Source code for pyrocko.squirrel.client.local

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import logging

from pyrocko.guts import List, StringChoice, String
from pyrocko import has_paths
from . import base
from .. import io

guts_prefix = 'squirrel'

logger = logging.getLogger('psq.client.local')

[docs]class FileFormat(StringChoice): choices = ['detect'] + io.supported_formats()
[docs]class ContentKind(StringChoice): choices = io.base.g_content_kinds
[docs]class LocalData(base.Source, has_paths.HasPaths): ''' A collection of local files attachable as a Squirrel data-source. ''' paths = List.T( has_paths.Path.T(), help='Directory and file paths to add to the Squirrel ' 'instance. See :py:meth:`Squirrel.add() ' '<pyrocko.squirrel.base.Squirrel.add>`.') kinds = List.T( ContentKind.T(), optional=True, help='Content kinds to be added to the Squirrel selection. By default ' 'all known content kinds are added.') include = String.T( optional=True, help='If not ``None``, files are only included if their paths match ' 'the given regular expression pattern.') exclude = String.T( optional=True, help='If not ``None``, files are only included if their paths do not ' 'match the given regular expression pattern.') format = FileFormat.T( default='detect', help='Assume files are of given format.') def describe(self): return 'localdata' def setup(self, squirrel, check=True): squirrel.add( self.expand_path(self.paths), kinds=self.kinds, include=self.include, exclude=self.exclude, format=self.format, check=check)
__all__ = [ 'FileFormat', 'ContentKind', 'LocalData']