Source code for pyrocko.dataset.active_faults

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

GEM Global Active Faults Database
(`GEM GAF-DB <>`_).

If the database is not already available, it will be downloaded
automatically on first use.

.. note::

    If you use this dataset, please cite:

    Styron, Richard, and Marco Pagani. “The GEM Global Active Faults Database.”
    Earthquake Spectra, vol. 36, no. 1_suppl, Oct. 2020, pp. 160–180,

import re
import logging
import numpy as num
from os import path as op
from collections import OrderedDict
import json

from pyrocko import config, util

def parse_3tup(s):
    m = re.match(r'^\(?([^,]+),([^,]*),([^,]*)\)$', s)
    if m:
        return [float( if else None for i in range(3)]
        return [None, None, None]

logger = logging.getLogger('ActiveFaults')

[docs]class ActiveFault(object): ''' Representation of a single active fault. ''' __fields__ = OrderedDict([ ('lat', list), ('lon', list), ('average_dip', float), ('average_rake', float), ('lower_seis_depth', float), ('upper_seis_depth', float), ('slip_type', str), ]) __slots__ = list(__fields__.keys()) def get_property(self, fault_obj, attr): try: values = float(fault_obj['properties'][attr][1:3]) except KeyError: if attr == 'lower_seis_depth' or attr == 'upper_seis_depth': values = 0 else: values = -999 return values def __init__(self, f): nodes = f['geometry']['coordinates'] props = f['properties'] lons = [p[0] for p in nodes] lats = [p[1] for p in nodes] self.lon = lons = lats self.slip_type = props.get('slip_type', 'Unknown') for attr, attr_type in self.__fields__.items(): if attr in props: if props[attr] is None or props[attr] == '': continue if isinstance(props[attr], attr_type): v = props[attr] elif attr_type is float: try: v = parse_3tup(props[attr])[0] except TypeError: v = float(props[attr]) elif attr_type is int: v = int(props[attr]) else: v = None setattr(self, attr, v) def get_surface_line(self): arr = num.empty((len(, 2)) for i in range(len( arr[i, 0] =[i] arr[i, 1] = self.lon[i] return arr def __str__(self): d = {attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in self.__fields__.keys()} return '\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (attr, val) for attr, val in d.items()])
[docs]class ActiveFaults(object): ''' GEM Global Active Faults Database (`GEM GAF-DB <>`_). :ivar active_faults: Fault parameters. :vartype active_faults: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`ActiveFault` ''' URL_GEM_ACTIVE_FAULTS = '' # noqa def __init__(self): self.fname_active_faults = op.join( config.config().fault_lines_dir, 'gem_active_faults.geojson') if not op.exists(self.fname_active_faults): self.active_faults = [] self._load_faults(self.fname_active_faults) def _load_faults(self, fname): with open(fname, 'r') as f: gj = json.load(f) faults = gj['features'] for f in faults: fault = ActiveFault(f) self.active_faults.append(fault) logger.debug('loaded %d fault', self.nactive_faults) def download(self):'Downloading GEM active faults database...') util.download_file(self.URL_GEM_ACTIVE_FAULTS, self.fname_active_faults) @property def nactive_faults(self): return len(self.active_faults) def nactive_faults_nodes(self): return int(sum(len( for f in self.active_faults)) def get_coords(self): return num.array([f['coordinates'] for f in self.active_faults])
if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) activefaults = ActiveFaults()