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1# - GPLv3
3# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
4# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
7Synthetic seismic waveform generator.
10import hashlib
11import math
12import logging
13import numpy as num
15from os import path as op
16from functools import reduce
18from pyrocko.guts import StringChoice, Float, List, Bool
19from pyrocko.gui.snuffler.marker import PhaseMarker, EventMarker
20from pyrocko import gf, model, util, trace, io
21from pyrocko.response import DifferentiationResponse
22from import FileSaveError
23from pyrocko import pile
25from ..station import StationGenerator, RandomStationGenerator
26from .base import TargetGenerator, NoiseGenerator
27from ..error import ScenarioError
30DEFAULT_STORE_ID = 'global_2s'
32logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.scenario.targets.waveform')
33guts_prefix = 'pf.scenario'
36class WaveformNoiseGenerator(NoiseGenerator):
38 def get_time_increment(self, deltat):
39 return deltat * 1024
41 def get_intersecting_snippets(self, deltat, codes, tmin, tmax):
42 raise NotImplementedError()
44 def add_noise(self, tr):
45 for ntr in self.get_intersecting_snippets(
46 tr.deltat, tr.nslc_id, tr.tmin, tr.tmax):
47 tr.add(ntr)
50class WhiteNoiseGenerator(WaveformNoiseGenerator):
52 scale = Float.T(default=1e-6)
54 def get_seed_offset2(self, deltat, iw, codes):
55 m = hashlib.sha1(('%e %i %s.%s.%s.%s' % ((deltat, iw) + codes))
56 .encode('utf8'))
57 return int(m.hexdigest(), base=16) % 10000000
59 def get_intersecting_snippets(self, deltat, codes, tmin, tmax):
60 tinc = self.get_time_increment(deltat)
61 iwmin = int(math.floor(tmin / tinc))
62 iwmax = int(math.floor(tmax / tinc))
64 trs = []
65 for iw in range(iwmin, iwmax+1):
66 seed_offset = self.get_seed_offset2(deltat, iw, codes)
67 rstate = self.get_rstate(seed_offset)
69 n = int(round(tinc // deltat))
71 trs.append(trace.Trace(
72 codes[0], codes[1], codes[2], codes[3],
73 deltat=deltat,
74 tmin=iw*tinc,
75 ydata=rstate.normal(loc=0, scale=self.scale, size=n)))
77 return trs
80class WaveformGenerator(TargetGenerator):
82 station_generators = List.T(
83 StationGenerator.T(),
84 default=[RandomStationGenerator.D()],
85 help='List of StationGenerators.')
87 noise_generator = WaveformNoiseGenerator.T(
88 default=WhiteNoiseGenerator.D(),
89 help='Add Synthetic noise on the waveforms.')
91 store_id = gf.StringID.T(
92 default=DEFAULT_STORE_ID,
93 help='The GF store to use for forward-calculations.')
95 seismogram_quantity = StringChoice.T(
96 choices=['displacement', 'velocity', 'acceleration', 'counts'],
97 default='displacement')
99 vmin_cut = Float.T(
100 default=2000.,
101 help='Minimum velocity to seismic velocity to consider in the model.')
102 vmax_cut = Float.T(
103 default=8000.,
104 help='Maximum velocity to seismic velocity to consider in the model.')
106 fmin = Float.T(
107 default=0.01,
108 help='Minimum frequency/wavelength to resolve in the'
109 ' synthetic waveforms.')
111 tabulated_phases = List.T(
112 gf.meta.TPDef.T(), optional=True,
113 help='Define seismic phases to be calculated.')
115 tabulated_phases_from_store = Bool.T(
116 default=False,
117 help='Calculate seismic phase arrivals for all travel-time tables '
118 'defined in GF store.')
120 tabulated_phases_noise_scale = Float.T(
121 default=0.0,
122 help='Standard deviation of normally distributed noise added to '
123 'calculated phase arrivals.')
125 taper = trace.Taper.T(
126 optional=True,
127 help='Time domain taper applied to synthetic waveforms.')
129 compensate_synthetic_offsets = Bool.T(
130 default=False,
131 help='Center synthetic trace amplitudes using mean of waveform tips.')
133 tinc = Float.T(
134 optional=True,
135 help='Time increment of waveforms.')
137 continuous = Bool.T(
138 default=True,
139 help='Only produce traces that intersect with events.')
