Source code for pyrocko.gui.sparrow.state

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

import logging

import numpy as num

from pyrocko import util
from pyrocko.guts import StringChoice, Float, List, Bool, Timestamp, Tuple, \
    Duration, Object, get_elements, set_elements, path_to_str, clone

from pyrocko.color import Color, interpolate as interpolate_color

from pyrocko.gui import talkie
from ..state import state_bind, state_bind_slider, state_bind_slider_float, \
    state_bind_spinbox, state_bind_combobox, state_bind_combobox_color, \
    state_bind_checkbox, state_bind_lineedit  # noqa

from . import common, light

guts_prefix = 'sparrow'

logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.gui.sparrow.state')

[docs]class FocalPointChoice(StringChoice): choices = ['center', 'target']
[docs]class ShadingChoice(StringChoice): choices = ['flat', 'gouraud', 'phong', 'pbr']
[docs]class LightingChoice(StringChoice): choices = light.get_lighting_theme_names()
[docs]class ViewerGuiState(talkie.TalkieRoot): panels_visible = Bool.T(default=True) size = Tuple.T(2, Float.T(), default=(100., 100.)) fixed_size = Tuple.T(2, Float.T(), optional=True) focal_point = FocalPointChoice.T(default='center') detached = Bool.T(default=False) tcursor = Timestamp.T(optional=True) def next_focal_point(self): choices = FocalPointChoice.choices ii = choices.index(self.focal_point) self.focal_point = choices[(ii+1) % len(choices)]
[docs]class Background(Object): color = Color.T(default=Color.D('black')) def vtk_apply(self, ren): ren.GradientBackgroundOff() ren.SetBackground(*self.color.rgb) def __str__(self): return str(self.color) @property def color_top(self): return self.color @property def color_bottom(self): return self.color
# def __eq__(self, other): # print('in==', self.color.rgb, other.color.rgb) # return type(self) is type(other) and self.color == other.color
[docs]class BackgroundGradient(Background): color_top = Color.T(default=Color.D('skyblue1')) color_bottom = Color.T(default=Color.D('white')) def vtk_apply(self, ren): ren.GradientBackgroundOn() ren.SetBackground(*self.color_bottom.rgb) ren.SetBackground2(*self.color_top.rgb) def __str__(self): return '%s - %s' % (self.color_top, self.color_bottom)
# def __eq__(self, other): # return type(self) is type(other) and \ # self.color_top == other.color_top and \ # self.color_bottom == other.color_bottom def interpolate_background(a, b, blend): if type(a) is Background and type(b) is Background: return Background(color=interpolate_color(a.color, b.color, blend)) else: return BackgroundGradient( color_top=interpolate_color( a.color_top, b.color_top, blend), color_bottom=interpolate_color( a.color_bottom, b.color_bottom, blend))
[docs]@talkie.has_computed class ViewerState(talkie.TalkieRoot): lat = Float.T(default=0.0) lon = Float.T(default=0.0) depth = Float.T(default=0.0) strike = Float.T(default=90.0) dip = Float.T(default=0.0) distance = Float.T(default=3.0) elements = List.T(talkie.Talkie.T()) tmin = Timestamp.T(optional=True) tmax = Timestamp.T(optional=True) tduration = Duration.T(optional=True) tposition = Float.T(default=0.0) lighting = LightingChoice.T(default=LightingChoice.choices[0]) background = Background.T(default=Background.D(color=Color('black'))) @talkie.computed(['tmin', 'tmax', 'tduration', 'tposition']) def tmin_effective(self): return common.tmin_effective( self.tmin, self.tmax, self.tduration, self.tposition) @talkie.computed(['tmin', 'tmax', 'tduration', 'tposition']) def tmax_effective(self): return common.tmax_effective( self.tmin, self.tmax, self.tduration, self.tposition) def sort_elements(self): self.elements.sort(key=lambda el: el.element_id)
