"""This plugin provides test results in the standard XUnit XML format.
It's designed for the `Jenkins`_ (previously Hudson) continuous build system, but will probably work for anything else that understands an XUnit-formatted XML representation of test results.
Add this shell command to your builder ::
nosetests --with-xunit
And by default a file named nosetests.xml will be written to the working directory.
In a Jenkins builder, tick the box named "Publish JUnit test result report" under the Post-build Actions and enter this value for Test report XMLs::
If you need to change the name or location of the file, you can set the ``--xunit-file`` option.
If you need to change the name of the test suite, you can set the ``--xunit-testsuite-name`` option.
Here is an abbreviated version of what an XML test report might look like::
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <testsuite name="nosetests" tests="1" errors="1" failures="0" skip="0"> <testcase classname="path_to_test_suite.TestSomething" name="test_it" time="0"> <error type="exceptions.TypeError" message="oops, wrong type"> Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: oops, wrong type </error> </testcase> </testsuite>
.. _Jenkins: http://jenkins-ci.org/
# Invalid XML characters, control characters 0-31 sans \t, \n and \r
"""Replaces invalid XML characters with '?'.""" return CONTROL_CHARACTERS.sub('?', value)
"""Escape a string for an XML CDATA section.""" return xml_safe(cdata).replace(']]>', ']]>]]><![CDATA[')
m = TEST_ID.match(idval) if m: name, fargs = m.groups() head, tail = name.rsplit(".", 1) return [head, tail+fargs] else: return idval.rsplit(".", 1)
"""Returns a nice name for class object or class instance.
>>> nice_classname(Exception()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '...Exception' >>> nice_classname(Exception) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '...Exception'
""" if inspect.isclass(obj): cls_name = obj.__name__ else: cls_name = obj.__class__.__name__ mod = inspect.getmodule(obj) if mod: name = mod.__name__ # jython if name.startswith('org.python.core.'): name = name[len('org.python.core.'):] return "%s.%s" % (name, cls_name) else: return cls_name
"""Return the exception's message.""" exc = exc_info[1] if exc is None: # str exception result = exc_info[0] else: try: result = str(exc) except UnicodeEncodeError: try: result = str(exc) except UnicodeError: # Fallback to args as neither str nor # unicode(Exception(u'\xe6')) work in Python < 2.6 result = exc.args[0] result = force_unicode(result, 'UTF-8') return xml_safe(result)
self._encoding = encoding self._streams = args
data = force_unicode(data, self._encoding) for s in self._streams: s.write(data)
for line in lines: self.write(line)
for s in self._streams: s.flush()
return False
"""This plugin provides test results in the standard XUnit XML format."""
if hasattr(self, '_timer'): taken = time() - self._timer else: # test died before it ran (probably error in setup()) # or success/failure added before test started probably # due to custom TestResult munging taken = 0.0 return taken
"""Escape an XML attribute. Value can be unicode.""" attr = xml_safe(attr) return saxutils.quoteattr(attr)
"""Sets additional command line options.""" '--xunit-file', action='store', dest='xunit_file', metavar="FILE", default=env.get('NOSE_XUNIT_FILE', 'nosetests.xml'), help=("Path to xml file to store the xunit report in. " "Default is nosetests.xml in the working directory " "[NOSE_XUNIT_FILE]"))
'--xunit-testsuite-name', action='store', dest='xunit_testsuite_name', metavar="PACKAGE", default=env.get('NOSE_XUNIT_TESTSUITE_NAME', 'nosetests'), help=("Name of the testsuite in the xunit xml, generated by plugin. " "Default test suite name is nosetests."))
"""Configures the xunit plugin.""" self.stats = {'errors': 0, 'failures': 0, 'passes': 0, 'skipped': 0 } self.errorlist = [] self.error_report_file_name = os.path.realpath(options.xunit_file) self.xunit_testsuite_name = options.xunit_testsuite_name
"""Writes an Xunit-formatted XML file
The file includes a report of test errors and failures.
