Source code for grond.optimisers.highscore.optimiser

from __future__ import print_function
import math
import os.path as op
import os
import logging
import time
import numpy as num
from collections import OrderedDict

from pyrocko.guts import StringChoice, Int, Float, Object, List, load_all
from pyrocko.guts_array import Array

from grond.meta import GrondError, Forbidden, has_get_plot_classes, Path
from grond import problems
from grond.problems.base import ModelHistory
from grond.optimisers.base import Optimiser, OptimiserConfig, BadProblem, \

guts_prefix = 'grond'

logger = logging.getLogger('grond.optimisers.highscore.optimiser')

def nextpow2(i):
    return 2**int(math.ceil(math.log(i)/math.log(2.)))

def excentricity_compensated_probabilities(xs, sbx, factor):
    inonflat = num.where(sbx != 0.0)[0]
    scale = num.zeros_like(sbx)
    scale[inonflat] = 1.0 / (sbx[inonflat] * (factor if factor != 0. else 1.0))
    distances_sqr_all = num.sum(
        ((xs[num.newaxis, :, :] - xs[:, num.newaxis, :]) *
         scale[num.newaxis, num.newaxis, :])**2, axis=2)
    probabilities = 1.0 / num.sum(distances_sqr_all < 1.0, axis=1)
    # print(num.sort(num.sum(distances_sqr_all < 1.0, axis=1)))
    probabilities /= num.sum(probabilities)
    return probabilities

def excentricity_compensated_choice(xs, sbx, factor, rstate):
    probabilities = excentricity_compensated_probabilities(
        xs, sbx, factor)
    r = rstate.random_sample()
    ichoice = num.searchsorted(num.cumsum(probabilities), r)
    ichoice = min(ichoice, xs.shape[0]-1)
    return ichoice

def local_std(xs):
    ssbx = num.sort(xs, axis=0)
    dssbx = num.diff(ssbx, axis=0)
    mdssbx = num.median(dssbx, axis=0)
    return mdssbx * dssbx.shape[0] / 2.6

[docs] class SamplerDistributionChoice(StringChoice): choices = ['multivariate_normal', 'normal']
[docs] class StandardDeviationEstimatorChoice(StringChoice): choices = [ 'median_density_single_chain', 'standard_deviation_all_chains', 'standard_deviation_single_chain']
class SamplerStartingPointChoice(StringChoice): choices = ['excentricity_compensated', 'random', 'mean'] class BootstrapTypeChoice(StringChoice): choices = ['bayesian', 'classic'] def fnone(i): return i if i is not None else -1 class Sample(Object): '''Sample model with context about how it was generated.''' model = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=float, serialize_as='list') iphase = Int.T(optional=True) ichain_base = Int.T(optional=True) ilink_base = Int.T(optional=True) imodel_base = Int.T(optional=True) def preconstrain(self, problem, optimiser=None): self.model = problem.preconstrain(self.model, optimiser) def pack_context(self): i = num.zeros(4, dtype=int) i[:] = ( fnone(self.iphase), fnone(self.ichain_base), fnone(self.ilink_base), fnone(self.imodel_base)) return i
[docs] class SamplerPhase(Object): niterations = Int.T( help='Number of iteration for this phase.') ntries_preconstrain_limit = Int.T( default=1000, help='Tries to find a valid preconstrained sample.') seed = Int.T( optional=True, help='Random state seed.') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Object.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._rstate = None self.optimiser = None def get_rstate(self, problem): if self._rstate is None: self._rstate = problem.get_rstate_manager().get_rstate( self.__class__.__name__, self.seed) return self._rstate def get_raw_sample(self, problem, iiter, chains): raise NotImplementedError def get_sample(self, problem, iiter, chains): assert 0 <= iiter < self.niterations ntries_preconstrain = 0 for ntries_preconstrain in range(self.ntries_preconstrain_limit): try: sample = self.get_raw_sample(problem, iiter, chains) sample.preconstrain(problem, self.optimiser) return sample except Forbidden: pass raise GrondError( 'could not find any suitable candidate sample within %i tries' % ( self.ntries_preconstrain_limit)) def set_optimiser(self, optimiser): self.optimiser = optimiser
class InjectionError(Exception): pass
