""" Abstract base class for classes used to find the triangles of a Triangulation in which (x,y) points lie.
Rather than instantiate an object of a class derived from TriFinder, it is usually better to use the function :func:`matplotlib.tri.Triangulation.get_trifinder`.
Derived classes implement __call__(x,y) where x,y are array_like point coordinates of the same shape. """ if not isinstance(triangulation, Triangulation): raise ValueError('Expected a Triangulation object') self._triangulation = triangulation
""" :class:`~matplotlib.tri.TriFinder` class implemented using the trapezoid map algorithm from the book "Computational Geometry, Algorithms and Applications", second edition, by M. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, M. Overmars and O. Schwarzkopf.
The triangulation must be valid, i.e. it must not have duplicate points, triangles formed from colinear points, or overlapping triangles. The algorithm has some tolerance to triangles formed from colinear points, but this should not be relied upon. """ TriFinder.__init__(self, triangulation) self._cpp_trifinder = _tri.TrapezoidMapTriFinder( triangulation.get_cpp_triangulation()) self._initialize()
""" Return an array containing the indices of the triangles in which the specified x,y points lie, or -1 for points that do not lie within a triangle.
*x*, *y* are array_like x and y coordinates of the same shape and any number of dimensions.
Returns integer array with the same shape and *x* and *y*. """ x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) y = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float64) if x.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError("x and y must be array-like with the same shape")
# C++ does the heavy lifting, and expects 1D arrays. indices = (self._cpp_trifinder.find_many(x.ravel(), y.ravel()) .reshape(x.shape)) return indices
""" Return a python list containing the statistics about the node tree: 0: number of nodes (tree size) 1: number of unique nodes 2: number of trapezoids (tree leaf nodes) 3: number of unique trapezoids 4: maximum parent count (max number of times a node is repeated in tree) 5: maximum depth of tree (one more than the maximum number of comparisons needed to search through the tree) 6: mean of all trapezoid depths (one more than the average number of comparisons needed to search through the tree) """ return self._cpp_trifinder.get_tree_stats()
""" Initialize the underlying C++ object. Can be called multiple times if, for example, the triangulation is modified. """ self._cpp_trifinder.initialize()
""" Print a text representation of the node tree, which is useful for debugging purposes. """ self._cpp_trifinder.print_tree() |