# http://pyrocko.org - GPLv3 # # The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century # ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
''' Generator for synthetic seismo-geodetic scenarios. '''
TargetGenerator.T(), default=[], help='Targets to spawn in the scenario.')
default=DCSourceGenerator.D(), help='Sources to spawn in the scenario.')
LocationGenerator.__init__(self, **kwargs) for itry in range(self.ntries):
try: self.get_stations() self.get_sources() return
except LocationGenerationError: self.retry()
raise ScenarioError( 'Could not generate scenario in %i tries.' % self.ntries)
self._engine = engine
return self._engine
return self.source_generator.get_sources()
return [s.pyrocko_event() for s in self.get_sources()]
raise AttributeError('This method should not be called directly.')
def method(self, *args, **kwargs): result = [] func = collector(self, *args, **kwargs) for gen in self.target_generators: result.extend( func(gen) or []) return result
def get_stations(self): return lambda gen: gen.get_stations()
def get_targets(self): return lambda gen: gen.get_targets()
tmin, tmax = self._time_range_fill_defaults(tmin, tmax) return lambda gen: gen.get_waveforms( self._engine, self.get_sources(), tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
tmin, tmax = self._time_range_fill_defaults(tmin, tmax) return lambda gen: gen.get_onsets( self._engine, self.get_sources(), tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
tmin, tmax = self._time_range_fill_defaults(tmin, tmax) return lambda gen: gen.get_insar_scenes( self._engine, self.get_sources(), tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
tmin, tmax = self._time_range_fill_defaults(tmin, tmax) return lambda gen: gen.get_gnss_campaigns( self._engine, self.get_sources(), tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
''' Invoke generators and dump the complete scenario.
:param path: Output directory :type path: str :param overwrite: If ``True`` remove all previously generated files and recreating the scenario content. If ``False`` stop if previously generated content is found. :type overwrite: bool
Wrapper to call :py:meth:`prepare_data` followed by :py:meth:`ensure_data` with default arguments. '''
self.prepare_data(path, overwrite=False) self.ensure_data(path)
''' Prepare directory for scenario content storage.
:param path: Output directory :type path: str :param overwrite: If ``True``, remove all previously generated files and recreate the scenario content. If ``False``, stop if previously generated content is found. :type overwrite: bool '''
for dentry in [ 'meta', 'waveforms', 'insar', 'gnss']:
dpath = op.join(path, dentry) if op.exists(dpath): if overwrite: shutil.rmtree(dpath) else: raise CannotCreatePath('Path exists: %s' % dpath)
for fentry in [ 'events.txt', 'sources.yml', 'map.pdf', 'README.md']:
fpath = op.join(path, fentry) if op.exists(fpath): if overwrite: os.unlink(fpath) else: raise CannotCreatePath('Path exists: %s' % fpath)
''' Generate and output scenario content to files, as needed.
:param path: Output directory :type path: str :param tmin: Start of time interval to generate :type tmin: timestamp, optional :param tmax: End of time interval to generate :type tmax: timestamp, optional
This method only generates the files which are relevant for the given time interval, and which have not yet been generated. It is safe to call this method several times, for different time windows, as needed.
If no time interval is given, the origin times of the generated sources and signal propagation times are taken into account to estimate a reasonable default. '''
tmin, tmax = self._time_range_fill_defaults(tmin, tmax) self.source_generator.ensure_data(path)
meta_dir = op.join(path, 'meta') util.ensuredir(meta_dir)
fn_stations = op.join(meta_dir, 'stations.txt') if not op.exists(fn_stations): model.station.dump_stations( self.get_stations(), fn_stations)
fn_stations_yaml = op.join(meta_dir, 'stations.yml') if not op.exists(fn_stations_yaml): model.station.dump_stations_yaml( self.get_stations(), fn_stations_yaml)
fn_stations_kml = op.join(meta_dir, 'stations.kml') if not op.exists(fn_stations_kml): model.station.dump_kml( self.get_stations(), fn_stations_kml)
fn_markers = op.join(meta_dir, 'markers.txt') if not op.exists(fn_markers): markers = self.get_onsets() if markers: PhaseMarker.save_markers(markers, fn_markers)
fn_readme = op.join(path, 'README.md') if not op.exists(fn_readme): dump_readme(fn_readme)
def ensure_data(gen): logger.info('Creating files from %s...' % gen.__class__.__name__) return gen.ensure_data( self._engine, self.get_sources(), path, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
return ensure_data
def _get_time_ranges(self): return lambda gen: [gen.get_time_range(self.get_sources())]
ranges = num.array(self._get_time_ranges()) return ranges.min(), ranges.max()
stmin, stmax = self.get_time_range() return stmin if tmin is None else tmin, stmax if tmax is None else tmax
p = pile.Pile()
trf = pile.MemTracesFile(None, self.get_waveforms(tmin, tmax)) p.add_file(trf) return p
logger.info('Plotting scenario\'s map...') if not gmtpy.have_gmt(): logger.warning('Cannot plot map, GMT is not installed.') return if self.radius is None or self.radius > 5000*km: logger.info( 'Drawing map for scenarios with a radius > 5000 km is ' 'not implemented.') return
try: draw_scenario_gmt(self, filename) except gmtpy.GMTError: logger.warning('GMT threw an error, could not plot map.') except topo.AuthenticationRequired: logger.warning('Cannot download topography data (authentication ' 'required). Could not plot map.')
