Source code for pyrocko.squirrel.selection

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import os
import re
import threading
import logging

from pyrocko import util
from import FileLoadError
from pyrocko.progress import progress

from . import error, io, model
from .database import Database, get_database, execute_get1, abspath

logger = logging.getLogger('psq.selection')

g_icount = 0
g_lock = threading.Lock()

re_persistent_name = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,64}$')

def make_unique_name():
    with g_lock:
        global g_icount
        name = '%i_%i' % (os.getpid(), g_icount)
        g_icount += 1

    return name

def make_task(*args):
    return progress.task(*args, logger=logger)

doc_snippets = dict(
        :param obj:
            Object providing ``tmin``, ``tmax`` and ``codes`` to be used to
            constrain the query. Direct arguments override those from ``obj``.
        :type obj:
            any object with attributes ``tmin``, ``tmax`` and ``codes``

        :param tmin:
            Start time of query interval.
        :type tmin:

        :param tmax:
            End time of query interval.
        :type tmax:

        :param time:
            Time instant to query. Equivalent to setting ``tmin`` and ``tmax``
            to the same value.
        :type time:

        :param codes:
            Pattern of content codes to query.
        :type codes:
            :py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`str`
    file_formats=', '.join(
        "``'%s'``" % fmt for fmt in io.supported_formats()))

def filldocs(meth):
    meth.__doc__ %= doc_snippets
    return meth

class GeneratorWithLen(object):

    def __init__(self, gen, length):
        self.gen = gen
        self.length = length

