Source code for grond.optimisers.highscore.optimiser

from __future__ import print_function
import math
import os.path as op
import os
import logging
import time
import numpy as num
from collections import OrderedDict

from pyrocko.guts import StringChoice, Int, Float, Object, List
from pyrocko.guts_array import Array

from grond.meta import GrondError, Forbidden, has_get_plot_classes
from grond.problems.base import ModelHistory
from grond.optimisers.base import Optimiser, OptimiserConfig, BadProblem, \

guts_prefix = 'grond'

logger = logging.getLogger('grond.optimisers.highscore.optimiser')

def nextpow2(i):
    return 2**int(math.ceil(math.log(i)/math.log(2.)))

def excentricity_compensated_probabilities(xs, sbx, factor):
    inonflat = num.where(sbx != 0.0)[0]
    scale = num.zeros_like(sbx)
    scale[inonflat] = 1.0 / (sbx[inonflat] * (factor if factor != 0. else 1.0))
    distances_sqr_all = num.sum(
        ((xs[num.newaxis, :, :] - xs[:, num.newaxis, :]) *
         scale[num.newaxis, num.newaxis, :])**2, axis=2)
    probabilities = 1.0 / num.sum(distances_sqr_all < 1.0, axis=1)
    # print(num.sort(num.sum(distances_sqr_all < 1.0, axis=1)))
    probabilities /= num.sum(probabilities)
    return probabilities

def excentricity_compensated_choice(xs, sbx, factor, rstate):
    probabilities = excentricity_compensated_probabilities(
        xs, sbx, factor)
    r = rstate.random_sample()
    ichoice = num.searchsorted(num.cumsum(probabilities), r)
    ichoice = min(ichoice, xs.shape[0]-1)
    return ichoice

def local_std(xs):
    ssbx = num.sort(xs, axis=0)
    dssbx = num.diff(ssbx, axis=0)
    mdssbx = num.median(dssbx, axis=0)
    return mdssbx * dssbx.shape[0] / 2.6

[docs]class SamplerDistributionChoice(StringChoice): choices = ['multivariate_normal', 'normal']
[docs]class StandardDeviationEstimatorChoice(StringChoice): choices = [ 'median_density_single_chain', 'standard_deviation_all_chains', 'standard_deviation_single_chain']
class SamplerStartingPointChoice(StringChoice): choices = ['excentricity_compensated', 'random', 'mean'] class BootstrapTypeChoice(StringChoice): choices = ['bayesian', 'classic'] def fnone(i): return i if i is not None else -1 class Sample(Object): '''Sample model with context about how it was generated.''' model = Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, serialize_as='list') iphase = Int.T(optional=True) ichain_base = Int.T(optional=True) ilink_base = Int.T(optional=True) imodel_base = Int.T(optional=True) def preconstrain(self, problem, optimiser=None): self.model = problem.preconstrain(self.model, optimiser) def pack_context(self): i = num.zeros(4, i[:] = ( fnone(self.iphase), fnone(self.ichain_base), fnone(self.ilink_base), fnone(self.imodel_base)) return i
[docs]class SamplerPhase(Object): niterations = Int.T( help='Number of iteration for this phase.') ntries_preconstrain_limit = Int.T( default=1000, help='Tries to find a valid preconstrained sample.') seed = Int.T( optional=True, help='Random state seed.') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Object.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._rstate = None self.optimiser = None def get_rstate(self, problem): if self._rstate is None: self._rstate = problem.get_rstate_manager().get_rstate( self.__class__.__name__, self.seed) return self._rstate def get_raw_sample(self, problem, iiter, chains): raise NotImplementedError def get_sample(self, problem, iiter, chains): assert 0 <= iiter < self.niterations ntries_preconstrain = 0 for ntries_preconstrain in range(self.ntries_preconstrain_limit): try: sample = self.get_raw_sample(problem, iiter, chains) sample.preconstrain(problem, self.optimiser) return sample except Forbidden: pass raise GrondError( 'could not find any suitable candidate sample within %i tries' % ( self.ntries_preconstrain_limit)) def set_optimiser(self, optimiser): self.optimiser = optimiser
