
Prompt seismological data access with a fluffy tail.

The Squirrel framework provides a unified interface to query and access seismic waveforms, station meta-data and event information from local file collections and remote data sources. For prompt responses, a profound database setup is used under the hood. To speed up assemblage of ad-hoc data selections, files are indexed on first use and the extracted meta-data is remembered for subsequent accesses. Bulk data is lazily loaded from disk and remote sources, just when requested. Once loaded, data is cached in memory to expedite typical access patterns. Files and data sources can be dynamically added and removed at runtime.


  • Efficient (O log N) lookup of data relevant to a time window of interest.

  • Metadata caching and indexing.

  • Modified files are re-indexed as needed.

  • SQL database (sqlite) is used behind the scenes.

  • Can handle selections with millions of files.

  • Data can be added and removed at run-time, efficiently (O log N).

  • Just-in-time download of missing data.

  • Disk-cache of meta-data query results with expiration time.

  • Efficient event catalog synchronization.

  • Always-up-to-date data coverage indices.

  • Always-up-to-date indices of available station/channel codes.


Public symbols implemented in the various submodules are aggregated into the pyrocko.squirrel namespace for use in user programs:

from pyrocko.squirrel import Squirrel

sq = Squirrel()

Implementation overview

The central class and interface of the framework is Squirrel, part of it is implemented in its base class Selection. Core functionality directly talking to the database is implemented in base, selection and database. The data model of the framework is implemented in model. User project environment detection is implemented in environment. Portable dataset description in dataset. A unified IO interface bridging to various Pyrocko modules outside of the Squirrel framework is available in io. Memory cache management is implemented in cache. Compatibility with Pyrocko’s older waveform archive access module is implemented in pile.
