Source code for pyrocko.squirrel.tool.common

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import os
import sys
import re
import argparse
import logging
import textwrap

from pyrocko import util, progress
from pyrocko.squirrel import error

logger = logging.getLogger('psq.tool.common')

help_time_format = 'Format: ```YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.FFF```, truncation allowed.'

def unwrap(s):
    if s is None:
        return None
    s = s.strip()
    parts = re.split(r'\n{2,}', s)
    lines = []
    for part in parts:
        plines = part.splitlines()
        if not any(line.startswith('  ') for line in plines):
            lines.append(' '.join(plines))


    return '\n'.join(lines)

def wrap(s):
    lines = []
    parts = re.split(r'\n{2,}', s)
    for part in parts:
        if part.startswith('usage:'):
            for line in part.splitlines():
                if not line:
                if not line.startswith(' '):
                        textwrap.wrap(line, 79,))
                        textwrap.wrap(line, 79, subsequent_indent=' '*24))


    return '\n'.join(lines)

def wrap_usage(s):
    lines = []
    for line in s.splitlines():
        if not line.startswith('usage:'):
            lines.extend(textwrap.wrap(line, 79, subsequent_indent=' '*24))

    return '\n'.join(lines)

def formatter_with_width(n):
    class PyrockoHelpFormatter(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            kwargs['width'] = n
            kwargs['max_help_position'] = 24
                self, *args, **kwargs)

            # fix alignment problems, with the post-processing wrapping
            self._action_max_length = 24

    return PyrockoHelpFormatter

class PyrockoArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):

    # We want to convert the --help outputs to rst for the html docs. Problem
    # is that argparse's HelpFormatters to date have no public interface which
    # we could use to achieve this. The solution here is a bit clunky but works
    # ok for Squirrel. We allow markup like ``code`` which is kept when
    # producing rst (by parsing the final --help output) but stripped out when
    # doing normal --help. This leads to a problem with the internal wrapping
    # of argparse does this before the stripping. To solve, we render with
    # argparse to a very wide width and do the wrapping in postprocessing.
    # ``code`` is replaced with just code in normal output. ```code``` is
    # replaced with 'code' in normal output and with ``code`` rst output. rst
    # output is selected with environment variable PYROCKO_RST_HELP=1.
    # The script maintenance/ extracts the rst help
    # and generates the rst files for the docs.

    def __init__(
            self, prog=None, usage=None, description=None, epilog=None,

        kwargs['formatter_class'] = formatter_with_width(1000000)

        description = unwrap(description)
        epilog = unwrap(epilog)

            self, prog=prog, usage=usage, description=description,
            epilog=epilog, **kwargs)

        if hasattr(self, '_action_groups'):
            for group in self._action_groups:
                if group.title == 'positional arguments':
                    group.title = 'Positional arguments'

                elif group.title == 'optional arguments':
                    group.title = 'Optional arguments'

                elif group.title == 'options':
                    group.title = 'Options'

        self.raw_help = False

    def format_help(self, *args, **kwargs):
        s = argparse.ArgumentParser.format_help(self, *args, **kwargs)

        # replace usage with wrapped one from argparse because naive wrapping
        # does not look good.
        formatter_class = self.formatter_class
        self.formatter_class = formatter_with_width(79)
        usage = self.format_usage()
        self.formatter_class = formatter_class

        lines = []
        for line in s.splitlines():
            if line.startswith('usage:'):

        s = '\n'.join(lines)

        if os.environ.get('PYROCKO_RST_HELP', '0') == '0':
            s = s.replace('```', '\'')
            s = s.replace('``', '')
            s = wrap(s)
            s = s.replace('```', '``')
            s = wrap_usage(s)

