# http://pyrocko.org - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
Utility functions for Pyrocko.
.. _time-handling-mode:
High precision time handling mode
Pyrocko can treat timestamps either as standard double precision (64 bit)
floating point values, or as high precision float (:py:class:`numpy.float128`
or :py:class:`numpy.float96`, whichever is available), aliased here as
:py:class:`pyrocko.util.hpfloat`. High precision time stamps are required when
handling data with sub-millisecond precision, i.e. kHz/MHz data streams and
event catalogs derived from such data.
Not all functions in Pyrocko and in programs depending on Pyrocko may work
correctly with high precision times. Therefore, Pyrocko's high precision time
handling mode has to be actively activated by user config, command line option
or enforced within a certain script/program.
The default high precision time handling mode can be configured globally with
the user config variable
:py:gattr:`~pyrocko.config.Config.use_high_precision_time`. Calling the
function :py:func:`use_high_precision_time` overrides the default from the
config file. This function may be called at startup of a program/script
requiring a specific time handling mode.
To create a valid time stamp for use in Pyrocko (e.g. in
:py:class:`~pyrocko.model.Event` or :py:class:`~pyrocko.trace.Trace` objects),
.. code-block :: python
import time
from pyrocko import util
# By default using mode selected in user config, override with:
# util.use_high_precision_time(True) # force high precision mode
# util.use_high_precision_time(False) # force low precision mode
t1 = util.str_to_time('2020-08-27 10:22:00')
t2 = util.str_to_time('2020-08-27 10:22:00.111222')
t3 = util.to_time_float(time.time())
# To get the appropriate float class, use:
time_float = util.get_time_float()
# -> float, numpy.float128 or numpy.float96
[isinstance(t, time_float) for t in [t1, t2, t3]]
# -> [True, True, True]
# Shortcut:
Module content
from __future__ import division, print_function
import time
import logging
import os
import sys
import re
import calendar
import math
import fnmatch
import fcntl
except ImportError:
fcntl = None
import optparse
import os.path as op
import errno
import numpy as num
from scipy import signal
import pyrocko
from pyrocko import dummy_progressbar
from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote, unquote # noqa
from urllib.request import (
Request, build_opener, HTTPDigestAuthHandler, urlopen as _urlopen) # noqa
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError # noqa
except ImportError:
from urllib import urlencode, quote, unquote # noqa
from urllib2 import (Request, build_opener, HTTPDigestAuthHandler, # noqa
HTTPError, URLError, urlopen as _urlopen) # noqa
import certifi
import ssl
g_ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where())
except ImportError:
g_ssl_context = None
def urlopen_ssl_check(*args, **kwargs):
return urlopen(*args, **kwargs)
except URLError as e:
if str(e).find('SSL') != -1:
raise URLErrorSSL(e)
def urlopen(*args, **kwargs):
if 'context' not in kwargs and g_ssl_context is not None:
kwargs['context'] = g_ssl_context
return _urlopen(*args, **kwargs)
except NameError:
long = int
force_dummy_progressbar = False
from pyrocko import util_ext
except ImportError:
util_ext = None
logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.util')
import progressbar as progressbar_mod
except ImportError:
from pyrocko import dummy_progressbar as progressbar_mod
num_full = num.full
except AttributeError:
def num_full(shape, fill_value, dtype=None, order='C'):
a = num.empty(shape, dtype=dtype, order=order)
return a
num_full_like = num.full_like
except AttributeError:
def num_full_like(arr, fill_value, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True):
a = num.empty_like(arr, dtype=dtype, order=order, subok=subok)
return a
def progressbar_module():
return progressbar_mod
g_setup_logging_args = 'pyrocko', 'warning'
[docs]def setup_logging(programname='pyrocko', levelname='warning'):
Initialize logging.
:param programname: program name to be written in log
:param levelname: string indicating the logging level ('debug', 'info',
'warning', 'error', 'critical')
This function is called at startup by most pyrocko programs to set up a
consistent logging format. This is simply a shortcut to a call to
global g_setup_logging_args
g_setup_logging_args = (programname, levelname)
levels = {'debug': logging.DEBUG,
'info': logging.INFO,
'warning': logging.WARNING,
'error': logging.ERROR,
'critical': logging.CRITICAL}
format=programname+':%(name)-25s - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s')
[docs]def subprocess_setup_logging_args():
Get arguments from previous call to setup_logging.
These can be sent down to a worker process so it can setup its logging
in the same way as the main process.
return g_setup_logging_args
def data_file(fn):
return os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'data', fn)
[docs]class DownloadError(Exception):
[docs]class PathExists(DownloadError):
def _download(url, fpath, username=None, password=None,
force=False, method='download', stats=None,
status_callback=None, entries_wanted=None,
recursive=False, header=None):
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError as req_HTTPError
requests.adapters.DEFAULT_RETRIES = 5
urljoin = requests.compat.urljoin
session = requests.Session()
session.header = header
session.auth = None if username is None\
else HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)
status = {
'ntotal_files': 0,
'nread_files': 0,
'ntotal_bytes_all_files': 0,
'nread_bytes_all_files': 0,
'ntotal_bytes_current_file': 0,
'nread_bytes_current_file': 0,
'finished': False
url_to_size = {}
if callable(status_callback):
if not recursive and url.endswith('/'):
raise DownloadError(
'URL: %s appears to be a directory'
' but recurvise download is False' % url)
if recursive and not url.endswith('/'):
url += '/'
def parse_directory_tree(url, subdir=''):
r = session.get(urljoin(url, subdir))
entries = re.findall(r'href="([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+/?)"', r.text)
files = sorted(set(subdir + fn for fn in entries
if not fn.endswith('/')))
if entries_wanted is not None:
files = [fn for fn in files
if (fn in wanted for wanted in entries_wanted)]
status['ntotal_files'] += len(files)
dirs = sorted(set(subdir + dn for dn in entries
if dn.endswith('/')
and dn not in ('./', '../')))
for dn in dirs:
url, subdir=dn))
return files
def get_content_length(url):
if url not in url_to_size:
r = session.head(url, headers={'Accept-Encoding': ''})
content_length = r.headers.get('content-length', None)
if content_length is None:
logger.debug('Could not get HTTP header '
'Content-Length for %s' % url)
content_length = None
content_length = int(content_length)
status['ntotal_bytes_all_files'] += content_length
if callable(status_callback):
url_to_size[url] = content_length
return url_to_size[url]
def download_file(url, fn):
logger.info('starting download of %s...' % url)
fsize = get_content_length(url)
status['ntotal_bytes_current_file'] = fsize
status['nread_bytes_current_file'] = 0
if callable(status_callback):
r = session.get(url, stream=True, timeout=5)
frx = 0
fn_tmp = fn + '.%i.temp' % os.getpid()
with open(fn_tmp, 'wb') as f:
for d in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
frx += len(d)
status['nread_bytes_all_files'] += len(d)
status['nread_bytes_current_file'] += len(d)
if callable(status_callback):
os.rename(fn_tmp, fn)
if fsize is not None and frx != fsize:
'HTTP header Content-Length: %i bytes does not match '
'download size %i bytes' % (fsize, frx))
logger.info('finished download of %s' % url)
status['nread_files'] += 1
if callable(status_callback):
if recursive:
if op.exists(fpath) and not force:
raise PathExists('path %s already exists' % fpath)
files = parse_directory_tree(url)
dsize = 0
for fn in files:
file_url = urljoin(url, fn)
dsize += get_content_length(file_url) or 0
if method == 'calcsize':
return dsize
for fn in files:
file_url = urljoin(url, fn)
download_file(file_url, op.join(fpath, fn))
status['ntotal_files'] += 1
if callable(status_callback):
fsize = get_content_length(url)
if method == 'calcsize':
return fsize
download_file(url, fpath)
except req_HTTPError as e:
logging.warning("http error: %s" % e)
raise DownloadError('could not download file(s) from: %s' % url)
status['finished'] = True
if callable(status_callback):
def download_file(
url, fpath, username=None, password=None, status_callback=None,
return _download(
url, fpath, username, password,
def download_dir(
url, fpath, username=None, password=None, status_callback=None,
return _download(
url, fpath, username, password,
[docs]class HPFloatUnavailable(Exception):
class dummy_hpfloat(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise HPFloatUnavailable(
'NumPy lacks support for float128 or float96 data type on this '
if hasattr(num, 'float128'):
hpfloat = num.float128
elif hasattr(num, 'float96'):
hpfloat = num.float96
hpfloat = dummy_hpfloat
g_time_float = None
g_time_dtype = None
[docs]class TimeFloatSettingError(Exception):
[docs]def use_high_precision_time(enabled):
Globally force a specific time handling mode.
