

# iterate over the data, with a window length of one hour
for traces in p.chopper(tmin=tmin, tinc=3600):
    if traces:    # the list could be empty due to gaps
        window_start = traces[0].wmin
        timestring = util.time_to_str(window_start, format='%Y-%m-%d_%H')
        filepath = 'test_hourfiles/hourfile-%s.mseed' % timestring, filepath)


Downsampling a whole dataset

Example for downsampling all trace files in the input folder to a common sampling rate with pyrocko.trace.Trace.downsample_to().

from pyrocko import pile, io, util
import time
import calendar

# when pile.make_pile() is called without any arguments, the command line
# parameters given to the script are searched for waveform files and
# directories
p = pile.make_pile()

# get timestamp for full hour before first data sample in all selected traces
tmin = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime(p.tmin)[:4] + (0, 0))

tinc = 3600.
tpad = 10.
target_deltat = 0.1

# iterate over the data, with a window length of one hour and 2x10 seconds of
# overlap
for traces in p.chopper(tmin=tmin, tinc=tinc, tpad=tpad):

    if traces:  # the list could be empty due to gaps
        for tr in traces:
            tr.downsample_to(target_deltat, snap=True, demean=False)

            # remove overlapping
            tr.chop(tr.wmin, tr.wmax)

        window_start = traces[0].wmin
        timestring = util.time_to_str(window_start, format='%Y-%m-%d_%H')
        filepath = 'downsampled/%(station)s_%(channel)s_%(mytimestring)s.mseed', filepath, additional={'mytimestring': timestring})

# now look at the result with
#   > snuffler downsampled/


Converting a dataset from Mini-SEED to SAC format

Conversion of a mseed file to SAC. See for supported formats.

from pyrocko import pile, io, util, model
from pyrocko.example import get_example_data

# Download example data
get_example_data('data_conversion', recursive=True)

input_path = 'data_conversion/mseed'
output_path = 'data_conversion/sac/' \

fn_stations = 'data_conversion/stations.txt'

stations_list = model.load_stations(fn_stations)

stations = {}
for s in stations_list:
    stations[, s.station, s.location] = s
    s.set_channels_by_name(*'BHN BHE BHZ BLN BLE BLZ'.split())

p = pile.make_pile(input_path)
h = 3600.
tinc = 1*h
tmin = util.day_start(p.tmin)
for traces in p.chopper_grouped(tmin=tmin, tinc=tinc,
                                gather=lambda tr: tr.nslc_id):
    for tr in traces:
        dirhz = '%ihz' % int(round(1./tr.deltat))
            [tr], output_path,
            additional={'dirhz': dirhz},
