Source code for pyrocko.spit

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

N-dimensional space partitioning multi-linear interpolator.

import struct
import logging
import numpy as num

    range = xrange
except NameError:

logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.spit')

or_ = num.logical_or
and_ = num.logical_and
not_ = num.logical_not
all_ = num.all
any_ = num.any

class OutOfBounds(Exception):

class Cell(object):
    __slots__ = (
        "tree", "index", "depths", "bad", "children", "xbounds", "deepen",
        "a", "b", "f")

    def __init__(self, tree, index, f=None):
        self.tree = tree
        self.index = index
        self.depths = num.log2(index).astype(int)
        self.bad = False
        self.children = []
        n = 2**self.depths
        i = self.index - n
        delta = (self.tree.xbounds[:, 1] - self.tree.xbounds[:, 0])/n
        xmin = self.tree.xbounds[:, 0]
        self.xbounds = self.tree.xbounds.copy()
        self.xbounds[:, 0] = xmin + i * delta
        self.xbounds[:, 1] = xmin + (i+1) * delta
        self.a = self.xbounds[:, ::-1].copy()
        self.b = self.a.copy()
        self.b[:, 1] = self.xbounds[:, 1] - self.xbounds[:, 0]
        self.b[:, 0] = - self.b[:, 1]

        self.a[:, 0] += (self.b[:, 0] == 0.0)*0.5
        self.a[:, 1] -= (self.b[:, 1] == 0.0)*0.5
        self.b[:, 0] -= (self.b[:, 0] == 0.0)
        self.b[:, 1] += (self.b[:, 1] == 0.0)

        if f is None:
            it = nditer_outer(tuple(self.xbounds) + (None,))
            for vvv in it:
                vvv[-1][...] = self.tree._f_cached(vvv[:-1])

            self.f = it.operands[-1]
            self.f = f

    def interpolate(self, x):
        if self.children:
            for cell in self.children:
                if all_(and_(cell.xbounds[:, 0] <= x,
                        x <= cell.xbounds[:, 1])):
                    return cell.interpolate(x)

        if all_(num.isfinite(self.f)):
            ws = (x[:, num.newaxis] - self.a)/self.b
            wn = num.multiply.reduce(
                num.array(num.ix_(*ws), dtype=object))
            return num.sum(self.f * wn)
            if all_(num.isfinite(self.f)):
                ws = (x[:, num.newaxis] - self.a)/self.b
                wn2 = self.tree.ones_cell.copy()
                for ws_ in num.ix_(*ws):
                    wn2 *= ws_

                # wn = num.multiply.reduce(
                #     num.array(num.ix_(*ws), dtype=object))
                return num.sum(self.f * wn2)
                return None

    def interpolate_many(self, x):
        ndim = self.tree.ndim
        ndim_range = tuple(range(ndim))
        if self.children:
            result = num.full(x.shape[0], fill_value=num.nan)
            for cell in self.children:
                indices = num.where(
                    ndim == num.sum(and_(
                        cell.xbounds[:, 0] <= x,
                        x <= cell.xbounds[:, 1]), axis=-1))[0]

                if indices.size != 0:
                    result[indices] = cell.interpolate_many(x[indices])
            return result

        if all_(num.isfinite(self.f)):
            ws = (x[..., num.newaxis] - self.a)/self.b
            npoints = ws.shape[0]
            ws_pimped = [ws[:, i, :] for i in ndim_range]
            for i in ndim_range:
                s = [npoints] + [1] * ndim
                s[1+i] = 2
                ws_pimped[i].shape = tuple(s)

            wn = ws_pimped[0]
            for idim in ndim_range[1:]:
                wn = wn * ws_pimped[idim]

            result = wn * self.f
            for i in ndim_range:
                result = num.sum(result, axis=-1)

            return result
            return num.full(x.shape[0], fill_value=num.nan)

