Source code for pyrocko.client.fdsn

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
from __future__ import absolute_import

import re
import logging
import ssl
import socket

from pyrocko import util
from pyrocko.util import DownloadError
from pyrocko import config

from pyrocko.util import \
    urlencode, Request, build_opener, HTTPDigestAuthHandler, urlopen, HTTPError

    newstr = unicode
except NameError:
    newstr = str

logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.client.fdsn')

g_url = '%(site)s/fdsnws/%(service)s/%(majorversion)i/%(method)s'

g_site_abbr = {
    'geofon': '',
    'iris': '',
    'orfeus': '',
    'bgr': '',
    'geonet': '',
    'knmi': '',
    'ncedc': '',
    'scedc': '',
    'usgs': '',
    'koeri': '',
    'ethz': '',
    'icgc': '',
    'ipgp': '',
    'ingv': '',
    'isc': '',
    'lmu': '',
    'noa': '',
    'resif': '',
    'usp': '',
    'niep': ''

g_default_site = 'geofon'

g_default_query_args = {
    'station': {
        'starttime', 'endtime', 'startbefore', 'startafter', 'endbefore',
        'endafter', 'network', 'station', 'location', 'channel', 'minlatitude',
        'maxlatitude', 'minlongitude', 'maxlongitude', 'latitude', 'longitude',
        'minradius', 'maxradius', 'level', 'includerestricted',
        'includeavailability', 'updatedafter', 'matchtimeseries', 'format',
    'dataselect': {
        'starttime', 'endtime', 'network', 'station', 'location', 'channel',
        'quality', 'minimumlength', 'longestonly', 'format', 'nodata'},
    'event': {
        'starttime', 'endtime', 'minlatitude', 'maxlatitude', 'minlongitude',
        'maxlongitude', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'minradius', 'maxradius',
        'mindepth', 'maxdepth', 'minmagnitude', 'maxmagnitude', 'eventtype',
        'includeallorigins', 'includeallmagnitudes', 'includearrivals',
        'eventid', 'limit', 'offset', 'orderby', 'catalog', 'contributor',
        'updatedafter', 'format', 'nodata'},
    'availability': {
        'starttime', 'endtime', 'network', 'station', 'location', 'channel',
        'quality', 'merge', 'orderby', 'limit', 'includerestricted', 'format',
        'nodata', 'mergegaps', 'show'}}