141 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
142 super(WaveformGenerator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
143 self._targets = []
144 self._piles = {}
146 def _get_pile(self, path):
147 apath = op.abspath(path)
148 assert op.isdir(apath)
150 if apath not in self._piles:
151 fns = util.select_files(
152 [apath], show_progress=False)
154 p = pile.Pile()
155 if fns:
156 p.load_files(fns, fileformat='mseed', show_progress=False)
158 self._piles[apath] = p
160 return self._piles[apath]
162 def get_stations(self):
163 stations = []
164 for station_generator in self.station_generators:
165 stations.extend(station_generator.get_stations())
166 return stations
168 def get_distance_range(self, sources):
169 distances = num.array(
170 [sg.get_distance_range(sources)
171 for sg in self.station_generators])
172 return (distances[:, 0].min(), distances[:, 1].max())
174 def get_targets(self):
175 if self._targets:
176 return self._targets
178 for station in self.get_stations():
179 channel_data = []
180 channels = station.get_channels()
181 if channels:
182 for channel in channels:
183 channel_data.append([
185 channel.azimuth,
186 channel.dip])
188 else:
189 for c_name in ['BHZ', 'BHE', 'BHN']:
190 channel_data.append([
191 c_name,
192 model.guess_azimuth_from_name(c_name),
193 model.guess_dip_from_name(c_name)])
195 for c_name, c_azi, c_dip in channel_data:
197 target = gf.Target(
198 codes=(
200 station.station,
201 station.location,
202 c_name),
203 quantity='displacement',
205 lon=station.lon,
206 north_shift=station.north_shift,
207 east_shift=station.east_shift,
208 depth=station.depth,
209 store_id=self.store_id,
210 optimization='enable',
211 interpolation='nearest_neighbor',
212 azimuth=c_azi,
213 dip=c_dip)
215 self._targets.append(target)
217 return self._targets
219 def get_time_range(self, sources):
220 dmin, dmax = self.get_distance_range(sources)
222 times = num.array([source.time for source in sources],
223 dtype=util.get_time_dtype())
225 tmin_events = num.min(times)
226 tmax_events = num.max(times)
228 tmin = tmin_events + dmin / self.vmax_cut - 10.0 / self.fmin
229 tmax = tmax_events + dmax / self.vmin_cut + 10.0 / self.fmin
231 return tmin, tmax
233 def get_codes_to_deltat(self, engine, sources):
234 deltats = {}
236 targets = self.get_targets()
237 for source in sources:
238 for target in targets:
239 deltats[] = engine.get_store(
240 target.store_id).config.deltat
242 return deltats
244 def get_useful_time_increment(self, engine, sources):
245 _, dmax = self.get_distance_range(sources)
246 tinc = dmax / self.vmin_cut + 2.0 / self.fmin
248 deltats = set(self.get_codes_to_deltat(engine, sources).values())
249 deltat = reduce(util.lcm, deltats)
250 tinc = int(round(tinc / deltat)) * deltat
251 return tinc
253 def get_relevant_sources(self, sources, tmin, tmax):
254 dmin, dmax = self.get_distance_range(sources)
255 trange = tmax - tmin
256 tmax_pad = trange + tmax + dmin / self.vmax_cut
257 tmin_pad = tmin - (dmax / self.vmin_cut + trange)
259 return [s for s in sources if s.time < tmax_pad and s.time > tmin_pad]
261 def get_waveforms(self, engine, sources, tmin, tmax):
263 sources_relevant = self.get_relevant_sources(sources, tmin, tmax)
264 if not (self.continuous or sources_relevant):
265 return []
267 trs = {}
268 tts = util.time_to_str
270 for nslc, deltat in self.get_codes_to_deltat(engine, sources).items():
271 tr_tmin = round(tmin / deltat) * deltat
272 tr_tmax = (round(tmax / deltat)-1) * deltat
273 nsamples = int(round((tr_tmax - tr_tmin) / deltat)) + 1
275 tr = trace.Trace(
276 *nslc,
277 tmin=tr_tmin,
278 ydata=num.zeros(nsamples),
279 deltat=deltat)
281 self.noise_generator.add_noise(tr)
283 trs[nslc] = tr
285 logger.debug('Forward modelling waveforms between %s - %s...'
286 % (tts(tmin, format='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'),
287 tts(tmax, format='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')))
289 if not sources_relevant:
290 return list(trs.values())
292 targets = self.get_targets()
293 response = engine.process(sources_relevant, targets)
294 for source, target, res in response.iter_results(
295 get='results'):
297 if isinstance(res, gf.SeismosizerError):
298 logger.warning(
299 'Out of bounds! \nTarget: %s\nSource: %s\n' % (
300 '.'.join(, source)
301 continue
303 tr = res.trace.pyrocko_trace()
305 candidate = trs[]
306 if not candidate.overlaps(tr.tmin, tr.tmax):
307 continue
309 if self.compensate_synthetic_offsets:
310 tr.ydata -= (num.mean(tr.ydata[-3:-1]) +
311 num.mean(tr.ydata[1:3])) / 2.
