Source code for pyrocko.squirrel.model

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import hashlib
import numpy as num
from os import urandom
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
from collections import defaultdict

from pyrocko import util
from pyrocko.guts import Object, String, Timestamp, Float, Int, Unicode, \
    Tuple, List, StringChoice, Any
from pyrocko.model import Content
from pyrocko.response import FrequencyResponse, MultiplyResponse, \
    IntegrationResponse, DifferentiationResponse, simplify_responses, \

from .error import ConversionError

guts_prefix = 'squirrel'

separator = '\t'

g_content_kinds = [

g_content_kind_ids = (
    WAVEFORM_PROMISE) = range(len(g_content_kinds))

g_tmin, g_tmax = util.get_working_system_time_range()[:2]

    g_tmin_queries = max(g_tmin, util.str_to_time_fillup('1900-01-01'))
except Exception:
    g_tmin_queries = g_tmin

def to_kind(kind_id):
    return g_content_kinds[kind_id]

def to_kinds(kind_ids):
    return [g_content_kinds[kind_id] for kind_id in kind_ids]

def to_kind_id(kind):
    return g_content_kinds.index(kind)

def to_kind_ids(kinds):
    return [g_content_kinds.index(kind) for kind in kinds]

g_kind_mask_all = 0xff

def to_kind_mask(kinds):
    if kinds:
        return sum(1 << kind_id for kind_id in to_kind_ids(kinds))
        return g_kind_mask_all

def str_or_none(x):
    if x is None:
        return None
        return str(x)

def float_or_none(x):
    if x is None:
        return None
        return float(x)

def int_or_none(x):
    if x is None:
        return None
        return int(x)

def int_or_g_tmin(x):
    if x is None:
        return g_tmin
        return int(x)

def int_or_g_tmax(x):
    if x is None:
        return g_tmax
        return int(x)

def tmin_or_none(x):
    if x == g_tmin:
        return None
        return x

def tmax_or_none(x):
    if x == g_tmax:
        return None
        return x

def time_or_none_to_str(x):
    if x is None:
        return '...'.ljust(17)
        return util.time_to_str(x)

def codes_to_str_abbreviated(codes, indent='  '):
    codes = ['.'.join(x) for x in codes]

    if len(codes) > 20:
        scodes = '\n' + util.ewrap(codes[:10], indent=indent) \
            + '\n%s[%i more]\n' % (indent, len(codes) - 20) \
            + util.ewrap(codes[-10:], indent='  ')
        scodes = '\n' + util.ewrap(codes, indent=indent) \
            if codes else '<none>'

    return scodes

g_offset_time_unit_inv = 1000000000
g_offset_time_unit = 1.0 / g_offset_time_unit_inv

def tsplit(t):
    if t is None:
        return None, 0.0

    t = util.to_time_float(t)
    if type(t) is float:
        t = round(t, 5)
        t = round(t, 9)

    seconds = num.floor(t)
    offset = t - seconds
    return int(seconds), int(round(offset * g_offset_time_unit_inv))

def tjoin(seconds, offset):
    if seconds is None:
        return None

    return util.to_time_float(seconds) \
        + util.to_time_float(offset*g_offset_time_unit)

tscale_min = 1
tscale_max = 365 * 24 * 3600  # last edge is one above
tscale_logbase = 20

tscale_edges = [tscale_min]
while True:
    if tscale_edges[-1] >= tscale_max:

tscale_edges = num.array(tscale_edges)

def tscale_to_kscale(tscale):

    # 0 <= x < tscale_edges[1]: 0
    # tscale_edges[1] <= x < tscale_edges[2]: 1
    # ...
    # tscale_edges[len(tscale_edges)-1] <= x: len(tscale_edges)

    return int(num.searchsorted(tscale_edges, tscale))