See :ref:`High precision time handling mode <time-handling-mode>`.
:param enabled: enable/disable use of high precision time type
:type enabled: bool
This function should be called before handling/reading any time data.
It can only be called once.
Special attention is required when using multiprocessing on a platform
which does not use fork under the hood. In such cases, the desired setting
must be set also in the subprocess.
def _setup_high_precision_time_mode(enabled_app=False):
global g_time_float
global g_time_dtype
if not (g_time_float is None and g_time_dtype is None):
raise TimeFloatSettingError(
'Cannot set time handling mode: too late, it has already been '
'fixed by an earlier call.')
from pyrocko import config
conf = config.config()
enabled_config = conf.use_high_precision_time
enabled_env = os.environ.get('PYROCKO_USE_HIGH_PRECISION_TIME', None)
if enabled_env is not None:
enabled_env = int(enabled_env) == 1
except ValueError:
raise TimeFloatSettingError(
'should be set to 0 or 1.')
enabled = enabled_config
mode_from = 'config variable `use_high_precision_time`'
notify = enabled
if enabled_env is not None:
if enabled_env != enabled:
notify = True
enabled = enabled_env
mode_from = 'environment variable `PYROCKO_USE_HIGH_PRECISION_TIME`'
if enabled_app is not None:
if enabled_app != enabled:
notify = True
enabled = enabled_app
mode_from = 'application override'
Pyrocko high precision time mode selection (latter override earlier):
config: %s
env: %s
app: %s
-> enabled: %s'''.lstrip() % (
enabled_config, enabled_env, enabled_app, enabled))
if notify:
logger.info('Pyrocko high precision time mode %s by %s.' % (
'activated' if enabled else 'deactivated',
if enabled:
g_time_float = hpfloat
g_time_dtype = hpfloat
g_time_float = float
g_time_dtype = num.float64
[docs]def get_time_float():
Get the effective float class for timestamps.
See :ref:`High precision time handling mode <time-handling-mode>`.
:returns: :py:class:`float` or :py:class:`hpfloat`, depending on the
current time handling mode
global g_time_float
if g_time_float is None:
return g_time_float
[docs]def get_time_dtype():
Get effective NumPy float class to handle timestamps.
See :ref:`High precision time handling mode <time-handling-mode>`.
global g_time_dtype
if g_time_dtype is None:
return g_time_dtype
[docs]def to_time_float(t):
Convert float to valid time stamp in the current time handling mode.
See :ref:`High precision time handling mode <time-handling-mode>`.
return get_time_float()(t)
[docs]class TimestampTypeError(ValueError):
[docs]def check_time_class(t, error='raise'):
Type-check variable against current time handling mode.
See :ref:`High precision time handling mode <time-handling-mode>`.
if t == 0.0:
if not isinstance(t, get_time_float()):
message = (
'Timestamp %g is of type %s but should be of type %s with '
'Pyrocko\'s currently selected time handling mode.\n\n'
'See https://pyrocko.org/docs/current/library/reference/util.html'
'#high-precision-time-handling-mode' % (
t, type(t), get_time_float()))
if error == 'raise':
raise TimestampTypeError(message)
elif error == 'warn':
assert False
[docs]class Stopwatch(object):
Simple stopwatch to measure elapsed wall clock time.
s = Stopwatch()
print s()
print s()
def __init__(self):
self.start = time.time()
def __call__(self):
return time.time() - self.start
[docs]def wrap(text, line_length=80):
Paragraph and list-aware wrapping of text.
text = text.strip('\n')
at_lineend = re.compile(r' *\n')
at_para = re.compile(r'((^|(\n\s*)?\n)(\s+[*] )|\n\s*\n)')
paragraphs = at_para.split(text)[::5]
listindents = at_para.split(text)[4::5]
newlist = at_para.split(text)[3::5]
listindents[0:0] = [None]
det_indent = re.compile(r'^ *')
outlines = []
for ip, p in enumerate(paragraphs):
if not p:
if listindents[ip] is None:
_indent = det_indent.findall(p)[0]
findent = _indent
findent = listindents[ip]
_indent = ' ' * len(findent)
ll = line_length - len(_indent)
llf = ll
oldlines = [s.strip() for s in at_lineend.split(p.rstrip())]
p1 = ' '.join(oldlines)
possible = re.compile(r'(^.{1,%i}|.{1,%i})( |$)' % (llf, ll))
for imatch, match in enumerate(possible.finditer(p1)):
parout = match.group(1)
if imatch == 0:
outlines.append(findent + parout)
outlines.append(_indent + parout)
if ip != len(paragraphs)-1 and (
listindents[ip] is None
or newlist[ip] is not None
or listindents[ip+1] is None):
return outlines
def ewrap(lines, width=80, indent=''):
lines = list(lines)
if not lines:
return ''
fwidth = max(len(s) for s in lines)
nx = max(1, (80-len(indent)) // (fwidth+1))
i = 0
rows = []
while i < len(lines):
rows.append(indent + ' '.join(x.ljust(fwidth) for x in lines[i:i+nx]))
i += nx
return '\n'.join(rows)
def progressbar(label, maxval):
progressbar_mod = progressbar_module()
if force_dummy_progressbar:
progressbar_mod = dummy_progressbar
widgets = [
label, ' ',
progressbar_mod.Bar(marker='-', left='[', right=']'), ' ',
progressbar_mod.Percentage(), ' ',
pbar = progressbar_mod.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=maxval).start()
return pbar
[docs]def progress_beg(label):
Notify user that an operation has started.
:param label: name of the operation
To be used in conjuction with :py:func:`progress_end`.
[docs]def progress_end(label=''):
Notify user that an operation has ended.
:param label: name of the operation
To be used in conjuction with :py:func:`progress_beg`.
sys.stderr.write(' done. %s\n' % label)
[docs]class ArangeError(Exception):
[docs]def arange2(start, stop, step, dtype=float, epsilon=1e-6, error='raise'):
Return evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval.
Like :py:func:`numpy.arange` but returning floating point numbers by
default and with defined behaviour when stepsize is inconsistent with
interval bounds. It is considered inconsistent if the difference between
the closest multiple of ``step`` and ``stop`` is larger than ``epsilon *
step``. Inconsistencies are handled according to the ``error`` parameter.