""" self.error_report_file = codecs.open(self.error_report_file_name, 'w', self.encoding, 'replace') self.stats['encoding'] = self.encoding self.stats['testsuite_name'] = self.xunit_testsuite_name self.stats['total'] = (self.stats['errors'] + self.stats['failures'] + self.stats['passes'] + self.stats['skipped']) self.error_report_file.write( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%(encoding)s"?>' '<testsuite name="%(testsuite_name)s" tests="%(total)d" ' 'errors="%(errors)d" failures="%(failures)d" ' 'skip="%(skipped)d">' % self.stats) self.error_report_file.write(''.join([force_unicode(e, self.encoding) for e in self.errorlist])) self.error_report_file.write('</testsuite>') self.error_report_file.close() if self.config.verbosity > 1: stream.writeln("-" * 70) stream.writeln("XML: %s" % self.error_report_file.name)
self._capture_stack.append((sys.stdout, sys.stderr)) self._currentStdout = StringIO() self._currentStderr = StringIO() sys.stdout = Tee(self.encoding, self._currentStdout, sys.stdout) sys.stderr = Tee(self.encoding, self._currentStderr, sys.stderr)
"""Initializes a timer before starting a test.""" self._timer = time() self._startCapture()
if self._capture_stack: sys.stdout, sys.stderr = self._capture_stack.pop()
self._endCapture() self._currentStdout = None self._currentStderr = None
while self._capture_stack: self._endCapture()
if self._currentStdout: value = self._currentStdout.getvalue() if value: return '<system-out><![CDATA[%s]]></system-out>' % escape_cdata( value) return ''
if self._currentStderr: value = self._currentStderr.getvalue() if value: return '<system-err><![CDATA[%s]]></system-err>' % escape_cdata( value) return ''
"""Add error output to Xunit report. """ taken = self._timeTaken()
if issubclass(err[0], SkipTest): type = 'skipped' self.stats['skipped'] += 1 else: type = 'error' self.stats['errors'] += 1
tb = format_exception(err, self.encoding) id = test.id()
self.errorlist.append( '<testcase classname=%(cls)s name=%(name)s time="%(taken).3f">' '<%(type)s type=%(errtype)s message=%(message)s><![CDATA[%(tb)s]]>' '</%(type)s>%(systemout)s%(systemerr)s</testcase>' % {'cls': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[0]), 'name': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[-1]), 'taken': taken, 'type': type, 'errtype': self._quoteattr(nice_classname(err[0])), 'message': self._quoteattr(exc_message(err)), 'tb': escape_cdata(tb), 'systemout': self._getCapturedStdout(), 'systemerr': self._getCapturedStderr(), })
"""Add failure output to Xunit report. """ taken = self._timeTaken() tb = format_exception(err, self.encoding) self.stats['failures'] += 1 id = test.id()
self.errorlist.append( '<testcase classname=%(cls)s name=%(name)s time="%(taken).3f">' '<failure type=%(errtype)s message=%(message)s><![CDATA[%(tb)s]]>' '</failure>%(systemout)s%(systemerr)s</testcase>' % {'cls': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[0]), 'name': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[-1]), 'taken': taken, 'errtype': self._quoteattr(nice_classname(err[0])), 'message': self._quoteattr(exc_message(err)), 'tb': escape_cdata(tb), 'systemout': self._getCapturedStdout(), 'systemerr': self._getCapturedStderr(), })
"""Add success output to Xunit report. """ taken = self._timeTaken() self.stats['passes'] += 1 id = test.id() self.errorlist.append( '<testcase classname=%(cls)s name=%(name)s ' 'time="%(taken).3f">%(systemout)s%(systemerr)s</testcase>' % {'cls': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[0]), 'name': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[-1]), 'taken': taken, 'systemout': self._getCapturedStdout(), 'systemerr': self._getCapturedStderr(), }) |