    def slice(self, x):
        x = num.array(x, dtype=float)
        x_mask = not_(num.isfinite(x))
        x_ = x.copy()
        x_[x_mask] = 0.0
        return [
            cell for cell in self.children if all_(or_(
                    cell.xbounds[:, 0] <= x_,
                    x_ <= cell.xbounds[:, 1])))]

    def plot_rects(self, axes, x, dims):
        if self.children:
            for cell in self.slice(x):
                cell.plot_rects(axes, x, dims)

            points = []
            for iy, ix in ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)):
                    (self.xbounds[dims[0], iy], self.xbounds[dims[1], ix]))

            points = num.transpose(points)
            axes.plot(points[1], points[0], color=(0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.1))

    def check_holes(self):
        Check if :py:class:`Cell` or its children contain NaNs.
        if self.children:
            return any([child.check_holes() for child in self.children])
            return num.any(num.isnan(self.f))

    def plot_2d(self, axes, x, dims):
        idims = num.array(dims)
        self.plot_rects(axes, x, dims)
        coords = [
            num.linspace(xb[0], xb[1], 1+int((xb[1]-xb[0])/d))
            for (xb, d) in zip(self.xbounds[idims, :], self.tree.xtols[idims])]

        npoints = coords[0].size * coords[1].size
        g = num.meshgrid(*coords[::-1])[::-1]
        points = num.empty((npoints, self.tree.ndim), dtype=float)
        for idim in range(self.tree.ndim):
                idimout = dims.index(idim)
                points[:, idim] = g[idimout].ravel()
            except ValueError:
                points[:, idim] = x[idim]

        fi = num.empty((coords[0].size, coords[1].size), dtype=float)
        fi_r = fi.ravel()
        fi_r[...] = self.interpolate_many(points)

        if num.any(num.isnan(fi)):
        if any_(num.isfinite(fi)):
            fi =
                fi, origin='lower',
                extent=[coords[1].min(), coords[1].max(),
                        coords[0].min(), coords[0].max()],

    def plot_1d(self, axes, x, dim):
        xb = self.xbounds[dim]
        d = self.tree.xtols[dim]
        coords = num.linspace(xb[0], xb[1], 1+int((xb[1]-xb[0])/d))

        npoints = coords.size
        points = num.empty((npoints, self.tree.ndim), dtype=float)
        for idim in range(self.tree.ndim):
            if idim == dim:
                points[:, idim] = coords
                points[:, idim] = x[idim]

        fi = self.interpolate_many(points)
        if any_(num.isfinite(fi)):
            fi =
            axes.plot(coords, fi)

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self
        for c in self.children:
            for x in c:
                yield x

    def dump(self, file):
        for c in self.children:

def bread(f, fmt):
    s =
    return struct.unpack(fmt, s)