[docs]class WaveformPromise(Content): ''' Information about a waveform potentially available at a remote site. ''' agency = String.T(default='', help='Agency code (2-5)') network = String.T(default='', help='Deployment/network code (1-8)') station = String.T(default='', help='Station code (1-5)') location = String.T(default='', help='Location code (0-2)') channel = String.T(default='', help='Channel code (3)') extra = String.T(default='', help='Extra/custom code') tmin = Timestamp.T() tmax = Timestamp.T() deltat = Float.T(optional=True) source_hash = String.T() @property def codes(self): return (,, self.station, self.location,, self.extra) @property def time_span(self): return (self.tmin, self.tmax)
class InvalidWaveform(Exception): pass class WaveformOrder(Object): source_id = String.T() codes = Tuple.T(None, String.T()) deltat = Float.T() tmin = Timestamp.T() tmax = Timestamp.T() gaps = List.T(Tuple.T(2, Timestamp.T())) @property def client(self): return self.source_id.split(':')[1] def describe(self, site='?'): return '%s:%s %s [%s - %s]' % ( self.client, site, '.'.join(, util.time_to_str(self.tmin), util.time_to_str(self.tmax)) def validate(self, tr): if tr.ydata.size == 0: raise InvalidWaveform( 'waveform with zero data samples') if tr.deltat != self.deltat: raise InvalidWaveform( 'incorrect sampling interval - waveform: %g s, ' 'meta-data: %g s' % ( tr.deltat, self.deltat)) if not num.all(num.isfinite(tr.ydata)): raise InvalidWaveform('waveform has NaN values') def order_summary(orders): codes = sorted(set([1:-1] for order in orders)) if len(codes) >= 2: return '%i orders, %s - %s' % ( len(orders), '.'.join(codes[0]), '.'.join(codes[-1])) else: return '%i orders, %s' % ( len(orders), '.'.join(codes[0]))
[docs]class Station(Content): ''' A seismic station. ''' agency = String.T(default='', help='Agency code (2-5)') network = String.T(default='', help='Deployment/network code (1-8)') station = String.T(default='', help='Station code (1-5)') location = String.T(default='', optional=True, help='Location code (0-2)') tmin = Timestamp.T(optional=True) tmax = Timestamp.T(optional=True) lat = Float.T() lon = Float.T() elevation = Float.T(optional=True) depth = Float.T(optional=True) description = Unicode.T(optional=True) @property def codes(self): return (,, self.station, self.location if self.location is not None else '*') @property def time_span(self): return (self.tmin, self.tmax) def get_pyrocko_station(self): from pyrocko import model return model.Station(, station=self.station, location=self.location if self.location is not None else '*',, lon=self.lon, elevation=self.elevation, depth=self.depth) def _get_pyrocko_station_args(self): return ( '*',, self.station, self.location if self.location is not None else '*',, self.lon, self.elevation, self.depth)
[docs]class Channel(Content): ''' A channel of a seismic station. ''' agency = String.T(default='', help='Agency code (2-5)') network = String.T(default='', help='Deployment/network code (1-8)') station = String.T(default='', help='Station code (1-5)') location = String.T(default='', help='Location code (0-2)') channel = String.T(default='', help='Channel code (3)') extra = String.T(default='', help='Extra/custom code') tmin = Timestamp.T(optional=True) tmax = Timestamp.T(optional=True) lat = Float.T() lon = Float.T() elevation = Float.T(optional=True) depth = Float.T(optional=True) dip = Float.T(optional=True) azimuth = Float.T(optional=True) deltat = Float.T(optional=True) @property def codes(self): return (,, self.station, self.location,, self.extra) def set_codes( self, agency=None, network=None, station=None, location=None, channel=None, extra=None): if agency is not None: = agency if network is not None: = network if station is not None: self.station = station if location is not None: self.location = location if channel is not None: = channel if extra is not None: self.extra = extra @property def time_span(self): return (self.tmin, self.tmax) def get_pyrocko_channel(self): from pyrocko import model return model.Channel(, azimuth=self.azimuth, dip=self.dip) def _get_pyrocko_station_args(self): return (,, self.station, self.location,, self.lon, self.elevation, self.depth) def _get_pyrocko_channel_args(self): return ( '*',, self.azimuth, self.dip) def _get_sensor_args(self): return (,, self.station, self.location,[:-1] + '?', self.extra,, self.lon, self.elevation, self.depth, self.deltat, self.tmin, self.tmax)