[docs] class InjectionSamplerPhase(SamplerPhase): '''Inject predefined/precomputed models into the optimisation Injected models are given either as an array or are generated from sources/events given in a file. Depending on the problem different sources or events can be used: * :py:class:`grond.problems.cmt.problem.CMTProblem` uses as input: * :py:class:`pyrocko.model.event.Event` with :py:class:`pyrocko.moment_tensor.MomentTensor`, * :py:class:``, * :py:class:``. * :py:class:`grond.problems.double_dc.problem.DoubleDCProblem` uses as input: * :py:class:``. * :py:class:`grond.problems.vlvd.problem.VLVDProblem` uses as input: * :py:class:``. * :py:class:`grond.problems.rectangular.problem.RectangularProblem` uses as input: * :py:class:``. * :py:class:`grond.problems.dynamic_rupture.problem.DynamicRuptureProblem` uses as input: * :py:class:``. Only a single source or event file can be handled in one :py:class:`grond.optimisers.highscore.optimiser.InjectionSamplerPhase`. The number of iterations is adjusted according to the number of sources or events found. ''' xs_inject = Array.T( optional=True, dtype=float, shape=(None, None), help='Array with the injected models.') sources_path = Path.T( optional=True, help='File with sources to be injected as models') events_path = Path.T( optional=True, help='File with events to be injected as models') def _xs_inject_from_sources(self, problem): sources = load_all(filename=self.sources_path) if len(sources) == 0: raise InjectionError('No sources found in the given sources_path.') if num.unique([s.T.classname for s in sources]).shape[0] > 1: raise InjectionError( 'Sources are not of same type in the given file.') return num.array([problem.source_to_x(s) for s in sources]) def _xs_inject_from_events(self, problem): from pyrocko import model if not hasattr(problem, 'event_to_x'): raise InjectionError( 'Events can only be injected using the %s. ' 'Try injecting as sources defining the "sources_path" ' 'attribute instead.' % ( problems.CMTProblem.T.classname)) events = model.load_events(filename=self.events_path) if len(events) == 0: raise InjectionError('No events found in the given events_path.') events = [ev for ev in events if ev.moment_tensor is not None] n_ev = len(events) if n_ev == 0: raise InjectionError( 'The loaded events have no moment tensor information.') return num.array([problem.event_to_x(e) for e in events]) def xs_inject_from_file(self, problem): if self.sources_path and self.events_path: raise AttributeError( 'Sources_path and events_path are both given but mutually ' 'exclusive.') elif self.sources_path: xs_inject = self._xs_inject_from_sources(problem) elif self.events_path: xs_inject = self._xs_inject_from_events(problem) else: raise IndexError( 'No event/source file found to generate xs_inject array from.') if xs_inject.shape[0] != self.niterations: logger.warning( 'Number of injected models (%i) not equal to the number of ' 'iterations (%i) and is adjusted accordingly.' % ( xs_inject.shape[0], self.niterations)) self.niterations = xs_inject.shape[0] self.xs_inject = xs_inject def get_raw_sample(self, problem, iiter, chains): if self.xs_inject is None: self.xs_inject_from_file(problem) return Sample(model=self.xs_inject[iiter, :])
[docs] class UniformSamplerPhase(SamplerPhase): def get_raw_sample(self, problem, iiter, chains): xbounds = problem.get_parameter_bounds() return Sample( model=problem.random_uniform(xbounds, self.get_rstate(problem)))
[docs] class DirectedSamplerPhase(SamplerPhase): scatter_scale = Float.T( optional=True, help='Scales search radius around the current `highscore` models') scatter_scale_begin = Float.T( optional=True, help='Scaling factor at beginning of the phase.') scatter_scale_end = Float.T( optional=True, help='Scaling factor at the end of the directed phase.') starting_point = SamplerStartingPointChoice.T( default='excentricity_compensated', help='Tunes to the center value of the sampler distribution.' 