[docs]class InjectionSamplerPhase(SamplerPhase): xs_inject = Array.T( dtype=num.float, shape=(None, None), help='Array with the reference model.') def get_raw_sample(self, problem, iiter, chains): return Sample(model=self.xs_inject[iiter, :])
[docs]class UniformSamplerPhase(SamplerPhase): def get_raw_sample(self, problem, iiter, chains): xbounds = problem.get_parameter_bounds() return Sample( model=problem.random_uniform(xbounds, self.get_rstate(problem)))
[docs]class DirectedSamplerPhase(SamplerPhase): scatter_scale = Float.T( optional=True, help='Scales search radius around the current `highscore` models') scatter_scale_begin = Float.T( optional=True, help='Scaling factor at beginning of the phase.') scatter_scale_end = Float.T( optional=True, help='Scaling factor at the end of the directed phase.') starting_point = SamplerStartingPointChoice.T( default='excentricity_compensated', help='Tunes to the center value of the sampler distribution.' 'May increase the likelihood to draw a highscore member model' ' off-center to the mean value') sampler_distribution = SamplerDistributionChoice.T( default='normal', help='Distribution new models are drawn from.') standard_deviation_estimator = StandardDeviationEstimatorChoice.T( default='median_density_single_chain') ntries_sample_limit = Int.T(default=1000) def get_scatter_scale_factor(self, iiter): s = self.scatter_scale sa = self.scatter_scale_begin sb = self.scatter_scale_end assert s is None or (sa is None and sb is None) if sa != sb: tb = float(self.niterations-1) tau = tb/(math.log(sa) - math.log(sb)) t0 = math.log(sa) * tau t = float(iiter) return num.exp(-(t-t0) / tau) else: return s or 1.0 def get_raw_sample(self, problem, iiter, chains): rstate = self.get_rstate(problem) factor = self.get_scatter_scale_factor(iiter) npar = problem.nparameters pnames = problem.parameter_names xbounds = problem.get_parameter_bounds() ilink_choice = None ichain_choice = num.argmin(chains.accept_sum) if self.starting_point == 'excentricity_compensated': models = chains.models(ichain_choice) ilink_choice = excentricity_compensated_choice( models, chains.standard_deviation_models( ichain_choice, self.standard_deviation_estimator), 2., rstate) xchoice = chains.model(ichain_choice, ilink_choice) elif self.starting_point == 'random': ilink_choice = rstate.randint(0, chains.nlinks) xchoice = chains.model(ichain_choice, ilink_choice) elif self.starting_point == 'mean': xchoice = chains.mean_model(ichain_choice) else: assert False, 'invalid starting_point choice: %s' % ( self.starting_point) ntries_sample = 0 if self.sampler_distribution == 'normal': x = num.zeros(npar, dtype=num.float) sx = chains.standard_deviation_models( ichain_choice, self.standard_deviation_estimator) for ipar in range(npar): ntries = 0 while True: if sx[ipar] > 0.: v = rstate.normal( xchoice[ipar], factor*sx[ipar]) else: v = xchoice[ipar] if xbounds[ipar, 0] <= v and \ v <= xbounds[ipar, 1]: break if ntries > self.ntries_sample_limit: logger.warning( 'failed to produce a suitable ' 'candidate sample from normal ' 'distribution for parameter \'%s\'' '- drawing from uniform instead.' % pnames[ipar]) v = rstate.uniform(xbounds[ipar, 0], xbounds[ipar, 1]) break ntries += 1 x[ipar] = v elif self.sampler_distribution == 