Detailed installation instructions

Pyrocko can be installed under any operating system where its prerequisites are available. This document describes details about its requirements which are needed when a standard install is not possible or conflicts arise.

For standard install instructions, head on over to


The following software packages must be installed before Pyrocko can be installed from source:

Download, compile and install Pyrocko from source

The following examples will install Pyrocko on Linux or MacOS. For Windows source installs, please refer to Installation on Windows: From source.

  1. Download (clone) the Pyrocko project directory with git:

    cd ~/src/   # or wherever you keep your source packages
    git clone pyrocko
  2. Change to the Pyrocko project directory:

    cd ~/src/pyrocko/

  3. Install prerequisites using your method of choice:

    # (a) If you manage your installations with the system's package manager:
    python3 ./
    # or (b), if you manage your installations with pip:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    # or (c), if you manage your installations with conda:
    conda install --file requirements.txt
  4. Build and install Pyrocko:

    # If you want to install for single user:
    pip3 install --no-deps --no-build-isolation --force-reinstall .
    # or, if you want to install system wide:
    sudo pip3 install --no-deps --no-build-isolation --force-reinstall .

Note: If you do not specify –no-deps, pip will automatically download and install missing dependencies. Unless you manage your installations exclusively with pip, omitting this flag can lead to conficts.

Note: The intention of using –no-build-isolation is to compile exactly against the already installed prerequisites. If you omit the flag, pip will compile against possibly newer versions which it downloads and installs into a temporary, isolated environment.

Note: If you have previously installed Pyrocko using other tools like e.g. pip, or conda, you should first remove the old installation. Otherwise you will end up with two parallel installations which will cause trouble.


If you later would like to update Pyrocko, run the following commands (this assumes that you have used git to download Pyrocko).

Change to the Pyrocko project directory (step 2. above), then update it:

git pull origin master --ff-only

Then build and reinstall Pyrocko as descibed in step 4.