def state_bind_combobox_background(owner, state, path, widget): def make_funcs(): def update_state(widget, state): values = str(widget.currentText()).split(' - ') if len(values) == 1: state.set( path, Background(color=Color(values[0]))) elif len(values) == 2: state.set( path, BackgroundGradient( color_top=Color(values[0]), color_bottom=Color(values[1]))) def update_widget(state, widget): widget.blockSignals(True) val = str(state.get(path)) for i in range(widget.count()): if str(widget.itemText(i)) == val: widget.setCurrentIndex(i) widget.blockSignals(False) return update_state, update_widget update_state, update_widget = make_funcs() state_bind( owner, state, [path], update_state, widget, [widget.activated], update_widget) def interpolateables(state_a, state_b): animate = [] for tag, path, values in state_b.diff(state_a): if tag == 'set': ypath = path_to_str(path) v_new = get_elements(state_b, ypath)[0] v_old = values for type in [float, Color, Background]: if isinstance(v_old, type) and isinstance(v_new, type): animate.append((ypath, v_old, v_new)) return animate def interpolate(times, states, times_inter): assert len(times) == len(states) states_inter = [] for i in range(len(times) - 1): state_a = states[i] state_b = states[i+1] time_a = times[i] time_b = times[i+1] animate = interpolateables(state_a, state_b) if i == 0: times_inter_this = times_inter[num.logical_and( time_a <= times_inter, times_inter <= time_b)] else: times_inter_this = times_inter[num.logical_and( time_a < times_inter, times_inter <= time_b)] for time_inter in times_inter_this: state = clone(state_b) if time_b == time_a: blend = 0. else: blend = (time_inter - time_a) / (time_b - time_a) for ypath, v_old, v_new in animate: if isinstance(v_old, float) and isinstance(v_new, float): if ypath == 'strike': if v_new - v_old > 180.: v_new -= 360. elif v_new - v_old < -180.: v_new += 360. if ypath != 'distance': v_inter = v_old + blend * (v_new - v_old) else: v_old = num.log(v_old) v_new = num.log(v_new) v_inter = v_old + blend * (v_new - v_old) v_inter = num.exp(v_inter) set_elements(state, ypath, v_inter) else: set_elements(state, ypath, v_new) states_inter.append(state) return states_inter class Interpolator(object): def __init__(self, times, states, fps=25.): assert len(times) == len(states) self.dt = 1.0 / fps self.tmin = times[0] self.tmax = times[-1] times_inter = util.arange2( self.tmin, self.tmax, self.dt, error='floor') times_inter[-1] = times[-1] if times_inter.size == 1: self._states_inter = [clone(states[-1])] return states_inter = [] for i in range(len(times) - 1): state_a = states[i] state_b = states[i+1] time_a = times[i] time_b = times[i+1] animate = interpolateables(state_a, state_b) if i == 0: times_inter_this = times_inter[num.logical_and( time_a <= times_inter, times_inter <= time_b)] else: times_inter_this = times_inter[num.logical_and( time_a < times_inter, times_inter <= time_b)] for time_inter in times_inter_this: state = clone(state_b) if time_b == time_a: blend = 0. else: blend = (time_inter - time_a) / (time_b - time_a) for ypath, v_old, v_new in animate: if isinstance(v_old, float) and isinstance(v_new, float): if ypath in ('lon', 'strike'): if v_new - v_old > 180.: v_new -= 360. elif v_new - v_old < -180.: v_new += 360. if ypath != 'distance': v_inter = v_old + blend * (v_new - v_old) else: v_old = num.log(v_old) v_new = num.log(v_new) v_inter = v_old + blend * (v_new - v_old) v_inter = num.exp(v_inter) set_elements(state, ypath, v_inter) elif isinstance(v_old, Color) and isinstance(v_new, Color): v_inter = interpolate_color(v_old, v_new, blend) set_elements(state, ypath, v_inter) elif isinstance(v_old, Background) \ and isinstance(v_new, Background): v_inter = interpolate_background(v_old, v_new, blend) set_elements(state, ypath, v_inter) else: set_elements(state, ypath, v_new) states_inter.append(state) self._states_inter = states_inter def __call__(self, t): itime = int(round((t - self.tmin) / self.dt)) itime = min(max(0, itime), len(self._states_inter)-1) return self._states_inter[itime]