import logging from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as num
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
from pyrocko import gf, orthodrome as od, plot, model, trace from grond import dataset
km = 1000.
logger = logging.getLogger('grond.qc')
def darken(c): return (c[0]*0.5, c[1]*0.5, c[2]*0.5)
def plot_color_line(axes, x, y, t, color, tmin, tmax): from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'noname', [color, (1., 1., 1.)], 100)
points = num.array([x, y], dtype=num.float).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = num.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap=cmap, norm=plt.Normalize(tmin, tmax)) lc.set_array(t) axes.add_collection(lc, autolim=True)
def polarization( ds, store, timing, fmin, fmax, ffactor, time_factor_pre=2., time_factor_post=2., distance_min=None, distance_max=None, depth_min=None, depth_max=None, size_factor=0.05, nsl_to_time=None, output_filename=None, output_format=None, output_dpi=None):
event = ds.get_event() stations = ds.get_stations()
source = gf.Source.from_pyrocko_event(event)
trs = [] for station in stations:
nsl = station.nsl()
dist = source.distance_to(station)
if distance_min is not None and dist < distance_min: continue
if distance_max is not None and distance_max < dist: continue
if depth_min is not None and station.depth < depth_min: continue
if depth_max is not None and depth_max < station.depth: continue
if nsl_to_time is None: tp = event.time + store.t(timing, source, station)
else: if nsl not in nsl_to_time: continue
tp = nsl_to_time[nsl]
for component in 'ZNE':
tmin = tp - time_factor_pre / fmin tmax = tp + time_factor_post / fmin
nslc = nsl + (component,)
freqlimits = [ fmin / ffactor, fmin, fmax, fmax * ffactor]
tfade = 1.0 / (fmin / ffactor)
try: trs_projected, trs_restituted, trs_raw, _ = \ ds.get_waveform( nslc, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, tfade=tfade, freqlimits=freqlimits, debug=True)
for tr in trs_projected: tr.shift(-tp)
except dataset.NotFound as e: logger.warn(str(e)) continue
trace.snuffle(trs, stations=stations)
plot_polarizations( stations, trs, event=event, size_factor=size_factor, output_filename=output_filename, output_format=output_format, output_dpi=output_dpi)
def plot_polarizations( stations, trs, event=None, size_factor=0.05, fontsize=10., output_filename=None, output_format=None, output_dpi=None):
if event is None: slats = num.array([ for s in stations], dtype=num.float) slons = num.array([s.lon for s in stations], dtype=num.float) clat, clon = od.geographic_midpoint(slats, slons) event = od.Loc(clat, clon)
nsl_c_to_trs = defaultdict(dict) for tr in trs: nsl_c_to_trs[tr.nslc_id[:3]][tr.nslc_id[3]] = tr
nsl_to_station = dict( (s.nsl(), s) for s in stations)
plot.mpl_init(fontsize=fontsize) fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot.mpl_papersize('a4', 'landscape')) plot.mpl_margins(fig, w=7., h=6., units=fontsize)
grid = ImageGrid( fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(2, 2), axes_pad=0.5, add_all=True, label_mode='L', aspect=True)
axes_en = grid[0] axes_en.set_ylabel('Northing [km]')
axes_dn = grid[1] axes_dn.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4) axes_dn.set_xlabel('Depth [km]')
axes_ed = grid[2] axes_ed.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=4) axes_ed.set_ylabel('Depth [km]') axes_ed.set_xlabel('Easting [km]')
if isinstance(event, model.Event): axes_en.plot(0., 0., '*') axes_dn.plot(event.depth/km, 0., '*') axes_ed.plot(0., event.depth/km, '*')
locations = [] for nsl in sorted(nsl_c_to_trs.keys()): station = nsl_to_station[nsl] n, e = od.latlon_to_ne(, event.lon,, station.lon)
locations.append((n, e))
ns, es = num.array(locations, dtype=num.float).T
n_min = num.min(ns) n_max = num.max(ns) e_min = num.min(es) e_max = num.max(es)
factor = max((n_max - n_min) * size_factor, (e_max - e_min) * size_factor)
fontsize_annot = fontsize * 0.7
data = {} for insl, nsl in enumerate(sorted(nsl_c_to_trs.keys())):
color = plot.mpl_graph_color(insl)
try: tr_e = nsl_c_to_trs[nsl]['E'] tr_n = nsl_c_to_trs[nsl]['N'] tr_z = nsl_c_to_trs[nsl]['Z']
except KeyError: continue
station = nsl_to_station[nsl]
n, e = od.latlon_to_ne(, event.lon,, station.lon)
d = station.depth
axes_en.annotate( '.'.join(x for x in nsl if x), xy=(e/km, n/km), xycoords='data', xytext=(fontsize_annot/3., fontsize_annot/3.), textcoords='offset points', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', rotation=0., size=fontsize_annot)
axes_en.plot(e/km, n/km, '^', mfc=color, mec=darken(color)) axes_dn.plot(d/km, n/km, '^', mfc=color, mec=darken(color)) axes_ed.plot(e/km, d/km, '^', mfc=color, mec=darken(color))
arr_e = tr_e.ydata arr_n = tr_n.ydata arr_z = tr_z.ydata arr_t = tr_z.get_xdata()
data[nsl] = (arr_e, arr_n, arr_z, arr_t, n, e, d, color)
amaxs = [] amax_hors = [] for nsl in sorted(data.keys()): arr_e, arr_n, arr_z, arr_t, n, e, d, color = data[nsl] amaxs.append( num.max(num.abs(num.sqrt(arr_e**2 + arr_n**2 + arr_z**2)))) amax_hors.append( num.max(num.abs(num.sqrt(arr_e**2 + arr_n**2))))
amax = num.median(amaxs) amax_hor = num.median(amax_hors)
for nsl in sorted(data.keys()): arr_e, arr_n, arr_z, arr_t, n, e, d, color = data[nsl] tmin = arr_t.min() tmax = arr_t.max() plot_color_line( axes_en, (e + arr_e/amax_hor * factor)/km, (n + arr_n/amax_hor * factor)/km, arr_t, color, tmin, tmax) plot_color_line( axes_dn, (d - arr_z/amax * factor)/km, (n + arr_n/amax * factor)/km, arr_t, color, tmin, tmax) plot_color_line( axes_ed, (e + arr_e/amax * factor)/km, (d - arr_z/amax * factor)/km, arr_t, color, tmin, tmax)
for axes in (axes_dn, axes_ed, axes_en): axes.autoscale_view(tight=True)
if output_filename is None: else: fig.savefig(output_filename, format=output_format, dpi=output_dpi) |