from pyrocko.plot import automap
if isinstance(fns, str): fns = [fns]
lat, lon = self.get_center_latlon() radius = self.get_radius()
m = automap.Map( width=30., height=30., lat=lat, lon=lon, radius=radius, show_topo=True, show_grid=True, show_rivers=True, color_wet=(216, 242, 254), color_dry=(238, 236, 230) )
sources = self.get_sources() for gen in self.target_generators: gen.add_map_artists(self.get_engine(), sources, m)
# for patch in self.get_insar_patches(): # symbol_size = 50. # coords = num.array(patch.get_corner_coordinates()) # m.gmt.psxy(in_rows=num.fliplr(coords), # L=True, # *m.jxyr)
for fn in fns: m.save(fn)
def stores_wanted(self): return set([gen.store_id for gen in self.target_generators if hasattr(gen, 'store_id')])
def stores_missing(self): return self.stores_wanted - set(self.get_engine().get_store_ids())
if not self.stores_missing: return
from pyrocko.gf import ws
engine = self.get_engine()
gf_store_superdirs = engine.store_superdirs
if interactive: print('We could not find the following Green\'s function stores:\n' '%s\n' 'We can try to download the stores from ' 'http://kinherd.org into one of the following ' 'directories:' % '\n'.join(' ' + s for s in self.stores_missing)) for idr, dr in enumerate(gf_store_superdirs): print(' %d. %s' % ((idr+1), dr)) s = input('\nInto which directory should we download the GF ' 'store(s)?\nDefault 1, (C)ancel: ') if s in ['c', 'C']: print('Canceled.') sys.exit(1) elif s == '': s = 0 try: s = int(s) if s > len(gf_store_superdirs): raise ValueError except ValueError: print('Invalid selection: %s' % s) sys.exit(1) else: s = 1
download_dir = gf_store_superdirs[s-1] util.ensuredir(download_dir) logger.info('Downloading Green\'s functions stores to %s' % download_dir)
oldwd = os.getcwd() for store in self.stores_missing: os.chdir(download_dir) ws.download_gf_store(site='kinherd', store_id=store)
cls, path, center_lat=None, center_lon=None, radius=None, targets=AVAILABLE_TARGETS, stationxml=None, force=False): """Initialize a Scenario and create a ``scenario.yml``
:param path: Path to create the scenerio in :type path: str :param center_lat: Center latitude [deg] :type center_lat: float, optional :param center_lon: Center longitude [deg] :type center_lon: float, optional :param radius: Scenario's radius in [m] :type radius: float, optional :param targets: Targets to throw into scenario, defaults to AVAILABLE_TARGETS :type targets: list of :class:`pyrocko.scenario.TargetGenerator` objects, optional :param force: If set to ``True``, overwrite directory :type force: bool :param stationxml: path to a StationXML to be used by the :class:`pyrocko.scenario.targets.WaveformGenerator`. :type stationxml: str :returns: Scenario :rtype: :class:`pyrocko.scenario.ScenarioGenerator` """ import os.path as op
if op.exists(path) and not force: raise CannotCreatePath('Directory %s alread exists.' % path)
util.ensuredir(path) fn = op.join(path, 'scenario.yml') logger.debug('Writing new scenario to %s' % fn)
scenario = cls( center_lat=center_lat, center_lon=center_lon, radius=radius)
scenario.seed = random.randint(1, 2**32-1)
scenario.target_generators.extend([t() for t in targets])
scenario.dump(filename=fn) scenario.prepare_data(path, overwrite=force)
return scenario
return generator.draw_map(fn)
readme = '''# Pyrocko Earthquake Scenario
The directory structure of a scenario is layed out as follows:
## Map of the scenario A simple map is generated from `pyrocko.automap` in map.pdf
## Earthquake Sources
Can be found as events.txt and sources.yml hosts the pyrocko.gf sources.
## Folder `meta`
Contains stations.txt and StationXML files for waveforms as well as KML data. The responses are flat with gain 1.0 at 1.0 Hz.
## Folder `waveforms`
Waveforms as mini-seed are stored here, segregated into days.
## Folder `gnss`
The GNSS campaign.yml is living here. Use `pyrocko.guts.load(filename='campaign.yml)` to load the campaign.
## Folder `insar`
Kite InSAR scenes for ascending and descending tracks are stored there. Use `kite.Scene.load(<filename>)` to inspect the scenes.
''' with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(readme)
return [path] |