
class Pile[source]

Waveform archive lookup, data loading and caching infrastructure.

chopper(tmin=None, tmax=None, tinc=None, tpad=0.0, group_selector=None, trace_selector=None, want_incomplete=True, degap=True, maxgap=5, maxlap=None, keep_current_files_open=False, accessor_id=None, snap=(<built-in function round>, <built-in function round>), include_last=False, load_data=True)[source]

Get iterator for shifting window wise data extraction from waveform archive.

  • tmin – start time (default uses start time of available data)
  • tmax – end time (default uses end time of available data)
  • tinc – time increment (window shift time) (default uses tmax-tmin)
  • tpad – padding time appended on either side of the data windows (window overlap is 2*tpad)
  • group_selector – filter callback taking TracesGroup objects
  • trace_selector – filter callback taking pyrocko.trace.Trace objects
  • want_incomplete – if set to False, gappy/incomplete traces are discarded from the results
  • degap – whether to try to connect traces and to remove gaps and overlaps
  • maxgap – maximum gap size in samples which is filled with interpolated samples when degap is True
  • maxlap – maximum overlap size in samples which is removed when degap is True
  • keep_current_files_open – whether to keep cached trace data in memory after the iterator has ended
  • accessor_id – if given, used as a key to identify different points of extraction for the decision of when to release cached trace data (should be used when data is alternately extracted from more than one region / selection)
  • snap – replaces Python’s round() function which is used to determine indices where to start and end the trace data array
  • include_last – whether to include last sample
  • load_data – whether to load the waveform data. If set to False, traces with no data samples, but with correct meta-information are returned

itererator yielding a list of pyrocko.trace.Trace objects for every extracted time window

all(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Shortcut to aggregate chopper() output into a single list.

iter_traces(load_data=False, return_abspath=False, group_selector=None, trace_selector=None)[source]

Iterate over all traces in pile.

  • load_data – whether to load the waveform data, by default empty traces are yielded
  • return_abspath – if True yield tuples containing absolute file path and pyrocko.trace.Trace objects
  • group_selector – filter callback taking TracesGroup objects
  • trace_selector – filter callback taking pyrocko.trace.Trace objects

Example; yields only traces, where the station code is ‘HH1’:

test_pile = pile.make_pile('/local/test_trace_directory')
for t in test_pile.iter_traces(
        trace_selector=lambda tr: tr.station=='HH1'):

    print t

Visualize it.

  • stations – list of pyrocko.model.Station objects or None
  • events – list of pyrocko.model.Event objects or None
  • markers – list of pyrocko.gui.snuffler.marker.Marker objects or None
  • ntracks – float, number of tracks to be shown initially (default: 12)
  • follow – time interval (in seconds) for real time follow mode or None
  • controls – bool, whether to show the main controls (default: True)
  • opengl – bool, whether to use opengl (default: False)
make_pile(paths=None, selector=None, regex=None, fileformat='mseed', cachedirname=None, show_progress=True)[source]

Create pile from given file and directory names.

  • paths – filenames and/or directories to look for traces. If paths is None sys.argv[1:] is used.
  • selector – lambda expression taking group dict of regex match object as a single argument and which returns true or false to keep or reject a file
  • regex – regular expression which filenames have to match
  • fileformat – format of the files (‘mseed’, ‘sac’, ‘kan’, ‘from_extension’, ‘detect’)
  • cachedirname – loader cache is stored under this directory. It is created as neccessary.
  • show_progress – show progress bar and other progress information