If it is set to ``'raise'`` an exception of type :py:exc:`ArangeError` is
raised. If it is set to ``'round'``, ``'floor'``, or ``'ceil'``, ``stop``
is silently changed to the closest, the next smaller, or next larger
multiple of ``step``, respectively.
assert error in ('raise', 'round', 'floor', 'ceil')
start = dtype(start)
stop = dtype(stop)
step = dtype(step)
rnd = {'floor': math.floor, 'ceil': math.ceil}.get(error, round)
n = int(rnd((stop - start) / step)) + 1
stop_check = start + (n-1) * step
if error == 'raise' and abs(stop_check - stop) > step * epsilon:
raise ArangeError(
'inconsistent range specification: start=%g, stop=%g, step=%g'
% (start, stop, step))
x = num.arange(n, dtype=dtype)
x *= step
x += start
return x
[docs]def polylinefit(x, y, n_or_xnodes):
Fit piece-wise linear function to data.
:param x,y: arrays with coordinates of data
:param n_or_xnodes: int, number of segments or x coordinates of polyline
:returns: `(xnodes, ynodes, rms_error)` arrays with coordinates of
polyline, root-mean-square error
x = num.asarray(x)
y = num.asarray(y)
if isinstance(n_or_xnodes, int):
n = n_or_xnodes
xmin = x.min()
xmax = x.max()
xnodes = num.linspace(xmin, xmax, n+1)
xnodes = num.asarray(n_or_xnodes)
n = xnodes.size - 1
assert len(x) == len(y)
assert n > 0
ndata = len(x)
a = num.zeros((ndata+(n-1), n*2))
for i in range(n):
xmin_block = xnodes[i]
xmax_block = xnodes[i+1]
if i == n-1: # don't loose last point
indices = num.where(
num.logical_and(xmin_block <= x, x <= xmax_block))[0]
indices = num.where(
num.logical_and(xmin_block <= x, x < xmax_block))[0]
a[indices, i*2] = x[indices]
a[indices, i*2+1] = 1.0
w = float(ndata)*100.
if i < n-1:
a[ndata+i, i*2] = xmax_block*w
a[ndata+i, i*2+1] = 1.0*w
a[ndata+i, i*2+2] = -xmax_block*w
a[ndata+i, i*2+3] = -1.0*w
d = num.concatenate((y, num.zeros(n-1)))
model = num.linalg.lstsq(a, d, rcond=-1)[0].reshape((n, 2))
ynodes = num.zeros(n+1)
ynodes[:n] = model[:, 0]*xnodes[:n] + model[:, 1]
ynodes[1:] += model[:, 0]*xnodes[1:] + model[:, 1]
ynodes[1:n] *= 0.5
rms_error = num.sqrt(num.mean((num.interp(x, xnodes, ynodes) - y)**2))
return xnodes, ynodes, rms_error
[docs]def plf_integrate_piecewise(x_edges, x, y):
Calculate definite integral of piece-wise linear function on intervals.
Use trapezoidal rule to calculate definite integral of a piece-wise linear
function for a series of consecutive intervals. ``x_edges`` and ``x`` must
be sorted.
:param x_edges: array with edges of the intervals
:param x,y: arrays with coordinates of piece-wise linear function's
control points
x_all = num.concatenate((x, x_edges))
ii = num.argsort(x_all)
y_edges = num.interp(x_edges, x, y)
y_all = num.concatenate((y, y_edges))
xs = x_all[ii]
ys = y_all[ii]
y_all[ii[1:]] = num.cumsum((xs[1:] - xs[:-1]) * 0.5 * (ys[1:] + ys[:-1]))
return num.diff(y_all[-len(y_edges):])
[docs]def diff_fd_1d_4o(dt, data):
Approximate first derivative of an array (forth order, central FD).
:param dt: sampling interval
:param data: NumPy array with data samples
:returns: NumPy array with same shape as input
Interior points are approximated to fourth order, edge points to first
order right- or left-sided respectively, points next to edge to second
order central.
import scipy.signal
ddata = num.empty_like(data, dtype=float)
if data.size >= 5:
ddata[2:-2] = scipy.signal.lfilter(
[-1., +8., 0., -8., 1.], [1.], data)[4:] / (12.*dt)
if data.size >= 3:
ddata[1] = (data[2] - data[0]) / (2. * dt)
ddata[-2] = (data[-1] - data[-3]) / (2. * dt)
if data.size >= 2:
ddata[0] = (data[1] - data[0]) / dt
ddata[-1] = (data[-1] - data[-2]) / dt
if data.size == 1:
ddata[0] = 0.0
return ddata
[docs]def diff_fd_1d_2o(dt, data):
Approximate first derivative of an array (second order, central FD).
:param dt: sampling interval
:param data: NumPy array with data samples
:returns: NumPy array with same shape as input
Interior points are approximated to second order, edge points to first
order right- or left-sided respectively.
Uses :py:func:`numpy.gradient`.
return num.gradient(data, dt)
[docs]def diff_fd_2d_4o(dt, data):
Approximate second derivative of an array (forth order, central FD).
:param dt: sampling interval
:param data: NumPy array with data samples
:returns: NumPy array with same shape as input
Interior points are approximated to fourth order, next-to-edge points to
second order, edge points repeated.
import scipy.signal
ddata = num.empty_like(data, dtype=float)
if data.size >= 5:
ddata[2:-2] = scipy.signal.lfilter(
[-1., +16., -30., +16., -1.], [1.], data)[4:] / (12.*dt**2)
if data.size >= 3:
ddata[:2] = (data[2] - 2.0 * data[1] + data[0]) / dt**2
ddata[-2:] = (data[-1] - 2.0 * data[-2] + data[-3]) / dt**2
if data.size < 3:
ddata[:] = 0.0
return ddata
[docs]def diff_fd_2d_2o(dt, data):
Approximate second derivative of an array (second order, central FD).
:param dt: sampling interval
:param data: NumPy array with data samples
:returns: NumPy array with same shape as input
Interior points are approximated to second order, edge points repeated.
import scipy.signal
ddata = num.empty_like(data, dtype=float)
if data.size >= 3:
ddata[1:-1] = scipy.signal.lfilter(
[1., -2., 1.], [1.], data)[2:] / (dt**2)
ddata[0] = ddata[1]
ddata[-1] = ddata[-2]
if data.size < 3:
ddata[:] = 0.0
return ddata
[docs]def diff_fd(n, order, dt, data):
Approximate 1st or 2nd derivative of an array.
:param n: 1 for first derivative, 2 for second
:param order: order of the approximation 2 and 4 are supported
:param dt: sampling interval
:param data: NumPy array with data samples
:returns: NumPy array with same shape as input
This is a frontend to the functions :py:func:`diff_fd_1d_2o`,
:py:func:`diff_fd_1d_4o`, :py:func:`diff_fd_2d_2o`, and
Raises :py:exc:`ValueError` for unsupported `n` or `order`.
funcs = {
1: {2: diff_fd_1d_2o, 4: diff_fd_1d_4o},
2: {2: diff_fd_2d_2o, 4: diff_fd_2d_4o}}
funcs_n = funcs[n]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
'pyrocko.util.diff_fd: '
'Only 1st and 2sd derivatives are supported.')
