Source code for pyrocko.gato.grid.base

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

import math
import numpy as num

from pyrocko.guts import Object, StringChoice

from ..error import GatoError

guts_prefix = 'gato'

class GridSnapError(GatoError):

[docs]class GridSnap(StringChoice): ''' Flag to indicate how grid inconsistencies are handled. ``'both'``: adjust minimum and maximum to be multiples of given spacing. ``'min'``: adjust minimum only. ``'max'``: adjust maximum only. ``'fail'``: raise an error. ''' choices = ['both', 'max', 'min', 'fail']
def grid_snap(vmin, vmax, vdelta, snap, eps=1e-6): vanchor = { 'fail': vmin, 'both': 0., 'min': vmax, 'max': vmin}[snap] veps = vdelta * eps vmin_new = vanchor + math.floor((vmin-vanchor+veps) / vdelta) * vdelta vmax_new = vanchor + math.ceil((vmax-vanchor-veps) / vdelta) * vdelta if snap == 'fail': if abs(vmin_new - vmin) > veps or abs(vmax_new - vmax) > veps: raise GridSnapError( 'Invalid grid specification: min: %g, max: %g, step: %g, ' 'snap: %s' % (vmin, vmax, vdelta, snap)) n = int(round((vmax_new-vmin_new) / vdelta)) + 1 return vmin_new, vmax_new, n def grid_coordinates(vmin, vmax, vdelta, snap, eps=1e-6): return num.linspace(*grid_snap(vmin, vmax, vdelta, snap, eps))
[docs]class Grid(Object): ''' Base class for Gato grids. Grids can consist of location or slowness vectors. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): Object.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.update() def update(self): raise NotImplementedError() @property def shape(self): ''' Logical shape of the grid. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @property def size(self): ''' Number of grid nodes. ''' raise NotImplementedError() @property def effective_dimension(self): ''' Number of non-flat dimensions. ''' raise NotImplementedError() def __len__(self): return self.size
__all__ = [ 'Grid', 'GridSnapError', ]