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1# - GPLv3
3# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
4# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
6Interface to use CRUST2.0 model by Laske, Masters and Reif.
8All functions defined in this module return SI units (m, m/s, kg/m^3).
10.. rubric:: Citation
12If you use this model, please refer to the
13`REM web site <>`_ or cite:
15Bassin, C., Laske, G. and Masters, G., The Current Limits of Resolution for
16Surface Wave Tomography in North America, EOS Trans AGU, 81, F897, 2000. A
17description of CRUST 5.1 can be found in: Mooney, Laske and Masters, Crust
185.1: a global crustal model at 5x5 degrees, JGR, 103, 727-747, 1998.
20.. rubric:: Usage
24 >>> from pyrocko import crust2x2
25 >>> p = crust2x2.get_profile(10., 20.)
26 >>> print p
27 type, name: G2, Archean 0.5 km seds.
28 elevation: 529
29 crustal thickness: 38500
30 average vp, vs, rho: 6460.7 3665.1 2867.5
31 mantle ave. vp, vs, rho: 8200 4700 3400
33 0 3810 1940 920 ice
34 0 1500 0 1020 water
35 500 2500 1200 2100 soft sed.
36 0 4000 2100 2400 hard sed.
37 12500 6200 3600 2800 upper crust
38 13000 6400 3600 2850 middle crust
39 13000 6800 3800 2950 lower crust
40 >>> print p.get_weeded()
41 [[ 0. 500. 500. 13000. 13000. 26000. 26000. 39000. 39000.]
42 [ 2500. 2500. 6200. 6200. 6400. 6400. 6800. 6800. 8200.]
43 [ 1200. 1200. 3600. 3600. 3600. 3600. 3800. 3800. 4700.]
44 [ 2100. 2100. 2800. 2800. 2850. 2850. 2950. 2950. 3400.]]
47.. rubric:: Constants
49============== ==============
50Layer id Layer name
51============== ==============
52LICE ice
53LWATER water
54LSOFTSED soft sediments
55LHARDSED hard sediments
56LUPPERCRUST upper crust
57LMIDDLECRUST middle crust
58LLOWERCRUST lower crust
59LBELOWCRUST below crust
60============== ==============
64import os
65import copy
66import math
67from io import StringIO
69import numpy as num
73 LLOWERCRUST, LBELOWCRUST = list(range(8))
76class Crust2Profile(object):
77 '''
78 Representation of a CRUST2.0 key profile.
79 '''
81 layer_names = (
82 'ice', 'water', 'soft sed.', 'hard sed.', 'upper crust',
83 'middle crust', 'lower crust', 'mantle')
85 def __init__(self, ident, name, vp, vs, rho, thickness, elevation):
86 self._ident = ident
87 self._name = name
88 self._vp = vp
89 self._vs = vs
90 self._rho = rho
91 self._thickness = thickness
92 self._crustal_thickness = None
93 self._elevation = elevation
95 def get_weeded(self, include_waterlayer=False):
96 '''
97 Get layers used in the profile.
99 :param include_waterlayer: include water layer if ``True``. Default is
100 ``False``
102 :returns: NumPy array with rows ``depth``, ``vp``, ``vs``, ``density``
103 '''
104 depth = 0.
105 layers = []
106 for ilayer, thickness, vp, vs, rho in zip(
107 range(8),
108 self._thickness,
109 self._vp[:-1],
110 self._vs[:-1],
111 self._rho[:-1]):
113 if thickness == 0.0:
114 continue
116 if not include_waterlayer and ilayer == LWATER:
117 continue
119 layers.append([depth, vp, vs, rho])
120 layers.append([depth+thickness, vp, vs, rho])
121 depth += thickness
123 layers.append([
124 depth,
125 self._vp[LBELOWCRUST],
126 self._vs[LBELOWCRUST],
127 self._rho[LBELOWCRUST]])
129 return num.array(layers).T
131 def get_layer(self, ilayer):
132 '''
