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1# - GPLv3
3# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
4# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
7Geometry helper functions for coordinate transforms and mesh manipulations.
10import numpy as num
12from pyrocko import orthodrome as od
14d2r = num.pi/180.
15r2d = 1.0 / d2r
18def arr_vertices(obj):
19 a = num.array(obj, dtype=num.float64)
20 assert len(a.shape) == 2
21 assert a.shape[1] == 3
22 return a
25def arr_faces(obj):
26 a = num.array(obj, dtype=num.int64)
27 assert len(a.shape) == 2
28 return a
31def vsqr(vertices):
32 return num.sum(vertices**2, axis=1)
35def vdot(a, b):
36 return num.sum(a*b, axis=-1)
39def vnorm(vertices):
40 return num.linalg.norm(vertices, axis=1)
43def normalize(vertices):
44 return vertices / vnorm(vertices)[:, num.newaxis]
47def face_centers(vertices, faces):
48 return num.mean(vertices[faces], axis=1)
51def rtp2xyz(rtp):
52 r = rtp[:, 0]
53 theta = rtp[:, 1]
54 phi = rtp[:, 2]
55 vecs = num.empty(rtp.shape, dtype=num.float64)
56 vecs[:, 0] = r*num.sin(theta)*num.cos(phi)
57 vecs[:, 1] = r*num.sin(theta)*num.sin(phi)
58 vecs[:, 2] = -r*num.cos(theta)
59 return vecs
62def xyz2rtp(xyz):
63 x, y, z = xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2]
64 vecs = num.empty(xyz.shape, dtype=num.float64)
65 vecs[:, 0] = num.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
66 vecs[:, 1] = num.arctan2(num.sqrt(x**2+y**2), z)
67 vecs[:, 2] = num.arctan2(y, x)
68 return vecs
71def latlon2xyz(latlon, radius=1.0):
72 rtp = num.empty((latlon.shape[0], 3))
73 rtp[:, 0] = radius
74 rtp[:, 1] = (latlon[:, 0] + 90.) * d2r
75 rtp[:, 2] = latlon[:, 1] * d2r
76 return rtp2xyz(rtp)
79def latlondepth2xyz(latlondepth, planetradius):
80 rtp = num.empty((latlondepth.shape[0], 3))
81 rtp[:, 0] = 1.0 - (latlondepth[:, 2] / planetradius)
82 rtp[:, 1] = (latlondepth[:, 0] + 90.) * d2r
83 rtp[:, 2] = latlondepth[:, 1] * d2r
84 return rtp2xyz(rtp)
87def ned2xyz(ned, latlondepth, planetradius):
88 endpoints = num.empty_like(latlondepth)
89 endpoints[:, 0], endpoints[:, 1] = od.ne_to_latlon(
90 latlondepth[:, 0], latlondepth[:, 1], ned[:, 0], ned[:, 1])
91 endpoints[:, 2] = latlondepth[:, 2] + ned[:, 2]
93 start_xyz = latlondepth2xyz(latlondepth, planetradius)
94 end_xyz = latlondepth2xyz(endpoints, planetradius)
96 return end_xyz - start_xyz
99def topo_to_vertices(lat, lon, ele, planetradius):
100 nlat = lat.size
101 nlon = lon.size
102 assert nlat > 1 and nlon > 1 and ele.shape == (nlat, nlon)
103 rtp = num.empty((ele.size, 3))
104 rtp[:, 0] = 1.0 + ele.flatten() / planetradius
105 rtp[:, 1] = (num.repeat(lat, nlon) + 90.) * d2r
106 rtp[:, 2] = num.tile(lon, nlat) * d2r
107 vertices = rtp2xyz(rtp)
108 return vertices
111g_topo_faces = {}
114def topo_to_faces(nlat, nlon):
115 k = (nlat, nlon)
116 if k not in g_topo_faces:
118 nfaces = 2 * (nlat - 1) * (nlon - 1)
119 faces = num.empty((nfaces, 3), dtype=num.int64)
120 ilon = num.arange(nlon - 1)
121 for ilat in range(nlat - 1):
122 ibeg = ilat*(nlon-1) * 2
123 iend = (ilat+1)*(nlon-1) * 2
124 faces[ibeg:iend:2, 0] = ilat*nlon + ilon
125 faces[ibeg:iend:2, 1] = ilat*nlon + ilon + 1
126 faces[ibeg:iend:2, 2] = ilat*nlon + ilon + nlon
127 faces[ibeg+1:iend+1:2, 0] = ilat*nlon + ilon + 1
128 faces[ibeg+1:iend+1:2, 1] = ilat*nlon + ilon + nlon + 1
