Source code for

import logging
import numpy as num
from scipy import linalg as splinalg

from pyrocko import gf
from pyrocko.guts import String, Dict, List, Int
from pyrocko.guts_array import Array

from ..base import MisfitConfig, MisfitTarget, MisfitResult, TargetGroup
from grond.meta import has_get_plot_classes

guts_prefix = 'grond'
logger = logging.getLogger('').getChild('gnss_campaign')

[docs] class GNSSCampaignMisfitResult(MisfitResult): """Carries the observations for a target and corresponding synthetics. """ statics_syn = Dict.T( String.T(), Array.T(dtype=num.float64, shape=(None,), serialize_as='list'), optional=True, help='Synthetic gnss surface displacements') statics_obs = Array.T( dtype=num.float64, shape=(None,), serialize_as='list', optional=True, help='Observed gnss surface displacements')
[docs] class GNSSCampaignMisfitConfig(MisfitConfig): pass
[docs] class GNSSCampaignTargetGroup(TargetGroup): """Handles static displacements from campaign GNSS observations, e.g GPS. Station information, displacements and measurement errors are provided in a `yaml`-file (please find an example in the documentation). The measurement errors may consider correlations between components of a station, but correlations between single stations is not considered. """ gnss_campaigns = List.T( optional=True, help='List of individual campaign names' ' (`name` in `gnss.yaml` files).') misfit_config = GNSSCampaignMisfitConfig.T() def get_targets(self, ds, event, default_path='none'): logger.debug('Selecting GNSS targets...') targets = [] for camp in ds.get_gnss_campaigns(): if not in self.gnss_campaigns and\ '*all' not in self.gnss_campaigns: continue if not isinstance(self.misfit_config, GNSSCampaignMisfitConfig): raise AttributeError('misfit_config must be of type' ' GNSSCampaignMisfitConfig.') lats = num.array([ for s in camp.stations]) lons = num.array([s.lon for s in camp.stations]) north_shifts = num.array([s.north_shift for s in camp.stations]) east_shifts = num.array([s.east_shift for s in camp.stations]) gnss_target = GNSSCampaignMisfitTarget( quantity='displacement',, lats=lats, lons=lons, east_shifts=east_shifts, north_shifts=north_shifts, ncomponents=camp.ncomponents, tsnapshot=None, interpolation=self.interpolation, store_id=self.store_id, normalisation_family=self.normalisation_family, path=self.path or default_path, misfit_config=self.misfit_config) gnss_target.set_dataset(ds) targets.append(gnss_target) return targets
[docs] @has_get_plot_classes class GNSSCampaignMisfitTarget(gf.GNSSCampaignTarget, MisfitTarget): """Handles and carries out operations related to the objective functions. The objective function is here the weighted misfit between observed and predicted surface displacements. """ campaign_name = String.T() ncomponents = Int.T(optional=True) misfit_config = GNSSCampaignMisfitConfig.T() can_bootstrap_weights = True can_bootstrap_residuals = True plot_misfits_cumulative = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): gf.GNSSCampaignTarget.__init__(self, **kwargs) MisfitTarget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._obs_data = None self._sigma = None self._weights = None self._correlated_weights = None self._station_component_mask = None @property def id(self): return self.campaign_name def string_id(self): return self.campaign_name def misfits_string_ids(self): id_list = [] for station in self.campaign.stations: for name in ('north', 'east', 'up'): component = station.__getattribute__(name) if not component: continue id_list.append('%s.%s.%s' % (self.path, station.code, name[0].upper())) return id_list @property def station_names(self): return ['%s' % (station.code) for station in self.campaign.stations] @property def nmisfits(self): if self.ncomponents is None: try: self.campaign.ncomponents except ValueError: raise ValueError('Set the dataset!') return self.ncomponents @property def nstations(self): return self.lats.size def set_dataset(self, ds): MisfitTarget.set_dataset(self, ds) def get_correlated_weights(self): if self._correlated_weights is None: self._correlated_weights = splinalg.sqrtm(self.weights) return self._correlated_weights @property def campaign(self): return self._ds.get_gnss_campaign(self.campaign_name) @property def obs_data(self): if self._obs_data is None: self._obs_data = num.concatenate( [s.get_displacement_data() for s in self.campaign.stations]) return self._obs_data @property def obs_sigma(self): if self._sigma is None: self._sigma = num.array([ [s.north.sigma for s in self.campaign.stations], [s.east.sigma for s in self.campaign.stations], [s.up.sigma for s in self.campaign.stations]])\ .ravel(order='F') return self._sigma @property def weights(self): """ Weights are the square-rooted, inverted data error variance-covariance. The single component variances, and if provided the component covariances, are used to build a data variance matrix or variance-covariance matrix. This matrix has the size for all possible NEU components, but throws zeros for not given components, also recorded in the _station_component_mask. """ if self._weights is None: covar = self.campaign.get_covariance_matrix() if not num.any(covar.diagonal()): logger.warning('GNSS Stations have an empty covariance matrix.' ' Weights will be all equal.') num.fill_diagonal(covar, 1.) self._weights = num.asmatrix(covar).I return self._weights @property def station_component_mask(self): if self._station_component_mask is None: self._station_component_mask = self.campaign.get_component_mask() return self._station_component_mask @property def station_weights(self): weights = num.diag(self.weights) return num.mean([weights[0::3], weights[1::3], weights[2::3]], axis=0) def component_weights(self): ws = num.sum(self.weights, axis=0) return ws
[docs] def post_process(self, engine, source, statics): """Applies the objective function. As a result the weighted misfits are given and the observed and synthetic data. """ obs = self.obs_data # All data is ordered in vectors as # S1_n, S1_e, S1_u, ..., Sn_n, Sn_e, Sn_u. Hence (.ravel(order='F')) syn = num.array([ statics['displacement.n'], statics['displacement.e'], -statics['displacement.d']])\ .ravel(order='F') syn = syn[self.station_component_mask] res = obs - syn misfit_value = res misfit_norm = obs mf = num.vstack((misfit_value, misfit_norm)).T result = GNSSCampaignMisfitResult( misfits=mf) if self._result_mode == 'full': result.statics_syn = statics result.statics_obs = obs return result
[docs] def get_combined_weight(self): """A given manual weight in the configuration is applied.""" if self._combined_weight is None: self._combined_weight = num.full(self.nmisfits, self.manual_weight) return self._combined_weight
def init_bootstrap_residuals(self, nbootstraps, rstate=None):'GNSS campaign %s, bootstrapping residuals' ' from measurement uncertainties ...' % if rstate is None: rstate = num.random.RandomState() campaign = self.campaign bootstraps = num.empty((nbootstraps, self.ncomponents)) sigmas = num.diag(num.sqrt(campaign.get_covariance_matrix())) if not num.all(sigmas): logger.warning('Bootstrapping GNSS stations is meaningless,' ' all station\'s sigma are 0.0!') for ibs in range(nbootstraps): syn_noise = rstate.normal(scale=sigmas.ravel()) bootstraps[ibs, :] = syn_noise self.set_bootstrap_residuals(bootstraps) @classmethod def get_plot_classes(cls): from . import plot plots = super(GNSSCampaignMisfitTarget, cls).get_plot_classes() plots.extend(plot.get_plot_classes()) return plots