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1# - GPLv3
3# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
4# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
7Read instrument responses from `SEISAN <>`_ files.
10import calendar
11import logging
12import numpy as num
13from scipy import signal
15from pyrocko import util, response
17unpack_fixed = util.unpack_fixed
19logger = logging.getLogger('')
21d2r = num.pi/180.
24class SeisanResponseFileError(Exception):
25 pass
28class SeisanResponseFile(object):
30 def __init__(self):
31 pass
33 def read(self, filename):
35 f = open(filename, 'rb')
36 line = f.readline()
37 line = str(line.decode('ascii'))
39 station, component, century, deltayear, doy, month, day, hr, mi, sec \
40 = unpack_fixed(
41 'a5,a4,@1,i2,x1,i3,x1,i2,x1,i2,x1,i2,x1,i2,x1,f6',
42 line[0:35],
43 lambda s: {' ': 1900, '0': 1900, '1': 2000}[s])
45 # is_accelerometer = line[6] == 'A'
47 latitude, longitude, elevation, filetype, cf_flag = \
48 unpack_fixed(
49 'f8?,x1,f9?,x1,f5?,x2,@1,a1',
50 line[50:80],
51 lambda s: {
52 ' ': 'gains-and-filters',
53 't': 'tabulated',
54 'p': 'poles-and-zeros'}[s.lower()])
56 line = f.readline()
57 line = str(line.decode('ascii'))
59 comment = line.strip()
60 tmin = util.to_time_float(calendar.timegm(
61 (century+deltayear, 1, doy, hr, mi, int(sec)))) + sec-int(sec)
63 if filetype == 'gains-and-filters':
65 line = f.readline()
66 line = str(line.decode('ascii'))
68 period, damping, sensor_sensitivity, amplifier_gain, \
69 digitizer_gain, gain_1hz, filter1_corner, filter1_order, \
70 filter2_corner, filter2_order = unpack_fixed(
71 'f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8',
72 line)
74 filter_defs = [
75 filter1_corner,
76 filter1_order,
77 filter2_corner,
78 filter2_order]
80 line = f.readline()
81 line = str(line.decode('ascii'))
83 filter_defs.extend(
84 unpack_fixed('f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8', line))
86 filters = []
87 for order, corner in zip(filter_defs[1::2], filter_defs[0::2]):
88 if order != 0.0:
89 filters.append((order, corner))
91 if filetype in ('gains-and-filters', 'tabulated'):
92 data = ([], [], [])
93 for iy in range(3):
94 for ix in range(3):
95 line = f.readline()
96 line = str(line.decode('ascii'))
98 data[ix].extend(unpack_fixed(
99 'f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8', line))
101 response_table = num.array(data, dtype=float)
103 if filetype == 'poles-and-zeros':
104 assert False, 'poles-and-zeros file type not implemented yet ' \
105 'for seisan response file format'
107 f.close()
109 if num.all(num.abs(response_table[2]) <= num.pi):
110 logger.warning(
111 'assuming tabulated phases are given in radians instead of '
112 'degrees')
114 cresp = response_table[1] * (
115 num.cos(response_table[2])
116 + 1.0j*num.sin(response_table[2]))
117 else:
118 cresp = response_table[1] * (
119 num.cos(response_table[2]*d2r)
120 + 1.0j*num.sin(response_table[2]*d2r))
122 self.station = station
123 self.component = component
124 self.tmin = tmin
125 self.latitude = latitude
126 self.longitude = longitude
127 self.elevation = elevation
128 self.filetype = filetype
129 self.comment = comment
130 self.period = period
131 self.damping = damping
132 self.sensor_sensitivity = sensor_sensitivity
133 self.amplifier_gain = amplifier_gain
134 self.digitizer_gain = digitizer_gain
135 self.gain_1hz = gain_1hz
136 self.filters = filters
138 self.sampled_response = response.SampledResponse(
139 response_table[0], cresp)
141 self._check_tabulated_response(filename=filename)
143 def response(self, freqs, method='from-filetype', type='displacement'):
145 freqs = num.asarray(freqs)
146 want_scalar = False
147 if freqs.ndim == 0:
148 freqs = num.array([freqs])
149 want_scalar = True
151 if method == 'from-filetype':
152 method = self.filetype
154 if method == 'gains-and-filters':
155 dresp = self._response_prototype_and_filters(freqs) \
156 / abs(self._response_prototype_and_filters([1.0])[0]) \
157 * self.gain_1hz
159 elif method == 'tabulated':
160 dresp = self._response_tabulated(freqs) \
161 / abs(self._response_tabulated([1.0])[0]) * self.gain_1hz
163 elif method == 'poles-and-zeros':
164 raise Exception(
165 'fix me! poles-and-zeros response in seisan is broken: where '
166 'should the "normalization" come from?')
