Source code for pyrocko.obspy_compat.base

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

This module provides basic compatibility between ObsPy and Pyrocko.

The functions defined here can be used to translate back and forth some of the
basic objects in Pyrocko and ObsPy. It also provides shortcuts to quickly look
at ObsPy waveforms with the Pyrocko's :doc:`Snuffler </apps/snuffler/index>`
application (:py:func:`snuffle`, :py:func:`fiddle`).

With :func:`pyrocko.obspy_compat.plant` several new methods are attached to
Pyrocko and ObsPy classes.

**Example, visualize ObsPy stream object with Snuffler:**

.. code-block:: python

    import obspy
    from pyrocko import obspy_compat

    stream =  # returns some example data

-- *With best wishes to the ObsPy Team from the Pyrocko Developers!*

.. note::

    This is an experimental module, the interface may still be changed.
    Feedback and discussion welcome!


[docs]def to_pyrocko_trace(trace): ''' Convert ObsPy trace object to Pyrocko trace object. :param trace: :py:class:`obspy.Trace <obspy.core.trace.Trace>` object :returns: :py:class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` object ''' obspy_trace = trace from pyrocko import trace return trace.Trace( str(, str(obspy_trace.stats.station), str(obspy_trace.stats.location), str(, tmin=obspy_trace.stats.starttime.timestamp, tmax=obspy_trace.stats.endtime.timestamp,,
[docs]def to_pyrocko_traces(stream): ''' Convert ObsPy stream object to list of Pyrocko trace objects. :param stream: :py:class:`obspy.Stream <>` object :returns: list of :py:class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` objects ''' obspy_stream = stream return [to_pyrocko_trace(obspy_trace) for obspy_trace in obspy_stream]
[docs]def to_pyrocko_events(catalog): ''' Convert ObsPy catalog object to list of Pyrocko event objects. :param catalog: :py:class:`obspy.Catalog <obspy.core.event.Catalog>` object :returns: list of :py:class:`pyrocko.model.Event` objects or ``None`` if catalog is ``None`` ''' obspy_catalog = catalog if obspy_catalog is None: return None from pyrocko import model events = [] for obspy_event in obspy_catalog: for origin in events.append(model.Event( name='%s-%s' % (obspy_event.resource_id, origin.resource_id), time=origin.time.timestamp, lat=origin.latitude, lon=origin.longitude, depth=origin.depth, region=origin.region)) return events
[docs]def to_pyrocko_stations(inventory): ''' Convert ObsPy inventory to list of Pyrocko traces. :param inventory: :py:class:`obspy.Inventory <obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory>` object :returns: list of :py:class:`pyrocko.model.Station` objects or ``None`` if inventory is ``None`` ''' obspy_inventory = inventory if obspy_inventory is None: return None from pyrocko import model stations = [] for net in obspy_inventory.networks: for sta in net.stations: stations.append( model.Station( lat=sta.latitude, lon=sta.longitude, elevation=sta.elevation, network=net.code, station=sta.code, location='', channels=[ model.station.Channel( name=cha.code, azimuth=cha.azimuth, dip=cha.dip) for cha in sta.channels] )) return stations
[docs]def to_obspy_stream(pile): ''' Convert Pyrocko pile to ObsPy stream. :param pile: :py:class:`pyrocko.pile.Pile` object :returns: :py:class:`obspy.Stream <>` object ''' pyrocko_pile = pile import obspy stream = obspy.Stream() stream.extend([to_obspy_trace(tr) for tr in pyrocko_pile.iter_all()]) return stream
[docs]def to_obspy_trace(trace): ''' Convert Pyrocko trace to ObsPy trace. :param trace: :py:class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` ''' import obspy pyrocko_trace = trace obspy_trace = obspy.Trace( data=pyrocko_trace.ydata, header=obspy.core.trace.Stats( dict( npts=len(pyrocko_trace.ydata),, station=pyrocko_trace.station, location=pyrocko_trace.location,, delta=pyrocko_trace.deltat, starttime=pyrocko_trace.tmin, endtime=pyrocko_trace.tmax) )) return obspy_trace
[docs]def snuffle(stream_or_trace, inventory=None, catalog=None, **kwargs): ''' Explore ObsPy data with Snuffler. :param stream_or_trace: :py:class:`obspy.Stream <>` or :py:class:`obspy.Trace <obspy.core.trace.Trace>` object :param inventory: :py:class:`obspy.Inventory <obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory>` object :param catalog: :py:class:`obspy.Catalog <obspy.core.event.Catalog>` object :param kwargs: extra arguments passed to :meth:`pyrocko.trace.Trace.snuffle`. :returns: ``(return_tag, markers)``, where ``return_tag`` is the a string to flag how the Snuffler window has been closed and ``markers`` is a list of :py:class:`pyrocko.gui.snuffler.marker.Marker` objects. This function displays an ObsPy stream object in Snuffler. It returns to the caller once the window has been closed. The ``return_tag`` returned by the function can be used as a primitive way to communicate a user decision to the calling script. By default it returns the key pressed to close the window (if any), either ``'q'`` or ``'x'``, but the value could be customized when the exit is triggered from within a Snuffling. See also :py:func:`fiddle` for a variant of this function returning an interactively modified ObsPy stream object. ''' from pyrocko import trace import obspy obspy_inventory = inventory obspy_catalog = catalog if isinstance(stream_or_trace, obspy.Trace): obspy_stream =[stream_or_trace]) else: obspy_stream = stream_or_trace events = to_pyrocko_events(obspy_catalog) stations = to_pyrocko_stations(obspy_inventory) return trace.snuffle( to_pyrocko_traces(obspy_stream), events=events, stations=stations, want_markers=True, **kwargs)
