Installation with pip

Using pip, Pyrocko can be installed from source or binary packages which we have uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI).

Depending on your attitude, different install variants are possible (see following sections).

Good to know:

  • Consequently use pip3 instead of pip if you want to be sure that Python3 versions are installed.

  • Add the --user to all pip commands if you want to install into your home directory.

  • Consider using virtual environments when using pip to lower the risk of package conflicts.

Variant 1: allow pip to resolve dependencies

pip install pyrocko

# and, (only) if you want to use Snuffler:

pip install --only-binary :all: PyQt5


  • Quick and easy.


  • Dependencies installed by pip may shadow native system packages.

  • May turn your system into a big mess.

Variant 2: use your system’s package manager to install dependencies

Install Pyrocko’s requirements through your system’s package manager (see System specific installation instructions), then use pip with the --no-deps option to install Pyrocko:

# first use apt-get/yum/pacman to install prerequisites (see above), then:

pip install --no-deps pyrocko


  • Prevents package dependency conflicts.


  • Need root access.

  • A bit more work to set up.