'multivariate_normal': ok_mask_sum = num.zeros(npar, while True: ntries_sample += 1 xcandi = rstate.multivariate_normal( xchoice, factor**2 * chains.cov(ichain_choice)) ok_mask = num.logical_and( xbounds[:, 0] <= xcandi, xcandi <= xbounds[:, 1]) if num.all(ok_mask): break ok_mask_sum += ok_mask if ntries_sample > self.ntries_sample_limit: logger.warning( 'failed to produce a suitable candidate ' 'sample from multivariate normal ' 'distribution, (%s) - drawing from uniform instead' % ', '.join('%s:%i' % xx for xx in zip(pnames, ok_mask_sum))) xbounds = problem.get_parameter_bounds() xcandi = problem.random_uniform(xbounds, rstate) break x = xcandi imodel_base = None if ilink_choice is not None: imodel_base = chains.imodel(ichain_choice, ilink_choice) return Sample( model=x, ichain_base=ichain_choice, ilink_base=ilink_choice, imodel_base=imodel_base)
def make_bayesian_weights(nbootstrap, nmisfits, type='bayesian', rstate=None): ws = num.zeros((nbootstrap, nmisfits)) if rstate is None: rstate = num.random.RandomState() for ibootstrap in range(nbootstrap): if type == 'classic': ii = rstate.randint(0, nmisfits, size=nmisfits) ws[ibootstrap, :] = num.histogram( ii, nmisfits, (-0.5, nmisfits - 0.5))[0] elif type == 'bayesian': f = rstate.uniform(0., 1., size=nmisfits+1) f[0] = 0. f[-1] = 1. f = num.sort(f) g = f[1:] - f[:-1] ws[ibootstrap, :] = g * nmisfits else: assert False return ws class Chains(object): def __init__( self, problem, history, nchains, nlinks_cap): self.problem = problem self.history = history self.nchains = nchains self.nlinks_cap = nlinks_cap self.chains_m = num.zeros( (self.nchains, nlinks_cap), dtype=num.float) self.chains_i = num.zeros( (self.nchains, nlinks_cap), self.nlinks = 0 self.nread = 0 self.accept_sum = num.zeros(self.nchains, self._acceptance_history = num.zeros( (self.nchains, 1024), dtype=num.bool) history.add_listener(self) def goto(self, n=None): if n is None: n = self.history.nmodels n = min(self.history.nmodels, n) assert self.nread <= n while self.nread < n: nread = self.nread gbms = self.history.bootstrap_misfits[nread, :] self.chains_m[:, self.nlinks] = gbms self.chains_i[:, self.nlinks] = nread nbootstrap = self.chains_m.shape[0] self.nlinks += 1 chains_m = self.chains_m chains_i = self.chains_i for ichain in range(nbootstrap): isort = num.argsort(chains_m[ichain, :self.nlinks]) chains_m[ichain, :self.nlinks] = chains_m[ichain, isort] chains_i[ichain, :self.nlinks] = chains_i[ichain, isort] if self.nlinks == self.nlinks_cap: accept = (chains_i[:, self.nlinks_cap-1] != nread) \ .astype(num.bool) self.nlinks -= 1 else: accept = num.ones(self.nchains, dtype=num.bool) self._append_acceptance(accept) self.accept_sum += accept self.nread += 1 def load(self): return self.goto() def extend(self, ioffset, n, models, misfits, sampler_contexts): self.goto(ioffset + n) def indices(self, ichain): if ichain is not None: return self.chains_i[ichain, :self.nlinks] else: return self.chains_i[:, :self.nlinks].ravel() def models(self, ichain=None): return self.history.models[self.indices(ichain), :] def model(self, ichain, ilink): return self.history.models[self.chains_i[ichain, ilink], :] def imodel(self, ichain, ilink): return self.chains_i[ichain, ilink] def misfits(self, ichain=0): return self.chains_m[ichain, :self.nlinks] def misfit(self, ichain, ilink): assert ilink < self.nlinks return self.chains_m[ichain, ilink] def mean_model(self, ichain=None): xs = self.models(ichain) return num.mean(xs, axis=0) def best_model(self, ichain=0): xs = self.models(ichain) return xs[0] def best_model_misfit(self, ichain=0): return