class Sensor(Channel): ''' Representation of a channel group. ''' def grouping(self, channel): return channel._get_sensor_args() @classmethod def from_channels(cls, channels): groups = defaultdict(list) for channel in channels: groups[channel._get_sensor_args()].append(channel) return [cls( agency=args[0], network=args[1], station=args[2], location=args[3], channel=args[4], extra=args[5], lat=args[6], lon=args[7], elevation=args[8], depth=args[9], deltat=args[10], tmin=args[11], tmax=args[12]) for args, _ in groups.items()] observational_quantities = [ 'acceleration', 'velocity', 'displacement', 'pressure', 'rotation', 'temperature'] technical_quantities = [ 'voltage', 'counts'] class QuantityType(StringChoice): choices = observational_quantities + technical_quantities class ResponseStage(Object): input_quantity = QuantityType.T(optional=True) input_sample_rate = Float.T(optional=True) output_quantity = QuantityType.T(optional=True) output_sample_rate = Float.T(optional=True) elements = List.T(FrequencyResponse.T()) log = List.T(Tuple.T(3, String.T())) @property def stage_type(self): if self.input_quantity in observational_quantities \ and self.output_quantity in observational_quantities: return 'conversion' if self.input_quantity in observational_quantities \ and self.output_quantity == 'voltage': return 'sensor' elif self.input_quantity == 'voltage' \ and self.output_quantity == 'voltage': return 'electronics' elif self.input_quantity == 'voltage' \ and self.output_quantity == 'counts': return 'digitizer' elif self.input_quantity == 'counts' \ and self.output_quantity == 'counts' \ and self.input_sample_rate != self.output_sample_rate: return 'decimation' elif self.input_quantity in observational_quantities \ and self.output_quantity == 'counts': return 'combination' else: return 'unknown' @property def summary(self): irate = self.input_sample_rate orate = self.output_sample_rate factor = None if irate and orate: factor = irate / orate return 'ResponseStage, ' + ( '%s%s => %s%s%s' % ( self.input_quantity or '?', ' @ %g Hz' % irate if irate else '', self.output_quantity or '?', ' @ %g Hz' % orate if orate else '', ' :%g' % factor if factor else '') ) def get_effective(self): return MultiplyResponse(responses=list(self.elements)) D = 'displacement' V = 'velocity' A = 'acceleration' g_converters = { (V, D): IntegrationResponse(1), (A, D): IntegrationResponse(2), (D, V): DifferentiationResponse(1), (A, V): IntegrationResponse(1), (D, A): DifferentiationResponse(2), (V, A): DifferentiationResponse(1)} def response_converters(input_quantity, output_quantity): if input_quantity is None or input_quantity == output_quantity: return [] if output_quantity is None: raise ConversionError('Unspecified target quantity.') try: return [g_converters[input_quantity, output_quantity]] except KeyError: raise ConversionError('No rule to convert from "%s" to "%s".' % ( input_quantity, output_quantity)) class Response(Content): ''' The instrument response of a seismic station channel. ''' agency = String.T(default='', help='Agency code (2-5)') network = String.T(default='', help='Deployment/network code (1-8)') station = String.T(default='', help='Station code (1-5)') location = String.T(default='', help='Location code (0-2)') channel = String.T(default='', help='Channel code (3)') extra = String.T(default='', help='Extra/custom code') tmin = Timestamp.T(optional=True) tmax = Timestamp.T(optional=True) stages = List.T(ResponseStage.T()) checkpoints = List.T(FrequencyResponseCheckpoint.T()) deltat = Float.T(optional=True) log = List.T(Tuple.T(3, String.T())) @property def codes(self): return (,, self.station, self.location,, self.extra) @property def time_span(self): return (self.tmin, self.tmax) @property def nstages(self): return len(self.stages) @property def input_quantity(self): return self.stages[0].input_quantity if self.stages else None @property def output_quantity(self): return self.stages[-1].input_quantity if self.stages else None @property def output_sample_rate(self): return self.stages[-1].output_sample_rate if self.stages else None @property def stages_summary(self): def grouped(xs): xs = list(xs) g = [] for i in range(len(xs)): g.append(xs[i]) if i+1 < len(xs) and xs[i+1] != xs[i]: yield g g = [] if g: yield g return '+'.join( '%s%s' % (g[0], '(%i)' % len(g) if len(g) > 1 else '') for g in grouped(stage.stage_type for stage in self.stages)) @property def summary(self): orate = self.output_sample_rate return Content.summary.fget(self) + ', ' + ', '.join(( '%s => %s' % ( self.input_quantity or '?', self.output_quantity or '?') + (' @ %g Hz' % orate if orate else ''), self.stages_summary, )) def get_effective(self, input_quantity=None): elements = response_converters(input_quantity, self.input_quantity) elements.extend( stage.get_effective() for stage in self.stages) return MultiplyResponse(responses=simplify_responses(elements)) class Event(Content): ''' A seismic event. ''' name = String.T(optional=True) time = Timestamp.T() duration = Float.T(optional=True) lat = Float.T() lon = Float.T() depth = Float.T(optional=True) magnitude = Float.T(optional=True) def get_pyrocko_event(self): from pyrocko import model model.Event(, time=self.time,, lon=self.lon, depth=self.depth, magnitude=self.magnitude, duration=self.duration) @property def time_span(self): return (self.time, self.time) def ehash(s): return hashlib.sha1(s.