#!/usr/bin/env python # http://pyrocko.org - GPLv3 # # The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century # ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
sys.exit('%s: error: %s' % (program_name, message))
'int32': num.int32, 'int64': num.int64, 'float32': num.float32, 'float64': num.float64}
'acceleration': 'M/S**2', 'velocity': 'M/S', 'displacement': 'M'}
if s.endswith('s'): return float(s[:-1]) elif s.endswith('m'): return float(s[:-1])*60. elif s.endswith('h'): return float(s[:-1])*3600. elif s.endswith('d'): return float(s[:-1])*3600.*24. else: return float(s)
nice = [1., 10., 60., 600., 3600., 3.*3600., 12*3600., 24*3600., 48*3600.] p = s for x in nice: if s < x: return p
p = x
return s
try: reclen = int(value) if reclen in io.mseed.VALID_RECORD_LENGTHS: return reclen except Exception: pass raise OptionValueError( 'invalid record length %s. (choose from %s)' % (reclen, ', '.join(str(b) for b in io.mseed.VALID_RECORD_LENGTHS)))
try: compression = int(value) if compression in (1, 2): return compression except Exception: pass raise OptionValueError( 'invalid STEIM compression %s. (choose from 1, 2)' % compression)
args = sys.argv[1:]
usage=usage, description=description, option_class=JackseisOptions, formatter=util.BetterHelpFormatter())
'--format', dest='format', default='detect', choices=io.allowed_formats('load'), help='assume input files are of given FORMAT. Choices: %s' % io.allowed_formats('load', 'cli_help', 'detect'))
'--pattern', dest='regex', metavar='REGEX', help='only include files whose paths match REGEX')
'--stationxml', dest='station_xml_fns', action='append', default=[], metavar='STATIONXML', help='read station metadata from file STATIONXML')
'--event', '--events', dest='event_fns', action='append', default=[], metavar='EVENT', help='read event information from file EVENT')
'--cache', dest='cache_dir', default=config.config().cache_dir, metavar='DIR', help='use directory DIR to cache trace metadata ' '(default=\'%default\')')
'--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true', default=False, help='disable output of progress information')
'--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='print debugging information to stderr')
'--tmin', dest='tmin', help='start time as "%s"' % tfmt)
'--tmax', dest='tmax', help='end time as "%s"' % tfmt)
'--tinc', dest='tinc', help='set time length of output files [s] or "auto" to automatically ' 'choose an appropriate time increment or "huge" to allow to use ' 'a lot of system memory to merge input traces into huge output ' 'files.')
'--downsample', dest='downsample', metavar='RATE', help='downsample to RATE [Hz]')
'--output', dest='output_path', metavar='TEMPLATE', help='set output path to TEMPLATE. Available placeholders ' 'are %n: network, %s: station, %l: location, %c: channel, ' '%b: begin time, %e: end time, %j: julian day of year. The ' 'following additional placeholders use the window begin and end ' 'times rather than trace begin and end times (to suppress ' 'producing many small files for gappy traces), %(wmin_year)s, ' '%(wmin_month)s, %(wmin_day)s, %(wmin)s, %(wmin_jday)s, ' '%(wmax_year)s, %(wmax_month)s, %(wmax_day)s, %(wmax)s, ' '%(wmax_jday)s. Example: --output=\'data/%s/trace-%s-%c.mseed\'')
'--output-dir', metavar='TEMPLATE', dest='output_dir', help='set output directory to TEMPLATE (see --output for details) ' 'and automatically choose filenames. ' 'Produces files like TEMPLATE/NET-STA-LOC-CHA_BEGINTIME.FORMAT')
'--output-format', dest='output_format', default='mseed', choices=io.allowed_formats('save'), help='set output file format. Choices: %s' % io.allowed_formats('save', 'cli_help', 'mseed'))
'--force', dest='force', action='store_true', default=False, help='force overwriting of existing files')
'--no-snap', dest='snap', action='store_false', default=True, help='do not start output files at even multiples of file length')
'--traversal', dest='traversal', choices=('station-by-station', 'channel-by-channel', 'chronological'), default='station-by-station', help='set traversal order for traces processing. ' 'Choices are \'station-by-station\' [default], ' '\'channel-by-channel\', and \'chronological\'. Chronological ' 'traversal uses more processing memory but makes it possible to ' 'join multiple stations into single output files')
'--rename-network', action='append', default=[], dest='rename_network', metavar='/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/', help='update network code, can be given more than once')
'--rename-station', action='append', default=[], dest='rename_station', metavar='/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/', help='update station code, can be given more than once')
'--rename-location', action='append', default=[], dest='rename_location', metavar='/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/', help='update location code, can be given more than once')
'--rename-channel', action='append', default=[], dest='rename_channel', metavar='/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/', help='update channel code, can be given more than once')
'--output-data-type', dest='output_data_type', choices=('same', 'int32', 'int64', 'float32', 'float64'), default='same', metavar='DTYPE', help='set data type. Choices: same [default], int32, ' 'int64, float32, float64. The output file format must support ' 'the given type.')
