# http://pyrocko.org - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
Volcanoes of the World dataset from the Smithsonian Institution (`VOTW
import csv
import logging
import numpy as num
from os import path as op
from collections import OrderedDict
from pyrocko import config, util
from .util import get_download_callback
logger = logging.getLogger('volcanoes')
citation = '''
Global Volcanism Program, 2013. Volcanoes of the World,
v. 4.8.5. Venzke, E (ed.). Smithsonian Institution. Downloaded 29 Jan 2020.
https://doi.org/10.5479/si.GVP.VOTW4-2013 '''
__doc__ += '''
.. rubric:: Citation
''' + citation
class Volcano(object):
age = None
__fields__ = OrderedDict()
__slots__ = list(__fields__.keys())
def __init__(self, *args):
for (attr, attr_type), value in zip(self.__fields__.items(), args):
if attr_type in (int, float):
if not value or value == '?':
value = 0.
setattr(self, attr, attr_type(value))
except ValueError as e:
print(list(zip(self.__fields__.keys(), args)))
raise e
def __str__(self):
d = {attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in self.__fields__.keys()}
return '\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (attr, val) for attr, val in d.items()])
class VolcanoHolocene(Volcano):
age = 'holocene'
__fields__ = OrderedDict([
('fid', str),
('volcano_number', int),
('volcano_name', str),
('primary_volcano_type', str),
('last_eruption_year', int),
('country', str),
('geological_summary', str),
('region', str),
('subregion', str),
('lat', float),
('lon', float),
('elevation', float),
('tectonic_setting', str),
('geologic_epoch', str),
('evidence_category', str),
('primary_photo_link', str),
('primary_photo_caption', str),
('primary_photo_credit', str),
('major_rock_type', str),
('geolocation', str),
class VolcanoPleistocene(Volcano):
age = 'pleistocene'
__fields__ = OrderedDict([
('fid', str),
('volcano_number', int),
('volcano_name', str),
('primary_volcano_type', str),
('country', str),
('geological_summary', str),
('region', str),
('subregion', str),
('lat', float),
('lon', float),
('elevation', float),
('geologic_epoch', str),
('geolocation', str),
[docs]class Volcanoes(object):
Volcanoes of the World.
URL_HOLOCENE = 'https://mirror.pyrocko.org/smithsonian/smithsonian-holocene.csv' # noqa
URL_PLEISTOCENE = 'https://mirror.pyrocko.org/smithsonian/smithsonian-pleistocene.csv' # noqa
def __init__(self):
self.fname_holocene = op.join(
config.config().volcanoes_dir, 'smithsonian-holocene.csv')
self.fname_pleistocene = op.join(
config.config().volcanoes_dir, 'smithsonian-pleistocene.csv')
if not op.exists(self.fname_holocene) \
or not op.exists(self.fname_pleistocene):
self.volcanoes = []
self._load_volcanoes(self.fname_holocene, VolcanoHolocene)
self._load_volcanoes(self.fname_pleistocene, VolcanoPleistocene)
def _load_volcanoes(self, fname, cls):
with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
next(f) # skip header
reader = csv.reader(f, dialect='unix')
for row in reader:
volcano = cls(*row)
logger.debug('loaded %d volcanoes', self.nvolcanoes)
def download(self):
logger.info('Downloading Holocene volcanoes...')
self.URL_HOLOCENE, self.fname_holocene,
'Downloading Holocene volcanoe database...'))
logger.info('Downloading Pleistocene volcanoes...')
self.URL_PLEISTOCENE, self.fname_pleistocene,
'Downloading Pleistocene volcanoe database...'))
def volcanoes_holocene(self):
return [v for v in self.volcanoes if isinstance(v, VolcanoHolocene)]
def volcanoes_pleistocene(self):
return [v for v in self.volcanoes if isinstance(v, VolcanoPleistocene)]
def nvolcanoes(self):
return len(self.volcanoes)
def nvolcanoes_holocene(self):
return len(self.volcanoes_holocene)
def nvolcanoes_pleistocene(self):
return len(self.volcanoes_pleistocene)
def get_coords(self):
return num.array([(v.lat, v.lon) for v in self.volcanoes])
def get_names(self):
return [v.volcano_name for v in self.volcanoes]
if __name__ == '__main__':
volc = Volcanoes()