'May increase the likelihood to draw a highscore member model' ' off-center to the mean value') sampler_distribution = SamplerDistributionChoice.T( default='normal', help='Distribution new models are drawn from.') standard_deviation_estimator = StandardDeviationEstimatorChoice.T( default='median_density_single_chain') ntries_sample_limit = Int.T(default=1000) def get_scatter_scale_factor(self, iiter): s = self.scatter_scale sa = self.scatter_scale_begin sb = self.scatter_scale_end assert s is None or (sa is None and sb is None) if sa != sb: tb = float(self.niterations-1) tau = tb/(math.log(sa) - math.log(sb)) t0 = math.log(sa) * tau t = float(iiter) return num.exp(-(t-t0) / tau) else: return s or 1.0 def get_raw_sample(self, problem, iiter, chains): rstate = self.get_rstate(problem) factor = self.get_scatter_scale_factor(iiter) npar = problem.nparameters pnames = problem.parameter_names xbounds = problem.get_parameter_bounds() ilink_choice = None ichain_choice = num.argmin(chains.accept_sum) if self.starting_point == 'excentricity_compensated': models = chains.models(ichain_choice) ilink_choice = excentricity_compensated_choice( models, chains.standard_deviation_models( ichain_choice, self.standard_deviation_estimator), 2., rstate) xchoice = chains.model(ichain_choice, ilink_choice) elif self.starting_point == 'random': ilink_choice = rstate.randint(0, chains.nlinks) xchoice = chains.model(ichain_choice, ilink_choice) elif self.starting_point == 'mean': xchoice = chains.mean_model(ichain_choice) else: assert False, 'invalid starting_point choice: %s' % ( self.starting_point) ntries_sample = 0 if self.sampler_distribution == 'normal': x = num.zeros(npar, dtype=float) sx = chains.standard_deviation_models( ichain_choice, self.standard_deviation_estimator) for ipar in range(npar): ntries = 0 while True: if sx[ipar] > 0.: v = rstate.normal( xchoice[ipar], factor*sx[ipar]) else: v = xchoice[ipar] if xbounds[ipar, 0] <= v and \ v <= xbounds[ipar, 1]: break if ntries > self.ntries_sample_limit: logger.warning( 'failed to produce a suitable ' 'candidate sample from normal ' 'distribution for parameter \'%s\'' '- drawing from uniform instead.' % pnames[ipar]) v = rstate.uniform(xbounds[ipar, 0], xbounds[ipar, 1]) break ntries += 1 x[ipar] = v elif self.sampler_distribution == 'multivariate_normal': ok_mask_sum = num.zeros(npar, dtype=int) while True: ntries_sample += 1 xcandi = rstate.multivariate_normal( xchoice, factor**2 * chains.cov(ichain_choice)) ok_mask = num.logical_and( xbounds[:, 0] <= xcandi, xcandi <= xbounds[:, 1]) if num.all(ok_mask): break ok_mask_sum += ok_mask if ntries_sample > self.ntries_sample_limit: logger.warning( 'failed to produce a suitable candidate ' 'sample from multivariate normal ' 'distribution, (%s) - drawing from uniform instead' % ', '.join('%s:%i' % xx for xx in zip(pnames, ok_mask_sum))) xbounds = problem.get_parameter_bounds() xcandi = problem.random_uniform(xbounds, rstate) break x = xcandi imodel_base = None if ilink_choice is not None: imodel_base = chains.imodel(ichain_choice, ilink_choice) return Sample( model=x, ichain_base=ichain_choice, ilink_base=ilink_choice, imodel_base=imodel_base)
def make_bayesian_weights(nbootstrap, nmisfits, type='bayesian', rstate=None): ws = num.zeros((nbootstrap, nmisfits)) if rstate is None: rstate = num.random.RandomState() for ibootstrap in range(nbootstrap): if type == 'classic': ii = rstate.randint(0, nmisfits, size=nmisfits) ws[ibootstrap, :] = num.histogram( ii, nmisfits, (-0.5, nmisfits - 0.5))[0] elif type == 'bayesian': f = rstate.uniform(0., 1., size=nmisfits+1) f[0] = 0. f[-1] = 1. f = num.sort(f) g = f[1:] - f[:-1] ws[ibootstrap, :] = g * nmisfits else: assert False return ws class Chains(object): def __init__( self, problem, history, nchains, nlinks_cap): self.problem = problem self.history = history self.nchains = nchains self.nlinks_cap = nlinks_cap self.chains_m = num.zeros( (self.nchains, nlinks_cap), dtype=float) self.chains_i = num.zeros( (self.nchains, nlinks_cap), dtype=int) self.nlinks = 0 self.nread = 0 self.accept_sum = num.zeros(self.nchains, dtype=int) self._acceptance_history = num.zeros( (self.nchains, 1024), dtype=bool) history.add_listener(self) def goto(self, n=None): if n is None: n = self.history.nmodels n = min(self.history.nmodels, n) assert