class ObsPyStreamSnufflingLoader(object): def __init__(self, obspy_stream): self.obspy_stream = obspy_stream def __call__(self, win): from .snuffling import ObsPyStreamSnuffling self.snuffling = ObsPyStreamSnuffling(obspy_stream=self.obspy_stream) self.snuffling.setup() win.pile_viewer.viewer.add_snuffling(self.snuffling, reloaded=True) def get_snuffling(self): return self.snuffling
[docs]def fiddle(stream_or_trace, inventory=None, catalog=None, **kwargs): ''' Manipulate ObsPy stream object interactively. :param stream_or_trace: :py:class:`obspy.Stream <>` or :py:class:`obspy.Trace <obspy.core.trace.Trace>` object :param inventory: :py:class:`obspy.Inventory <obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory>` object :param catalog: :py:class:`obspy.Catalog <obspy.core.event.Catalog>` object :param kwargs: extra arguments passed to :meth:`pyrocko.trace.Trace.snuffle`. :returns: :py:class:`obspy.Stream <>` object with changes applied interactively (or :py:class:`obspy.Trace <obspy.core.trace.Trace>` if called with a trace as first argument). This function displays an ObsPy stream object in Snuffler like :py:func:`snuffle`, but additionally adds a Snuffling panel to apply some basic ObsPy signal processing to the contained traces. The applied changes are handed back to the caller as a modified copy of the stream object. .. code:: import obspy from pyrocko import obspy_compat obspy_compat.plant() stream = stream_filtered = stream.fiddle() # returns once window has been # closed ''' from pyrocko import trace import obspy obspy_inventory = inventory obspy_catalog = catalog if isinstance(stream_or_trace, obspy.Trace): obspy_stream =[stream_or_trace]) else: obspy_stream = stream_or_trace events = to_pyrocko_events(obspy_catalog) stations = to_pyrocko_stations(obspy_inventory) snuffling_loader = ObsPyStreamSnufflingLoader(obspy_stream) launch_hook = kwargs.pop('launch_hook', []) if not isinstance(launch_hook, list): launch_hook = [launch_hook] launch_hook.append(snuffling_loader) trace.snuffle( [], events=events, stations=stations, controls=False, launch_hook=launch_hook, **kwargs) new_obspy_stream = snuffling_loader.get_snuffling().get_obspy_stream() if isinstance(obspy_stream, obspy.Trace): return new_obspy_stream[0] else: return new_obspy_stream
[docs]def plant(): ''' Add conversion functions as methods to ObsPy and Pyrocko classes. Methods added to ObsPy classes are: +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | class | methods | +======================================+=================================+ | :py:class:`obspy.Trace` | :py:func:`to_pyrocko_trace` | | +---------------------------------+ | | :py:func:`snuffle` | | +---------------------------------+ | | :py:func:`fiddle` | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | :py:class:`obspy.Stream` | :py:func:`to_pyrocko_traces` | | +---------------------------------+ | | :py:func:`snuffle` | | +---------------------------------+ | | :py:func:`fiddle` | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | :py:class:`obspy.Catalog` | :py:func:`to_pyrocko_events` | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | :py:class:`obspy.Inventory` | :py:func:`to_pyrocko_stations` | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ Methods added to Pyrocko classes are: +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | class | methods | +======================================+=================================+ | :py:class:`pyrocko.trace.Trace` | :py:func:`to_obspy_trace` | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | :py:class:`pyrocko.pile.Pile` | :py:func:`to_obspy_stream` | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ ''' import obspy obspy.Trace.to_pyrocko_trace = to_pyrocko_trace obspy.Trace.snuffle = snuffle obspy.Trace.fiddle = fiddle obspy.Stream.to_pyrocko_traces = to_pyrocko_traces obspy.Stream.snuffle = snuffle obspy.Stream.fiddle = fiddle obspy.core.event.Catalog.to_pyrocko_events = to_pyrocko_events obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory.to_pyrocko_stations =\ to_pyrocko_stations import pyrocko.trace import pyrocko.pile pyrocko.trace.Trace.to_obspy_trace = to_obspy_trace pyrocko.pile.Pile.to_obspy_stream = to_obspy_stream
__all__ = [ 'to_pyrocko_trace', 'to_pyrocko_traces', 'to_pyrocko_events', 'to_pyrocko_stations', 'to_obspy_stream', 'to_obspy_trace', 'snuffle', 'fiddle', 'plant']