[docs]def strip_html(s): s = s.decode('utf-8') s = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', s) s = re.sub(r'\r', '', s) s = re.sub(r'\s*\n', '\n', s) return s
[docs]def indent(s, ind=' '): return '\n'.join(ind + line for line in s.splitlines())
[docs]def get_sites(): ''' Get sorted list of registered site names. ''' return sorted(g_site_abbr.keys())
if config.config().fdsn_timeout is None: g_timeout = 20. else: g_timeout = config.config().fdsn_timeout re_realm_from_auth_header = re.compile(r'(realm)\s*[:=]\s*"([^"]*)"?')
[docs]class CannotGetRealmFromAuthHeader(DownloadError): pass
[docs]class CannotGetCredentialsFromAuthRequest(DownloadError): pass
[docs]def get_realm_from_auth_header(headers): realm = dict(re_realm_from_auth_header.findall( headers['WWW-Authenticate'])).get('realm', None) if realm is None: raise CannotGetRealmFromAuthHeader('headers=%s' % str(headers)) return realm
[docs]def sdatetime(t): return util.time_to_str(t, format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
[docs]class EmptyResult(DownloadError): def __init__(self, url): DownloadError.__init__(self) self._url = url def __str__(self): return 'No results for request %s' % self._url
[docs]class RequestEntityTooLarge(DownloadError): def __init__(self, url): DownloadError.__init__(self) self._url = url def __str__(self): return 'Request entity too large: %s' % self._url
[docs]class InvalidRequest(DownloadError): pass
[docs]class Timeout(DownloadError): pass
def _request( url, post=False, user=None, passwd=None, allow_TLSv1=False, timeout=g_timeout, **kwargs): url_values = urlencode(kwargs) if url_values: url += '?' + url_values logger.debug('Accessing URL %s' % url) url_args = { 'timeout': timeout } if allow_TLSv1: url_args['context'] = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) opener = None req = Request(url) if post: if isinstance(post, newstr): post = post.encode('utf8') logger.debug('POST data: \n%s' % post.decode('utf8')) = post req.add_header('Accept', '*/*') itry = 0 while True: itry += 1 try: urlopen_ = if opener else urlopen while True: try: resp = urlopen_(req, **url_args) break except TypeError: del url_args['context'] # context not avail before 3.4.3 logger.debug('Response: %s' % resp.getcode()) if resp.getcode() == 204: raise EmptyResult(url) return resp except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 413: raise RequestEntityTooLarge(url) elif e.code == 401: headers = getattr(e, 'headers', e.hdrs) realm = get_realm_from_auth_header(headers) if itry == 1 and user is not None: auth_handler = HTTPDigestAuthHandler() auth_handler.add_password( realm=realm, uri=url, user=user, passwd=passwd or '') opener = build_opener(auth_handler) continue else: raise DownloadError( 'Authentication failed for realm "%s" when accessing ' 'url "%s". Original error was: %s' % ( realm, url, str(e))) else: raise DownloadError( 'Error content returned by server (HTML stripped):\n%s\n' ' Original error was: %s' % ( indent( strip_html(, ' ! '), str(e))) except socket.timeout: raise Timeout( 'Timeout error. No response received within %i s. You ' 'may want to retry with a longer timeout setting.' % timeout) break
[docs]def fillurl(service, site, url, majorversion, method): return url % dict( site=g_site_abbr.get(site, site), service=service, majorversion=majorversion, method=method)
[docs]def fix_params(d): params = dict(d) for k in ['starttime', 'endtime', 'startbefore', 'startafter', 'endbefore', 'endafter', 'updatedafter']: if k in params: params[k] = sdatetime(params[k]) if params.get('location', None) == '': params['location'] = '--' for k in params: if isinstance(params[k], bool): params[k] = ['false', 'true'][bool(params[k])] return params
[docs]def make_data_selection( stations, tmin, tmax, channel_prio=[['BHZ', 'HHZ'], ['BH1', 'BHN', 'HH1', 'HHN'], ['BH2', 'BHE', 'HH2', 'HHE']]): selection = [] for station in stations: wanted = [] for group in channel_prio: gchannels = [] for channel in station.get_channels(): if in group: gchannels.append(channel) if gchannels: gchannels.sort(key=lambda a: group.index( wanted.append(gchannels[0]) if wanted: for channel in wanted: selection.append((, station.station, station.location,, tmin, tmax)) return selection
[docs]def station( site=g_default_site, url=g_url, majorversion=1, parsed=True, selection=None, timeout=g_timeout, check=True, **kwargs): service = 'station' if check: check_params(service, site, url, majorversion, timeout, **kwargs) params = fix_params(kwargs) url = fillurl(service, site, url, majorversion, 'query') if selection: lst = [] for k, v in params.items(): lst.append('%s=%s' % (k, v)) for (network, station, location, channel, tmin, tmax) in selection: if location == '': location = '--' lst.append(' '.join((network, station, location, channel, sdatetime(tmin), sdatetime(tmax)))) post = '\n'.join(lst) params = dict(post=post.encode()) if parsed: from import stationxml format = kwargs.get('format', 'xml') if format == 'text': if kwargs.get('level', 'station') == 'channel': return stationxml.load_channel_table( stream=_request(url, timeout=timeout, **params)) else: raise InvalidRequest('if format="text" shall be parsed, ' 'level="channel" is required') elif format == 'xml': assert kwargs.get('format', 'xml') == 'xml' return stationxml.load_xml( stream=_request(url, timeout=timeout, **params)) else: raise InvalidRequest('format must be "xml" or "text"') else: return _request(url, timeout=timeout, **params)