self.nread <= n while self.nread < n: nread = self.nread gbms = self.history.bootstrap_misfits[nread, :] self.chains_m[:, self.nlinks] = gbms self.chains_i[:, self.nlinks] = nread nbootstrap = self.chains_m.shape[0] self.nlinks += 1 chains_m = self.chains_m chains_i = self.chains_i for ichain in range(nbootstrap): isort = num.argsort(chains_m[ichain, :self.nlinks]) chains_m[ichain, :self.nlinks] = chains_m[ichain, isort] chains_i[ichain, :self.nlinks] = chains_i[ichain, isort] if self.nlinks == self.nlinks_cap: accept = (chains_i[:, self.nlinks_cap-1] != nread) \ .astype(bool) self.nlinks -= 1 else: accept = num.ones(self.nchains, dtype=bool) self._append_acceptance(accept) self.accept_sum += accept self.nread += 1 def load(self): return self.goto() def extend(self, ioffset, n, models, misfits, sampler_contexts): self.goto(ioffset + n) def indices(self, ichain): if ichain is not None: return self.chains_i[ichain, :self.nlinks] else: return self.chains_i[:, :self.nlinks].ravel() def models(self, ichain=None): return self.history.models[self.indices(ichain), :] def model(self, ichain, ilink): return self.history.models[self.chains_i[ichain, ilink], :] def imodel(self, ichain, ilink): return self.chains_i[ichain, ilink] def misfits(self, ichain=0): return self.chains_m[ichain, :self.nlinks] def misfit(self, ichain, ilink): assert ilink < self.nlinks return self.chains_m[ichain, ilink] def mean_model(self, ichain=None): xs = self.models(ichain) return num.mean(xs, axis=0) def best_model(self, ichain=0): xs = self.models(ichain) return xs[0] def best_model_misfit(self, ichain=0): return self.chains_m[ichain, 0] def standard_deviation_models(self, ichain, estimator): if estimator == 'median_density_single_chain': xs = self.models(ichain) return local_std(xs) elif estimator == 'standard_deviation_all_chains': bxs = self.models() return num.std(bxs, axis=0) elif estimator == 'standard_deviation_single_chain': xs = self.models(ichain) return num.std(xs, axis=0) else: assert False, 'invalid standard_deviation_estimator choice' def covariance_models(self, ichain): xs = self.models(ichain) return num.cov(xs.T) @property def acceptance_history(self): return self._acceptance_history[:, :self.nread] def _append_acceptance(self, acceptance): if self.nread >= self._acceptance_history.shape[1]: new_buf = num.zeros( (self.nchains, nextpow2(self.nread+1)), dtype=bool) new_buf[:, :self._acceptance_history.shape[1]] = \ self._acceptance_history self._acceptance_history = new_buf self._acceptance_history[:, self.nread] = acceptance
[docs] @has_get_plot_classes class HighScoreOptimiser(Optimiser): '''Monte-Carlo-based directed search optimisation with bootstrap.''' sampler_phases = List.T(SamplerPhase.T()) chain_length_factor = Float.T(default=8.) nbootstrap = Int.T(default=100) bootstrap_type = BootstrapTypeChoice.T(default='bayesian') bootstrap_seed = Int.T(default=23) SPARKS = u'\u2581\u2582\u2583\u2584\u2585\u2586\u2587\u2588' ACCEPTANCE_AVG_LEN = 100 def __init__(self, **kwargs): Optimiser.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._bootstrap_weights = None self._bootstrap_residuals = None self._correlated_weights = None self._status_chains = None self._rstate_bootstrap = None for phase in self.sampler_phases: phase.set_optimiser(self) def get_rstate_bootstrap(self, problem): if self._rstate_bootstrap is None: self._rstate_bootstrap = problem.get_rstate_manager().get_rstate( 'bootstraps', self.bootstrap_seed) return self._rstate_bootstrap def init_bootstraps(self, problem): self.init_bootstrap_weights(problem) self.init_bootstrap_residuals(problem) def init_bootstrap_weights(self, problem):'Initializing Bayesian bootstrap weights.') nmisfits_w = sum( t.nmisfits for t in problem.targets if t.can_bootstrap_weights) ws = make_bayesian_weights( self.nbootstrap, nmisfits=nmisfits_w, rstate=self.get_rstate_bootstrap(problem)) imf = 0 for t in problem.targets: if t.can_bootstrap_weights: t.set_bootstrap_weights(ws[:, imf:imf+t.nmisfits]) imf += t.nmisfits else: t.set_bootstrap_weights( num.ones((self.nbootstrap, t.nmisfits))) def