Source code for pyrocko.gato.plot.arf

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

import numpy as num

from matplotlib.patches import Wedge

from pyrocko.guts import Tuple, Float
from pyrocko.plot.smartplot import Plot
from pyrocko.gui import util as gui_util
from pyrocko.gui import talkie
from pyrocko import gato

from pyrocko.gato.grid.location import distances_3d

guts_prefix = 'gato'

km = 1000.

[docs]class ArrayResponseFunctionPlotState(talkie.TalkieRoot): target_slowness = Tuple.T( 3, Float.T(), default=(0., 0., 0.), help='Target slowness in north-east-down [s/m],')
class ArrayResponseFunctionPlot(Plot, talkie.TalkieConnectionOwner): def __init__(self, state=None, **kwargs): self._info = None self._array = None self._items = [] self._units_factor = 1.0 self._units = 'm' if state is None: state = ArrayResponseFunctionPlotState() self.state = state Plot.__init__( self, ['slowness_east'], ['slowness_north'], **kwargs) talkie.TalkieConnectionOwner.__init__(self) self.set_aspect('slowness_north', 'slowness_east') self.set_units(1/km, 's/km') self.slowness_max = 0.001 self.set_lim( 'slowness_east', -self.slowness_max / self._units_factor, self.slowness_max / self._units_factor) self.set_lim( 'slowness_north', -self.slowness_max / self._units_factor, self.slowness_max / self._units_factor) self._connect( self.fig.canvas, 'motion_notify_event', self.on_mouse_move) self._connect( self.fig.canvas, 'button_press_event', self.on_mouse_down) self.talkie_connect(self.state, 'target_slowness', self.update) def on_mouse_move(self, event): x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata if None not in (x, y): win = gui_util.get_app().get_main_window() slowness = num.array(( y * self._units_factor, x * self._units_factor, 0.0), dtype=float) win.status('Azimuth: %.0f°, Slowness: %.3g s/km' % ( num.rad2deg(num.arctan2(slowness[1], slowness[0])), num.sqrt(num.sum(slowness**2))*km)) def on_mouse_down(self, event): x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata if event.dblclick and None not in (x, y): self.state.target_slowness = ( y * self._units_factor, x * self._units_factor, 0.0) def set_units(self, factor, label): self._units_factor = factor self._units = label self.update_labels() def update_labels(self): self.set_label('slowness_east', 'Slowness East [%s]' % self._units) self.set_label('slowness_north', 'Slowness North [%s]' % self._units) def set_array(self, array, info): self._array = array self._info = info self.update() def update_layout_hook(self): self.draw() def update(self, *args): self.draw() self.fig.canvas.draw() def draw(self, resolution='low'): while self._items: self._items.pop().remove() info = self._info array = self._array if info is None or len(info.sensors) < 2: return axes = self(0, 0) grid = gato.UnstructuredLocationGrid.from_locations( info.sensors, ignore_position_duplicates=True) points = grid.get_nodes('ned') distance_max = num.max(distances_3d(grid, grid)) auto_frequency = 0.1 * 100*km / distance_max sy_min, sy_max = (s*self._units_factor for s in axes.get_xbound()) sx_min, sx_max = (s*self._units_factor for s in axes.get_ybound()) s_max = max(sx_max - sx_min, sy_max - sy_min) if resolution == 'low': s_delta = s_max / 200 else: s_delta = s_max / 1000 slowness_grid = gato.CartesianSlownessGrid( sx_min=sx_min, sx_max=sx_max, sx_delta=s_delta, sy_min=sy_min, sy_max=sy_max, sy_delta=s_delta) slowness = slowness_grid.get_nodes('xyz') arf = num.zeros(slowness_grid.size, dtype=complex) frequencies = num.array([auto_frequency]) # frequencies = num.array(num.linspace( # auto_frequency/2., auto_frequency*2., 10)) axes.set_title('Array Response Function for %s at %.3g Hz' % (, auto_frequency), pad=20) target_slowness = self.state.target_slowness for f in frequencies: for point in points: arf += num.exp(-2j*num.pi*f*( (slowness[:, 0] - target_slowness[0])*point[0] + (slowness[:, 1] - target_slowness[1])*point[1])) arf /= grid.size * frequencies.size abs_arf = num.abs(arf).reshape(slowness_grid.shape)[0, :, :].T sx, sy, _ = slowness_grid.get_coords('xyz') self._items.append( axes.imshow( abs_arf, extent=( sy[0] / self._units_factor, sy[-1] / self._units_factor, sx[-1] / self._units_factor, sx[0] / self._units_factor))) patch = Wedge( (0.0, 0.0), self.slowness_max*5. / self._units_factor, 0., 360., width=self.slowness_max*(5.-1.) / self._units_factor, ec='none', color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2)) self._items.append(axes.add_patch(patch)) if resolution == 'low': gui_util.call_later(self.redraw_high_res, 200) def redraw_high_res(self): self.draw(resolution='high') self.fig.canvas.draw() __all__ = [ 'ArrayResponseFunctionPlotState', 'ArrayResponseFunctionPlot', ]