'--output-steim', dest='steim', type='steim', default=2, metavar='STEIM_COMPRESSION', help='set the mseed STEIM compression. Choices: 1 or 2. ' 'Default is STEIM-2, which can compress full range int32. ' 'NOTE: STEIM-2 is limited to 30 bit dynamic range.')
'--output-record-length', dest='record_length', type='record_length', default=4096, metavar='RECORD_LENGTH', help='set the mseed record length in bytes. Choices: %s. ' 'Default is 4096 bytes, which is commonly used for archiving.' % ', '.join(str(b) for b in io.mseed.VALID_RECORD_LENGTHS))
'--output-quantity', dest='output_quantity', choices=quantity_choices, help='deconvolve instrument transfer function. Choices: %s' % ', '.join(quantity_choices))
'--restitution-frequency-band', default='0.001,100.0', dest='str_fmin_fmax', metavar='FMIN,FMAX', help='frequency band for instrument deconvolution as FMIN,FMAX in Hz. ' 'Default: "%default"')
'--sample-snap', dest='sample_snap', choices=sample_snap_choices, help='shift/interpolate traces so that samples are at even multiples ' 'of sampling rate. Choices: %s' % ', '.join(sample_snap_choices))
if len(args) == 0: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1)
if options.debug: util.setup_logging(program_name, 'debug') elif options.quiet: util.setup_logging(program_name, 'warning') else: util.setup_logging(program_name, 'info')
tinc = None if options.tinc is not None: if tinc in ('huge', 'auto'): tinc = options.tinc else: try: tinc = str_to_seconds(options.tinc) except Exception: die('invalid argument to --tinc')
tmin = None if options.tmin is not None: try: tmin = stt(options.tmin) except Exception: die('invalid argument to --tmin. ' 'Expected format is ""')
tmax = None if options.tmax is not None: try: tmax = stt(options.tmax) except Exception: die('invalid argument to --tmax. ' 'Expected format is "%s"' % tfmt)
target_deltat = None if options.downsample is not None: try: target_deltat = 1.0 / float(options.downsample) except Exception: die('invalid argument to --downsample')
replacements = [] for k, rename_k, in [ ('network', options.rename_network), ('station', options.rename_station), ('location', options.rename_location), ('channel', options.rename_channel)]:
for patrep in rename_k: m = re.match(r'/([^/]+)/([^/]*)/', patrep) if not m: die('invalid argument to --rename-%s. ' 'Expected format is /PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/' % k)
replacements.append((k, m.group(1), m.group(2)))
sx = None if options.station_xml_fns: sxs = [] for station_xml_fn in options.station_xml_fns: sxs.append(stationxml.load_xml(filename=station_xml_fn))
sx = stationxml.primitive_merge(sxs)
events = [] for event_fn in options.event_fns: events.extend(model.load_events(event_fn))
p = pile.make_pile( paths=args, selector=None, regex=options.regex, fileformat=options.format, cachedirname=options.cache_dir, show_progress=not options.quiet)
if p.tmin is None: die('data selection is empty')
if tinc == 'auto': tinc = nice_seconds_floor(p.get_deltatmin() * 1000000.)