168 # dresp = self._response_from_poles_and_zeros(freqs) *normalization
170 elif method == 'gains':
171 dresp = num.ones(freqs.size) * self.gain_total() * 1.0j * 2. \
172 * num.pi * freqs
174 else:
175 assert False, 'invalid response method specified'
177 if type == 'velocity':
178 dresp /= 1.0j * 2. * num.pi * freqs
180 if want_scalar:
181 return dresp[0]
182 else:
183 return dresp
185 def gain_total(self):
186 return self.sensor_sensitivity * 10.**(self.amplifier_gain/20.) \
187 * self.digitizer_gain
189 def _prototype_response_velocity(self, s):
190 omega0 = 2. * num.pi / self.period
191 return s**2/(omega0**2 + s**2 + 2.0*s*omega0*self.damping)
193 def _response_prototype_and_filters(self, freqs):
194 freqs = num.asarray(freqs, dtype=float)
195 iomega = 1.0j * 2. * num.pi * freqs
197 trans = iomega * self._prototype_response_velocity(iomega)
199 for (order, corner) in self.filters:
200 if order < 0. or corner < 0.:
201 b, a = signal.butter(
202 abs(order), [abs(corner)], btype='high', analog=1)
203 else:
204 b, a = signal.butter(
205 order, [corner], btype='low', analog=1)
207 trans *= signal.freqs(b, a, freqs)[1]
209 return trans
211 def _response_tabulated(self, freqs):
212 freqs = num.asarray(freqs, dtype=float)
213 return self.sampled_response.evaluate(freqs)
215 def _response_from_poles_and_zeros(self, freqs):
216 assert False, 'poles-and-zeros file type not implemented yet for ' \
217 'seisan response file format'
218 return None
220 def _check_tabulated_response(self, filename='?'):
221 if self.filetype == 'gains-and-filters':
222 freqs = self.sampled_response.frequencies()
224 trans_gaf = self.response(freqs, method='gains-and-filters')
225 atrans_gaf = num.abs(trans_gaf)
227 trans_tab = self.response(freqs, method='tabulated')
228 atrans_tab = num.abs(trans_tab)
230 if num.any(num.abs(atrans_gaf-atrans_tab)
231 / num.abs(atrans_gaf+atrans_tab) > 1./100.):
233 logger.warning(
234 'inconsistent amplitudes in tabulated response '
235 '(in file "%s") (max |a-b|/|a+b| is %g' % (
236 filename,
237 num.amax(num.abs(atrans_gaf-atrans_tab)
238 / abs(atrans_gaf+atrans_tab))))
240 else:
241 if num.any(num.abs(trans_gaf-trans_tab)
242 > abs(trans_gaf+trans_tab)/100.):
244 logger.warning(
245 'inconsistent phase values in tabulated response '
246 '(in file "%s"' % filename)
248 def __str__(self):
250 return '''--- Seisan Response File ---
251station: %s
252component: %s
253start time: %s
254latitude: %f
255longitude: %f
256elevation: %f
257filetype: %s
258comment: %s
259sensor period: %g
260sensor damping: %g
261sensor sensitivity: %g
262amplifier gain: %g
263digitizer gain: %g
264gain at 1 Hz: %g
265filters: %s
266''' % (self.station, self.component, util.time_to_str(self.tmin),
267 self.latitude, self.longitude, self.elevation, self.filetype,
268 self.comment, self.period, self.damping, self.sensor_sensitivity,
269 self.amplifier_gain, self.digitizer_gain, self.gain_1hz,
270 self.filters)
272 def plot_amplitudes(self, filename_pdf, type='displacement'):
274 from pyrocko.plot import gmtpy
276 p = gmtpy.LogLogPlot()
277 f = self.sampled_response.frequencies()
278 atab = num.abs(self.response(f, method='tabulated', type=type))
279 acom = num.abs(self.response(f, method='gains-and-filters', type=type))
280 aconst = num.abs(self.response(f, method='gains', type=type))
282 p.plot((f, atab), '-W2p,red')
283 p.plot((f, acom), '-W1p,blue')
284 p.plot((f, aconst), '-W1p,green')
287 def plot_phases(self, filename_pdf, type='displacement'):
289 from pyrocko.plot import gmtpy
291 p = gmtpy.LogLinPlot()
292 f = self.sampled_response.frequencies()
293 atab = num.unwrap(num.angle(self.response(
294 f, method='tabulated', type=type))) / d2r
295 acom = num.unwrap(num.angle(self.response(
296 f, method='gains-and-filters', type=type))) / d2r
297 aconst = num.unwrap(num.angle(self.response(
298 f, method='gains', type=type))) / d2r
300 p.plot((f, atab), '-W2p,red')
301 p.plot((f, acom), '-W1p,blue')
302 p.plot((f, aconst), '-W1p,green')