Source code for

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
# python 2/3
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import math
import logging

import numpy as num
from builtins import str as newstr

from pyrocko import trace, util, plot
from pyrocko.guts import Object, Int, String, Timestamp

from . import io_common

logger = logging.getLogger('')

N_GPS_TAGS_WANTED = 200  # must match definition in datacube_ext.c

[docs]def color(c): c = plot.color(c) return tuple(x/255. for x in c)
[docs]class DataCubeError(io_common.FileLoadError): pass
[docs]class ControlPointError(Exception): pass
[docs]def make_control_point(ipos_block, t_block, tref, deltat): # reduce time (no drift would mean straight line) tred = (t_block - tref) - ipos_block*deltat # first round, remove outliers q25, q75 = num.percentile(tred, (25., 75.)) iok = num.logical_and(q25 <= tred, tred <= q75) # detrend slope, offset = num.polyfit(ipos_block[iok], tred[iok], 1) tred2 = tred - (offset + slope * ipos_block) # second round, remove outliers based on detrended tred, refit q25, q75 = num.percentile(tred2, (25., 75.)) iok = num.logical_and(q25 <= tred2, tred2 <= q75) x = ipos_block[iok].copy() ipos0 = x[0] x -= ipos0 y = tred[iok].copy() (slope, offset), cov = num.polyfit(x, y, 1, cov=True) slope_err, offset_err = num.sqrt(num.diag(cov)) slope_err_limit = 1.0e-10 offset_err_limit = 5.0e-3 if slope_err > slope_err_limit: raise ControlPointError('slope error too large') if offset_err > offset_err_limit: raise ControlPointError('offset error too large') ic = ipos_block[ipos_block.size//2] tc = offset + slope * (ic - ipos0) return ic, tc + ic * deltat + tref
[docs]def analyse_gps_tags(header, gps_tags, offset, nsamples): ipos, t, fix, nsvs = gps_tags deltat = 1.0 / int(header['S_RATE']) tquartz = offset + ipos * deltat toff = t - tquartz toff_median = num.median(toff) n = t.size dtdt = (t[1:n] - t[0:n-1]) / (tquartz[1:n] - tquartz[0:n-1]) ok = abs(toff_median - toff) < 10. xok = num.abs(dtdt - 1.0) < 0.00001 ok[0] = False ok[1:n] &= xok ok[0:n-1] &= xok ok[n-1] = False ipos = ipos[ok] t = t[ok] fix = fix[ok] nsvs = nsvs[ok] blocksize = N_GPS_TAGS_WANTED // 2 try: if ipos.size < blocksize: raise ControlPointError( 'could not safely determine time corrections from gps') j = 0 control_points = [] tref = num.median(t - ipos*deltat) while j < ipos.size - blocksize: ipos_block = ipos[j:j+blocksize] t_block = t[j:j+blocksize] try: ic, tc = make_control_point(ipos_block, t_block, tref, deltat) control_points.append((ic, tc)) except ControlPointError: pass j += blocksize ipos_last = ipos[-blocksize:] t_last = t[-blocksize:] try: ic, tc = make_control_point(ipos_last, t_last, tref, deltat) control_points.append((ic, tc)) except ControlPointError: pass if len(control_points) < 2: raise ControlPointError( 'could not safely determine time corrections from gps') i0, t0 = control_points[0] i1, t1 = control_points[1] i2, t2 = control_points[-2] i3, t3 = control_points[-1] if len(control_points) == 2: tmin = t0 - i0 * deltat - offset * deltat tmax = t3 + (nsamples - i3 - 1) * deltat else: icontrol = num.array( [x[0] for x in control_points], dtype=num.int64) tcontrol = num.array( [x[1] for x in control_points], dtype=num.float) # robust against steps: slope = num.median( (tcontrol[1:] - tcontrol[:-1]) / (icontrol[1:] - icontrol[:-1])) tmin = t0 + (offset - i0) * slope tmax = t2 + (offset + nsamples - 1 - i2) * slope if offset < i0: control_points[0:0] = [(offset, tmin)] if offset + nsamples - 1 > i3: control_points.append((offset + nsamples - 1, tmax)) icontrol = num.array([x[0] for x in control_points], dtype=num.int64) tcontrol = num.array([x[1] for x in control_points], dtype=num.float) return tmin, tmax, icontrol, tcontrol, ok except ControlPointError: tmin = util.str_to_time(header['S_DATE'] + header['S_TIME'], format='%y/%m/%d%H:%M:%S') idat = int(header['DAT_NO']) if idat == 0: tmin = tmin + util.gps_utc_offset(tmin) else: tmin = util.day_start(tmin + idat * 24.*3600.) \ + util.gps_utc_offset(tmin) tmax = tmin + (nsamples - 1) * deltat icontrol, tcontrol = None, None return tmin, tmax, icontrol, tcontrol, None
[docs]def plot_timeline(fns): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.gca() h = 3600. if isinstance(fns, (str, newstr)): fn = fns if os.path.isdir(fn): fns = [ os.path.join(fn, entry) for entry in sorted(os.listdir(fn))] ipos, t, fix, nsvs, header, offset, nsamples = \ get_timing_context(fns) else: ipos, t, fix, nsvs, header, offset, nsamples = \ get_extended_timing_context(fn) else: ipos, t, fix, nsvs, header, offset, nsamples = \ get_timing_context(fns) deltat = 1.0 / int(header['S_RATE']) tref = num.median(t - ipos * deltat) tref = round(tref / deltat) * deltat x = ipos*deltat y = (t - tref) - ipos*deltat bfix = fix != 0 bnofix = fix == 0 tmin, tmax, icontrol, tcontrol, ok = analyse_gps_tags( header, (ipos, t, fix, nsvs), offset, nsamples) la = num.logical_and nok = num.logical_not(ok) axes.plot( x[la(bfix, ok)]/h, y[la(bfix, ok)], '+', ms=5, color=color('chameleon3')) axes.plot( x[la(bfix, nok)]/h, y[la(bfix, nok)], '+', ms=5, color=color('aluminium4')) axes.plot( x[la(bnofix, ok)]/h, y[la(bnofix, ok)], 'x', ms=5, color=color('chocolate3')) axes.plot( x[la(bnofix, nok)]/h, y[la(bnofix, nok)], 'x', ms=5, color=color('aluminium4')) tred = tcontrol - icontrol*deltat - tref axes.plot(icontrol*deltat/h, tred, color=color('aluminium6')) axes.plot(icontrol*deltat/h, tred, 'o', ms=5, color=color('aluminium6')) ymin = (math.floor(tred.min() / deltat)-1) * deltat ymax = (math.ceil(tred.max() / deltat)+1) * deltat # axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) if ymax - ymin < 1000 * deltat: ygrid = math.floor(tred.min() / deltat) * deltat while ygrid < ymax: axes.axhline(ygrid, color=color('aluminium4'), alpha=0.3) ygrid += deltat xmin = icontrol[0]*deltat/h xmax = icontrol[-1]*deltat/h xsize = xmax - xmin xmin -= xsize * 0.1 xmax += xsize * 0.1 axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) axes.set_xlabel('Uncorrected (quartz) time [h]') axes.set_ylabel('Relative time correction [s]')
g_dir_contexts = {}
[docs]class DirContextEntry(Object): path = String.T() tstart = Timestamp.T() ifile = Int.T()
[docs]class DirContext(Object): path = String.T() mtime = Timestamp.T() entries = DirContextEntry.T()
[docs] def get_entry(self, fn): path = os.path.abspath(fn) for entry in self.entries: if entry.path == path: return entry raise Exception('entry not found')