func = funcs_n[order]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
'pyrocko.util.diff_fd: '
'Order %i is not supported for %s derivative. Supported: %s' % (
order, ['', '1st', '2nd'][n],
', '.join('%i' % order for order in sorted(funcs_n.keys()))))
return func(dt, data)
class GlobalVars(object):
reuse_store = dict()
decitab_nmax = 0
decitab = {}
decimate_fir_coeffs = {}
decimate_fir_remez_coeffs = {}
decimate_iir_coeffs = {}
re_frac = None
def decimate_coeffs(q, n=None, ftype='iir'):
q = int(q)
if n is None:
if ftype == 'fir':
n = 30
elif ftype == 'fir-remez':
n = 45*q
n = 8
if ftype == 'fir':
coeffs = GlobalVars.decimate_fir_coeffs
if (n, 1./q) not in coeffs:
coeffs[n, 1./q] = signal.firwin(n+1, .75/q, window='hamming')
b = coeffs[n, 1./q]
return b, [1.], n
elif ftype == 'fir-remez':
coeffs = GlobalVars.decimate_fir_remez_coeffs
if (n, 1./q) not in coeffs:
coeffs[n, 1./q] = signal.remez(
n+1, (0., .75/q, 1./q, 1.),
(1., 0.), Hz=2, weight=(1, 50))
b = coeffs[n, 1./q]
return b, [1.], n
coeffs = GlobalVars.decimate_iir_coeffs
if (n, 0.05, 0.8/q) not in coeffs:
coeffs[n, 0.05, 0.8/q] = signal.cheby1(n, 0.05, 0.8/q)
b, a = coeffs[n, 0.05, 0.8/q]
return b, a, n
[docs]def decimate(x, q, n=None, ftype='iir', zi=None, ioff=0):
Downsample the signal x by an integer factor q, using an order n filter
By default, an order 8 Chebyshev type I filter is used or a 30 point FIR
filter with hamming window if ftype is 'fir'.
:param x: the signal to be downsampled (1D :class:`numpy.ndarray`)
:param q: the downsampling factor
:param n: order of the filter (1 less than the length of the filter for a
`fir` filter)
:param ftype: type of the filter; can be `iir`, `fir` or `fir-remez`
:returns: the downsampled signal (1D :class:`numpy.ndarray`)
b, a, n = decimate_coeffs(q, n, ftype)
if zi is None or zi is True:
zi_ = num.zeros(max(len(a), len(b))-1, dtype=float)
zi_ = zi
y, zf = signal.lfilter(b, a, x, zi=zi_)
if zi is not None:
return y[n//2+ioff::q].copy(), zf
return y[n//2+ioff::q].copy()
[docs]class UnavailableDecimation(Exception):
Exception raised by :py:func:`decitab` for unavailable decimation factors.
[docs]def gcd(a, b, epsilon=1e-7):
Greatest common divisor.
while b > epsilon*a:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
[docs]def lcm(a, b):
Least common multiple.
return a*b // gcd(a, b)
[docs]def mk_decitab(nmax=100):
Make table with decimation sequences.
Decimation from one sampling rate to a lower one is achieved by a
successive application of :py:func:`decimation` with small integer
downsampling factors (because using large downampling factors can make the
decimation unstable or slow). This function sets up a table with downsample
sequences for factors up to ``nmax``.
tab = GlobalVars.decitab
for i in range(1, 10):
for j in range(1, i+1):
for k in range(1, j+1):
for l_ in range(1, k+1):
for m in range(1, l_+1):
p = i*j*k*l_*m
if p > nmax:
if p not in tab:
tab[p] = (i, j, k, l_, m)
if i*j*k*l_ > nmax:
if i*j*k > nmax:
if i*j > nmax:
if i > nmax:
GlobalVars.decitab_nmax = nmax
def zfmt(n):
return '%%0%ii' % (int(math.log10(n - 1)) + 1)
def _year_to_time(year):
tt = (year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
return to_time_float(calendar.timegm(tt))
def _working_year(year):
tt = (year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
t = calendar.timegm(tt)
tt2_ = time.gmtime(t)
tt2 = tuple(tt2_)[:6]
if tt != tt2:
return False
s = '%i-01-01 00:00:00' % year
s2 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tt2_)
if s != s2:
return False
t3 = str_to_time(s2, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
s3 = time_to_str(t3, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
if s3 != s2:
return False
except Exception:
return False
return True
[docs]def working_system_time_range(year_min_lim=None, year_max_lim=None):
Check time range supported by the systems's time conversion functions.
Returns system time stamps of start of year of first/last fully supported
year span. If this is before 1900 or after 2100, return first/last century
which is fully supported.
:returns: ``(tmin, tmax, year_min, year_max)``
year0 = 2000
year_min = year0
year_max = year0
itests = list(range(101))
for i in range(19):
itests.append(200 + i*100)
for i in itests:
year = year0 - i
if year_min_lim is not None and year < year_min_lim:
year_min = year_min_lim
elif not _working_year(year):
year_min = year
for i in itests:
year = year0 + i
if year_max_lim is not None and year > year_max_lim:
year_max = year_max_lim
elif not _working_year(year + 1):
year_max = year
return (
year_min, year_max)
g_working_system_time_range = None
[docs]def get_working_system_time_range():
Caching variant of :py:func:`working_system_time_range`.
global g_working_system_time_range
if g_working_system_time_range is None:
g_working_system_time_range = working_system_time_range()
return g_working_system_time_range
def is_working_time(t):
tmin, tmax, _, _ = get_working_system_time_range()
return tmin <= t <= tmax
[docs]def julian_day_of_year(timestamp):
Get the day number after the 1st of January of year in ``timestamp``.
:returns: day number as int
return time.gmtime(int(timestamp)).tm_yday
[docs]def hour_start(timestamp):
Get beginning of hour for any point in time.
:param timestamp: time instant as system timestamp (in seconds)
:returns: instant of hour start as system timestamp
tt = time.gmtime(int(timestamp))
tts = tt[0:4] + (0, 0)
return to_time_float(calendar.timegm(tts))
[docs]def day_start(timestamp):
Get beginning of day for any point in time.
:param timestamp: time instant as system timestamp (in seconds)
:returns: instant of day start as system timestamp
tt = time.gmtime(int(timestamp))
tts = tt[0:3] + (0, 0, 0)
return to_time_float(calendar.timegm(tts))
[docs]def month_start(timestamp):
Get beginning of month for any point in time.
:param timestamp: time instant as system timestamp (in seconds)
:returns: instant of month start as system timestamp
tt = time.gmtime(int(timestamp))
tts = tt[0:2] + (1, 0, 0, 0)
return to_time_float(calendar.timegm(tts))
[docs]def year_start(timestamp):
Get beginning of year for any point in time.
:param timestamp: time instant as system timestamp (in seconds)
:returns: instant of year start as system timestamp
tt = time.gmtime(int(timestamp))
tts = tt[0:1] + (1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
return to_time_float(calendar.timegm(tts))
[docs]def iter_days(tmin, tmax):
Yields begin and end of days until given time span is covered.
:param tmin,tmax: input time span
:yields: tuples with (begin, end) of days as system timestamps
t = day_start(tmin)
while t < tmax:
tend = day_start(t + 26*60*60)
yield t, tend
t = tend
[docs]def iter_months(tmin, tmax):
Yields begin and end of months until given time span is covered.
:param tmin,tmax: input time span
:yields: tuples with (begin, end) of months as system timestamps
t = month_start(tmin)
while t < tmax:
tend = month_start(t + 24*60*60*33)
yield t, tend
t = tend
[docs]def iter_years(tmin, tmax):
Yields begin and end of years until given time span is covered.
:param tmin,tmax: input time span
:yields: tuples with (begin, end) of years as system timestamps
t = year_start(tmin)
while t < tmax:
tend = year_start(t + 24*60*60*369)
yield t, tend
t = tend
def today():
return day_start(time.time())
def tomorrow():
return day_start(time.time() + 24*60*60)
[docs]def decitab(n):
Get integer decimation sequence for given downampling factor.
:param n: target decimation factor
:returns: tuple with downsampling sequence
if n > GlobalVars.decitab_nmax:
if n not in GlobalVars.decitab:
raise UnavailableDecimation('ratio = %g' % n)
return GlobalVars.decitab[n]
[docs]def ctimegm(s, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
Convert string representing UTC time to system time.