init_bootstrap_residuals(self, problem):'Initializing Bayesian bootstrap residuals.') for t in problem.targets: if t.can_bootstrap_residuals: t.init_bootstrap_residuals( self.nbootstrap, rstate=self.get_rstate_bootstrap(problem)) else: t.set_bootstrap_residuals( num.zeros((self.nbootstrap, t.nmisfits))) def get_bootstrap_weights(self, problem): if self._bootstrap_weights is None: try: problem.targets[0].get_bootstrap_weights() except Exception: self.init_bootstraps(problem) bootstrap_weights = num.hstack( [t.get_bootstrap_weights() for t in problem.targets]) self._bootstrap_weights = num.vstack(( num.ones((1, problem.nmisfits)), bootstrap_weights)) return self._bootstrap_weights def get_bootstrap_residuals(self, problem): if self._bootstrap_residuals is None: try: problem.targets[0].get_bootstrap_residuals() except Exception: self.init_bootstraps(problem) bootstrap_residuals = num.hstack( [t.get_bootstrap_residuals() for t in problem.targets]) self._bootstrap_residuals = num.vstack(( num.zeros((1, problem.nmisfits)), bootstrap_residuals)) return self._bootstrap_residuals def get_correlated_weights(self, problem): if self._correlated_weights is None: corr = dict() misfit_idx = num.cumsum( [0.] + [t.nmisfits for t in problem.targets], dtype=int) for it, target in enumerate(problem.targets): weights = target.get_correlated_weights() if weights is None: continue corr[misfit_idx[it]] = weights self._correlated_weights = corr return self._correlated_weights @property def nchains(self): return self.nbootstrap + 1 def chains(self, problem, history): nlinks_cap = int(round( self.chain_length_factor * problem.nparameters + 1)) return Chains( problem, history, nchains=self.nchains, nlinks_cap=nlinks_cap) def get_sampler_phase(self, iiter): niter = 0 for iphase, phase in enumerate(self.sampler_phases): if iiter < niter + phase.niterations: return iphase, phase, iiter - niter niter += phase.niterations assert False, 'sample out of bounds' def log_progress(self, problem, iiter, niter, phase, iiter_phase): t = time.time() if self._tlog_last < t - 10. \ or iiter_phase == 0 \ or iiter_phase == phase.niterations - 1: '%s at %i/%i (%s, %i/%i)' % (, iiter+1, niter, phase.__class__.__name__, iiter_phase, phase.niterations)) self._tlog_last = t def optimise(self, problem, rundir=None, history=None): if rundir is not None: self.dump(filename=op.join(rundir, 'optimiser.yaml')) if not history: history = ModelHistory( problem, nchains=self.nchains, path=rundir, mode='w') chains = self.chains(problem, history) if history.mode == 'r': if history.nmodels == self.niterations: return'Continuing run at %d iterations...', history.nmodels) history.mode = 'w' chains.goto() niter = self.niterations isbad_mask = None self._tlog_last = 0 for iiter in range(history.nmodels, niter): self.iiter = iiter iphase, phase, iiter_phase = self.get_sampler_phase(iiter) self.log_progress(problem, iiter, niter, phase, iiter_phase) sample = phase.get_sample(problem, iiter_phase, chains) sample.iphase = iphase if isbad_mask is not None and num.any(isbad_mask): isok_mask = num.logical_not(isbad_mask) else: isok_mask = None misfits = problem.misfits(sample.model, mask=isok_mask) bootstrap_misfits = problem.combine_misfits( misfits, extra_weights=self.get_bootstrap_weights(problem), extra_residuals=self.get_bootstrap_residuals(problem), extra_correlated_weights=self.get_correlated_weights(problem)) isbad_mask_new = num.isnan(misfits[:, 0]) if isbad_mask is not None and num.any( isbad_mask != isbad_mask_new): errmess = [ 'problem %s: inconsistency in data availability' ' at iteration %i' % (, iiter)] for target, isbad_new, isbad in zip( problem.targets, isbad_mask_new, isbad_mask): if isbad_new != isbad: errmess.append(' %s, %s -> %s' % ( target.string_id(), isbad, isbad_new)) raise BadProblem('\n'.join(errmess)) isbad_mask = isbad_mask_new if num.all(isbad_mask): raise BadProblem( 'Problem %s: all target misfit values are NaN.' % history.append( sample.model, misfits, bootstrap_misfits, sample.pack_context()) @property def niterations(self): return sum([ph.niterations for ph in