Source code for pyrocko.model.location

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

Representation of a geographical location, base class for stations, events,

import numpy as num
import math

from pyrocko import orthodrome
from pyrocko.guts import Object, Float

guts_prefix = 'pf'

d2r = math.pi / 180.
r2d = 1.0 / d2r
km = 1000.

def latlondepth_to_cartesian(lat, lon, depth):
    return orthodrome.geodetic_to_ecef(lat, lon, -depth)

[docs]class Location(Object): ''' Geographical location. The location is given by a reference point at the earth's surface (:py:attr:`lat`, :py:attr:`lon`, :py:attr:`elevation`) and a cartesian offset from this point (:py:attr:`north_shift`, :py:attr:`east_shift`, :py:attr:`depth`). The offset corrected lat/lon coordinates of the location can be accessed though the :py:attr:`effective_latlon`, :py:attr:`effective_lat`, and :py:attr:`effective_lon` properties. ''' lat = Float.T( default=0.0, optional=True, help='Latitude of reference point [deg].') lon = Float.T( default=0.0, optional=True, help='Longitude of reference point [deg].') north_shift = Float.T( default=0., optional=True, help='Northward cartesian offset from reference point [m].') east_shift = Float.T( default=0., optional=True, help='Eastward cartesian offset from reference point [m].') elevation = Float.T( default=0.0, optional=True, help='Surface elevation, above sea level [m].') depth = Float.T( default=0.0, help='Depth, below surface [m].') def __init__(self, **kwargs): Object.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._latlon = None def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in ('lat', 'lon', 'north_shift', 'east_shift'): self.__dict__['_latlon'] = None Object.__setattr__(self, name, value) @property def effective_latlon(self): ''' Property holding the offset-corrected lat/lon pair of the location. ''' if self._latlon is None: if self.north_shift == 0.0 and self.east_shift == 0.0: self._latlon =, self.lon else: self._latlon = tuple( float(x) for x in orthodrome.ne_to_latlon_proj(, self.lon, self.north_shift, self.east_shift)) return self._latlon @property def effective_lat(self): ''' Property holding the offset-corrected latitude of the location. ''' return self.effective_latlon[0] @property def effective_lon(self): ''' Property holding the offset-corrected longitude of the location. ''' return self.effective_latlon[1]
[docs] def same_origin(self, other): ''' Check whether other location object has the same reference location. ''' return == and self.lon == other.lon
[docs] def distance_to(self, other): ''' Compute surface distance [m] to other location object. ''' if self.same_origin(other): other_north_shift, other_east_shift = get_offset(other) return math.sqrt((self.north_shift - other_north_shift)**2 + (self.east_shift - other_east_shift)**2) else: slat, slon = self.effective_latlon rlat, rlon = get_effective_latlon(other) return float(orthodrome.distance_proj( slat, slon, rlat, rlon))
[docs] def distance_3d_to(self, other): ''' Compute 3D distance [m] to other location object. All coordinates are transformed to cartesian coordinates if necessary then distance is: .. math:: \\Delta = \\sqrt{\\Delta {\\bf x}^2 + \\Delta {\\bf y}^2 + \ \\Delta {\\bf z}^2} ''' if self.same_origin(other): other_north_shift, other_east_shift = get_offset(other) return math.sqrt((self.north_shift - other_north_shift)**2 + (self.east_shift - other_east_shift)**2 + (self.depth - other.depth)**2) else: slat, slon = self.effective_latlon rlat, rlon = get_effective_latlon(other) sx, sy, sz = latlondepth_to_cartesian(slat, slon, self.depth) rx, ry, rz = latlondepth_to_cartesian(rlat, rlon, other.depth) return math.sqrt((sx-rx)**2 + (sy-ry)**2 + (sz-rz)**2)
def ecef(self): lat, lon = self.effective_latlon return num.array( latlondepth_to_cartesian(lat, lon, -self.elevation + self.depth), dtype=float) def offset_to(self, other): if self.same_origin(other): other_north_shift, other_east_shift = get_offset(other) return ( other_north_shift - self.north_shift, other_east_shift - self.east_shift) else: azi, bazi = self.azibazi_to(other) dist = self.distance_to(other) return dist*math.cos(azi*d2r), dist*math.sin(azi*d2r)
[docs] def azibazi_to(self, other): ''' Compute azimuth and backazimuth to and from other location object. ''' if self.same_origin(other): other_north_shift, other_east_shift = get_offset(other) azi = r2d * math.atan2(other_east_shift - self.east_shift, other_north_shift - self.north_shift) bazi = azi + 180. else: slat, slon = self.effective_latlon rlat, rlon = get_effective_latlon(other) azi, bazi = orthodrome.azibazi_proj(slat, slon, rlat, rlon) return float(azi), float(bazi)
def set_origin(self, lat, lon): lat = float(lat) lon = float(lon) elat, elon = self.effective_latlon n, e = orthodrome.latlon_to_ne_proj(lat, lon, elat, elon) = lat self.lon = lon self.north_shift = float(n) self.east_shift = float(e) self._latlon = elat, elon # unchanged @property def coords5(self): return num.array([, self.lon, self.north_shift, self.east_shift, -self.elevation + self.depth])
def get_offset(obj): try: return obj.north_shift, obj.east_shift except AttributeError: return 0.0, 0.0 def get_effective_latlon(obj): try: return obj.effective_latlon except AttributeError: return, obj.lon