129 faces[ibeg+1:iend+1:2, 2] = ilat*nlon + ilon + nlon
131 g_topo_faces[k] = faces
133 return g_topo_faces[k]
136g_topo_faces_quad = {}
139def topo_to_faces_quad(nlat, nlon):
140 k = (nlat, nlon)
141 if k not in g_topo_faces_quad:
143 nfaces = (nlat - 1) * (nlon - 1)
144 faces = num.empty((nfaces, 4), dtype=num.int64)
145 ilon = num.arange(nlon - 1)
146 for ilat in range(nlat - 1):
147 ibeg = ilat*(nlon-1)
148 iend = (ilat+1)*(nlon-1)
149 faces[ibeg:iend, 0] = ilat*nlon + ilon
150 faces[ibeg:iend, 1] = ilat*nlon + ilon + 1
151 faces[ibeg:iend, 2] = ilat*nlon + ilon + nlon + 1
152 faces[ibeg:iend, 3] = ilat*nlon + ilon + nlon
154 g_topo_faces_quad[k] = faces
156 return g_topo_faces_quad[k]
159def topo_to_mesh(lat, lon, ele, planetradius):
160 return \
161 topo_to_vertices(lat, lon, ele, planetradius), \
162 topo_to_faces_quad(*ele.shape)
165def refine_triangles(vertices, faces):
167 nv = vertices.shape[0]
168 nf = faces.shape[0]
169 assert faces.shape[1] == 3
171 fedges = num.concatenate((
172 faces[:, (0, 1)],
173 faces[:, (1, 2)],
174 faces[:, (2, 0)]))
176 fedges.sort(axis=1)
177 fedges1 = fedges[:, 0] + fedges[:, 1]*nv
178 sortorder = fedges1.argsort()
180 ne = fedges.shape[0] // 2
181 edges = fedges[sortorder[::2], :]
183 vertices_new = num.zeros((nv+ne, 3), dtype=num.float64)
184 vertices_new[:nv] = vertices
185 vertices_new[nv:] = 0.5 * (vertices[edges[:, 0]] + vertices[edges[:, 1]])
187 faces_new = num.zeros((nf*4, 3), dtype=num.int64)
189 vind = nv + sortorder.argsort()/2
191 faces_new[:nf, 0] = faces[:, 0]
192 faces_new[:nf, 1] = vind[:nf]
193 faces_new[:nf, 2] = vind[2*nf:]
195 faces_new[nf:nf*2, 0] = faces[:, 1]
196 faces_new[nf:nf*2, 1] = vind[nf:2*nf]
197 faces_new[nf:nf*2, 2] = vind[:nf]
199 faces_new[nf*2:nf*3, 0] = faces[:, 2]
200 faces_new[nf*2:nf*3, 1] = vind[2*nf:]
201 faces_new[nf*2:nf*3, 2] = vind[nf:2*nf]
203 faces_new[nf*3:, 0] = vind[:nf]
204 faces_new[nf*3:, 1] = vind[nf:2*nf]
205 faces_new[nf*3:, 2] = vind[2*nf:]
207 return vertices_new, faces_new
210def refine_triangle_parents(nfaces):
211 return num.arange(nfaces) % (nfaces / 4)
214def triangle_barycentric_transforms(vertices, faces):
215 a = vertices[faces[:, 1]] - vertices[faces[:, 0]]
216 b = vertices[faces[:, 2]] - vertices[faces[:, 0]]
218 norm = 1.0 / (vsqr(a) * vsqr(b) - vdot(a, b)**2)
220 transforms = num.zeros((faces.shape[0], 2, 3))
222 transforms[:, 0, :] = norm[:, num.newaxis] \
223 * (vsqr(b)[:, num.newaxis] * a - vdot(a, b)[:, num.newaxis] * b)
224 transforms[:, 1, :] = norm[:, num.newaxis] \
225 * (vsqr(a)[:, num.newaxis] * b - vdot(a, b)[:, num.newaxis] * a)
227 return transforms
230def triangle_barycentric_coordinates(transform, origin, points):
231 c = points - origin[num.newaxis, :]
232 uv =[:, :], c.T).T
233 return uv
236def triangle_cartesian_system(vertices, faces):
237 a = normalize(vertices[faces[:, 1]] - vertices[faces[:, 0]])
238 b = vertices[faces[:, 2]] - vertices[faces[:, 1]]
239 c = normalize(num.cross(a, b))
240 uvw = num.zeros((faces.shape[0], 3, 3))
241 uvw[:, 0, :] = a
242 uvw[:, 1, :] = num.cross(c, a)
243 uvw[:, 2, :] = c
244 return uvw
247def triangle_planes(vertices, faces):
248 a = vertices[faces[:, 1]] - vertices[faces[:, 0]]
249 b = vertices[faces[:, 2]] - vertices[faces[:, 0]]
250 anormals = normalize(num.cross(a, b))
251 anormals *= vdot(vertices[faces[:, 0]], anormals)[:, num.newaxis]
252 return anormals