self.chains_m[ichain, 0] def standard_deviation_models(self, ichain, estimator): if estimator == 'median_density_single_chain': xs = self.models(ichain) return local_std(xs) elif estimator == 'standard_deviation_all_chains': bxs = self.models() return num.std(bxs, axis=0) elif estimator == 'standard_deviation_single_chain': xs = self.models(ichain) return num.std(xs, axis=0) else: assert False, 'invalid standard_deviation_estimator choice' def covariance_models(self, ichain): xs = self.models(ichain) return num.cov(xs.T) @property def acceptance_history(self): return self._acceptance_history[:, :self.nread] def _append_acceptance(self, acceptance): if self.nread >= self._acceptance_history.shape[1]: new_buf = num.zeros( (self.nchains, nextpow2(self.nread+1)), dtype=num.bool) new_buf[:, :self._acceptance_history.shape[1]] = \ self._acceptance_history self._acceptance_history = new_buf self._acceptance_history[:, self.nread] = acceptance
[docs]@has_get_plot_classes class HighScoreOptimiser(Optimiser): '''Monte-Carlo-based directed search optimisation with bootstrap.''' sampler_phases = List.T(SamplerPhase.T()) chain_length_factor = Float.T(default=8.) nbootstrap = Int.T(default=100) bootstrap_type = BootstrapTypeChoice.T(default='bayesian') bootstrap_seed = Int.T(default=23) SPARKS = u'\u2581\u2582\u2583\u2584\u2585\u2586\u2587\u2588' ACCEPTANCE_AVG_LEN = 100 def __init__(self, **kwargs): Optimiser.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._bootstrap_weights = None self._bootstrap_residuals = None self._correlated_weights = None self._status_chains = None self._rstate_bootstrap = None for phase in self.sampler_phases: phase.set_optimiser(self) def get_rstate_bootstrap(self, problem): if self._rstate_bootstrap is None: self._rstate_bootstrap = problem.get_rstate_manager().get_rstate( 'bootstraps', self.bootstrap_seed) return self._rstate_bootstrap def init_bootstraps(self, problem): self.init_bootstrap_weights(problem) self.init_bootstrap_residuals(problem) def init_bootstrap_weights(self, problem):'Initializing Bayesian bootstrap weights.') nmisfits_w = sum( t.nmisfits for t in problem.targets if t.can_bootstrap_weights) ws = make_bayesian_weights( self.nbootstrap, nmisfits=nmisfits_w, rstate=self.get_rstate_bootstrap(problem)) imf = 0 for t in problem.targets: if t.can_bootstrap_weights: t.set_bootstrap_weights(ws[:, imf:imf+t.nmisfits]) imf += t.nmisfits else: t.set_bootstrap_weights( num.ones((self.nbootstrap, t.nmisfits))) def init_bootstrap_residuals(self, problem):'Initializing Bayesian bootstrap residuals.') for t in problem.targets: if t.can_bootstrap_residuals: t.init_bootstrap_residuals( self.nbootstrap, rstate=self.get_rstate_bootstrap(problem), nthreads=self._nthreads) else: t.set_bootstrap_residuals( num.zeros((self.nbootstrap, t.nmisfits))) def get_bootstrap_weights(self, problem): if self._bootstrap_weights is None: try: problem.targets[0].get_bootstrap_weights() except Exception: self.init_bootstraps(problem) bootstrap_weights = num.hstack( [t.get_bootstrap_weights() for t in problem.targets]) self._bootstrap_weights = num.vstack(( num.ones((1, problem.nmisfits)), bootstrap_weights)) return self._bootstrap_weights def get_bootstrap_residuals(self, problem): if self._bootstrap_residuals is None: try: problem.targets[0].get_bootstrap_residuals() except Exception: self.init_bootstraps(problem) bootstrap_residuals = num.hstack( [t.get_bootstrap_residuals() for t in problem.targets]) self._bootstrap_residuals = num.vstack(( num.zeros((1, problem.nmisfits)), bootstrap_residuals)) return