Command reference

squirrel operators

squirrel operators
usage: squirrel operators [--help] [--loglevel LEVEL] [--progress DEST]
                          [--add PATH [PATH ...]] [--include REGEX]
                          [--exclude REGEX] [--optimistic] [--format FORMAT]
                          [--add-only KINDS] [--persistent NAME] [--update]
                          [--dataset FILE]

General options:

--help, -h

Show this help message and exit.

--loglevel LEVEL

Set logger level. Choices: critical, error, warning, info, debug. Default: info.

--progress DEST

Set how progress status is reported. Choices: terminal, log, off. Default: terminal.

Data collection options:

--add PATH [PATH ...], -a PATH [PATH ...]

Add files and directories with waveforms, metadata and events. Content is indexed and added to the temporary (default) or persistent (see --persistent) data selection.

--include REGEX

Only include files whose paths match the regular expression REGEX. Examples: --include='\.MSEED$' would only match files ending with .MSEED. --include='\.BH[EN]\.' would match paths containing .BHE. or .BHN.. --include='/2011/' would match paths with a subdirectory 2011 in their path hierarchy.

--exclude REGEX

Only include files whose paths do not match the regular expression REGEX. Examples: --exclude='/\.DS_Store/' would exclude anything inside any .DS_Store subdirectory.

--optimistic, -o

Disable checking file modification times for faster startup.

--format FORMAT, -f FORMAT

Assume input files are of given FORMAT. Choices: datacube, mseed, pyrocko_events, pyrocko_stations, sac, stationxml, tdms_idas, virtual, yaml. Default: detect.

--add-only KINDS

Restrict meta-data scanning to given content kinds. KINDS is a comma-separated list of content kinds. Choices: waveform, station, channel, response, event. By default, all content kinds are indexed.

--persistent NAME, -p NAME

Create/use persistent selection with given NAME. Persistent selections can be used to speed up startup of Squirrel-based applications.

--update, -u

Allow adding paths and datasets to existing persistent selection.

--dataset FILE, -d FILE

Add files, directories and remote sources from dataset description file. This option can be repeated to add multiple datasets. Run squirrel template to obtain examples of dataset description files.