        return s

[docs]class SquirrelArgumentParser(PyrockoArgumentParser): ''' Parser for CLI arguments with a some extras for Squirrel based apps. :param command: Implementation of the command. :type command: :py:class:`SquirrelCommand` (or module providing the same interface). :param subcommands: Implementations of subcommands. :type subcommands: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`SquirrelCommand` (or modules providing the same interface). :param \\*args: Handed through to base class's init. :param \\*\\*kwargs: Handed through to base class's init. ''' def __init__(self, *args, command=None, subcommands=[], **kwargs): self._command = command self._subcommands = subcommands self._have_selection_arguments = False self._have_query_arguments = False kwargs['add_help'] = False PyrockoArgumentParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) add_standard_arguments(self) self._command = None self._subcommands = [] if command: self.set_command(command) if subcommands: self.set_subcommands(subcommands) def set_command(self, command): command.setup(self) self.set_defaults( def set_subcommands(self, subcommands): subparsers = self.add_subparsers( metavar='SUBCOMMAND', title='Subcommands') for mod in subcommands: subparser = mod.make_subparser(subparsers) if subparser is None: raise Exception( 'make_subparser(subparsers) must return the created ' 'parser.') mod.setup(subparser) subparser.set_defaults(, subparser=subparser)
[docs] def parse_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): ''' Parse arguments given on command line. Extends the functionality of :py:meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args` to process and handle the standard options ``--loglevel``, ``--progress`` and ``--help``. ''' args = PyrockoArgumentParser.parse_args( self, args=args, namespace=namespace) eff_parser = args.__dict__.get('subparser', self) process_standard_arguments(eff_parser, args) if eff_parser._have_selection_arguments: def make_squirrel(): return squirrel_from_selection_arguments(args) args.make_squirrel = make_squirrel if eff_parser._have_query_arguments: try: args.squirrel_query = squirrel_query_from_arguments(args) except (error.SquirrelError, error.ToolError) as e: logger.fatal(str(e)) sys.exit(1) return args
[docs] def dispatch(self, args): ''' Dispatch execution to selected command/subcommand. :param args: Parsed arguments obtained from :py:meth:`parse_args`. :returns: ``True`` if dispatching was successful, ``False`` othewise. If an exception of type :py:exc:`~pyrocko.squirrel.error.SquirrelError` or :py:exc:`~pyrocko.squirrel.error.ToolError` is caught, the error is logged and the program is terminated with exit code 1. ''' eff_parser = args.__dict__.get('subparser', self) target = args.__dict__.get('target', None) if target: try: target(eff_parser, args) return True except (error.SquirrelError, error.ToolError) as e: logger.fatal(str(e)) sys.exit(1) return False
[docs] def run(self, args=None): ''' Parse arguments and dispatch to selected command/subcommand. This simply calls :py:meth:`parse_args` and then :py:meth:`dispatch` with the obtained ``args``. A usage message is printed if no command is selected. ''' args = self.parse_args(args) if not self.dispatch(args): self.print_help()
[docs] def add_squirrel_selection_arguments(self): ''' Set up command line options commonly used to configure a :py:class:`~pyrocko.squirrel.base.Squirrel` instance. This will optional arguments ``--add``, ``--include``, ``--exclude``, ``--optimistic``, ``--format``, ``--add-only``, ``--persistent``, and ``--update``, and ``--dataset``. Call ``args.make_squirrel()`` on the arguments returned from :py:meth:`parse_args` to finally instantiate and configure the :py:class:`~pyrocko.squirrel.base.Squirrel` instance. ''' add_squirrel_selection_arguments(self) self._have_selection_arguments = True
[docs] def add_squirrel_query_arguments(self, without=[]): ''' Set up command line options commonly used in squirrel queries. This will add optional arguments ``--kinds``, ``--codes``, ``--tmin``, ``--tmax``, and ``--time``. Once finished with parsing, the query arguments are available as ``args.squirrel_query`` on the arguments returned from :py:meth:`prase_args`. :param without: Suppress adding given options. :type without: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`str`, choices: ``'tmin'``, ``'tmax'``, ``'codes'``, and ``'time'``. ''' add_squirrel_query_arguments(self, without=without) self._have_query_arguments = True