:param s: string to be interpreted
:param format: format string passed to :py:func:`strptime`
:returns: system time stamp
Interpretes string with format ``'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'``, using strptime.
.. note::
This function is to be replaced by :py:func:`str_to_time`.
return calendar.timegm(time.strptime(s, format))
[docs]def gmctime(t, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
Get string representation from system time, UTC.
Produces string with format ``'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'``, using strftime.
.. note::
This function is to be repaced by :py:func:`time_to_str`.
return time.strftime(format, time.gmtime(t))
[docs]def gmctime_v(t, format="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"):
Get string representation from system time, UTC. Same as
:py:func:`gmctime` but with a more verbose default format.
.. note::
This function is to be replaced by :py:func:`time_to_str`.
return time.strftime(format, time.gmtime(t))
[docs]def gmctime_fn(t, format="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"):
Get string representation from system time, UTC. Same as
:py:func:`gmctime` but with a default usable in filenames.
.. note::
This function is to be replaced by :py:func:`time_to_str`.
return time.strftime(format, time.gmtime(t))
[docs]class TimeStrError(Exception):
[docs]class FractionalSecondsMissing(TimeStrError):
Exception raised by :py:func:`str_to_time` when the given string lacks
fractional seconds.
[docs]class FractionalSecondsWrongNumberOfDigits(TimeStrError):
Exception raised by :py:func:`str_to_time` when the given string has an
incorrect number of digits in the fractional seconds part.
def _endswith_n(s, endings):
for ix, x in enumerate(endings):
if s.endswith(x):
return ix
return -1
[docs]def str_to_time(s, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.OPTFRAC'):
Convert string representing UTC time to floating point system time.
:param s: string representing UTC time
:param format: time string format
:returns: system time stamp as floating point value
Uses the semantics of :py:func:`time.strptime` but allows for fractional
seconds. If the format ends with ``'.FRAC'``, anything after a dot is
interpreted as fractional seconds. If the format ends with ``'.OPTFRAC'``,
the fractional part, including the dot is made optional. The latter has the
consequence, that the time strings and the format may not contain any other
dots. If the format ends with ``'.xFRAC'`` where x is 1, 2, or 3, it is
ensured, that exactly that number of digits are present in the fractional
time_float = get_time_float()
if util_ext is not None:
t, tfrac = util_ext.stt(s, format)
except util_ext.UtilExtError as e:
raise TimeStrError(
'%s, string=%s, format=%s' % (str(e), s, format))
return time_float(t)+tfrac
fracsec = 0.
fixed_endings = '.FRAC', '.1FRAC', '.2FRAC', '.3FRAC'
iend = _endswith_n(format, fixed_endings)
if iend != -1:
dotpos = s.rfind('.')
if dotpos == -1:
raise FractionalSecondsMissing(
'string=%s, format=%s' % (s, format))
if iend > 0 and iend != (len(s)-dotpos-1):
raise FractionalSecondsWrongNumberOfDigits(
'string=%s, format=%s' % (s, format))
format = format[:-len(fixed_endings[iend])]
fracsec = float(s[dotpos:])
s = s[:dotpos]
elif format.endswith('.OPTFRAC'):
dotpos = s.rfind('.')
format = format[:-8]
if dotpos != -1 and len(s[dotpos:]) > 1:
fracsec = float(s[dotpos:])
if dotpos != -1:
s = s[:dotpos]
return time_float(calendar.timegm(time.strptime(s, format))) \
+ fracsec
except ValueError as e:
raise TimeStrError('%s, string=%s, format=%s' % (str(e), s, format))
stt = str_to_time
[docs]def str_to_time_fillup(s):
Default :py:func:`str_to_time` with filling in of missing values.
Allows e.g. `'2010-01-01 00:00:00'` as `'2010-01-01 00:00'`,
`'2010-01-01 00'`, ..., or `'2010'`.
if len(s) in (4, 7, 10, 13, 16):
s += '0000-01-01 00:00:00'[len(s):]
return str_to_time(s)
[docs]def time_to_str(t, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.3FRAC'):
Get string representation for floating point system time.
:param t: floating point system time
:param format: time string format
:returns: string representing UTC time
Uses the semantics of :py:func:`time.strftime` but additionally allows for
fractional seconds. If ``format`` contains ``'.xFRAC'``, where ``x`` is a
digit between 1 and 9, this is replaced with the fractional part of ``t``
with ``x`` digits precision.
if pyrocko.grumpy > 0:
check_time_class(t, 'warn' if pyrocko.grumpy == 1 else 'raise')
if isinstance(format, int):
if format > 0:
format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.' + '%iFRAC' % format
format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
if util_ext is not None:
t0 = num.floor(t)
return util_ext.tts(int(t0), float(t - t0), format)
except util_ext.UtilExtError as e:
raise TimeStrError(
'%s, timestamp=%f, format=%s' % (str(e), t, format))
if not GlobalVars.re_frac:
GlobalVars.re_frac = re.compile(r'\.[1-9]FRAC')
GlobalVars.frac_formats = dict(
[('.%sFRAC' % x, '%.'+x+'f') for x in '123456789'])
ts = float(num.floor(t))
tfrac = t-ts
m = GlobalVars.re_frac.search(format)
if m:
sfrac = (GlobalVars.frac_formats[m.group(0)] % tfrac)
if sfrac[0] == '1':
ts += 1.
format, nsub = GlobalVars.re_frac.subn(sfrac[1:], format, 1)
return time.strftime(format, time.gmtime(ts))
tts = time_to_str
_abbr_weekday = 'Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun'.split()
_abbr_month = 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split()
def mystrftime(fmt=None, tt=None, milliseconds=0):
# Needed by Snuffler for the time axis. In other cases `time_to_str`
# should be used.
if fmt is None:
fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S .%r'
# Get these two locale independent, needed by Snuffler.
# Setting the locale seems to have no effect.
fmt = fmt.replace('%a', _abbr_weekday[tt.tm_wday])
fmt = fmt.replace('%b', _abbr_month[tt.tm_mon-1])
fmt = fmt.replace('%r', '%03i' % int(round(milliseconds)))
fmt = fmt.replace('%u', '%06i' % int(round(milliseconds*1000)))
fmt = fmt.replace('%n', '%09i' % int(round(milliseconds*1000000)))
return time.strftime(fmt, tt)
def gmtime_x(timestamp):
etimestamp = float(num.floor(timestamp))
tt = time.gmtime(etimestamp)
ms = (timestamp-etimestamp)*1000
return tt, ms
def plural_s(n):
if not isinstance(n, int):
n = len(n)
return 's' if n != 1 else ''
[docs]def ensuredirs(dst):
Create all intermediate path components for a target path.
:param dst: target path
The leaf part of the target path is not created (use :py:func:`ensuredir`
if a the target path is a directory to be created).
d, x = os.path.split(dst.rstrip(os.sep))
dirs = []
while d and not os.path.exists(d):
d, x = os.path.split(d)
for d in dirs:
except OSError as e:
if not e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
[docs]def ensuredir(dst):
Create directory and all intermediate path components to it as needed.
:param dst: directory name
Nothing is done if the given target already exists.
if os.path.exists(dst):
except OSError as e:
if not e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
[docs]def reuse(x):
Get unique instance of an object.
:param x: hashable object
:returns: reference to x or an equivalent object
Cache object ``x`` in a global dict for reuse, or if x already
is in that dict, return a reference to it.
grs = GlobalVars.reuse_store
if x not in grs:
grs[x] = x
return grs[x]
def deuse(x):
grs = GlobalVars.reuse_store
if x in grs:
del grs[x]
[docs]class Anon(object):
Dict-to-object utility.
