
This is a type-along introductory example to get your feet wet in operating Grond.

We will estimate a centroid moment tensor (CMT) solution given a set of simulated regional full waveform seismic records. Such synthetic tests are useful e.g. for resolution analysis.

A synthetic test

With the following few commands, we will let Grond

  • forward model a fully synthetic scenario of regional seismic waveforms.
  • setup a processing environment (project folder).
  • perform a probabilistic optimisation to retrieve a CMT solution for the scenario event.
  • visualise the results and various details about the optimisation.

Online help

grond --help           # get list of available subcommands
grond scenario --help  # all subcommands come with built-in help

Forward-model a random scenario and create project folder

grond scenario --targets=waveforms my_first_project

Note: precomputed Green’s functions (GF) needed to run this example will be downloaded from the internet.

Check the data setup and configuration

cd my_first_project
grond check config/scenario.gronf

Start the optimisation

grond go config/scenario.gronf

Plot the results in a report

grond report runs/cmt_scenario_ev001.grun

Open the report in your web browser

grond report -so

See the generated report online.

Next steps

Read the overview section to see how to set up a project folder with your own data or take a tour through our example projects.