[docs]class SPTree(object): ''' N-dimensional space partitioning interpolator. :param f: callable function ``f(x)`` where ``x`` is a vector of size ``n`` :param ftol: target accuracy ``|f_interp(x) - f(x)| <= ftol`` :param xbounds: bounds of ``x``, shape ``(n, 2)`` :param xtols: target coarsenesses in ``x``, vector of size ``n`` :param addargs: additional arguments to pass to ``f`` ''' def __init__(self, f=None, ftol=None, xbounds=None, xtols=None, filename=None, addargs=()): if filename is None: assert all(v is not None for v in (f, ftol, xbounds, xtols)) self.f = f self.ftol = float(ftol) self.f_values = {} self.ncells = 0 self.addargs = addargs self.xbounds = num.asarray(xbounds, dtype=float) assert self.xbounds.ndim == 2 assert self.xbounds.shape[1] == 2 self.ndim = self.xbounds.shape[0] self.xtols = num.asarray(xtols, dtype=float) assert self.xtols.ndim == 1 and self.xtols.size == self.ndim self.maxdepths = num.ceil(num.log2( num.maximum( 1.0, (self.xbounds[:, 1] - self.xbounds[:, 0]) / self.xtols) )).astype(int) self.root = None self.ones_int = num.ones(self.ndim, dtype=int) cc = num.ix_(*[num.arange(3)]*self.ndim) w = num.zeros([3]*self.ndim + [self.ndim, 2]) for i, c in enumerate(cc): w[..., i, 0] = (2-c)*0.5 w[..., i, 1] = c*0.5 self.pointmaker = w self.pointmaker_mask = num.sum(w[..., 0] == 0.5, axis=-1) != 0 self.pointmaker_masked = w[self.pointmaker_mask] self.nothing_found_yet = True self.root = Cell(self, self.ones_int) self.ncells += 1 self.fraction_bad = 0.0 self.nbad = 0 self.cells_to_continue = [] for clipdepth in range(0, num.max(self.maxdepths)+1): self.clipdepth = clipdepth self.tested = 0 if self.clipdepth == 0: self._fill(self.root) else: self._continue_fill() self.status() if not self.cells_to_continue: break else: self._load(filename) self.ones_cell = num.ones((2,) * self.ndim, dtype=float) def status(self): perc = (1.0-self.fraction_bad)*100 s = '%6.1f%%' % perc if self.fraction_bad != 0.0 and s == ' 100.0%': s = '~100.0%''at level %2i: %s covered, %6i cell%s' % ( self.clipdepth, s, self.ncells, ['s', ''][self.ncells == 1])) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.root) def __len__(self): return self.ncells def dump(self, filename): with open(filename, 'wb') as file: version = 1 file.write(b'SPITREE ') file.write(struct.pack( '<QQQd', version, self.ndim, self.ncells, self.ftol)) self.xbounds.astype('<f8').tofile(file) self.xtols.astype('<f8').tofile(file) self.root.dump(file) def _load(self, filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as file: marker, version, self.ndim, self.ncells, self.ftol = bread( file, '<8sQQQd') assert marker == b'SPITREE ' assert version == 1 self.xbounds = num.fromfile( file, dtype='<f8', count=self.ndim*2).reshape(self.ndim, 2) self.xtols = num.fromfile( file, dtype='<f8', count=self.ndim) path = [] for icell in range(self.ncells): index = num.fromfile( file, dtype='<i4', count=self.ndim) f = num.fromfile( file, dtype='<f8', count=2**self.ndim).reshape( [2]*self.ndim) cell = Cell(self, index, f) if not path: self.root = cell path.append(cell) else: while not any_(path[-1].index == (cell.index >> 1)): path.pop() path[-1].children.append(cell) path.append(cell) def _f_cached(self, x): return getset( self.f_values, tuple(float(xx) for xx in x), self.f, self.addargs) def interpolate(self, x): x = num.asarray(x, dtype=float) assert x.ndim == 1 and x.size == self.ndim if not all_(and_(self.xbounds[:, 0] <= x, x <= self.xbounds[:, 1])): raise OutOfBounds() return self.root.interpolate(x) def __call__(self, x): return self.interpolate(x) def interpolate_many(self, x): return self.root.interpolate_many(x) def _continue_fill(self): cells_to_continue, self.cells_to_continue = self.cells_to_continue, [] for cell in cells_to_continue: self._deepen_cell(cell) def _fill(self, cell): self.tested += 1 xtestpoints = num.sum(cell.xbounds * self.pointmaker_masked, axis=-1) fis = cell.interpolate_many(xtestpoints) fes = num.array( [self._f_cached(x) for x in xtestpoints], dtype=float) iffes = num.isfinite(fes) iffis = num.isfinite(fis) works = iffes == iffis iif = num.logical_and(iffes, iffis) works[iif] *= num.abs(fes[iif] - fis[iif]) < self.ftol nundef = num.sum(not_(num.isfinite(fes))) + \ num.sum(not_(num.isfinite(cell.f))) some_undef = 0 < nundef < (xtestpoints.shape[0] + cell.f.size) if any_(works): self.nothing_found_yet = False if not all_(works) or some_undef or self.nothing_found_yet: deepen = self.ones_int.copy() if not some_undef: works_full = num.ones([3]*self.ndim, dtype=bool) works_full[self.pointmaker_mask] = works for idim in range(self.ndim): dimcorners = [slice(None, None, 2)] * self.ndim dimcorners[idim] = 1 if all_(works_full[tuple(dimcorners)]): deepen[idim] = 0 if not any_(deepen): deepen = self.ones_int deepen = num.where( cell.depths + deepen > self.maxdepths, 0, deepen) cell.deepen = deepen if any_(deepen) and all_(cell.depths + deepen <= self.clipdepth): self._deepen_cell(cell) else: if any_(deepen): self.cells_to_continue.append(cell) cell.bad = True self.fraction_bad +=**cell.depths) self.nbad += 1 def _deepen_cell(self, cell): if cell.bad: self.fraction_bad -=**cell.depths) self.nbad -= 1 cell.bad = False for iadd in num.ndindex(*(cell.deepen+1)): index_child = (cell.index << cell.deepen) + iadd child = Cell(self, index_child) self.ncells += 1 cell.children.append(child) self._fill(child)
[docs] def check_holes(self): ''' Check for NaNs in :py:class:`SPTree` ''' return self.root.check_holes()
def plot_2d(self, axes=None, x=None, dims=None): assert self.ndim >= 2 if x is None: x = num.zeros(self.ndim) x[-2:] = None x = num.asarray(x, dtype=float) if dims is None: dims = [i for (i, v) in enumerate(x) if not num.isfinite(v)] assert len(dims) == 2 plt = None if axes is None: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt axes = plt.gca() self.root.plot_2d(axes, x, dims) axes.set_xlabel('Dim %i' % dims[1]) axes.set_ylabel('Dim %i' % dims[0]) if plt: def plot_1d(self, axes=None, x=None, dims=None): if x is None: x = num.zeros(self.ndim) x[-1:] = None x = num.asarray(x, dtype=float) if dims is None: dims = [i for (i, v) in enumerate(x) if not num.isfinite(v)] assert len(dims) == 1 plt = None if axes is None: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt axes = plt.gca() self.root.plot_1d(axes, x, dims[0]) axes.set_xlabel('Dim %i' % dims[0]) if plt:
def getset(d, k, f, addargs): try: return d[k] except KeyError: v = d[k] = f(k, *addargs) return v def nditer_outer(x): add = [] if x[-1] is None: x_ = x[:-1] add = [None] else: x_ = x return num.nditer( x, op_axes=(num.identity(len(x_), dtype=int)-1).tolist() + add) if __name__ == '__main__': import time logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def f(x): x0 = num.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) r = 0.5 if num.sqrt(num.sum((x-x0)**2)) < r: return x[2]**4 + x[1] return None tree = SPTree(f, 0.01, [[0., 1.], [0., 1.], [0., 1.]], [0.025, 0.05, 0.1]) x = num.array([0.35, 0.25, 0.15]) n = 10000 xs = num.random.random((n, 3)) t0 = time.time() vs = tree.interpolate_many(xs) t1 = time.time() for i in range(n): v = tree.interpolate(xs[i]) assert vs[i] == v or (v is None and num.isnan(vs[i])) t2 = time.time() print(t1 - t0, t2 - t1) import tempfile import os fid, fn = tempfile.mkstemp() tree.dump(fn) tree = SPTree(filename=fn) os.unlink(fn) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt v = 0.5 axes = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) tree.plot_2d(axes, x=(v, None, None)) axes = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) tree.plot_2d(axes, x=(None, v, None)) axes = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) tree.plot_2d(axes, x=(None, None, v)) axes = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) tree.plot_1d(axes, x=(v, v, None))