[docs] def iter_entries(self, fn, step=1): current = self.get_entry(fn) by_ifile = dict( (entry.ifile, entry) for entry in self.entries if entry.tstart == current.tstart) icurrent = current.ifile while True: icurrent += step try: yield by_ifile[icurrent] except KeyError: break
[docs]def context(fn): from pyrocko import datacube_ext dpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fn)) mtimes = [os.stat(dpath)[8]] dentries = sorted([os.path.join(dpath, f) for f in os.listdir(dpath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dpath, f))]) for dentry in dentries: fn2 = os.path.join(dpath, dentry) mtimes.append(os.stat(fn2)[8]) mtime = float(max(mtimes)) if dpath in g_dir_contexts: dir_context = g_dir_contexts[dpath] if dir_context.mtime == mtime: return dir_context del g_dir_contexts[dpath] entries = [] for dentry in dentries: fn2 = os.path.join(dpath, dentry) if not os.path.isfile(fn2): continue with open(fn2, 'rb') as f: first512 = if not detect(first512): continue with open(fn2, 'rb') as f: try: header, data_arrays, gps_tags, nsamples, _ = \ datacube_ext.load(f.fileno(), 3, 0, -1, None) except datacube_ext.DataCubeError as e: e = DataCubeError(str(e)) e.set_context('filename', fn) raise e header = dict(header) entries.append(DirContextEntry( path=os.path.abspath(fn2), tstart=util.str_to_time( '20' + header['S_DATE'] + ' ' + header['S_TIME'], format='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'), ifile=int(header['DAT_NO']))) dir_context = DirContext(mtime=mtime, path=dpath, entries=entries) return dir_context
[docs]def get_time_infos(fn): from pyrocko import datacube_ext with open(fn, 'rb') as f: try: header, _, gps_tags, nsamples, _ = datacube_ext.load( f.fileno(), 1, 0, -1, None) except datacube_ext.DataCubeError as e: e = DataCubeError(str(e)) e.set_context('filename', fn) raise e return dict(header), gps_tags, nsamples
[docs]def get_timing_context(fns): joined = [[], [], [], []] ioff = 0 for fn in fns: header, gps_tags, nsamples = get_time_infos(fn) ipos = gps_tags[0] ipos += ioff for i in range(4): joined[i].append(gps_tags[i]) ioff += nsamples ipos, t, fix, nsvs = [num.concatenate(x) for x in joined] nsamples = ioff return ipos, t, fix, nsvs, header, 0, nsamples
[docs]def get_extended_timing_context(fn): c = context(fn) header, gps_tags, nsamples_base = get_time_infos(fn) ioff = 0 aggregated = [gps_tags] nsamples_total = nsamples_base if num.sum(gps_tags[2]) == 0: ioff = nsamples_base for entry in c.iter_entries(fn, 1): _, gps_tags, nsamples = get_time_infos(entry.path) ipos = gps_tags[0] ipos += ioff aggregated.append(gps_tags) nsamples_total += nsamples if num.sum(gps_tags[2]) > 0: break ioff += nsamples ioff = 0 for entry in c.iter_entries(fn, -1): _, gps_tags, nsamples = get_time_infos(entry.path) ioff -= nsamples ipos = gps_tags[0] ipos += ioff aggregated[0:0] = [gps_tags] nsamples_total += nsamples if num.sum(gps_tags[2]) > 0: break ipos, t, fix, nsvs = [num.concatenate(x) for x in zip(*aggregated)] # return ipos, t, fix, nsvs, header, ioff, nsamples_total return ipos, t, fix, nsvs, header, 0, nsamples_base