313 if self.taper:
314 tr.taper(self.taper)
316 resp = self.get_transfer_function(
317 if resp:
318 tr = tr.transfer(transfer_function=resp)
320 candidate.add(tr)
321 trs[] = candidate
323 return list(trs.values())
325 def get_onsets(self, engine, sources, *args, **kwargs):
327 targets = {[:3]: t for t in self.get_targets()}
329 markers = []
330 for source in sources:
331 ev = source.pyrocko_event()
332 markers.append(EventMarker(ev))
333 for nsl, target in targets.items():
334 store = engine.get_store(target.store_id)
335 if self.tabulated_phases:
336 tabulated_phases = self.tabulated_phases
338 elif self.tabulated_phases_from_store:
339 tabulated_phases = store.config.tabulated_phases
340 else:
341 tabulated_phases = []
343 for phase in tabulated_phases:
344 t = store.t(, source, target)
345 if not t:
346 continue
348 noise_scale = self.tabulated_phases_noise_scale
349 if noise_scale != 0.0:
350 t += num.random.normal(scale=noise_scale)
352 t += source.time
353 markers.append(
354 PhaseMarker(
356 tmin=t,
357 tmax=t,
358 event=source.pyrocko_event(),
359 nslc_ids=(nsl+('*',),)
360 )
361 )
362 return markers
364 def get_transfer_function(self, codes):
365 if self.seismogram_quantity == 'displacement':
366 return None
367 elif self.seismogram_quantity == 'velocity':
368 return DifferentiationResponse(1)
369 elif self.seismogram_quantity == 'acceleration':
370 return DifferentiationResponse(2)
371 elif self.seismogram_quantity == 'counts':
372 raise NotImplementedError()
374 def ensure_data(self, engine, sources, path, tmin=None, tmax=None):
375 self.ensure_waveforms(engine, sources, path, tmin, tmax)
376 self.ensure_responses(path)
378 def ensure_waveforms(self, engine, sources, path, tmin=None, tmax=None):
380 path_waveforms = op.join(path, 'waveforms')
381 util.ensuredir(path_waveforms)
383 p = self._get_pile(path_waveforms)
385 nslc_ids = set( for target in self.get_targets())
387 def have_waveforms(tmin, tmax):
388 trs_have = p.all(
389 tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
390 load_data=False, degap=False,
391 trace_selector=lambda tr: tr.nslc_id in nslc_ids)
393 return any(tr.data_len() > 0 for tr in trs_have)
395 def add_files(paths):
396 p.load_files(paths, fileformat='mseed', show_progress=False)
398 path_traces = op.join(
399 path_waveforms,
400 '%(wmin_year)s',
401 '%(wmin_month)s',
402 '%(wmin_day)s',
403 'waveform_%(network)s_%(station)s_' +
404 '%(location)s_%(channel)s_%(tmin)s_%(tmax)s.mseed')
406 tmin_all, tmax_all = self.get_time_range(sources)
407 tmin = tmin if tmin is not None else tmin_all
408 tmax = tmax if tmax is not None else tmax_all
409 tts = util.time_to_str
411 tinc = self.tinc or self.get_useful_time_increment(engine, sources)
412 tmin = num.floor(tmin / tinc) * tinc
413 tmax = num.ceil(tmax / tinc) * tinc
415 nwin = int(round((tmax - tmin) / tinc))
417 pbar = None
418 try:
419 for iwin in range(nwin):
420 tmin_win = tmin + iwin*tinc
421 tmax_win = tmin + (iwin+1)*tinc
423 if have_waveforms(tmin_win, tmax_win):
424 continue
426 if pbar is None:
427 pbar = util.progressbar(
428 'Generating waveforms', (nwin-iwin))
430 pbar.update(iwin)
432 trs = self.get_waveforms(engine, sources, tmin_win, tmax_win)
434 try:
435 wpaths =
436 trs, path_traces,
437 additional=dict(
438 wmin_year=tts(tmin_win, format='%Y'),
439 wmin_month=tts(tmin_win, format='%m'),
440 wmin_day=tts(tmin_win, format='%d'),
441 wmin=tts(tmin_win, format='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'),
442 wmax_year=tts(tmax_win, format='%Y'),
443 wmax_month=tts(tmax_win, format='%m'),
444 wmax_day=tts(tmax_win, format='%d'),
445 wmax=tts(tmax_win, format='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')))
447 for wpath in wpaths:
448 logger.debug('Generated file: %s' % wpath)
450 add_files(wpaths)
452 except FileSaveError as e:
453 raise ScenarioError(str(e))
455 finally:
456 if pbar is not None:
457 pbar.finish()
459 def ensure_responses(self, path):
460 from import stationxml
462 path_responses = op.join(path, 'meta')
463 util.ensuredir(path_responses)
465 fn_stationxml = op.join(path_responses, 'waveform_response.xml')
466 i = 0
467 while op.exists(fn_stationxml):
468 fn_stationxml = op.join(
469 path_responses, 'waveform_response-%s.xml' % i)
470 i += 1
472 logger.debug('Writing waveform meta information to StationXML...')
474 stations = self.get_stations()
475 sxml = stationxml.FDSNStationXML.from_pyrocko_stations(stations)
477 sunit = {
478 'displacement': 'M',
479 'velocity': 'M/S',
480 'acceleration': 'M/S**2',
481 'counts': 'COUNTS'}[self.seismogram_quantity]
483 response = stationxml.Response(
484 instrument_sensitivity=stationxml.Sensitivity(
485 value=1.,
486 frequency=1.,
487 input_units=stationxml.Units(sunit),
488 output_units=stationxml.Units('COUNTS')),
489 stage_list=[])
491 for net, station, channel in sxml.iter_network_station_channels():
492 channel.response = response
494 sxml.dump_xml(filename=fn_stationxml)
496 def add_map_artists(self, engine, sources, automap):
497 automap.add_stations(self.get_stations())