Any given arguments are stored as attributes.
a = Anon(x=1, y=2)
print a.x, a.y
def __init__(self, **dict):
for k in dict:
self.__dict__[k] = dict[k]
[docs]def iter_select_files(
Recursively select files (generator variant).
See :py:func:`select_files`.
if show_progress:
progress_beg('selecting files...')
ngood = 0
check_include = None
if include is not None:
rinclude = re.compile(include)
def check_include(path):
m = rinclude.search(path)
if not m:
return False
if selector is None:
return True
infos = Anon(**m.groupdict())
return selector(infos)
check_exclude = None
if exclude is not None:
rexclude = re.compile(exclude)
def check_exclude(path):
return not bool(rexclude.search(path))
if check_include and check_exclude:
def check(path):
return check_include(path) and check_exclude(path)
elif check_include:
check = check_include
elif check_exclude:
check = check_exclude
check = None
if isinstance(paths, str):
paths = [paths]
for path in paths:
if pass_through and pass_through(path):
if check is None or check(path):
yield path
elif os.path.isdir(path):
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path):
for filename in filenames:
path = op.join(dirpath, filename)
if check is None or check(path):
yield os.path.abspath(path)
ngood += 1
if check is None or check(path):
yield os.path.abspath(path)
ngood += 1
if show_progress:
progress_end('%i file%s selected.' % (ngood, plural_s(ngood)))
[docs]def select_files(
paths, include=None, exclude=None, selector=None, show_progress=True,
Recursively select files.
:param paths: entry path names
:param include: pattern for conditional inclusion
:param exclude: pattern for conditional exclusion
:param selector: callback for conditional inclusion
:param show_progress: if True, indicate start and stop of processing
:param regex: alias for ``include`` (backwards compatibility)
:returns: list of path names
Recursively finds all files under given entry points ``paths``. If
parameter ``include`` is a regular expression, only files with matching
path names are included. If additionally parameter ``selector`` is given a
callback function, only files for which the callback returns ``True`` are
included. The callback should take a single argument. The callback is
called with a single argument, an object, having as attributes, any named
groups given in ``include``.
To find all files ending in ``'.mseed'`` or ``'.msd'``::
To find all files ending with ``'$Year.$DayOfYear'``, having set 2009 for
the year::
selector=(lambda x: int(x.year) == 2009))
if regex is not None:
assert include is None
include = regex
return list(iter_select_files(
paths, include, exclude, selector, show_progress))
[docs]def base36encode(number, alphabet='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'):
Convert positive integer to a base36 string.
if not isinstance(number, (int, long)):
raise TypeError('number must be an integer')
if number < 0:
raise ValueError('number must be positive')
# Special case for small numbers
if number < 36:
return alphabet[number]
base36 = ''
while number != 0:
number, i = divmod(number, 36)
base36 = alphabet[i] + base36
return base36
[docs]def base36decode(number):
Decode base36 endcoded positive integer.
return int(number, 36)
[docs]class UnpackError(Exception):
Exception raised when :py:func:`unpack_fixed` encounters an error.
ruler = ''.join(['%-10i' % i for i in range(8)]) \
+ '\n' + '0123456789' * 8 + '\n'
[docs]def unpack_fixed(format, line, *callargs):
Unpack fixed format string, as produced by many fortran codes.
:param format: format specification
:param line: string to be processed
:param callargs: callbacks for callback fields in the format
The format is described by a string of comma-separated fields. Each field
is defined by a character for the field type followed by the field width. A
questionmark may be appended to the field description to allow the argument
to be optional (The data string is then allowed to be filled with blanks
and ``None`` is returned in this case).
The following field types are available:
==== ================================================================
Type Description
==== ================================================================
A string (full field width is extracted)
a string (whitespace at the beginning and the end is removed)
i integer value
f floating point value
@ special type, a callback must be given for the conversion
x special field type to skip parts of the string
==== ================================================================
ipos = 0
values = []
icall = 0
for form in format.split(','):
form = form.strip()
optional = form[-1] == '?'
form = form.rstrip('?')
typ = form[0]
ln = int(form[1:])
s = line[ipos:ipos+ln]
cast = {
'x': None,
'A': str,
'a': lambda x: x.strip(),
'i': int,
'f': float,
'@': 'extra'}[typ]
if cast == 'extra':
cast = callargs[icall]
icall += 1
if cast is not None:
if optional and s.strip() == '':
except Exception:
mark = [' '] * 80
mark[ipos:ipos+ln] = ['^'] * ln
mark = ''.join(mark)
raise UnpackError(
'Invalid cast to type "%s" at position [%i:%i] of '
'line: \n%s%s\n%s' % (
typ, ipos, ipos+ln, ruler, line.rstrip(), mark))
ipos += ln
return values
_pattern_cache = {}
def _nslc_pattern(pattern):
if pattern not in _pattern_cache:
rpattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern), re.I)
_pattern_cache[pattern] = rpattern
rpattern = _pattern_cache[pattern]
return rpattern
[docs]def match_nslc(patterns, nslc):
Match network-station-location-channel code against pattern or list of
:param patterns: pattern or list of patterns
:param nslc: tuple with (network, station, location, channel) as strings
:returns: ``True`` if the pattern matches or if any of the given patterns
match; or ``False``.
The patterns may contain shell-style wildcards: \\*, ?, [seq], [!seq].
match_nslc('*.HAM3.*.BH?', ('GR', 'HAM3', '', 'BHZ')) # -> True
if isinstance(patterns, str):
patterns = [patterns]
if not isinstance(nslc, str):
s = '.'.join(nslc)
s = nslc
for pattern in patterns:
if _nslc_pattern(pattern).match(s):
return True
return False
[docs]def match_nslcs(patterns, nslcs):
Get network-station-location-channel codes that match given pattern or any
of several given patterns.
:param patterns: pattern or list of patterns
:param nslcs: list of (network, station, location, channel) tuples
See also :py:func:`match_nslc`
matching = []
for nslc in nslcs:
if match_nslc(patterns, nslc):
return matching
[docs]class Timeout(Exception):
def create_lockfile(fn, timeout=None, timewarn=10.):
t0 = time.time()
while True:
f = os.open(fn, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_EXCL)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
tnow = time.time()
if timeout is not None and tnow - t0 > timeout:
raise Timeout(
'Timeout (%gs) occured while waiting to get exclusive '
'access to: %s' % (timeout, fn))
if timewarn is not None and tnow - t0 > timewarn:
'Waiting since %gs to get exclusive access to: %s' % (
timewarn, fn))
timewarn *= 2
def delete_lockfile(fn):
[docs]class Lockfile(Exception):
def __init__(self, path, timeout=5, timewarn=10.):
self._path = path
self._timeout = timeout
self._timewarn = timewarn
def __enter__(self):
self._path, timeout=self._timeout, timewarn=self._timewarn)
return None
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
[docs]class SoleError(Exception):
Exception raised by objects of type :py:class:`Sole`, when an concurrent
instance is running.
[docs]class Sole(object):
Use POSIX advisory file locking to ensure that only a single instance of a
program is running.
