Source code for pyrocko.gato.plot.geometry

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

import numpy as num

from pyrocko.guts import StringChoice, clone
from pyrocko.model.location import Location
from pyrocko.plot.smartplot import Plot
from pyrocko import plot, util
from pyrocko.gui import util as gui_util, talkie
from pyrocko import gato

guts_prefix = 'gato'

km = 1000.

def time_or_none_to_date_str(t):
    if t is None:
        return '...'
        return util.time_to_str(t, format='%Y-%m-%d')

def get_normal_ecef(origin, ned):
    point = clone(origin)
    point.north_shift += ned[0]
    point.east_shift += ned[1]
    point.depth += ned[2]
    normal = point.ecef() - origin.ecef()
    normal /= num.sqrt(num.sum(normal**2))
    return normal

[docs]class ProjectionChoice(StringChoice): choices = [ 'top', 'south', 'east']
[docs]class GeometryPlotState(talkie.TalkieRoot): projection = ProjectionChoice.T( default='top', help="View from direction.")
class GeometryPlot(Plot, talkie.TalkieConnectionOwner): def __init__(self, state=None, *args, **kwargs): self._info = None self._array = None self._items = [] self._items_highlight = [] self._units_factor = 1.0 self._units = 'm' if state is None: state = GeometryPlotState() self.state = state Plot.__init__( self, ['x'], ['y'], *args, **kwargs) talkie.TalkieConnectionOwner.__init__(self) self.set_aspect('y', 'x') self.set_units(km, 'km') self._connect( self.fig.canvas, 'motion_notify_event', self.on_mouse_move) self.talkie_connect(self.state, 'projection', self.update_projection) def have_sensors(self): return self._info and self._info.sensors def plot_coords_to_ned(self, x, y): x *= self._units_factor y *= self._units_factor return { 'top': (y, x, 0), 'south': (0, x, y), 'east': (x, 0, y)}[self.state.projection] def on_mouse_move(self, event): x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata if self.have_sensors() and None not in (x, y): north, east, depth = self.plot_coords_to_ned(x, y) origin = self._grid_no_dups.get_effective_origin() location = Location( lat=origin.effective_lat, lon=origin.effective_lon, elevation=origin.elevation, north_shift=north, east_shift=east, depth=origin.depth + depth) self.highlight_closest_sensor(location) else: self.highlight_closest_sensor(None) self.fig.canvas.draw() def set_units(self, factor, label): self._units_factor = factor self._units = label self.update_labels() def update_projection(self, *args): self.update_labels() self.update() def update_labels(self): label_x, label_y = { 'top': ('Easting', 'Northing'), 'south': ('Easting', 'Depth'), 'east': ('Northing', 'Depth')}[self.state.projection] self.set_label('x', '%s [%s]' % (label_x, self._units)) self.set_label('y', '%s [%s]' % (label_y, self._units)) def set_array(self, array, info): self._array = array self._info = info self._grid_no_dups = None self._grid = None self._grid_origin = None if self.have_sensors(): self._grid_no_dups = gato.UnstructuredLocationGrid.from_locations( info.sensors, ignore_position_duplicates=True) self._grid_no_dups.set_origin_to_center() self._grid = gato.UnstructuredLocationGrid.from_locations( info.sensors) self._grid.origin = self._grid_no_dups.get_effective_origin() self.update() def update(self, *args): self.draw() self.fig.canvas.draw() def get_closest_sensors(self, location): if not self.have_sensors(): return [], num.zeros((0, 3)) lgrid = gato.UnstructuredLocationGrid.from_locations([location]) normal_ned = { 'top': (0, 0, 1), 'south': (1, 0, 0), 'east': (0, 1, 0)}[self.state.projection] normal_ecef = get_normal_ecef(lgrid.get_effective_origin(), normal_ned) distances = gato.distances_projected( normal_ecef, self._grid, lgrid)[:, 0] coords_ned = self._grid.get_nodes('ned') order = num.argsort(distances) sensors = [] i = 0 while i < order.size \ and num.all( coords_ned[order[0], :] == coords_ned[order[i], :]): sensors.append(self._info.sensors[order[i]]) i += 1 return sensors, coords_ned[order[:len(sensors)], :] def highlight_closest_sensor(self, location): axes = self(0, 0) while self._items_highlight: self._items_highlight.pop().remove() win = gui_util.get_app().get_main_window() if location is None: win.status('') return if not self.have_sensors: return sensors, coords_ned = self.get_closest_sensors(location) ix, iy = { 'top': (1, 0), 'south': (1, 2), 'east': (0, 2)}[self.state.projection] pos = ( coords_ned[0, ix] / self._units_factor, coords_ned[0, iy] / self._units_factor) self._items_highlight.extend( axes.plot( *pos, 'o', color=plot.mpl_color('scarletred1'), mec=plot.mpl_color('scarletred3'), ms=10)) codes_list = sorted(set( for sensor in sensors)) nsl_list = sorted(set( for sensor in sensors)) c_list = sorted(set( for sensor in sensors for channel in sensor.channels)) lat_lon_list = sorted(set( sensor.effective_latlon for sensor in sensors)) elevation_list = sorted(set( sensor.elevation for sensor in sensors)) depth_list = sorted(set( sensor.depth for sensor in sensors)) spans_list = sorted(set('%s - %s' % ( time_or_none_to_date_str(sensor.tmin), time_or_none_to_date_str(sensor.tmax)) for sensor in sensors)) label = ', '.join('.'.join(nsl) for nsl in nsl_list) self._items_highlight.append( axes.annotate( label, xy=pos, xytext=(10, 10), textcoords='offset points')) message = 'Sensors: %s, Location: %s, Elevation: %s, Depth: %s, ' \ 'Channels: %s, Epochs: %s' % ( ', '.join(str(codes) for codes in codes_list), ', '.join('%g°/%g°' % lat_lon for lat_lon in lat_lon_list), ', '.join('%g m' % elevation for elevation in elevation_list), ', '.join('%g m' % depth for depth in depth_list), ', '.join(c_list), ', '.join(spans_list)) win.status(message) def draw(self): while self._items: self._items.pop().remove() array = self._array if not self.have_sensors(): return axes = self(0, 0) title = + (' (%s)' % array.comment if array.comment else '') axes.set_title(title, pad=20) coords_ned = self._grid_no_dups.get_nodes('ned') ix, iy, invertx, inverty = { 'top': (1, 0, False, False), 'south': (1, 2, False, True), 'east': (0, 2, False, True)}[self.state.projection] vmin = num.min(coords_ned, axis=0) vmax = num.max(coords_ned, axis=0) mask_eq = vmin == vmax vmin[mask_eq] -= 1.0 vmax[mask_eq] += 1.0 scale_factor = 1.2 self.set_lim( 'x', scale_factor * vmin[ix] / self._units_factor, scale_factor * vmax[ix] / self._units_factor) self.set_lim( 'y', scale_factor * vmin[iy] / self._units_factor, scale_factor * vmax[iy] / self._units_factor) self.set_x_invert(0, invertx) self.set_y_invert(0, inverty) self.need_update_layout() self._items.extend( axes.plot( coords_ned[:, ix] / self._units_factor, coords_ned[:, iy] / self._units_factor, 'o', color='black')) __all__ = [ 'ProjectionChoice', 'GeometryPlotState', 'GeometryPlot', ]