self.sampler_phases]) def get_status(self, history): if self._status_chains is None: self._status_chains = self.chains(history.problem, history) self._status_chains.goto(history.nmodels) chains = self._status_chains problem = history.problem row_names = [p.name_nogroups for p in problem.parameters] row_names.append('Misfit') def colum_array(data): arr = num.full(len(row_names), fill_value=num.nan) arr[:data.size] = data return arr phase = self.get_sampler_phase(history.nmodels-1)[1] bs_mean = colum_array(chains.mean_model(ichain=None)) bs_std = colum_array(chains.standard_deviation_models( ichain=None, estimator='standard_deviation_all_chains')) glob_mean = colum_array(chains.mean_model(ichain=0)) glob_mean[-1] = num.mean(chains.misfits(ichain=0)) glob_std = colum_array(chains.standard_deviation_models( ichain=0, estimator='standard_deviation_single_chain')) glob_std[-1] = num.std(chains.misfits(ichain=0)) glob_best = colum_array(chains.best_model(ichain=0)) glob_best[-1] = chains.best_model_misfit() glob_misfits = chains.misfits(ichain=0) acceptance_latest = chains.acceptance_history[ :, -min(chains.acceptance_history.shape[1], self.ACCEPTANCE_AVG_LEN):] # noqa acceptance_avg = acceptance_latest.mean(axis=1) def spark_plot(data, bins): hist, _ = num.histogram(data, bins) hist_max = num.max(hist) if hist_max == 0.0: hist_max = 1.0 hist = hist / hist_max vec = num.digitize(hist, num.linspace(0., 1., len(self.SPARKS))) return ''.join([self.SPARKS[b-1] for b in vec]) return OptimiserStatus( row_names=row_names, column_data=OrderedDict( zip(['BS mean', 'BS std', 'Glob mean', 'Glob std', 'Glob best'], [bs_mean, bs_std, glob_mean, glob_std, glob_best])), extra_header= # noqa u'Optimiser phase: {phase}, exploring {nchains} BS chains\n' # noqa u'Global chain misfit distribution: \u2080{mf_dist}\xb9\n' u'Acceptance rate distribution: \u2080{acceptance}' u'\u2081\u2080\u2080\ufe6a (Median {acceptance_med:.1f}%)' .format( phase=phase.__class__.__name__, nchains=chains.nchains, mf_dist=spark_plot( glob_misfits, num.linspace(0., 1., 25)), acceptance=spark_plot( acceptance_avg, num.linspace(0., 1., 25)), acceptance_med=num.median(acceptance_avg) * 100. )) def get_movie_maker( self, problem, history, xpar_name, ypar_name, movie_filename): from . import plot return plot.HighScoreOptimiserPlot( self, problem, history, xpar_name, ypar_name, movie_filename) @classmethod def get_plot_classes(cls): from .plot import HighScoreAcceptancePlot plots = Optimiser.get_plot_classes() plots.append(HighScoreAcceptancePlot) return plots
[docs] class HighScoreOptimiserConfig(OptimiserConfig): sampler_phases = List.T( SamplerPhase.T(), default=[UniformSamplerPhase(niterations=1000), DirectedSamplerPhase(niterations=5000)], help='Stages of the sampler: Start with uniform sampling of the model' ' model space and narrow down through directed sampling.') chain_length_factor = Float.T( default=8., help='Controls the length of each chain: ' 'chain_length_factor * nparameters + 1') nbootstrap = Int.T( default=100, help='Number of bootstrap realisations to be tracked simultaneously in' ' the optimisation.') def get_optimiser(self): return HighScoreOptimiser( sampler_phases=list(self.sampler_phases), chain_length_factor=self.chain_length_factor, nbootstrap=self.nbootstrap)
def load_optimiser_history(dirname, problem): fn = op.join(dirname, 'accepted') with open(fn, 'r') as f: nmodels = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size // (problem.nbootstrap+1) data1 = num.fromfile( f, dtype='<i1', count=nmodels*(problem.nbootstrap+1)).astype(bool) accepted = data1.reshape((nmodels, problem.nbootstrap+1)) fn = op.join(dirname, 'choices') with open(fn, 'r') as f: data2 = num.fromfile( f, dtype='<i8', count=nmodels*2).astype(num.int64) ibootstrap_choices, imodel_choices = data2.reshape((nmodels, 2)).T return ibootstrap_choices, imodel_choices, accepted __all__ = ''' SamplerDistributionChoice StandardDeviationEstimatorChoice SamplerPhase InjectionSamplerPhase UniformSamplerPhase DirectedSamplerPhase Chains HighScoreOptimiserConfig HighScoreOptimiser '''.split()