# http://pyrocko.org - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
import numpy as num
from pyrocko.guts import Float, List, String
from pyrocko import cake
from pyrocko import spit
from .base import DelayMethod
from ..grid.location import LocationGrid, distances_surface
from pyrocko.gf import Earthmodel1D
NA = num.newaxis
[docs]class CakePhaseDM(DelayMethod):
earthmodel = Earthmodel1D.T()
phases = List.T(String.T())
offset = Float.T(default=0.0)
factor = Float.T(default=1.0)
time_tolerance = Float.T()
distance_tolerance = Float.T()
depth_tolerance = Float.T()
def evaluate(self, source_depth, receiver_depth, distance_surface):
phase_defs = [cake.PhaseDef(phase) for phase in self.phases]
t = [ray.t for ray in self.earthmodel.arrivals(
return min(t) if t else None
def make_sptree(self, ddd):
x_tolerance = num.array(
[self.depth_tolerance, self.depth_tolerance,
self.distance_tolerance], dtype=float)
x_bounds = num.zeros((3, 2))
x_bounds[:, 0] = num.min(ddd, axis=(0, 1))
x_bounds[:, 1] = num.max(ddd, axis=(0, 1))
def evaluate(x):
return self.evaluate(*x)
sptree = spit.SPTree(
return sptree
def calculate(self, source_grid, receiver_grid):
self._check_type('source_grid', source_grid, LocationGrid)
self._check_type('receiver_grid', receiver_grid, LocationGrid)
ddd = num.zeros((len(source_grid), len(receiver_grid), 3))
ddd[:, :, 0] = source_grid.get_nodes('latlondepth')[:, NA, 2]
ddd[:, :, 1] = receiver_grid.get_nodes('latlondepth')[NA, :, 2]
ddd[:, :, 1] = 0.0
ddd[:, :, 2] = distances_surface(source_grid, receiver_grid)
sptree = self.make_sptree(ddd)
ddd2 = ddd.reshape((len(source_grid)*len(receiver_grid), 3))
tt2 = sptree.interpolate_many(
ddd2).reshape(len(source_grid), len(receiver_grid))
tt1 = num.vectorize(self.evaluate)(
ddd[:, :, 0], ddd[:, :, 1], ddd[:, :, 2])
# class CakePhaseShifter(Shifter):
# def setup(self, config):
# Shifter.setup(self, config)
# self._earthmodels = config.earthmodels
# self._earthmodels.extend(
# [
# CakeEarthmodel(
# id=fn,
# earthmodel_1d=cake.load_model(
# cake.builtin_model_filename(fn)))
# for fn in cake.builtin_models()
# ]
# )
# self._tabulated_phases = config.tabulated_phases
# if not self._tabulated_phases:
# raise LassieError('missing tabulated phases in config')
# self._cache_path = config.expand_path(config.cache_path)
# def get_earthmodel(self):
# for earthmodel in self._earthmodels:
# if isinstance(earthmodel, CakeEarthmodel):
# if earthmodel.id == self.earthmodel_id:
# return earthmodel.earthmodel_1d
# raise LassieError(
# 'no cake earthmodel with id "%s" found' % self.earthmodel_id)
# def get_vmin(self):
# vs = self.get_earthmodel().profile('vs')
# vp = self.get_earthmodel().profile('vp')
# v = num.concatenate((vs, vp))
# vmin = num.min(v[v != 0.0])
# return vmin
# def ttt_path(self, ehash):
# return op.join(self._cache_path, ehash + '.spit')
# def ttt_hash(self, earthmodel, phases, x_bounds, x_tolerance,
# t_tolerance):
# f = BytesIO()
# earthmodel.profile('z').dump(f)
# earthmodel.profile('vp').dump(f)
# earthmodel.profile('vs').dump(f)
# earthmodel.profile('rho').dump(f)
# f.write(b','.join(phase.definition().encode() for phase in phases))
# x_bounds.dump(f)
# x_tolerance.dump(f)
# f.write(str(t_tolerance).encode())
# s = f.getvalue()
# h = hashlib.sha1(s).hexdigest()
# f.close()
# return h
# def get_table(self, grid, receivers):
# distances = grid.lateral_distances(receivers)
# r_depths = num.array([r.z for r in receivers], dtype=float)
# s_depths = grid.depths()
# x_bounds = num.array(
# [[num.min(r_depths), num.max(r_depths)],
# [num.min(s_depths), num.max(s_depths)],
# [num.min(distances), num.max(distances)]], dtype=float)
# x_tolerance = num.array((grid.dz/2., grid.dz/2., grid.dx/2.))
# t_tolerance = grid.max_delta()/(self.get_vmin()*5.)
# earthmodel = self.get_earthmodel()
# interpolated_tts = {}
# for phase_def in self._tabulated_phases:
# ttt_hash = self.ttt_hash(
# earthmodel, phase_def.phases, x_bounds, x_tolerance,
# t_tolerance)
# fpath = self.ttt_path(ttt_hash)
# if not op.exists(fpath):
# def evaluate(args):
# receiver_depth, source_depth, x = args
# t = []
# rays = earthmodel.arrivals(
# phases=phase_def.phases,
# distances=[x*cake.m2d],
# zstart=source_depth,
# zstop=receiver_depth)
# for ray in rays:
# t.append(ray.t)
# if t:
# return min(t)
# else:
# return None
# logger.info(
# 'prepare tabulated phases: %s [%s]' % (
# phase_def.id, ttt_hash))
# sptree = spit.SPTree(
# f=evaluate,
# ftol=t_tolerance,
# xbounds=x_bounds,
# xtols=x_tolerance)
# util.ensuredirs(fpath)
# sptree.dump(filename=fpath)
# else:
# sptree = spit.SPTree(filename=fpath)
# interpolated_tts["stored:"+str(phase_def.id)] = sptree
# arrivals = num.zeros(distances.shape)
# def interpolate(phase_id):
# return interpolated_tts[phase_id].interpolate_many
# for i_r, r in enumerate(receivers):
# r_depths = num.zeros(distances.shape[0]) + r.z
# coords = num.zeros((distances.shape[0], 3))
# coords[:, 0] = r_depths
# coords[:, 1] = s_depths
# coords[:, 2] = distances[:, i_r]
# arr = self.timing.evaluate(interpolate, coords)
# arrivals[:, i_r] = arr
# return arrivals * self.factor + self.offset
__all__ = [