:param pid_path: path to lockfile to be used
from pyrocko.util import Sole, SoleError, setup_logging
import os
pid_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.my_program_lock')
sole = Sole(pid_path)
except SoleError, e:
logger.fatal( str(e) )
def __init__(self, pid_path):
self._pid_path = pid_path
self._other_running = False
self._lockfile = None
self._os = os
if not fcntl:
raise SoleError(
'Python standard library module "fcntl" not available on '
'this platform.')
self._fcntl = fcntl
self._lockfile = os.open(self._pid_path, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY)
except Exception:
raise SoleError(
'Cannot open lockfile (path = %s)' % self._pid_path)
fcntl.lockf(self._lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
except IOError:
self._other_running = True
f = open(self._pid_path, 'r')
pid = f.read().strip()
except Exception:
pid = '?'
raise SoleError('Other instance is running (pid = %s)' % pid)
os.ftruncate(self._lockfile, 0)
os.write(self._lockfile, '%i\n' % os.getpid())
except Exception:
# the pid is only stored for user information, so this is allowed
# to fail
def __del__(self):
if not self._other_running:
if self._lockfile is not None:
self._fcntl.lockf(self._lockfile, self._fcntl.LOCK_UN)
except Exception:
re_escapequotes = re.compile(r"(['\\])")
def escapequotes(s):
return re_escapequotes.sub(r"\\\1", s)
[docs]class TableWriter(object):
Write table of space separated values to a file.
:param f: file like object
Strings containing spaces are quoted on output.
def __init__(self, f):
self._f = f
[docs] def writerow(self, row, minfieldwidths=None):
Write one row of values to underlying file.
:param row: iterable of values
:param minfieldwidths: minimum field widths for the values
Each value in in ``row`` is converted to a string and optionally padded
with blanks. The resulting strings are output separated with blanks. If
any values given are strings and if they contain whitespace, they are
quoted with single quotes, and any internal single quotes are
out = []
for i, x in enumerate(row):
w = 0
if minfieldwidths and i < len(minfieldwidths):
w = minfieldwidths[i]
if isinstance(x, str):
if re.search(r"\s|'", x):
x = "'%s'" % escapequotes(x)
x = x.ljust(w)
x = str(x).rjust(w)
self._f.write(' '.join(out).rstrip() + '\n')
[docs]class TableReader(object):
Read table of space separated values from a file.
:param f: file-like object
This uses Pythons shlex module to tokenize lines. Should deal correctly
with quoted strings.
def __init__(self, f):
self._f = f
self.eof = False
[docs] def readrow(self):
Read one row from the underlying file, tokenize it with shlex.
:returns: tokenized line as a list of strings.
line = self._f.readline()
if not line:
self.eof = True
return []
if line.startswith('#'):
return []
return qsplit(line)
def human_bytesize(value):
exts = 'Bytes kB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB'.split()
if value == 1:
return '1 Byte'
for i, ext in enumerate(exts):
x = float(value) / 1000**i
if round(x) < 10. and not value < 1000:
return '%.1f %s' % (x, ext)
if round(x) < 1000.:
return '%.0f %s' % (x, ext)
return '%i Bytes' % value
re_compatibility = re.compile(
r'!pyrocko\.(trace|gf\.(meta|seismosizer)|fomosto\.' +
def pf_is_old(fn):
oldstyle = False
with open(fn, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if re_compatibility.search(line):
oldstyle = True
return oldstyle
def pf_upgrade(fn):
need = pf_is_old(fn)
if need:
fn_temp = fn + '.temp'
with open(fn, 'r') as fin:
with open(fn_temp, 'w') as fout:
for line in fin:
line = re_compatibility.sub('!pf.', line)
os.rename(fn_temp, fn)
return need
[docs]def read_leap_seconds(tzfile='/usr/share/zoneinfo/right/UTC'):
Extract leap second information from tzdata.
Based on example at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19332902/\
See also 'man 5 tzfile'.
from struct import unpack, calcsize
out = []
with open(tzfile, 'rb') as f:
# read header
fmt = '>4s c 15x 6l'
(magic, format, ttisgmtcnt, ttisstdcnt, leapcnt, timecnt,
typecnt, charcnt) = unpack(fmt, f.read(calcsize(fmt)))
assert magic == 'TZif'.encode('US-ASCII'), 'Not a timezone file'
# skip over some uninteresting data
fmt = '>%(timecnt)dl %(timecnt)dB %(ttinfo)s %(charcnt)ds' % dict(
timecnt=timecnt, ttinfo='lBB'*typecnt, charcnt=charcnt)
# read leap-seconds
fmt = '>2l'
for i in range(leapcnt):
tleap, nleap = unpack(fmt, f.read(calcsize(fmt)))
out.append((tleap-nleap+1, nleap))
return out
[docs]class LeapSecondsError(Exception):
[docs]class LeapSecondsOutdated(LeapSecondsError):
[docs]class InvalidLeapSecondsFile(LeapSecondsOutdated):
def parse_leap_seconds_list(fn):
data = []
texpires = None
t0 = int(round(str_to_time('1900-01-01 00:00:00')))
except TimeStrError:
t0 = int(round(str_to_time('1970-01-01 00:00:00'))) - 2208988800
tnow = int(round(time.time()))
if not op.exists(fn):
raise LeapSecondsOutdated('no leap seconds file found')
with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
for line in f:
if line.strip().startswith(b'<!DOCTYPE'):
raise InvalidLeapSecondsFile('invalid leap seconds file')
if line.startswith(b'#@'):
texpires = int(line.split()[1]) + t0
elif line.startswith(b'#') or len(line) < 5:
toks = line.split()
t = int(toks[0]) + t0
nleap = int(toks[1]) - 10
data.append((t, nleap))
except IOError:
raise LeapSecondsError('cannot read leap seconds file %s' % fn)
if texpires is None or tnow > texpires:
raise LeapSecondsOutdated('leap seconds list is outdated')
return data
def read_leap_seconds2():
from pyrocko import config
conf = config.config()
fn = conf.leapseconds_path
url = conf.leapseconds_url
# check for outdated default URL
if url == 'http://www.ietf.org/timezones/data/leap-seconds.list':
url = 'https://www.ietf.org/timezones/data/leap-seconds.list'
'Leap seconds default URL is now: %s\nUsing new default.' % url)
for i in range(3):
return parse_leap_seconds_list(fn)
except LeapSecondsOutdated:
logger.info('updating leap seconds list...')
download_file(url, fn)
except Exception as e:
raise LeapSecondsError(
'cannot download leap seconds list from %s to %s (%s)'
% (url, fn, e))
raise LeapSecondsError('Could not retrieve/read leap seconds file.')
[docs]def gps_utc_offset(t_utc):
Time offset t_gps - t_utc for a given t_utc.
ls = read_leap_seconds2()
i = 0
if t_utc < ls[0][0]:
return ls[0][1] - 1 - 9
while i < len(ls) - 1:
if ls[i][0] <= t_utc and t_utc < ls[i+1][0]:
return ls[i][1] - 9
i += 1
return ls[-1][1] - 9
[docs]def utc_gps_offset(t_gps):
Time offset t_utc - t_gps for a given t_gps.
ls = read_leap_seconds2()
if t_gps < ls[0][0] + ls[0][1] - 9:
return - (ls[0][1] - 1 - 9)
i = 0
while i < len(ls) - 1:
if ls[i][0] + ls[i][1] - 9 <= t_gps \
and t_gps < ls[i+1][0] + ls[i+1][1] - 9:
return - (ls[i][1] - 9)
i += 1
return - (ls[-1][1] - 9)
def make_iload_family(iload_fh, doc_fmt='FMT', doc_yielded_objects='FMT'):
import itertools
import glob
from pyrocko.io.io_common import FileLoadError
def iload_filename(filename, **kwargs):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
for cr in iload_fh(f, **kwargs):
yield cr
except FileLoadError as e:
e.set_context('filename', filename)
def iload_dirname(dirname, **kwargs):
for entry in os.listdir(dirname):
fpath = op.join(dirname, entry)
if op.isfile(fpath):
for cr in iload_filename(fpath, **kwargs):
yield cr
def iload_glob(pattern, **kwargs):
for fn in glob.iglob(pattern):
for cr in iload_filename(fn, **kwargs):
yield cr
def iload(source, **kwargs):
if isinstance(source, str):
if op.isdir(source):
return iload_dirname(source, **kwargs)
elif op.isfile(source):
return iload_filename(source, **kwargs)
return iload_glob(source, **kwargs)
elif hasattr(source, 'read'):
return iload_fh(source, **kwargs)
return itertools.chain.from_iterable(
iload(subsource, **kwargs) for subsource in source)
iload_filename.__doc__ = '''
Read %s information from named file.