def csvtype(choices): def splitarg(arg): values = arg.split(',') for value in values: if value not in choices: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( 'Invalid choice: {!r} (choose from {})' .format(value, ', '.join(map(repr, choices)))) return values return splitarg def dq(x): return '``%s``' % x def ldq(xs): return ', '.join(dq(x) for x in xs) def add_standard_arguments(parser): group = parser.add_argument_group('General options') group.add_argument( '--help', '-h', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit.') loglevel_choices = ['critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug'] loglevel_default = 'info' group.add_argument( '--loglevel', choices=loglevel_choices, default=loglevel_default, metavar='LEVEL', help='Set logger level. Choices: %s. Default: %s.' % ( ldq(loglevel_choices), dq(loglevel_default))) progress_choices = ['terminal', 'log', 'off'] progress_default = 'terminal' group.add_argument( '--progress', choices=progress_choices, default=progress_default, metavar='DEST', help='Set how progress status is reported. Choices: %s. ' 'Default: %s.' % ( ldq(progress_choices), dq(progress_default))) def process_standard_arguments(parser, args): loglevel = args.__dict__.pop('loglevel') util.setup_logging(parser.prog, loglevel) pmode = args.__dict__.pop('progress') progress.set_default_viewer(pmode)
[docs]def add_squirrel_selection_arguments(parser): ''' Set up command line options commonly used to configure a :py:class:`~pyrocko.squirrel.base.Squirrel` instance. This will optional arguments ``--add``, ``--include``, ``--exclude``, ``--optimistic``, ``--format``, ``--add-only``, ``--persistent``, and ``--update``, and ``--dataset`` to a given argument parser. Once finished with parsing, call :py:func:`squirrel_from_selection_arguments` to finally instantiate and configure the :py:class:`~pyrocko.squirrel.base.Squirrel` instance. :param parser: The argument parser to be configured. :type parser: argparse.ArgumentParser ''' from pyrocko import squirrel as sq group = parser.add_argument_group('Data collection options') group.add_argument( '--add', '-a', dest='paths', metavar='PATH', nargs='+', help='Add files and directories with waveforms, metadata and events. ' 'Content is indexed and added to the temporary (default) or ' 'persistent (see ``--persistent``) data selection.') group.add_argument( '--include', dest='include', metavar='REGEX', help='Only include files whose paths match the regular expression ' '``REGEX``. Examples: ``--include=\'\\.MSEED$\'`` would only ' 'match files ending with ```.MSEED```. ' '``--include=\'\\.BH[EN]\\.\'`` would match paths containing ' '```.BHE.``` or ```.BHN.```. ``--include=\'/2011/\'`` would ' 'match paths with a subdirectory ```2011``` in their path ' 'hierarchy.') group.add_argument( '--exclude', dest='exclude', metavar='REGEX', help='Only include files whose paths do not match the regular ' 'expression ``REGEX``. Examples: ``--exclude=\'/\\.DS_Store/\'`` ' 'would exclude anything inside any ```.DS_Store``` subdirectory.') group.add_argument( '--optimistic', '-o', action='store_false', dest='check', default=True, help='Disable checking file modification times for faster startup.') group.add_argument( '--format', '-f', dest='format', metavar='FORMAT', default='detect', choices=sq.supported_formats(), help='Assume input files are of given ``FORMAT``. Choices: %s. ' 'Default: %s.' % ( ldq(sq.supported_formats()), dq('detect'))) group.add_argument( '--add-only', type=csvtype(sq.supported_content_kinds()), dest='kinds_add', metavar='KINDS', help='Restrict meta-data scanning to given content kinds. ' '``KINDS`` is a comma-separated list of content kinds. ' 'Choices: %s. By default, all content kinds are indexed.' % ldq(sq.supported_content_kinds())) group.add_argument( '--persistent', '-p', dest='persistent', metavar='NAME', help='Create/use persistent selection with given ``NAME``. Persistent ' 'selections can be used to speed up startup of Squirrel-based ' 'applications.') group.add_argument( '--update', '-u', dest='update', action='store_true', default=False, help='Allow adding paths and datasets to existing persistent ' 'selection.') group.add_argument( '--dataset', '-d', dest='datasets', default=[], action='append', metavar='FILE', help='Add files, directories and remote sources from dataset ' 'description file. This option can be repeated to add multiple ' 'datasets. Run ```squirrel template``` to obtain examples of ' 'dataset description files.')
[docs]def squirrel_from_selection_arguments(args): ''' Create a :py:class:`~pyrocko.squirrel.base.Squirrel` instance from command line arguments. Use :py:func:`add_squirrel_selection_arguments` to configure the parser with the necessary options. :param args: Parsed command line arguments, as returned by :py:meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args`. :returns: :py:class:`pyrocko.squirrel.base.Squirrel` instance with paths, datasets and remote sources added. ''' from pyrocko.squirrel import base, dataset datasets = [ dataset.read_dataset(dataset_path) for dataset_path in args.datasets] persistents = [ds.persistent or '' for ds in datasets if ds.persistent] if args.persistent: persistent = args.persistent elif persistents: persistent = persistents[0] if not all(p == persistents for p in persistents[1:]): raise error.SquirrelError( 'Given datasets specify different `persistent` settings.') if persistent: 'Persistent selection requested by dataset: %s' % persistent) else: persistent = None else: persistent = None squirrel = base.Squirrel(persistent=persistent) if persistent and not squirrel.is_new(): if not args.update: 'Using existing persistent selection: %s' % persistent) if args.paths or datasets: 'Avoiding dataset rescan. Use --update/-u to ' 'rescan or add items to existing persistent selection.') return squirrel else: 'Updating existing persistent selection: %s' % persistent) if args.paths: squirrel.add( args.paths, check=args.check, format=args.format, kinds=args.kinds_add or None, include=args.include, exclude=args.exclude) for ds in datasets: squirrel.add_dataset(ds, check=args.check) return squirrel