    def __len__(self):
        return self.length

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.gen

[docs]class Selection(object): ''' Database backed file selection (base class for :py:class:`~pyrocko.squirrel.base.Squirrel`). :param database: Database instance or file path to database. :type database: :py:class:`~pyrocko.squirrel.database.Database` or :py:class:`str` :param persistent: If given a name, create a persistent selection. :type persistent: :py:class:`str` A selection in this context represents the list of files available to the application. Instead of using :py:class:`Selection` directly, user applications should usually use its subclass :py:class:`~pyrocko.squirrel.base.Squirrel` which adds content indices to the selection and provides high level data querying. By default, a temporary table in the database is created to hold the names of the files in the selection. This table is only visible inside the application which created it. If a name is given to ``persistent``, a named selection is created, which is visible also in other applications using the same database. Besides the filename references, desired content kind masks and file format indications are stored in the selection's database table to make the user choice regarding these options persistent on a per-file basis. Book-keeping on whether files are unknown, known or if modification checks are forced is handled in the selection's file-state table. Paths of files can be added to the selection using the :py:meth:`add` method and removed with :py:meth:`remove`. :py:meth:`undig_grouped` can be used to iterate over all content known to the selection. ''' def __init__(self, database, persistent=None): self._conn = None if not isinstance(database, Database): database = get_database(database) if persistent is not None: assert isinstance(persistent, str) if not re_persistent_name.match(persistent): raise error.SquirrelError( 'invalid persistent selection name: %s' % persistent) = 'psel_' + persistent else: = 'sel_' + make_unique_name() self._persistent = persistent self._database = database self._conn = self._database.get_connection() self._sources = [] self._is_new = True self._volatile_paths = [] with self.transaction() as cursor: if persistent is not None: self._is_new = 1 == cursor.execute( ''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO persistent VALUES (?) ''', (persistent,)).rowcount self._names = { 'db': 'main' if self._persistent else 'temp', 'file_states': + '_file_states', 'bulkinsert': + '_bulkinsert'} cursor.execute(self._register_table(self._sql( ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %(db)s.%(file_states)s ( file_id integer PRIMARY KEY, file_state integer, kind_mask integer, format text) '''))) cursor.execute(self._sql( ''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %(db)s.%(file_states)s_index_file_state ON %(file_states)s (file_state) ''')) def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, '_conn') and self._conn: self._cleanup() if not self._persistent: self._delete() def _register_table(self, s): return self._database._register_table(s) def _sql(self, s): return s % self._names def transaction(self, mode='immediate'): return self._database.transaction(mode)
[docs] def is_new(self): ''' Is this a new selection? Always ``True`` for non-persistent selections. Only ``False`` for a persistent selection which already existed in the database when the it was initialized. ''' return self._is_new
[docs] def get_database(self): ''' Get the database to which this selection belongs. :returns: :py:class:`~pyrocko.squirrel.database.Database` object ''' return self._database
def _cleanup(self): ''' Perform cleanup actions before database connection is closed. Removes volatile content from database. ''' while self._volatile_paths: path = self._volatile_paths.pop() self._database.remove(path) def _delete(self): ''' Destroy the tables assoctiated with this selection. ''' with self.transaction() as cursor: cursor.execute(self._sql( 'DROP TABLE %(db)s.%(file_states)s')) if self._persistent: cursor.execute( ''' DELETE FROM persistent WHERE name == ? ''', ([5:],)) self._conn = None def delete(self): self._delete()
[docs] @filldocs def add( self, paths, kind_mask=model.g_kind_mask_all, format='detect', show_progress=True): ''' Add files to the selection. :param paths: Paths to files to be added to the selection. :type paths: iterator yielding :py:class:`str` objects :param kind_mask: Content kinds to be added to the selection. :type kind_mask: :py:class:`int` (bit mask) :param format: File format identifier or ``'detect'`` to enable auto-detection (available: %(file_formats)s). :type format: str ''' if isinstance(paths, str): paths = [paths] if show_progress: task = make_task('Gathering file names') paths = task(paths) paths = util.short_to_list(200, paths) db = self.get_database() with self.transaction() as cursor: if isinstance(paths, list) and len(paths) <= 200: paths = [db.relpath(path) for path in paths] # short non-iterator paths: can do without temp table cursor.executemany( ''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO files VALUES (NULL, ?, NULL, NULL, NULL) ''', ((x,) for x in paths)) if show_progress: task = make_task('Preparing database', 3) task.update(0, condition='pruning stale information') cursor.executemany(self._sql( ''' DELETE FROM %(db)s.%(file_states)s WHERE file_id IN ( SELECT files.file_id FROM files WHERE files.path == ? ) AND ( kind_mask != ? OR format != ? ) '''), ( (path, kind_mask, format) for path in paths)) if show_progress: task.update(1, condition='adding file names to selection') cursor.executemany(self._sql( ''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO %(db)s.%(file_states)s SELECT files.file_id, 0, ?, ? FROM files WHERE files.path = ? '''), ((kind_mask, format, path) for path in paths)) if show_progress: task.update(2, condition='updating file states') cursor.executemany(self._sql( ''' UPDATE %(db)s.%(file_states)s SET file_state = 1 WHERE file_id IN ( SELECT files.file_id FROM files WHERE files.path == ? ) AND file_state != 0 '''), ((path,) for path in paths)) if show_progress: task.update(3) task.done() else: cursor.execute(self._sql( ''' CREATE TEMP TABLE temp.%(bulkinsert)s (path text) ''')) cursor.executemany(self._sql( 'INSERT INTO temp.