[docs]def get_auth_credentials(service, site, url, majorversion, token, timeout): url = fillurl(service, site, url, majorversion, 'auth') f = _request(url, timeout=timeout, post=token) s = try: user, passwd = s.strip().split(':') except ValueError: raise CannotGetCredentialsFromAuthRequest('data="%s"' % s) return user, passwd
[docs]def dataselect( site=g_default_site, url=g_url, majorversion=1, selection=None, user=None, passwd=None, token=None, timeout=g_timeout, check=True, **kwargs): service = 'dataselect' if user or token: method = 'queryauth' else: method = 'query' if token is not None: user, passwd = get_auth_credentials( service, site, url, majorversion, token, timeout) if check: check_params(service, site, url, majorversion, timeout, **kwargs) params = fix_params(kwargs) url = fillurl(service, site, url, majorversion, method) if selection: lst = [] for k, v in params.items(): lst.append('%s=%s' % (k, v)) for (network, station, location, channel, tmin, tmax) in selection: if location == '': location = '--' lst.append(' '.join((network, station, location, channel, sdatetime(tmin), sdatetime(tmax)))) post = '\n'.join(lst) return _request( url, user=user, passwd=passwd, post=post.encode(), timeout=timeout) else: return _request( url, user=user, passwd=passwd, timeout=timeout, **params)
[docs]def event( site=g_default_site, url=g_url, majorversion=1, user=None, passwd=None, token=None, timeout=g_timeout, check=True, **kwargs): '''Query FDSN web service for events. On success, will return a list of events in QuakeML format. Check the documentation of FDSN for allowed arguments: ''' service = 'event' if user or token: method = 'queryauth' else: method = 'query' if token is not None: user, passwd = get_auth_credentials( service, site, url, majorversion, token, timeout) if check: check_params(service, site, url, majorversion, timeout, **kwargs) params = fix_params(kwargs) url = fillurl(service, site, url, majorversion, method) return _request(url, user=user, passwd=passwd, timeout=timeout, **params)
[docs]def availability( method='query', site=g_default_site, url=g_url, majorversion=1, user=None, passwd=None, token=None, timeout=g_timeout, check=True, **kwargs): service = 'availability' assert method in ('query', 'extent') if user or token: method += 'auth' if token is not None: user, passwd = get_auth_credentials( service, site, url, majorversion, token, timeout) if check: check_params(service, site, url, majorversion, timeout, **kwargs) params = fix_params(kwargs) url = fillurl(service, site, url, majorversion, method) return _request(url, user=user, passwd=passwd, timeout=timeout, **params)
[docs]def check_params( service, site=g_default_site, url=g_url, majorversion=1, timeout=g_timeout, method='query', **kwargs): avail = supported_params_wadl( service, site, url, majorversion, timeout, method) unavail = sorted(set(kwargs.keys()) - avail) if unavail: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported parameter%s for service "%s" at site "%s": %s' % ( '' if len(unavail) == 1 else 's', service, site, ', '.join(unavail)))
[docs]def supported_params_wadl( service, site=g_default_site, url=g_url, majorversion=1, timeout=g_timeout, method='query'): wadl = cached_wadl(service, site, url, majorversion, timeout) if wadl: url = fillurl(service, site, url, majorversion, method) return set(wadl.supported_param_names(url)) else: return g_default_query_args[service]
g_wadls = {}
[docs]def cached_wadl( service, site=g_default_site, url=g_url, majorversion=1, timeout=g_timeout): k = (service, site, url, majorversion) if k not in g_wadls: try: g_wadls[k] = wadl(service, site, url, majorversion, timeout) except Timeout: raise except DownloadError: 'No service description (WADL) found for "%s" at site "%s".' % (service, site)) g_wadls[k] = None return g_wadls[k]
[docs]def wadl( service, site=g_default_site, url=g_url, majorversion=1, timeout=g_timeout): from pyrocko.client.wadl import load_xml url = fillurl(service, site, url, majorversion, 'application.wadl') return load_xml(stream=_request(url, timeout=timeout))
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys util.setup_logging('pyrocko.client.fdsn', 'info') if len(sys.argv) == 1: sites = get_sites() else: sites = sys.argv[1:] for site in sites: print('=== %s (%s) ===' % (site, g_site_abbr[site])) for service in ['station', 'dataselect', 'event']: try: app = wadl(service, site=site, timeout=2.0) print(indent(str(app))) except Timeout as e: logger.error(str(e)) print('%s: timeout' % (service,)) except util.DownloadError as e: logger.error(str(e)) print('%s: no wadl' % (service,))