self._bootstrap_residuals def get_correlated_weights(self, problem): if self._correlated_weights is None: corr = dict() misfit_idx = num.cumsum( [0.] + [t.nmisfits for t in problem.targets], for it, target in enumerate(problem.targets): weights = target.get_correlated_weights( nthreads=self._nthreads) if weights is None: continue corr[misfit_idx[it]] = weights self._correlated_weights = corr return self._correlated_weights @property def nchains(self): return self.nbootstrap + 1 def chains(self, problem, history): nlinks_cap = int(round( self.chain_length_factor * problem.nparameters + 1)) return Chains( problem, history, nchains=self.nchains, nlinks_cap=nlinks_cap) def get_sampler_phase(self, iiter): niter = 0 for iphase, phase in enumerate(self.sampler_phases): if iiter < niter + phase.niterations: return iphase, phase, iiter - niter niter += phase.niterations assert False, 'sample out of bounds' def log_progress(self, problem, iiter, niter, phase, iiter_phase): t = time.time() if self._tlog_last < t - 10. \ or iiter_phase == 0 \ or iiter_phase == phase.niterations - 1: '%s at %i/%i (%s, %i/%i)' % (, iiter+1, niter, phase.__class__.__name__, iiter_phase, phase.niterations)) self._tlog_last = t def optimise(self, problem, rundir=None, history=None): if rundir is not None: self.dump(filename=op.join(rundir, 'optimiser.yaml')) if not history: history = ModelHistory( problem, nchains=self.nchains, path=rundir, mode='w') chains = self.chains(problem, history) if history.mode == 'r': if history.nmodels == self.niterations: return'Continuing run at %d iterations...', history.nmodels) history.mode = 'w' chains.goto() niter = self.niterations isbad_mask = None self._tlog_last = 0 for iiter in range(history.nmodels, niter): self.iiter = iiter iphase, phase, iiter_phase = self.get_sampler_phase(iiter) self.log_progress(problem, iiter, niter, phase, iiter_phase) sample = phase.get_sample(problem, iiter_phase, chains) sample.iphase = iphase if isbad_mask is not None and num.any(isbad_mask): isok_mask = num.logical_not(isbad_mask) else: isok_mask = None misfits = problem.misfits( sample.model, mask=isok_mask, nthreads=self._nthreads) bootstrap_misfits = problem.combine_misfits( misfits, extra_weights=self.get_bootstrap_weights(problem), extra_residuals=self.get_bootstrap_residuals(problem), extra_correlated_weights=self.get_correlated_weights(problem)) isbad_mask_new = num.isnan(misfits[:, 0]) if isbad_mask is not None and num.any( isbad_mask != isbad_mask_new): errmess = [ 'problem %s: inconsistency in data availability' ' at iteration %i' % (, iiter)] for target, isbad_new, isbad in zip( problem.targets, isbad_mask_new, isbad_mask): if isbad_new != isbad: errmess.append(' %s, %s -> %s' % ( target.string_id(), isbad, isbad_new)) raise BadProblem('\n'.join(errmess)) isbad_mask = isbad_mask_new if num.all(isbad_mask): raise BadProblem( 'Problem %s: all target misfit values are NaN.' % history.append( sample.model, misfits, bootstrap_misfits, sample.pack_context()) @property def niterations(self): return sum([ph.niterations for ph in self.sampler_phases]) def get_status(self, history): if self._status_chains is None: self._status_chains = self.chains(history.problem, history) self._status_chains.goto(history.nmodels) chains = self._status_chains problem = history.problem row_names = [p.name_nogroups for p in problem.parameters] row_names.append('Misfit') def colum_array(data): arr = num.full(len(row_names), fill_value=num.nan) arr[:data.size] = data return arr phase = self.get_sampler_phase(history.nmodels-1)[1] bs_mean = colum_array(chains.mean_model(ichain=None)) bs_std = colum_array(chains.standard_deviation_models( ichain=None, estimator='standard_deviation_all_chains')) glob_mean = colum_array(chains.mean_model(ichain=0)) glob_mean[-1] = num.mean(chains.misfits(ichain=0)) glob_std = colum_array(chains.standard_deviation_models( ichain=0, estimator='standard_deviation_single_chain')) glob_std[-1] = num.std(chains.misfits(ichain=0)) glob_best = colum_array(chains.best_model(ichain=0)) glob_best[-1] = chains.best_model_misfit() glob_misfits = chains.misfits(ichain=0) acceptance_latest = chains.acceptance_history[ :, -min(chains.acceptance_history.shape[1], self.ACCEPTANCE_AVG_LEN):] # noqa acceptance_avg = acceptance_latest.mean(axis=1) def spark_plot(data, bins): hist, _ = num.histogram(data, bins) hist_max = num.max(hist) if hist_max == 0.0: hist_max = 1.0 hist = hist / hist_max vec = num.digitize(hist, num.linspace(0., 1., len(self.SPARKS))) return ''.join([self.SPARKS[b-1] for b in vec]) return OptimiserStatus( row_names=row_names, column_data=OrderedDict( zip(['BS mean', 'BS std', 'Glob mean', 'Glob std', 'Glob best'], [bs_mean, bs_std, glob_mean, glob_std, glob_best])), extra_header= # noqa u'Optimiser phase: {phase}, exploring {nchains} BS chains\n' # noqa u'Global chain misfit distribution: \u2080{mf_dist}\xb9\n' u'Acceptance rate distribution: \u2080{acceptance}' u'\u2081\u2080\u2080\ufe6a (Median {acceptance_med:.1f}%)' .format( phase=phase.__class__.__name__, nchains=chains.nchains, mf_dist=spark_plot( glob_misfits, num.linspace(0., 1., 25)), acceptance=spark_plot( acceptance_avg, num.linspace(0., 1., 25)), acceptance_med=num.median(acceptance_avg) * 100. )) def get_movie_maker( self, problem, history, xpar_name, ypar_name, movie_filename): from . import plot return plot.HighScoreOptimiserPlot( self, problem, history, xpar_name, ypar_name, movie_filename) @classmethod def get_plot_classes(cls): from .plot import HighScoreAcceptancePlot plots = Optimiser.get_plot_classes() plots.append(HighScoreAcceptancePlot) return plots
[docs]class HighScoreOptimiserConfig(OptimiserConfig): sampler_phases = List.T( SamplerPhase.T(), default=[UniformSamplerPhase(niterations=1000), DirectedSamplerPhase(niterations=5000)], help='Stages of the sampler: Start with uniform sampling of the model' ' model space and narrow down through directed sampling.') chain_length_factor = Float.T( default=8., help='Controls the length of each chain: ' 'chain_length_factor * nparameters + 1') nbootstrap = Int.T( default=100, help='Number of bootstrap realisations to be tracked simultaneously in' ' the optimisation.') def get_optimiser(self): return HighScoreOptimiser( sampler_phases=list(self.sampler_phases), chain_length_factor=self.chain_length_factor, nbootstrap=self.nbootstrap)
def load_optimiser_history(dirname, problem): fn = op.join(dirname, 'accepted') with open(fn, 'r') as f: nmodels = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size // (problem.nbootstrap+1) data1 = num.fromfile( f, dtype='<i1', count=nmodels*(problem.nbootstrap+1)).astype(num.bool) accepted = data1.reshape((nmodels, problem.nbootstrap+1)) fn = op.join(dirname, 'choices') with open(fn, 'r') as f: data2 = num.fromfile( f, dtype='<i8', count=nmodels*2).astype(num.int64) ibootstrap_choices, imodel_choices = data2.reshape((nmodels, 2)).T return ibootstrap_choices, imodel_choices, accepted __all__ = ''' SamplerDistributionChoice StandardDeviationEstimatorChoice SamplerPhase InjectionSamplerPhase UniformSamplerPhase DirectedSamplerPhase Chains HighScoreOptimiserConfig HighScoreOptimiser '''.split()