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() def random_name(n=8): return urlsafe_b64encode(urandom(n)).rstrip(b'=').decode('ascii')
[docs]class Nut(Object): ''' Index entry referencing an elementary piece of content. So-called *nuts* are used in Pyrocko's Squirrel framework to hold common meta-information about individual pieces of waveforms, stations, channels, etc. together with the information where it was found or generated. ''' file_path = String.T(optional=True) file_format = String.T(optional=True) file_mtime = Timestamp.T(optional=True) file_size = Int.T(optional=True) file_segment = Int.T(optional=True) file_element = Int.T(optional=True) kind_id = Int.T() codes = String.T() tmin_seconds = Timestamp.T() tmin_offset = Int.T(default=0, optional=True) tmax_seconds = Timestamp.T() tmax_offset = Int.T(default=0, optional=True) deltat = Float.T(default=0.0) content = Content.T(optional=True) content_in_db = False def __init__( self, file_path=None, file_format=None, file_mtime=None, file_size=None, file_segment=None, file_element=None, kind_id=0, codes='', tmin_seconds=None, tmin_offset=0, tmax_seconds=None, tmax_offset=0, deltat=None, content=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, values_nocheck=None): if values_nocheck is not None: (self.file_path, self.file_format, self.file_mtime, self.file_size, self.file_segment, self.file_element, self.kind_id,, self.tmin_seconds, self.tmin_offset, self.tmax_seconds, self.tmax_offset, self.deltat) = values_nocheck self.content = None else: if tmin is not None: tmin_seconds, tmin_offset = tsplit(tmin) if tmax is not None: tmax_seconds, tmax_offset = tsplit(tmax) self.kind_id = int(kind_id) = str(codes) self.tmin_seconds = int_or_g_tmin(tmin_seconds) self.tmin_offset = int(tmin_offset) self.tmax_seconds = int_or_g_tmax(tmax_seconds) self.tmax_offset = int(tmax_offset) self.deltat = float_or_none(deltat) self.file_path = str_or_none(file_path) self.file_segment = int_or_none(file_segment) self.file_element = int_or_none(file_element) self.file_format = str_or_none(file_format) self.file_mtime = float_or_none(file_mtime) self.file_size = int_or_none(file_size) self.content = content Object.__init__(self, init_props=False) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, Nut) and self.equality_values == other.equality_values) def hash(self): return ehash(','.join(str(x) for x in self.key)) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def get_io_backend(self): from . import io return io.get_backend(self.file_format) def file_modified(self): return self.get_io_backend().get_stats(self.file_path) \ != (self.file_mtime, self.file_size) @property def dkey(self): return (self.kind_id, self.tmin_seconds, self.tmin_offset, @property def key(self): return ( self.file_path, self.file_segment, self.file_element, self.file_mtime) @property def equality_values(self): return ( self.file_segment, self.file_element, self.kind_id,, self.tmin_seconds, self.tmin_offset, self.tmax_seconds, self.tmax_offset, self.deltat) @property def tmin(self): return tjoin(self.tmin_seconds, self.tmin_offset) @property def tmax(self): return tjoin(self.tmax_seconds, self.tmax_offset) @property def kscale(self): if self.tmin_seconds is None or self.tmax_seconds is None: return 0 return tscale_to_kscale(self.tmax_seconds - self.tmin_seconds) @property def waveform_kwargs(self): agency, network, station, location, channel, extra = \ return dict( agency=agency, network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, extra=extra, tmin=self.tmin, tmax=self.tmax, deltat=self.deltat) @property def waveform_promise_kwargs(self): agency, network, station, location, channel, extra = \ return dict( agency=agency, network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, extra=extra, tmin=self.tmin, tmax=self.tmax, deltat=self.deltat) @property def station_kwargs(self): agency, network, station, location = return dict( agency=agency, network=network, station=station, location=location if location != '*' else None, tmin=tmin_or_none(self.tmin), tmax=tmax_or_none(self.tmax)) @property