Installation with pip

When installing Pyrocko through pip we do not allow the installer to resolve dependencies automatically. We think it is up to you, to decide which prerequisites to install with the system’s native package manager and which ones to install through pip.

Install from PyPI (Python Package Index)

Tagged builds are available for download from


Pyrocko’s build depends on Python and NumPy development header files, please install those through your system’s package manager. Please see System specific installation instructions for more information.


Dependency for Qt is not resolved, please use your system package manager to install _PyQt4_ or _PyQt5_! For more information see System specific installation instructions

Source packages for Pyrocko are available on
# Install build requirements
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-numpy
sudo pip install pyrocko

# Install requirements
sudo pip install numpy>=1.8 scipy pyyaml matplotlib progressbar2 future jinja2 requests PyOpenGL

User local installation (no sudo)

If you want to install Pyrocko in a user environment without root access you can use pip to manage the installation as well:

pip allows to install into user’s home directory - dangerous for system integrity
# We assume the build requirements are already installed, see above
pip install pyrocko

# Install requirements
pip install numpy>=1.8 scipy pyyaml matplotlib progressbar2 future jinja2 requests PyOpenGL

Install latest version with pip

If you want to install or update to the latest version of Pyrocko available on (master branch) you can use pip to install directly from the repository:

We install straight from the Git repository
sudo pip install git+