[docs]def iload(fn, load_data=True, interpolation='sinc'): from pyrocko import datacube_ext from pyrocko import signal_ext if interpolation not in ('sinc', 'off'): raise NotImplementedError( 'no such interpolation method: %s' % interpolation) with open(fn, 'rb') as f: if load_data: loadflag = 2 else: loadflag = 1 try: header, data_arrays, gps_tags, nsamples, _ = datacube_ext.load( f.fileno(), loadflag, 0, -1, None) except datacube_ext.DataCubeError as e: e = DataCubeError(str(e)) e.set_context('filename', fn) raise e header = dict(header) deltat = 1.0 / int(header['S_RATE']) nchannels = int(header['CH_NUM']) ipos, t, fix, nsvs, header_, offset_, nsamples_ = \ get_extended_timing_context(fn) tmin, tmax, icontrol, tcontrol, _ = analyse_gps_tags( header_, (ipos, t, fix, nsvs), offset_, nsamples_) if icontrol is None: logger.warn( 'No usable GPS timestamps found. Using datacube header ' 'information to guess time. (file: "%s")' % fn) tmin_ip = round(tmin / deltat) * deltat if interpolation != 'off': tmax_ip = round(tmax / deltat) * deltat else: tmax_ip = tmin_ip + (nsamples-1) * deltat nsamples_ip = int(round((tmax_ip - tmin_ip)/deltat)) + 1 # to prevent problems with rounding errors: tmax_ip = tmin_ip + (nsamples_ip-1) * deltat leaps = num.array( [x[0] + util.gps_utc_offset(x[0]) for x in util.read_leap_seconds2()], dtype=num.float) if load_data and icontrol is not None: ncontrol_this = num.sum( num.logical_and(0 <= icontrol, icontrol < nsamples)) if ncontrol_this <= 1: logger.warn( 'Extrapolating GPS time information from directory context ' '(insufficient number of GPS timestamps in file: "%s").' % fn) for i in range(nchannels): if load_data: arr = data_arrays[i] assert arr.size == nsamples if interpolation == 'sinc' and icontrol is not None: ydata = num.empty(nsamples_ip, dtype=num.float) try: signal_ext.antidrift( icontrol, tcontrol, arr.astype(num.float), tmin_ip, deltat, ydata) except signal_ext.Error as e: e = DataCubeError(str(e)) e.set_context('filename', fn) e.set_context('n_control_points', icontrol.size) e.set_context('n_samples_raw', arr.size) e.set_context('n_samples_ip', ydata.size) e.set_context('tmin_ip', util.time_to_str(tmin_ip)) raise e ydata = num.round(ydata).astype(arr.dtype) else: ydata = arr tr_tmin = tmin_ip tr_tmax = None else: ydata = None tr_tmin = tmin_ip tr_tmax = tmax_ip tr = trace.Trace('', header['DEV_NO'], '', 'p%i' % i, deltat=deltat, ydata=ydata, tmin=tr_tmin, tmax=tr_tmax, meta=header) bleaps = num.logical_and(tmin_ip <= leaps, leaps < tmax_ip) if num.any(bleaps): assert num.sum(bleaps) == 1 tcut = leaps[bleaps][0] for tmin_cut, tmax_cut in [ (tr.tmin, tcut), (tcut, tr.tmax+tr.deltat)]: try: tr_cut = tr.chop(tmin_cut, tmax_cut, inplace=False) tr_cut.shift( util.utc_gps_offset(0.5*(tr_cut.tmin+tr_cut.tmax))) yield tr_cut except trace.NoData: pass else: tr.shift(util.utc_gps_offset(0.5*(tr.tmin+tr.tmax))) yield tr
header_keys = { str: b'GIPP_V DEV_NO E_NAME GPS_PO S_TIME S_DATE DAT_NO'.split(), int: b'''P_AMPL CH_NUM S_RATE D_FILT C_MODE A_CHOP F_TIME GPS_TI GPS_OF A_FILT A_PHAS GPS_ON ACQ_ON V_TCXO D_VOLT E_VOLT'''.split()} all_header_keys = header_keys[str] + header_keys[int]
[docs]def detect(first512): s = first512 if len(s) < 512: return False if ord(s[0:1]) >> 4 != 15: return False n = s.find(b'\x80') if n == -1: n = len(s) s = s[1:n] s = s.replace(b'\xf0', b'') s = s.replace(b';', b' ') s = s.replace(b'=', b' ') kvs = s.split(b' ') if len([k for k in all_header_keys if k in kvs]) == 0: return False return True
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys fns = sys.argv[1:] if len(fns) > 1: plot_timeline(fns) else: plot_timeline(fns[0])