133 Get parameters for a layer.
135 :param ilayer: id of layer
136 :returns: thickness, vp, vs, density
137 '''
139 if ilayer == LBELOWCRUST:
140 thickness = num.Inf
141 else:
142 thickness = self._thickness[ilayer]
144 return thickness, self._vp[ilayer], self._vs[ilayer], self._rho[ilayer]
146 def set_elevation(self, elevation):
147 self._elevation = elevation
149 def set_layer_thickness(self, ilayer, thickness):
150 self._thickness[ilayer] = thickness
152 def elevation(self):
153 return self._elevation
155 def __str__(self):
157 vvp, vvs, vrho, vthi = self.averages()
159 return '''type, name: %s, %s
160elevation: %15.5g
161crustal thickness: %15.5g
162average vp, vs, rho: %15.5g %15.5g %15.5g
163mantle ave. vp, vs, rho: %15.5g %15.5g %15.5g
165%s''' % (self._ident, self._name, self._elevation, vthi, vvp, vvs, vrho,
166 self._vp[LBELOWCRUST], self._vs[LBELOWCRUST], self._rho[LBELOWCRUST],
167 '\n'.join([
168 '%15.5g %15.5g %15.5g %15.5g %s' % x
169 for x in zip(
170 self._thickness, self._vp[:-1], self._vs[:-1], self._rho[:-1],
171 Crust2Profile.layer_names)]))
173 def crustal_thickness(self):
174 '''
175 Get total crustal thickness.
177 Takes into account ice layer.
178 Does not take into account water layer.
179 '''
181 return num.sum(self._thickness[3:]) + self._thickness[LICE]
183 def averages(self):
184 '''
185 Get crustal averages for vp, vs, density and total crustal thickness.
187 Takes into account ice layer.
188 Does not take into account water layer.
189 '''
191 vthi = self.crustal_thickness()
192 vvp = num.sum(self._thickness[3:] / self._vp[3:-1]) + \
193 self._thickness[LICE] / self._vp[LICE]
194 vvs = num.sum(self._thickness[3:] / self._vs[3:-1]) + \
195 self._thickness[LICE] / self._vs[LICE]
196 vrho = num.sum(self._thickness[3:] * self._rho[3:-1]) + \
197 self._thickness[LICE] * self._rho[LICE]
199 vvp = vthi / vvp
200 vvs = vthi / vvs
201 vrho = vrho / vthi
203 return vvp, vvs, vrho, vthi
206def _sa2arr(sa):
207 return num.array([float(x) for x in sa], dtype=float)
210def _wrap(x, mi, ma):
211 if mi <= x and x <= ma:
212 return x
214 return x - math.floor((x-mi)/(ma-mi)) * (ma-mi)
217def _clip(x, mi, ma):
218 return min(max(mi, x), ma)
221class Crust2(object):
222 '''
223 Access CRUST2.0 model.
225 :param directory: Directory with the data files which contain the
226 CRUST2.0 model data. If this is set to ``None``, builtin CRUST2.0
227 files are used.
228 '''
230 fn_keys = 'CNtype2_key.txt'
231 fn_elevation = 'CNelevatio2.txt'
232 fn_map = 'CNtype2.txt'
234 nlo = 180
235 nla = 90
237 _instance = None
239 def __init__(self, directory=None):
241 self.profile_keys = []
242 self._directory = directory
243 self._typemap = None
244 self._load_crustal_model()
246 def get_profile(self, *args, **kwargs):
247 '''
248 Get crustal profile at a specific location or raw profile for given
249 key.
251 Get profile for location ``(lat, lon)``, or raw profile for given
252 string key.
254 :rtype: instance of :py:class:`Crust2Profile`
255 '''
257 lat = kwargs.pop('lat', None)
258 lon = kwargs.pop('lon', None)
260 if len(args) == 2:
261 lat, lon = args
263 if lat is not None and lon is not None:
264 return self._typemap[self._indices(float(lat), float(lon))]
265 else:
266 return self._raw_profiles[args[0]]
268 def _indices(self, lat, lon):
269 lat = _clip(lat, -90., 90.)
270 lon = _wrap(lon, -180., 180.)
271 dlo = 360./Crust2.nlo
272 dla = 180./Crust2.nla
273 cola = 90.-lat
274 ilat = _clip(int(cola/dla), 0, Crust2.nla-1)
275 ilon = int((lon+180.)/dlo) % Crust2.nlo
276 return ilat, ilon
278 def _load_crustal_model(self):
280 if self._directory is not None:
281 path_keys = os.path.join(self._directory, Crust2.fn_keys)
282 f = open(path_keys, 'r')
283 else:
284 from .crust2x2_data import decode, type2_key, type2, elevation
286 f = StringIO(decode(type2_key))
288 # skip header
289 for i in range(5):
290 f.readline()
292 profiles = {}
293 while True:
294 line = f.readline()
295 if not line:
296 break
297 ident, name = line.split(None, 1)
298 line = f.readline()
299 vp = _sa2arr(line.split()) * 1000.
