Coverage for /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/pyrocko/gui/snuffler/snufflings/ 28%
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1# - GPLv3
3# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
4# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
6import numpy as num
8from ..snuffling import Param, Snuffling, Switch, Choice
9from ..marker import Marker
10from pyrocko import trace
12h = 3600.
14scalingmethods = ('[0-1]', '[-1/ratio,1]', '[-1/ratio,1] clipped to [0,1]')
15scalingmethod_map = dict([(m, i+1) for (i, m) in enumerate(scalingmethods)])
18class DetectorSTALTA(Snuffling):
20 def help(self):
21 return '''
24<style type="text/css">
25 body { margin-left:10px };
29<h1 align="center">STA/LTA</h1>
31Detect onsets automatically using the Short-Time-Average/Long-Time-Average
33This snuffling uses the method:
34<a href="\
35Trace.sta_lta_centered" style="text-decoration:none">
36 <pre>pyrocko.trace.Trace.sta_lta_centered</pre>
39<b>Parameters:</b><br />
40 <b>· Highpass [Hz]</b>
41 - Apply high pass filter before analysing.<br />
42 <b>· Lowpass [Hz]</b>
43 - Apply low pass filter before analysing.<br />
44 <b>· Short Window [s]</b>
45 - Window length of the short window.<br />
46 <b>· Ratio</b>
47 - Long window length is the short window length times the
48 <b>Ratio</b>.<br />
49 <b>· Level</b>
50 - Define a trigger threshold. A marker is added where STA/LTA
51 ratios exceed this threshold. <br />
52 <b>· Processing Block length</b>
53 - Subdivide dataset in blocks for analysis. <br />
54 <b>· Show trigger level traces </b>
55 - Add level traces showing the STA/LTA ration for each
56 trace.<br />
57 <b>· Apply to full dataset</b>
58 - If marked entire loaded dataset will be analyzed. <br />
59 <b>· Scaling/Normalization method</b>
60 - Select how output of the STA/LTA should be scaled.</ br>
63A helpfull description of how to tune the STA/LTA's parameters can be found
64in the the following ebook chapter by Amadej Trnkoczy: <a
67and parameter setting of STA/LTA trigger algorithm</a>
73 def setup(self):
75 self.set_name('STA LTA Detector')
77 self.add_parameter(Param(
78 'Highpass [Hz]', 'highpass', None, 0.001, 1000.,
79 low_is_none=True))
81 self.add_parameter(Param(
82 'Lowpass [Hz]', 'lowpass', None, 0.001, 1000.,
83 high_is_none=True))
85 self.add_parameter(Param(
86 'Short Window [s]', 'swin', 30., 0.01, 2*h))
87 self.add_parameter(Param(
88 'Ratio', 'ratio', 3., 1.1, 20.))
89 self.add_parameter(Param(
90 'Level', 'level', 0.5, 0., 1.))
91 self.add_parameter(Switch(
92 'Show trigger level traces', 'show_level_traces', False))
93 self.add_parameter(Choice(
94 'Variant', 'variant', 'centered', ['centered', 'right']))
95 self.add_parameter(Choice(
96 'Scaling/Normalization method', 'scalingmethod', '[0-1]',
97 scalingmethods))
98 self.add_parameter(
99 Switch('Detect on sum trace', 'apply_to_sum', False))
101 self.add_trigger(
102 'Copy passband from Main', self.copy_passband)
104 self.set_live_update(False)
106 def panel_visibility_changed(self, visible):
107 viewer = self.get_viewer()
108 if visible:
109 viewer.pile_has_changed_signal.connect(self.adjust_controls)
110 self.adjust_controls()
112 else:
113 viewer.pile_has_changed_signal.disconnect(self.adjust_controls)
115 def adjust_controls(self):
116 viewer = self.get_viewer()
117 dtmin, dtmax = viewer.content_deltat_range()
118 maxfreq = 0.5/dtmin
119 minfreq = (0.5/dtmax)*0.001
120 self.set_parameter_range('lowpass', minfreq, maxfreq)
121 self.set_parameter_range('highpass', minfreq, maxfreq)
123 def copy_passband(self):
124 viewer = self.get_viewer()
125 self.set_parameter('lowpass', viewer.lowpass)
126 self.set_parameter('highpass', viewer.highpass)
128 def call(self):
129 '''