def channel_kwargs(self): agency, network, station, location, channel, extra \ = return dict( agency=agency, network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, extra=extra, tmin=tmin_or_none(self.tmin), tmax=tmax_or_none(self.tmax), deltat=self.deltat) @property def response_kwargs(self): agency, network, station, location, channel, extra \ = return dict( agency=agency, network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, extra=extra, tmin=tmin_or_none(self.tmin), tmax=tmax_or_none(self.tmax), deltat=self.deltat) @property def event_kwargs(self): return dict(, time=self.tmin, duration=(self.tmax - self.tmin) or None) @property def trace_kwargs(self): agency, network, station, location, channel, extra = \ return dict( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, extra=extra, tmin=self.tmin, tmax=self.tmax-self.deltat, deltat=self.deltat) @property def dummy_trace(self): return DummyTrace(self) @property def codes_tuple(self): return tuple( @property def summary(self): if self.tmin == self.tmax: ts = util.time_to_str(self.tmin) else: ts = '%s - %s' % ( util.time_to_str(self.tmin), util.time_to_str(self.tmax)) return ' '.join(( ('%s,' % to_kind(self.kind_id)).ljust(9), ('%s,' % '.'.join(, ts))
def make_waveform_nut( agency='', network='', station='', location='', channel='', extra='', **kwargs): codes = separator.join( (agency, network, station, location, channel, extra)) return Nut( kind_id=WAVEFORM, codes=codes, **kwargs) def make_waveform_promise_nut( agency='', network='', station='', location='', channel='', extra='', **kwargs): codes = separator.join( (agency, network, station, location, channel, extra)) return Nut( kind_id=WAVEFORM_PROMISE, codes=codes, **kwargs) def make_station_nut( agency='', network='', station='', location='', **kwargs): codes = separator.join((agency, network, station, location)) return Nut( kind_id=STATION, codes=codes, **kwargs) def make_channel_nut( agency='', network='', station='', location='', channel='', extra='', **kwargs): codes = separator.join( (agency, network, station, location, channel, extra)) return Nut( kind_id=CHANNEL, codes=codes, **kwargs) def make_response_nut( agency='', network='', station='', location='', channel='', extra='', **kwargs): codes = separator.join( (agency, network, station, location, channel, extra)) return Nut( kind_id=RESPONSE, codes=codes, **kwargs) def make_event_nut(name='', **kwargs): codes = name return Nut( kind_id=EVENT, codes=codes, **kwargs) def group_channels(nuts): by_ansl = {} for nut in nuts: if nut.kind_id != CHANNEL: continue ansl =[:4] if ansl not in by_ansl: by_ansl[ansl] = {} group = by_ansl[ansl] k =[4][:-1], nut.deltat, nut.tmin, nut.tmax if k not in group: group[k] = set() group.add([4]) return by_ansl class DummyTrace(object): def __init__(self, nut): self.nut = nut self._codes = None self.meta = {} @property def tmin(self): return self.nut.tmin @property def tmax(self): return self.nut.tmax @property def deltat(self): return self.nut.deltat @property def codes(self): if self._codes is None: self._codes = self.nut.codes_tuple return self._codes @property def nslc_id(self): return[1:5] @property def agency(self): return[0] @property def network(self): return[1] @property def station(self): return[2] @property def location(self): return[3] @property def channel(self): return[4] @property def extra(self): return[5] def overlaps(self, tmin, tmax): return not (tmax < self.nut.tmin or self.nut.tmax < tmin)
[docs]class Coverage(Object): kind_id = Int.T() pattern = String.T() codes = String.T() deltat = Float.T(optional=True) tmin = Timestamp.T(optional=True) tmax = Timestamp.T(optional=True) changes = List.T(Tuple.T(2, Any.T())) @classmethod def from_values(cls, args): pattern, codes, deltat, tmin, tmax, changes, kind_id = args return cls( kind_id=kind_id, pattern=pattern, codes=codes, deltat=deltat, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, changes=changes) @property def summary(self): ts = '%s - %s,' % ( util.time_to_str(self.tmin), util.time_to_str(self.tmax)) srate = self.sample_rate return ' '.join(( ('%s,' % to_kind(self.kind_id)).ljust(9), ('%s,' % '.'.join(, ts, '%10.3g,' % srate if srate else '', '%4i' % len(self.changes))) @property def sample_rate(self): if self.deltat is None: return None elif self.deltat == 0.0: return 0.0 else: return 1.0 / self.deltat @property def labels(self): srate = self.sample_rate return ( ('%s' % '.'.join(, '%.3g' % srate if srate else '')
__all__ = [ 'separator', 'to_kind', 'to_kinds', 'to_kind_id', 'to_kind_ids', 'Content', 'WaveformPromise', 'Station', 'Channel', 'Nut', 'Coverage', ]