Source code for

import logging
import numpy as num
from pyrocko.guts import Object, Float, List, StringChoice

logger = logging.getLogger('')
km = 1e3

def tukey_window(N, alpha):
    assert alpha <= 1.
    window = num.ones(N)
    n = num.arange(N)

    N_f = int((alpha * N)//2)
    window[:N_f] = .5 * (1. - num.cos((2*num.pi * n[:N_f])/(alpha * N)))
    window[(N-N_f):] = window[:N_f][::-1]
    return window

def planck_window(N, epsilon):
    assert epsilon <= 1.
    window = num.ones(N)
    n = num.arange(N)

    N_f = int((epsilon * N))
    window[:N_f] = \
        (1. + num.exp((epsilon * N) / n[:N_f] -
                      (epsilon * N) / ((epsilon * N - n[:N_f]))))**-1.
    window[(N-N_f):] = window[:N_f][::-1]
    return window

[docs]class AbstractTractionField(Object): operation = 'mult' def get_tractions(self, nx, ny, patches): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TractionField(AbstractTractionField): operation = 'add' def get_tractions(self, nx, ny, patches): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TractionComposition(TractionField): components = List.T( AbstractTractionField.T(), default=[], help='Ordered list of tractions') def get_tractions(self, nx, ny, patches=None): npatches = nx * ny tractions = num.zeros((npatches, 3)) for comp in self.components: if comp.operation == 'add': tractions += comp.get_tractions(nx, ny, patches) elif comp.operation == 'mult': tractions *= comp.get_tractions(nx, ny, patches) else: raise AttributeError( 'Component %s has an invalid operation %s.' % (comp, comp.operation)) return tractions def add_component(self, field): logger.debug('adding traction component') self.components.append(field)
[docs]class UniformTractions(TractionField): traction = Float.T( default=1., help='Uniform traction in strike, dip and normal direction [Pa]') def get_tractions(self, nx, ny, patches=None): npatches = nx * ny return num.full((npatches, 3), self.traction)
[docs]class HomogeneousTractions(TractionField): t_strike = Float.T( default=1., help='Tractions in strike direction [Pa]') t_dip = Float.T( default=1., help='Traction in dip direction (up) [Pa]') t_normal = Float.T( default=1., help='Traction in normal direction [Pa]') def get_tractions(self, nx, ny, patches=None): npatches = nx * ny return num.tile( (self.t_strike, self.t_dip, self.t_normal), npatches) \ .reshape(-1, 3)
[docs]class RectangularTaper(AbstractTractionField): width = Float.T( default=.2, help='Width of the taper as a fraction of the plane.') type = StringChoice.T( choices=('tukey', ), default='tukey', help='Type of the taper, default "tukey"') def get_tractions(self, nx, ny, patches=None): if self.type == 'tukey': x = tukey_window(nx, self.width) y = tukey_window(ny, self.width) return (x[:, num.newaxis] * y).ravel()[:, num.newaxis] raise AttributeError('unknown type %s' % self.type)
[docs]class DepthTaper(AbstractTractionField): depth_start = Float.T( help='Depth where the taper begins [km]') depth_stop = Float.T( help='Depth where taper stops, and drops to 0. [km]') type = StringChoice.T( choices=('linear', ), default='linear', help='Type of the taper, default "linear"') def get_tractions(self, nx, ny, patches): assert self.depth_stop > self.depth_start depths = num.array([p.depth for p in patches]) if self.type == 'linear': slope = self.depth_stop - self.depth_start depths -= self.depth_stop depths /= -slope depths[depths > 1.] = 1. depths[depths < 0.] = 0. return depths[:, num.newaxis]
def plot_tractions(tractions, nx=15, ny=12, depth=10*km, component='strike'): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pyrocko.modelling.okada import OkadaSource source = OkadaSource( lat=0., lon=0., depth=depth, al1=-20*km, al2=20*km, aw1=-15*km, aw2=15*km, strike=120., dip=90., rake=90., slip=5.) patches, _ = source.discretize(nx, ny) tractions = tractions.get_tractions(nx, ny, patches) tractions = tractions[:, 0].reshape(nx, ny) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() ax.imshow(tractions) if __name__ == '__main__': tractions = TractionComposition( components=[ UniformTractions(traction=45e3), RectangularTaper(), DepthTaper(depth_start=10.*km, depth_stop=30.*km) ]) plot_tractions(tractions)