300 line = f.readline()
301 vs = _sa2arr(line.split()) * 1000.
302 line = f.readline()
303 rho = _sa2arr(line.split()) * 1000.
304 line = f.readline()
305 toks = line.split()
306 thickness = _sa2arr(toks[:-2]) * 1000.
308 assert ident not in profiles
310 profiles[ident] = Crust2Profile(
311 ident.strip(), name.strip(), vp, vs, rho, thickness, 0.0)
313 f.close()
315 self._raw_profiles = profiles
316 self.profile_keys = sorted(profiles.keys())
318 if self._directory is not None:
319 path_map = os.path.join(self._directory, Crust2.fn_map)
320 f = open(path_map, 'r')
321 else:
322 f = StringIO(decode(type2))
324 f.readline() # header
326 amap = {}
327 for ila, line in enumerate(f):
328 keys = line.split()[1:]
329 for ilo, key in enumerate(keys):
330 amap[ila, ilo] = copy.deepcopy(profiles[key])
332 f.close()
334 if self._directory is not None:
335 path_elevation = os.path.join(self._directory, Crust2.fn_elevation)
336 f = open(path_elevation, 'r')
338 else:
339 f = StringIO(decode(elevation))
341 f.readline()
342 for ila, line in enumerate(f):
343 for ilo, s in enumerate(line.split()[1:]):
344 p = amap[ila, ilo]
345 p.set_elevation(float(s))
346 if p.elevation() < 0.:
347 p.set_layer_thickness(LWATER, -p.elevation())
349 f.close()
351 self._typemap = amap
353 @staticmethod
354 def instance():
355 '''
356 Get the global default Crust2 instance.
357 '''
359 if Crust2._instance is None:
360 Crust2._instance = Crust2()
362 return Crust2._instance
365def get_profile_keys():
366 '''
367 Get list of all profile keys.
368 '''
370 crust2 = Crust2.instance()
371 return list(crust2.profile_keys)
374def get_profile(*args, **kwargs):
375 '''
376 Get Crust2x2 profile for given location or profile key.
378 Get profile for (lat,lon) or raw profile for given string key.
379 '''
381 crust2 = Crust2.instance()
382 return crust2.get_profile(*args, **kwargs)
385def plot_crustal_thickness(crust2=None, filename='crustal_thickness.pdf'):
386 '''
387 Create a quick and dirty plot of the crustal thicknesses defined in
388 CRUST2.0.
389 '''
391 if crust2 is None:
392 crust2 = Crust2.instance()
394 def func(lat, lon):
395 return crust2.get_profile(lat, lon).crustal_thickness(),
397 plot(func, filename, zscaled_unit='km', zscaled_unit_factor=0.001)
400def plot_vp_belowcrust(crust2=None, filename='vp_below_crust.pdf'):
401 '''
402 Create a quick and dirty plot of vp below the crust, as defined in
403 CRUST2.0.
404 '''
406 if crust2 is None:
407 crust2 = Crust2.instance()
409 def func(lat, lon):
410 return crust2.get_profile(lat, lon).get_layer(LBELOWCRUST)[1]
412 plot(func, filename, zscaled_unit='km/s', zscaled_unit_factor=0.001)
415def plot(func, filename, **kwargs):
416 nlats, nlons = 91, 181
417 lats = num.linspace(-90., 90., nlats)
418 lons = num.linspace(-180., 180., nlons)
420 vecfunc = num.vectorize(func, [float])
421 latss, lonss = num.meshgrid(lats, lons)
422 thickness = vecfunc(latss, lonss)
424 from pyrocko.plot import gmtpy
425 cm =
426 marg = (1.5*cm, 2.5*cm, 1.5*cm, 1.5*cm)
427 p = gmtpy.Simple(
428 width=20*cm, height=10*cm, margins=marg,
429 with_palette=True, **kwargs)
431 p.density_plot(gmtpy.tabledata(lons, lats, thickness.T))