
Utility functions and defintions for a common plot style throughout Pyrocko.

Functions with name prefix mpl_ are Matplotlib specific. All others should be toolkit-agnostic.

The following skeleton can be used to produce nice PDF figures, with absolute sizes derived from paper and font sizes (file /../../examples/ in the Pyrocko source directory):

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from pyrocko.plot import mpl_init, mpl_margins, mpl_papersize
# from pyrocko.plot import mpl_labelspace

fontsize = 9.   # in points

# set some Pyrocko style defaults

fig = plt.figure(figsize=mpl_papersize('a4', 'landscape'))

# let margins be proportional to selected font size, e.g. top and bottom
# margin are set to be 5*fontsize = 45 [points]
labelpos = mpl_margins(fig, w=7., h=5., units=fontsize)

axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

# positioning of axis labels
# mpl_labelspace(axes)    # either: relative to axis tick labels
labelpos(axes, 2., 1.5)   # or: relative to left/bottom paper edge

axes.plot([0, 1], [0, 9])

axes.set_xlabel('Time [s]')
axes.set_ylabel('Amplitude [m]')


# Pyrocko plot Module


pyrocko.plot.gmtpy With support for GMT5 pyrocko’s gmtpy exposes GMT’s neat mapping functions to Python 2/3.


Round x to nice value.

papersize(paper, orientation='landscape', units='point')[source]

Get paper size from string.

  • paper – string selecting paper size. Choices: 'a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6', 'a7', 'a8', 'a9', 'a10', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b5', 'archa', 'archb', 'archc', 'archd', 'arche', 'flsa', 'halfletter', 'note', 'letter', 'legal', '11x17', 'ledger'

  • orientation'landscape', or 'portrait'

  • units – Units to be returned. Choices: 'points', 'inch', or 'cm'


(width, height)

class AutoScaleMode(...) dummy for str[source]

Mode of operation for auto-scaling.




Look at data range and choose one of the choices below.


Output range is selected to include data range.


Output range shall start at zero and end at data max.


Output range shall start at data min and end at zero.


Output range shall by symmetric by zero.


Similar to 'min-max', but snap and space are disabled, such that the output range always exactly matches the data range.

class AutoScaler(approx_ticks=7.0, mode='auto', exp=None, snap=False, inc=None, space=0.0, exp_factor=3, no_exp_interval=(- 3, 5))[source]

Tunable 1D autoscaling based on data range.

Instances of this class may be used to determine nice minima, maxima and increments for ax annotations, as well as suitable common exponents for notation.

The autoscaling process is guided by the following public attributes:


float, default: 7.0

Approximate number of increment steps (tickmarks) to generate.


str (AutoScaleMode), default: 'auto'

Mode of operation for auto-scaling.


int, optional

If defined, override automatically determined exponent for notation by the given value.


bool, default: False

If set to True, snap output range to multiples of increment. This parameter has no effect, if mode is set to 'off'.


float, optional

If defined, override automatically determined tick increment by the given value.


float, default: 0.0

Add some padding to the range. The value given, is the fraction by which the output range is increased on each side. If mode is '0-max' or 'min-0', the end at zero is kept fixed at zero. This parameter has no effect if mode is set to 'off'.


int, default: 3

Exponent of notation is chosen to be a multiple of this value.


tuple of 2 int objects, default: (-3, 5)

Range of exponent, for which no exponential notation is aallowed.

make_scale(data_range, override_mode=None)[source]

Get nice minimum, maximum and increment for given data range.

Returns (minimum, maximum, increment) or (maximum, minimum, -increment), depending on whether data_range is (data_min, data_max) or (data_max, data_min). If override_mode is defined, the mode attribute is temporarily overridden by the given value.


Get nice exponent for notation of x.

For ax annotations, give tick increment as x.

guess_autoscale_mode(data_min, data_max)[source]

Guess mode of operation, based on data range.

Used to map 'auto' mode to '0-max', 'min-0', 'min-max' or 'symmetric'.


Initialize Matplotlib rc parameters Pyrocko style.

Returns the matplotlib.pyplot module for convenience.

mpl_margins(fig, left=1.0, top=1.0, right=1.0, bottom=1.0, wspace=None, hspace=None, w=None, h=None, nw=None, nh=None, all=None, units='inch')[source]

Adjust Matplotlib subplot params with absolute values in user units.

Calls matplotlib.figure.Figure.subplots_adjust() on fig with absolute margin widths/heights rather than relative values. If wspace or hspace are given, the number of subplots must be given in nw and nh because subplots_adjust() treats the spacing parameters relative to the subplot width and height.

  • units – Unit multiplier or unit as string: 'points', 'inch', or 'cm'

  • left,right,top,bottom – margin space

  • w – set left and right at once

  • h – set top and bottom at once

  • all – set left, top, right, and bottom at once

  • nw – number of subplots horizontally

  • nh – number of subplots vertically

  • wspace – horizontal spacing between subplots

  • hspace – vertical spacing between subplots


Add some extra padding between label and ax annotations.

mpl_papersize(paper, orientation='landscape')[source]

Get paper size in inch from string.

Returns argument suitable to be passed to the figsize argument of pyplot.figure().

  • paper – string selecting paper size. Choices: 'a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6', 'a7', 'a8', 'a9', 'a10', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b5', 'archa', 'archb', 'archc', 'archd', 'arche', 'flsa', 'halfletter', 'note', 'letter', 'legal', '11x17', 'ledger'

  • orientation'landscape', or 'portrait'


(width, height)

exception InvalidColorDef[source]

Convert string into color float tuple ranged 0-1 for use with Matplotlib.

Accepts tango color names, matplotlib color names, and slash-separated strings. In the latter case, if values are larger than 1., the color is interpreted as 0-255 ranged. Single-valued (grayscale), three-valued (color) and four-valued (color with alpha) are accepted. An InvalidColorDef exception is raised when the convertion fails.

mpl_time_axis(axes, approx_ticks=5.0)[source]

Configure x axis of a matplotlib axes object for interactive time display.


This function tries to use nice tick increments and tick labels for time ranges from microseconds to years, similar to how this is handled in Snuffler.