[docs]def add_squirrel_query_arguments(parser, without=[]): ''' Set up command line options commonly used in squirrel queries. This will add optional arguments ``--kinds``, ``--codes``, ``--tmin``, ``--tmax``, and ``--time``. Once finished with parsing, call :py:func:`squirrel_query_from_arguments` to get the parsed values. :param parser: The argument parser to be configured. :type parser: argparse.ArgumentParser :param without: Suppress adding given options. :type without: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`str` ''' from pyrocko import squirrel as sq group = parser.add_argument_group('Data query options') if 'kinds' not in without: group.add_argument( '--kinds', type=csvtype(sq.supported_content_kinds()), dest='kinds', metavar='KINDS', help='Content kinds to query. ``KINDS`` is a comma-separated list ' 'of content kinds. Choices: %s. By default, all content ' 'kinds are queried.' % ldq(sq.supported_content_kinds())) if 'codes' not in without: group.add_argument( '--codes', dest='codes', metavar='CODES', help='Code patterns to query (``STA``, ``NET.STA``, ' '``NET.STA.LOC``, ``NET.STA.LOC.CHA``, or ' '``NET.STA.LOC.CHA.EXTRA``). The pattern may contain ' 'wildcards ``*`` (zero or more arbitrary characters), ``?`` ' '(single arbitrary character), and ``[CHARS]`` (any ' 'character out of ``CHARS``). Multiple patterns can be ' 'given by separating them with commas.') if 'tmin' not in without: group.add_argument( '--tmin', dest='tmin', metavar='TIME', help='Begin of time interval to query. %s' % help_time_format) if 'tmax' not in without: group.add_argument( '--tmax', dest='tmax', metavar='TIME', help='End of time interval to query. %s' % help_time_format) if 'time' not in without: group.add_argument( '--time', dest='time', metavar='TIME', help='Time instant to query. %s' % help_time_format)
[docs]def squirrel_query_from_arguments(args): ''' Get common arguments to be used in squirrel queries from command line. Use :py:func:`add_squirrel_query_arguments` to configure the parser with the necessary options. :param args: Parsed command line arguments, as returned by :py:meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args`. :returns: :py:class:`dict` with any parsed option values. ''' from pyrocko import squirrel as sq d = {} if 'kinds' in args and args.kinds: d['kind'] = args.kinds if 'tmin' in args and args.tmin: d['tmin'] = util.str_to_time_fillup(args.tmin) if 'tmax' in args and args.tmax: d['tmax'] = util.str_to_time_fillup(args.tmax) if 'time' in args and args.time: d['tmin'] = d['tmax'] = util.str_to_time_fillup(args.time) if 'codes' in args and d['codes'] = [ sq.to_codes_guess(s.strip()) for s in',')] if ('tmin' in d and 'time' in d) or ('tmax' in d and 'time' in d): raise error.SquirrelError( 'Options --tmin/--tmax and --time are mutually exclusive.') return d
[docs]class SquirrelCommand(object): ''' Base class for Squirrel-based CLI programs and subcommands. '''
[docs] def fail(self, message): ''' Raises :py:exc:`~pyrocko.squirrel.error.ToolError`. :py:func:`~pyrocko.squirrel.tool.from_command` catches :py:exc:`~pyrocko.squirrel.error.ToolError`, logs the error message and terminates with an error exit state. ''' raise error.ToolError(message)
[docs] def make_subparser(self, subparsers): ''' To be implemented in subcommand. Create subcommand parser. Must return a newly created parser obtained with :py:meth:`add_parser`, e.g.:: def make_subparser(self, subparsers): return subparsers.add_parser( 'plot', help='Draw a nice plot.') ''' return subparsers.add_parser( self.__class__.__name__, help='Undocumented.')
[docs] def setup(self, parser): ''' To be implemented in subcommand. Configure parser. :param parser: The argument parser to be configured. :type parser: argparse.ArgumentParser Example:: def setup(self, parser): parser.add_squirrel_selection_arguments() parser.add_squirrel_query_arguments() parser.add_argument( '--fmin', dest='fmin', metavar='FLOAT', type=float, help='Corner of highpass [Hz].') ''' pass
[docs] def run(self, parser, args): ''' To be implemented in subcommand. Main routine of the command. :param parser: The argument parser to be configured. :type parser: argparse.ArgumentParser :param args: Parsed command line arguments, as returned by :py:meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args`. Example:: def run(self, parser, args): print('User has selected fmin = %g Hz' % args.fmin) # args.make_squirrel() is available if # parser.add_squirrel_selection_arguments() was called during # setup(). sq = args.make_squirrel() # args.squirrel_query is available if # praser.add_squirrel_query_arguments() was called during # setup(). stations = sq.get_stations(**args.squirrel_query) ''' pass
__all__ = [ 'SquirrelArgumentParser', 'SquirrelCommand', 'add_squirrel_selection_arguments', 'squirrel_from_selection_arguments', 'add_squirrel_query_arguments', 'squirrel_query_from_arguments', ]