Source code for pyrocko.scenario.sources.dcsource

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import numpy as num

from pyrocko.guts import Float
from pyrocko import moment_tensor, gf

from .base import SourceGenerator
from ..error import ScenarioError

km = 1e3
guts_prefix = 'pf.scenario'

[docs]class DCSourceGenerator(SourceGenerator): depth_min = Float.T(default=0.0) depth_max = Float.T(default=30*km) strike = Float.T(optional=True) dip = Float.T(optional=True) rake = Float.T(optional=True) perturbation_angle_std = Float.T(optional=True) def get_source(self, ievent): rstate = self.get_rstate(ievent) time = rstate.uniform(self.time_min, self.time_max) lat, lon, north_shift, east_shift, depth = self.get_coordinates(ievent) depth = rstate.uniform(self.depth_min, self.depth_max) magnitude = self.draw_magnitude(rstate) if self.strike is None and self.dip is None and self.rake is None: mt = moment_tensor.MomentTensor.random_dc(x=rstate.uniform(size=3)) else: if None in (self.strike, self.dip, self.rake): raise ScenarioError( 'DCSourceGenerator: ' 'strike, dip, and rake must be used in combination.') mt = moment_tensor.MomentTensor( strike=self.strike, dip=self.dip, rake=self.rake) if self.perturbation_angle_std is not None: mt = mt.random_rotated( self.perturbation_angle_std, rstate=rstate) (s, d, r), (_, _, _) = mt.both_strike_dip_rake() source = gf.DCSource( name='ev%04i' % ievent, time=float(time), lat=float(lat), lon=float(lon), north_shift=float(north_shift), east_shift=float(east_shift), depth=float(depth), magnitude=float(magnitude), strike=float(s), dip=float(d), rake=float(r)) return source def add_map_artists(self, automap): from pyrocko import gmtpy for source in self.get_sources(): event = source.pyrocko_event() mt = event.moment_tensor.m_up_south_east() xx = num.trace(mt) / 3. mc = num.matrix([[xx, 0., 0.], [0., xx, 0.], [0., 0., xx]]) mc = mt - mc mc = mc / event.moment_tensor.scalar_moment() * \ moment_tensor.magnitude_to_moment(5.0) m6 = tuple(moment_tensor.to6(mc)) symbol_size = 20. automap.gmt.psmeca( S='%s%g' % ('d', symbol_size /, in_rows=[ (source.effective_lon, source.effective_lat, 10) + m6 + (1, 0, 0)], M=True, *automap.jxyr)