130 Main work routine of the snuffling.
131 '''
133 self.cleanup()
135 swin, ratio = self.swin, self.ratio
136 lwin = swin * ratio
137 tpad = lwin
139 data_pile = self.get_pile()
141 viewer = self.get_viewer()
142 deltat_min = viewer.content_deltat_range()[0]
144 tinc = max(lwin * 2., 500000. * deltat_min)
146 show_level_traces = self.show_level_traces
148 nsamples_added = [0]
150 def update_sample_count(traces):
151 for tr in traces:
152 nsamples_added[0] += tr.data_len()
154 markers = []
156 for batch in self.chopper_selected_traces(
157 tinc=tinc, tpad=tpad,
158 want_incomplete=False,
159 fallback=True,
160 style='batch',
161 mode='visible',
162 progress='Calculating STA/LTA',
163 responsive=True,
164 marker_selector=lambda marker: marker.tmin != marker.tmax,
165 trace_selector=lambda x: not (x.meta and x.meta.get(
166 'tabu', False))):
168 sumtrace = None
169 isum = 0
170 for tr in batch.traces:
171 if self.lowpass is not None:
172 tr.lowpass(4, self.lowpass, nyquist_exception=True)
174 if self.highpass is not None:
175 tr.highpass(4, self.highpass, nyquist_exception=True)
177 sta_lta = {
178 'centered': tr.sta_lta_centered,
179 'right': tr.sta_lta_right}[self.variant]
181 sta_lta(
182 swin, lwin,
183 scalingmethod=scalingmethod_map[self.scalingmethod])
185 tr.chop(batch.tmin, batch.tmax)
187 if not self.apply_to_sum:
188 markers.extend(trace_to_pmarkers(tr, self.level, swin))
190 tr.set_codes(location='cg')
191 tr.meta = {'tabu': True}
193 if sumtrace is None:
194 ny = int((tr.tmax - tr.tmin) / data_pile.deltatmin)
195 sumtrace = trace.Trace(
196 deltat=data_pile.deltatmin,
197 tmin=tr.tmin,
198 ydata=num.zeros(ny))
200 sumtrace.set_codes(
201 network='', station='SUM',
202 location='cg', channel='')
204 sumtrace.meta = {'tabu': True}
206 sumtrace.add(tr, left=None, right=None)
207 isum += 1
209 if sumtrace is not None:
210 sumtrace.ydata /= float(isum)
211 if self.apply_to_sum:
212 markers.extend(
213 trace_to_pmarkers(sumtrace, self.level, swin,
214 [('*', '*', '*', '*')]))
216 if show_level_traces:
217 update_sample_count([sumtrace])
218 self.add_trace(sumtrace)
220 self.add_markers(markers)
221 markers = []
223 if show_level_traces:
224 update_sample_count(batch.traces)
225 self.add_traces(batch.traces)
227 if show_level_traces and nsamples_added[0] > 10000000:
228 self.error(
229 'Limit reached. Turning off further display of level '
230 'traces to prevent memory exhaustion.')
232 show_level_traces = False
235def trace_to_pmarkers(tr, level, swin, nslc_ids=None):
236 markers = []
237 tpeaks, apeaks = tr.peaks(level, swin)
238 for t, a in zip(tpeaks, apeaks):
239 ids = nslc_ids or [tr.nslc_id]
240 mark = Marker(ids, t, t, )
241 print(mark, a)
242 markers.append(mark)
244 return markers
247def __snufflings__():
248 return [DetectorSTALTA()]