if options.snap: if tmin is None: tmin = p.tmin
if tinc is not None: tmin = int(math.floor(tmin / tinc)) * tinc
output_path = options.output_path output_dir = options.output_dir
if output_path and not output_dir and os.path.isdir(output_path): output_dir = output_path # compat. with old behaviour
if output_dir and not output_path: output_path = 'trace_%(network)s-%(station)s-' \ '%(location)s-%(channel)s_%(wmin)s.' + \ options.output_format
if output_dir and output_path: output_path = pjoin(output_dir, output_path)
if not output_path: die('--output not given')
fmin, fmax = map(float, options.str_fmin_fmax.split(',')) tfade_factor = 2.0 ffade_factor = 1.5 if options.output_quantity: tpad = 2*tfade_factor/fmin else: tpad = 0.
if target_deltat is not None: tpad += target_deltat * 10.
if tinc is None: if ((tmax or p.tmax) - (tmin or p.tmin)) \ / p.get_deltatmin() > 100000000.: die('use --tinc=huge to really produce such large output files ' 'or use --tinc=INC to split into smaller files.')
kwargs = dict(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, tinc=tinc, tpad=tpad, style='batch')
if options.traversal == 'channel-by-channel': it = p.chopper_grouped(gather=lambda tr: tr.nslc_id, **kwargs)
elif options.traversal == 'station-by-station': it = p.chopper_grouped(gather=lambda tr: tr.nslc_id[:2], **kwargs)
else: it = p.chopper(**kwargs)
abort = []
def got_sigint(signum, frame): abort.append(True)
old = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, got_sigint)
save_kwargs = {} if options.output_format == 'mseed': save_kwargs['record_length'] = options.record_length save_kwargs['steim'] = options.steim
for batch in it: traces = batch.traces if traces: twmin = batch.tmin twmax = batch.tmax logger.info('processing %s - %s, %i traces' % (tts(twmin), tts(twmax), len(traces)))
if options.sample_snap: for tr in traces: tr.snap(interpolate=options.sample_snap == 'interpolate')
if target_deltat is not None: out_traces = [] for tr in traces: try: tr.downsample_to( target_deltat, snap=True, demean=False)
if options.output_data_type == 'same': tr.ydata = tr.ydata.astype(tr.ydata.dtype)
except (trace.TraceTooShort, trace.NoData): pass
traces = out_traces
if options.output_quantity: out_traces = [] tfade = tfade_factor / fmin ftap = (fmin / ffade_factor, fmin, fmax, ffade_factor * fmax) for tr in traces: try: response = sx.get_pyrocko_response( tr.nslc_id, timespan=(tr.tmin, tr.tmax), fake_input_units=output_units[ options.output_quantity])
rest_tr = tr.transfer( tfade, ftap, response, invert=True, demean=True)
except stationxml.NoResponseInformation as e: logger.warn( 'Cannot restitute: %s (no response)' % str(e))
except stationxml.MultipleResponseInformation as e: logger.warn( 'Cannot restitute: %s (multiple responses found)' % str(e))
except (trace.TraceTooShort, trace.NoData): logger.warn( 'Trace too short: %s' % '.'.join(tr.nslc_id))
traces = out_traces
if options.output_data_type != 'same': for tr in traces: tr.ydata = tr.ydata.astype( name_to_dtype[options.output_data_type])
if replacements: for tr in traces: r = {} for k, pat, repl in replacements: oldval = getattr(tr, k) newval, n = re.subn(pat, repl, oldval) if n: r[k] = newval
if output_path: otraces = [] for tr in traces: try: otr = tr.chop(twmin, twmax, inplace=False) otraces.append(otr) except trace.NoData: pass
try: io.save(otraces, output_path, format=options.output_format, overwrite=options.force, additional=dict( wmin_year=tts(twmin, format='%Y'), wmin_month=tts(twmin, format='%m'), wmin_day=tts(twmin, format='%d'), wmin_jday=tts(twmin, format='%j'), wmin=tts(twmin, format='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'), wmax_year=tts(twmax, format='%Y'), wmax_month=tts(twmax, format='%m'), wmax_day=tts(twmax, format='%d'), wmax_jday=tts(twmax, format='%j'), wmax=tts(twmax, format='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')), **save_kwargs) except io.FileSaveError as e: die(str(e))
if abort: break
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, old)
if abort: die('interrupted.')
if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:]) |