
Sparrow - geospatial data visualization

The Sparrow application provides a virtual globe to visualize earthquake hypocenters, earthquake source models, fault traces, topography datasets and other geophysical datasets in 3D and over time. Its primary focus is on simplicity, allowing for interactive dataset exploration and export of short animations for scientific presentations.



The Sparrow is currently in an experimental stage. Bugs and errors might occur during its use and some essential features might still be missing.

Please help us by providing feedback through Issues, Discussion, or Coding.


  • The Sparrow has one additional requirement which (on purpose) is not listed as a hard requirement for the rest of Pyrocko: VTK. Please install it with your installation method of choice (e.g. on Deb based Linuxes, use apt install python3-vtk, in an pip-managed environment use pip install vtk, or under Anaconda/Miniconda use conda install vtk). Sparrow will complain if VTK cannot be found on startup.

  • Make sure your graphics card driver setup allows for hardware-accelerated OpenGL (e.g. check with glxinfo -B, look for OpenGL renderer). If you have an NVIDIA graphics card, you may want to install their proprietary drivers.

  • For visualization of InSAR scenes, Kite is needed.


Run sparrow from the command line to launch into Sparrow’s graphical user interface (GUI). To get a list of its options, run sparrow --help.

Sparrow initial screen

Figure 1: Startup state of the Squirrel GUI, with Icosphere, Grid and Coastline elements

First flaps

Online help

Instructions and help are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window.


There are two navigation modes, global and fixed. In global navigation mode the location of the focal point is changed when you click and drag the mouse, in fixed navigation mode, the location is fixed and the view angle is changed when you click and drag. Navigate to a point of interest in global mode and then click “Fix” in the navigation panel to investigate your target. You can also hold down the control key to toggle between the navigation modes.

The focus point is visually shown when “Crosshair” in the navigation panel is checked.

The depth of the focal point can be set by modifying the third value [km] in the “Location” field. Use negative values to lift the focal point into the atmosphere.


The scene shown in the view is composed of a variable number of elements. By default the Icosphere, Grid and Coastline elements are shown. More elements can be added through the “Add” menu. Most of them can be configured with an associated control panel. To hide/show an element without removing it, click on the pentagram symbol in their control panel title bar.

Two useful elements are:

  • Catalog: Display earthquake catalogs. Click “File” and select a catalog in Pyrocko format (basic or YAML) to get started.

  • Topography: Display ETOPO and SRTMGL3 topography/bathymetry with adjustable transparency and variable vertical exaggeration. Pre-download the datasets using the commands automap --download-etopo and automap --download-srtmgl3 (about 36 GB).

Further elements allow display of subtitles, time counters, station locations, InSAR displacements, source models, faults, volcanoes and more.

If you feel like implementing a new element and need some pointers to get started, have a chat with us in the Sparrow channel on the Pyrocko Hive.

Snapshots and animations

To save the the current scene with all its settings, you can use the “Snapshot” tool which is available from the “Panels” menu. A Sparrow snapshot is a dump of the complete internal state of the scene (and not an just an image of the current view). You can go back to any snapshot by double-clicking its thumbnail. The tool also allows you to transition between snapshots. This is done by interpolating the numerical state values, where possible, between the two snapshot states.

Simple animations are made by arranging multiple snapshots and transitions into a timeline. The animations can be saved as MP4 movies to show-off your research findings in a feasible and convenient way. By default the movies are exported in Full HD size (1920 x 1080 pixels). Other formats can be chosen by setting the size though the “View” menu. To export a still image, use “Export Image…” from the “File” menu.

Snapshot sequences can be saved as YAML text files. You can edit these files with a text editor if you feel that what you want achieve is more efficiently done this way. Of course you can also create or manipulate them from a script. This is especially convenient with YAML files. YAML files can be read/written in Python using the pyyaml package in an agnostic way or by using the dedicated loaders in Pyrocko to directly instantiate objects of the Pyrocko classes which are also used internally in Sparrow.

Textual manipulation of the Sparrow’s state

The complete internal state of the currently visible scene can be represented as YAML document. If you detach the 3D view into a separate window (using “Detach” from the “View” menu), this YAML document becomes available in the main window. Manipulating the state in this textual representation can sometimes be more efficient or more precise than through the GUI.