''' % doc_fmt
iload_dirname.__doc__ = '''
Read %s information from directory of %s files.
''' % (doc_fmt, doc_fmt)
iload_glob.__doc__ = '''
Read %s information from files matching a glob pattern.
''' % doc_fmt
iload.__doc__ = '''
Load %s information from given source(s)
The ``source`` can be specified as the name of a %s file, the name of a
directory containing %s files, a glob pattern of %s files, an open
filehandle or an iterator yielding any of the forementioned sources.
This function behaves as a generator yielding %s objects.
''' % (doc_fmt, doc_fmt, doc_fmt, doc_fmt, doc_yielded_objects)
for f in iload_filename, iload_dirname, iload_glob, iload:
f.__module__ = iload_fh.__module__
return iload_filename, iload_dirname, iload_glob, iload
[docs]class Inconsistency(Exception):
[docs]def consistency_check(list_of_tuples, message='values differ:'):
Check for inconsistencies.
Given a list of tuples, check that all tuple elements except for first one
match. E.g. ``[('STA.N', 55.3, 103.2), ('STA.E', 55.3, 103.2)]`` would be
valid because the coordinates at the two channels are the same.
if len(list_of_tuples) >= 2:
if any(t[1:] != list_of_tuples[0][1:] for t in list_of_tuples[1:]):
raise Inconsistency('%s\n' % message + '\n'.join(
' %s: %s' % (t[0], ', '.join(str(x) for x in t[1:]))
for t in list_of_tuples))
[docs]class defaultzerodict(dict):
def __missing__(self, k):
return 0
def mostfrequent(x):
c = defaultzerodict()
for e in x:
c[e] += 1
return sorted(list(c.keys()), key=lambda k: c[k])[-1]
def consistency_merge(list_of_tuples,
message='values differ:',
assert error in ('raise', 'warn', 'ignore')
if len(list_of_tuples) == 0:
raise Exception('cannot merge empty sequence')
consistency_check(list_of_tuples, message)
return list_of_tuples[0][1:]
except Inconsistency as e:
if error == 'raise':
elif error == 'warn':
return tuple([merge(x) for x in list(zip(*list_of_tuples))[1:]])
def short_to_list(nmax, it):
import itertools
if isinstance(it, list):
return it
li = []
for i in range(nmax+1):
except StopIteration:
return li
return itertools.chain(li, it)
def parse_md(f):
with open(op.join(
'README.md'), 'r') as readme:
mdstr = readme.read()
except IOError as e:
return 'Failed to get README.md: %s' % e
# Remve the title
mdstr = re.sub(r'^# .*\n?', '', mdstr)
# Append sphinx reference to `pyrocko.` modules
mdstr = re.sub(r'`pyrocko\.(.*)`', r':py:mod:`pyrocko.\1`', mdstr)
# Convert Subsections to toc-less rubrics
mdstr = re.sub(r'## (.*)\n', r'.. rubric:: \1\n', mdstr)
return mdstr
def mpl_show(plt):
import matplotlib
if matplotlib.get_backend().lower() == 'agg':
logger.warning('Cannot show() when using matplotlib "agg" backend')
g_re_qsplit = re.compile(
g_re_qsplit_sep = {}
def get_re_qsplit(sep):
if sep is None:
return g_re_qsplit
if sep not in g_re_qsplit_sep:
assert len(sep) == 1
assert sep not in '\'"'
esep = re.escape(sep)
g_re_qsplit_sep[sep] = re.compile(
+ r'([^' + esep + r']+|(?<=' + esep + r')(?=' + esep + r')|^(?=' + esep + r')|(?<=' + esep + r')$)') # noqa
return g_re_qsplit_sep[sep]
g_re_trivial = re.compile(r'\A[^\'"\s]+\Z')
g_re_trivial_sep = {}
def get_re_trivial(sep):
if sep is None:
return g_re_trivial
if sep not in g_re_qsplit_sep:
assert len(sep) == 1
assert sep not in '\'"'
esep = re.escape(sep)
g_re_trivial_sep[sep] = re.compile(r'\A[^\'"' + esep + r']+\Z')
return g_re_trivial_sep[sep]
g_re_escape_s = re.compile(r'([\\\'])')
g_re_unescape_s = re.compile(r'\\([\\\'])')
g_re_escape_d = re.compile(r'([\\"])')
g_re_unescape_d = re.compile(r'\\([\\"])')
[docs]def escape_s(s):
Backslash-escape single-quotes and backslashes.
Example: ``Jack's`` => ``Jack\\'s``
return g_re_escape_s.sub(r'\\\1', s)
[docs]def unescape_s(s):
Unescape backslash-escaped single-quotes and backslashes.
Example: ``Jack\\'s`` => ``Jack's``
return g_re_unescape_s.sub(r'\1', s)
[docs]def escape_d(s):
Backslash-escape double-quotes and backslashes.
Example: ``"Hello \\O/"`` => ``\\"Hello \\\\O/\\"``
return g_re_escape_d.sub(r'\\\1', s)
[docs]def unescape_d(s):
Unescape backslash-escaped double-quotes and backslashes.
Example: ``\\"Hello \\\\O/\\"`` => ``"Hello \\O/"``
return g_re_unescape_d.sub(r'\1', s)
[docs]def qjoin_s(it, sep=None):
Join sequence of strings into a line, single-quoting non-trivial strings.
Example: ``["55", "Sparrow's Island"]`` => ``"55 'Sparrow\\\\'s Island'"``
re_trivial = get_re_trivial(sep)
if sep is None:
sep = ' '
return sep.join(
w if re_trivial.search(w) else "'%s'" % escape_s(w) for w in it)
[docs]def qjoin_d(it, sep=None):
Join sequence of strings into a line, double-quoting non-trivial strings.
Example: ``['55', 'Pete "The Robot" Smith']`` =>
``'55' "Pete \\\\"The Robot\\\\" Smith"'``
re_trivial = get_re_trivial(sep)
if sep is None:
sep = ' '
return sep.join(
w if re_trivial.search(w) else '"%s"' % escape_d(w) for w in it)
[docs]def qsplit(s, sep=None):
Split line into list of strings, allowing for quoted strings.
Example: ``"55 'Sparrow\\\\'s Island'"`` =>
``["55", "Sparrow's Island"]``,
``'55' "Pete \\\\"The Robot\\\\" Smith"'`` =>
``['55', 'Pete "The Robot" Smith']``
re_qsplit = get_re_qsplit(sep)
return [
(unescape_d(x[0]) or unescape_s(x[1]) or x[2])
for x in re_qsplit.findall(s)]
g_have_warned_threadpoolctl = False
class threadpool_limits_dummy(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def __enter__(self):
global g_have_warned_threadpoolctl
if not g_have_warned_threadpoolctl:
'Cannot control number of BLAS threads because '
'`threadpoolctl` module is not available. You may want to '
'install `threadpoolctl`.')
g_have_warned_threadpoolctl = True
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
[docs]def get_threadpool_limits():
Try to import threadpoolctl.threadpool_limits, provide dummy if not avail.
from threadpoolctl import threadpool_limits
return threadpool_limits
except ImportError:
return threadpool_limits_dummy