%(bulkinsert)s VALUES (?)'), ((db.relpath(x),) for x in paths)) if show_progress: task = make_task('Preparing database', 5) task.update(0, condition='adding file names to database') cursor.execute(self._sql( ''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO files SELECT NULL, path, NULL, NULL, NULL FROM temp.%(bulkinsert)s ''')) if show_progress: task.update(1, condition='pruning stale information') cursor.execute(self._sql( ''' DELETE FROM %(db)s.%(file_states)s WHERE file_id IN ( SELECT files.file_id FROM temp.%(bulkinsert)s INNER JOIN files ON temp.%(bulkinsert)s.path == files.path) AND ( kind_mask != ? OR format != ? ) '''), (kind_mask, format)) if show_progress: task.update(2, condition='adding file names to selection') cursor.execute(self._sql( ''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO %(db)s.%(file_states)s SELECT files.file_id, 0, ?, ? FROM temp.%(bulkinsert)s INNER JOIN files ON temp.%(bulkinsert)s.path == files.path '''), (kind_mask, format)) if show_progress: task.update(3, condition='updating file states') cursor.execute(self._sql( ''' UPDATE %(db)s.%(file_states)s SET file_state = 1 WHERE file_id IN ( SELECT files.file_id FROM temp.%(bulkinsert)s INNER JOIN files ON temp.%(bulkinsert)s.path == files.path) AND file_state != 0 ''')) if show_progress: task.update(4, condition='dropping temporary data') cursor.execute(self._sql( 'DROP TABLE temp.%(bulkinsert)s')) if show_progress: task.update(5) task.done()
[docs] def remove(self, paths): ''' Remove files from the selection. :param paths: Paths to files to be removed from the selection. :type paths: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`str` ''' if isinstance(paths, str): paths = [paths] db = self.get_database() def normpath(path): return db.relpath(abspath(path)) with self.transaction() as cursor: cursor.executemany(self._sql( ''' DELETE FROM %(db)s.%(file_states)s WHERE %(db)s.%(file_states)s.file_id IN (SELECT files.file_id FROM files WHERE files.path == ?) '''), ((normpath(path),) for path in paths))
[docs] def iter_paths(self, raw=False): ''' Iterate over all file paths currently belonging to the selection. :yields: File paths. ''' sql = self._sql(''' SELECT files.path FROM %(db)s.%(file_states)s INNER JOIN files ON files.file_id = %(db)s.%(file_states)s.file_id ORDER BY %(db)s.%(file_states)s.file_id ''') if raw: def trans(path): return path else: db = self.get_database() trans = db.abspath for values in self._conn.execute(sql): yield trans(values[0])
[docs] def get_paths(self, raw=False): ''' Get all file paths currently belonging to the selection. :returns: List of file paths. ''' return list(self.iter_paths(raw=raw))
def _set_file_states_known(self, transaction=None): ''' Set file states to "known" (2). ''' with (transaction or self.transaction()) as cursor: cursor.execute(self._sql( ''' UPDATE %(db)s.%(file_states)s SET file_state = 2 WHERE file_state < 2 ''')) def _set_file_states_force_check(self, transaction=None): ''' Set file states to "request force check" (1). ''' with (transaction or self.transaction()) as cursor: cursor.execute(self._sql( ''' UPDATE %(db)s.%(file_states)s SET file_state = 1 '''))
[docs] def undig_grouped(self, skip_unchanged=False): ''' Get inventory of cached content for all files in the selection. :param skip_unchanged: If ``True`` only inventory of modified files is yielded (:py:meth:`flag_modified` must be called beforehand). :type skip_unchanged: bool This generator yields tuples ``((format, path), nuts)`` where ``path`` is the path to the file, ``format`` is the format assignation or ``'detect'`` and ``nuts`` is a list of :py:class:`~pyrocko.squirrel.model.Nut` objects representing the contents of the file. ''' if skip_unchanged: where = ''' WHERE %(db)s.%(file_states)s.file_state == 0 ''' else: where = '' nfiles = execute_get1(self._conn, self._sql(''' SELECT COUNT() FROM %(db)s.%(file_states)s ''' + where), ())[0] def gen(): sql = self._sql(''' SELECT %(db)s.%(file_states)s.format, files.path, files.format, files.mtime, files.size, nuts.file_segment, nuts.file_element, kind_codes.kind_id,, nuts.tmin_seconds, nuts.tmin_offset, nuts.tmax_seconds, nuts.tmax_offset, kind_codes.deltat FROM %(db)s.%(file_states)s LEFT OUTER JOIN files ON %(db)s.%(file_states)s.file_id = files.file_id LEFT OUTER JOIN nuts ON files.file_id = nuts.file_id LEFT OUTER JOIN kind_codes ON nuts.kind_codes_id == kind_codes.kind_codes_id ''' + where + ''' ORDER BY %(db)s.%(file_states)s.file_id ''') nuts = [] format_path = None db = self.get_database() for values in self._conn.execute(sql): apath = db.abspath(values[1]) if format_path is not None and apath != format_path[1]: yield format_path, nuts nuts = [] format_path = values[0], apath if values[2] is not None: nuts.append(model.Nut( values_nocheck=format_path[1:2] + values[2:])) if format_path is not None: yield format_path, nuts return GeneratorWithLen(gen(), nfiles)
[docs] def flag_modified(self, check=True): ''' Mark files which have been modified. :param check: If ``True`` query modification times of known files on disk. If ``False``, only flag unknown files. :type check: bool Assumes file state is 0 for newly added files, 1 for files added again to the selection (forces check), or 2 for all others (no checking is done for those). Sets file state to 0 for unknown or modified files, 2 for known and not modified files. ''' db = self.get_database() with self.transaction() as cursor: sql = self._sql(''' UPDATE %(db)s.%(file_states)s SET file_state = 0 WHERE ( SELECT mtime FROM files WHERE files.file_id == %(db)s.%(file_states)s.file_id) IS NULL AND file_state == 1 ''') cursor.execute(sql) if not check: sql = self._sql(''' UPDATE %(db)s.%(file_states)s SET file_state = 2 WHERE file_state == 1 ''') cursor.execute(sql) return def iter_file_states(): sql = self._sql(''' SELECT files.file_id, files.path, files.format, files.mtime, files.size FROM %(db)s.%(file_states)s INNER JOIN files ON %(db)s.%(file_states)s.file_id == files.file_id WHERE %(db)s.%(file_states)s.file_state == 1 ORDER BY %(db)s.%(file_states)s.file_id ''') for (file_id, path, fmt, mtime_db, size_db) in self._conn.execute(sql): path = db.abspath(path) try: mod = io.get_backend(fmt) file_stats = mod.get_stats(path) except FileLoadError: yield 0, file_id continue except io.UnknownFormat: continue if (mtime_db, size_db) != file_stats: yield 0, file_id else: yield 2, file_id # could better use callback function here... sql = self._sql(''' UPDATE %(db)s.%(file_states)s SET file_state = ? WHERE file_id = ? ''') cursor.executemany(sql, iter_file_states())
__all__ = [ 'Selection', ]